Which one of these would you want to be our next 4 characters for season 1 for Smash Ultimate DLC?
Which one of these would you want to be our next 4 characters for season 1 for Smash Ultimate DLC?
It's ridiculous how much better A is than the other options
D just to BTFO everyone.
B just for Heavy.
They're all cancer. But C, if only for Neku and the music between them.
A for Quote and Erdrick. Doomguy is cool too.
Eachone has retarded meme shit along with it
Half the picks are retarded as shit
What faggot shit is this
You know what
B for Sora, Banjo and Heavy. Nightmare is cool too I guess.
This is so stacked in favor of B that it's not even funny. Literally every single other column has like 1 good character if that and then B had the Sora/Heavy/Banjo triple threat with Nightmare being pretty decent too.
Are you just trying to out contrarians?
>B gets me Sora and Nightmare
>Heavy is a good "what the fuck" pick
>Banjo for the boomers
>no cancer like Erdrick, Chief or Steve
The one that had Linne on it.
>A is the Boomer choice
>B is the zoomer choice
>C is the no one unironically wants this choice
>D is the BTFO choice
None of them
B is perfect
I like C more
Sora and Banjo are fucking gay
C > B > A > D
2nd one in C
Throw rest away
Fuck your rules
B is the best option. Nightmare, Banjo, AND Heavy? Oh, and Sora too I guess.
Like clockwork
>Banjo and Sora make me seethe so I'll take the worse option
That's all this thread is gonna be
I just wonder why everyone thinks/wants Heihachi out of all the Tekken characters.
Smash times over its horse time
I’m taking C just for Neku.
How is it the worse Option
World Ends with you guy and Cup head are legit cool characters and Master Chief is fine I guess
Sword guy I don't know fuck about and sword guys need to fuck off
I am still baffled that people think doomguy is a good choice
You literally answered yourself why it's shit you seething contrarian
I don't like any of these
B > D > A > powergap > C
>Horse dick lover is a phoneposter
Not him but why would Neku and Cuphead be bad choices? Neku has an insane amount of moveset potential and Cuphead seems like a pretty cool character. I’ve also played some Under Night In-Birth and Hyde is a cool dude.
>Character you can't even name
>Chief, a whopping one decent pick
>Literally who even you don't fucking like or know
>Uhhh why's it worse?
Based retard
>4 iconic characters in Banjo, Sora, Heavy, and Nightmare
>Literally who and the indieshit, because those popular characters hurt my feelings
Probably B
So, no actual arguments. I actually like Sora, just for the record, but Neku, Hyde, and Cuphead would be pretty cool.
>indie = shit
Where did this retarded notion come from?
I've spent vastly more time playing indie shit this past decade than I have fucking Triple A games
>4 iconic and beloved characters vs 1 iconic and beloved characters, Neku who's in the middle, and two egregiously shit picks
>"Durr dat nut ahrgumend"
Fuck you, I'll do what I want
Fight me
D has the most characters I'm okay with overall. I don't outright hate any if them. I'd even probably like steve.
2 literal whos, not sure if it's worth putting up with for cuphead and chief.
Heavy's a GOD tier choice. Banjo's okay and the other guy looks cool. But sora and his fanbase are such colossal fucking faggots that I'd pass on it.
>>>>dragon quest memers
heihachi's okay. kinda meh though. would rather have mokujin.
DOOMGUY is based
>>>>lumping in indieshit with doomguy
Didn’t Cuphead sell like 3 million copies?
Regireich day 1 main
>4 iconic characters
Shut up rosterfag, just cause they're iconic doesn't mean they're good. Sora is the prime example of this.
Stupid thread
SEETHING contrarian
You're never going to convince people to abandon beloved characters for your shitty deep cuts
Zoomers don't even know who Banjo even fucking is
Neither do they know who nightmare is
Heavy is a retarded fucking meme
And Sora is a character for literal larpers and retards
>4 iconic characters
Fuck outta here
Minecraft steve is more fucking iconic than all of those combined
Keep posting horses smash is gay
is ESL faggot the one posting the horse porn
it's a few assblasted erdrincels from discord
Refu S E E T H E
you mean that one steve for smash discord where they have a list of allies and enemies, and shitpost on some random Banjo thread
Have sex
With horses*
Yeah, I'm thinking he's in.
abcd all have a weeb, violent eastern, FPS, and kid-friendly western
choosing a row is just cheating
A for sure, those are all top tier characters. How's this even a question?
Not that user but you look retarded repeatedly saying "seethe." I don't think it means what you think it does either. If you're ESL I understand.
Not nearly as bad as the assblasted user
The only thing holding me back from A is Heihachi. Like, every other choice is great, but Heihachi is just kinda boring. It's not the worst outcome, at least.
B has the same problem with Sora, he's dragging down an otherwise great list for me.
C, I'm having trouble naming a huge detractor even if it's slightly less quality than the other two. Hyde is one of those weird picks that I kind of like on concept alone, and all 4 feel like they'd be really fun to play.
What the fuck is even going on in D, like, seriously.
Honestly, I'd personally go with C, but I can see why people would want A or B too. C just has all these fun choices to it.
A. Cave Story isn't my top indie choice but it does hold enough historical value to represent the genre. Doomguy is one of my top picks and they should have added Dr Wily a long time ago
No personal interest in Edrick, Heihachi, or Nu-Doomguy. Quote is cool, though I'd rather not risk it being a Jewcalis design outside of that one fantastic Blade Stangers design.
Sora's good.
No personal interest in Soul Calibur.
Heavy's real good.
No personal interest in B&K.
Neku's cool.
No personal interest in UNIST characters, would rather have that girl who was also in MeltyBlood just for a chance of getting and Actor's Anteroom remix.
No personal interest in Master Chief.
Cuphead would be sorta neat, I guess.
2/4, though less interested than B.
No personal interest in any of them besides Gordon Freeman.
I pick B.
So can we all agree that Cuphead should be in Smash?
>Is more popular then Persona which means he's "iconic" enough for Smash
>Is the face of NintendoXMicrosoft's friendship
>Is basically the most popular and standout indie character of the last decade
Give me one reason he can't get in
>A: Doomguy's Choice
Will Doom fans stomach the other 3 choices for their most wanted?
>B: The right answer
4 iconic and beloved characters that cover a wide net of appeal. Has Yea Forums warped you so much that you don't recognize it?
>C: "My tastes are different and therefor friggin superior" bait
Seriously who is that nigga second from the top.
>D: Shitposters Splendor
Recency bias indie that only gets talked about in any capacity following releases.
A is objectively the best choice.
No more anigays please.
>Recency bias indie that only gets talked about in any capacity following releases.
But Joker is only in because of recency bias. So why can't the more popular Cuphead be in?
The animation. You see Mr Game and Watch works because he gets more limited animation, which in fact makes him more predictable. But Cuphead they'd have to hand draw and animate him for this choice to even be warranted. What's Cuphead without the smooth, handrawn animation it's known for? Also I think the fact that he'd have more animation might be absolute clutter he'd actually be far less predictable, quite the opposite of Mr. Game and Watch. This is coming from someone that loves Cuphead. It's just way too much work that doesn't really go anywhere.
Despite Joker being recent his game remained in the public conscious for longer than a month after release. Talking about his game was common well over a year after launch.
Cuphead was a fad game and the fad re-lights a little bit every time they port it to something new. But it has about a whopping month of longevity
>Japanese game with anime esque characters being present since the first two games
>WTF why are there weeb characters in the game, why not my literal who Wolfenstein protagonist?
B and it's not even close
>his game remained in the public conscious
No it didn't. It's average sales prove that. Cuphead has actually REMAINED popular almost 2 years after his game came out. Cuphead has sold 3 million over time. That's proof that it wasn't a fad. Meanwhile P5 merely SHIPPED 2 million, proving that it was never actually that popular
UNIST is a fun game, man. You should try it, it was at EVO.
Daily reminder code name jane is jill.
>lasting appeal
It never even REACHED public consciousness. Cuphead destroys the entire Persona series in awareness
First of all, none of those scenarios could be real because of all the western shit. Let's cut that down shall we.
>literal who
Erdrick is basically a lock. Bamco will get KOS-MOS. The last two are a FE and a Pokemon rep.
The DLCs are Erdrick, B-K, Monster Hunter and Heavy Weapons Guy. Please shut up already.
How the hell does only one of these posts get deleted?
Do mods just ignore smash threads now?
>Erdrick is basically a lock.
Either B solely for the Heavy, or D for Gordon Freeman and Steve.
>his game remained in the public conscious for longer than a month after release
Is this bait?
did you fall on your head mate
Cancel the pass.
like clockwork
Can't imagine how obsessed someone must be to waste their time like this in Smash threads to post the same garbage gif over and over again.
A or D.
all are shit. don’t add western characters, Disney crap or boomer characters. stick to well known franchises like fire emblem and pokemon..
Why this one of course! :O)
B for Heavy and Banjo
>But Cuphead they'd have to hand draw and animate him for this choice to even be warranted.
No? The character works in 3D
>What's Cuphead without the smooth, handrawn animation it's known for?
An iconic mascot character. Also they CAN give him that animation in 3D. Have you not seen the dozens of cartoons that translate the Fleischer style to 3D?
Why does Gordon look like the YIIK faggot
Has a ponytail.
Jane is Jill Valentine.
Screen cap this.
>Cuphead was a fad game
Post proof of that style working in 3D.
A is the only one without trash-tier characters
>16 characters
>Only 1 of them is remotely interesting for Smash.
These are all shit
It’s his down syndrome HL1 model.
Screw your rules.
Doomguy and Gordon would also be worth it
>column quality
weeblet is still seething about his waifu kos-mos not even making the cut to get deconfirmed in the grinch leak, huh?
Based individuals, I see.
Joker was a flavor of the week. That's why nobody here ever discusses that trash game
A or B. Scorpion's sort of boring, Steve would be horrible, Neku's great but I'm not sure if he deserves it, I don't even know who red katana man is.
B no contest
I personally would want Soldier (and think he would work better in Smash) or hell even Engineer but Heavy is certainly the game's mascot.
Leak/ datamine
Take the mask off banjoke. We know it’s you.
>*smash cross appears*
Well, your reaction Yea Forums?
Honest question, how would the soldier work better? Or the engie for that matter.
Every one of these has a never ever in it.
Japan has no idea about cave story. Sora is too tied into Disney shit. C is three literally who's and 4 if you count the japan audience. Seriously more japs play tf2 then halo. And lastly Mortal Kombat isn't even sold in japan because of ip issues and
Make the image again and come back op
I would win
I would be down. If trash like Persona can get in then why can't minecraft?
Smash should never have any Minecraft content as Minecraft is the opposite of what a videogame is
C is like a whole column of literally who
A and B are the only correct responses but I would go with A
Not that guy, but soldier's a much more mobility heavy class with a lot of tools that could get creative use in smash, like the market gardener or his banners. Heavy is the definition of simplicity, he's a huge guy with a gun.
I'd still prefer Heavy.
>Sora is too tied into Disney shit
Disney said they're cool with Sora in Smash
>Hyde Kido for Smash
>Monochrome Memory, Beat Eat Nest, Purity and Strictly being in the soundtrack
Don't play with me like this.
Think of a recovery move for Heavy that's not him getting blasted in the ass by a random rocket that came out of nowhere or the fucking Mannpower grappling hook. That's mostly why.
Soldier has the most unlocks to utilize, and Engineer would bring a completely unique playstyle to Smash with buildings and whatnot. I've conceptualized a full moveset for Soldier and made some concepts for Engineer as well.
tick tock blockhead!
make way for squarepants!
Ya, and if they use anything around it its gonna cost nintindo an arm and a leg and all fighters come packed with spirits. A Mickey jpeg would cost as much to get as every third party in the game so far.
Nintendo has no interest in working with Disney or any movie shit for that matter. If they did they would've let Mario be in wreck it Ralph and ready player one. Disney would make Sora a timed release and remove him from smash and that is a fact.
>A has 3 characters I'd like
>B has 3 characters I'd like
>C has 2 characters I'd like
>D looks boring in every way
I'd probably go with B, then, so that Banjofags can be happy, we might get more KH stuff on Nintendo consoles, and because Nightmare and Heavy would be fun to play.
>Ya, and if they use anything around it its gonna cost nintindo an arm and a leg
Got any proof?
>Nintendo has no interest in working with Disney
Nintendo REGULARLY works with Disney. Even recently.
>Disney would make Sora a timed release
Why are you making up shit that would never happen?
>when Ragna is probably a more suitable anime fighter rep
bottom row
They didn't make Wreck it Ralph a timed release in Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed though
Would be hype as shit. While it's rather soulless nowadays, Minecraft was huge and legitimately influential to the gaming industry. Tetris really shouldn't count, as there's been many changes to the formula over the years while Minecraft has always been a consistent entity. Though there should be some more Tetris representation.
I really would want to see the Smash music team's take on Minecraft's music. I listened to this Subwoofer Lullaby Smash-styled remix, and it could certainly work.
Based Spongebro
B has based heavy so that one. Bonus Banjo Kazooie to dab on the haters. Sora is lame but very important, but no one gives a shit about soul calibur outside of the sexy women I love.
Stop making shit up, world of FF. Squares own fucking game. Did not have Sora forever. Explain why the most iconic face in gaming wasn't in disneys movie about games if Nintendo and Disney are soooooo close.
>world of FF
Not an argument. One game where we have no idea what the circumstances where. Square probably removed it themselves. Why hasn't Sora been removed from the Final Fantasy mobile game?
Sonic was in wreck it Ralph. Probably made a trade off.
C is an awful choice but i'll choose it for chief alone.
>Explain why the most iconic face in gaming wasn't in disneys movie about games if Nintendo and Disney are soooooo close.
They FUCKING explained this you moron. Disney DID NOT want Mario because his cameo would be too distracting. He would literally have stolen too much limelight off the actual movie
Fucking lmao cope with your false hope. Your self insert is never getting in smash.
C, by a country mile
>Neku is by far the most interesting of those SquEnix reps and has the most interesting moveset by being more of a pure magic user
>Unist could always use more love
>Master Chief is the DEFINITIVE Microsoft rep imo since he's from their most popular game
>Cuphead is a good indie rep
It may be unpopular but I like Chief a lot more than Doomguy
They could negotiate the same for Sora then, and his Spirits could just be some of the OCs from KH
I want to do this just so NEku can show Joker how diving into people's mind-space and changing hearts is REALLY done
>It may be unpopular but I like Chief a lot more than Doomguy
I'm a fan of both, and wouldn't mind seeing either.
Based Chiefbro
>what is the Disney vault
>what is every cross over Disney has ever had
Lmao go home sorafag, it's never gonna happen.
Nintendo has nothing to gain from Disney that they don't already have. If all they wanted was money Sora would've gotten in a long time ago.
Samefag. You ran out of arguments. Sora is perfect for Smash
I guess that's true yeah
>Doukutusu Monogatari
>Mortal Kombat
A. Nothing retarded just a lot of great icons
No because all these list suck any okay choices come with a bunch of dumb picks
Besides likee 80% aren’t even ever happening
>Nintendo has nothing to gain from Disney
The kingdom hearts franchise. And since when does Nintendo need to gain anything
I mean if you're a fan of video games you choose B, unless you have autism or are like 10.
>boomers cares bout halo
>zoomers cares about banjo
user, you get that in reverse.
Halo 1 came out like 2 years after Banjo Kazooie.
No one gives a shit what you think faggot
Soul calibur is actually pretty popular
Suck a dick gaylord
And nobody cared about halo 1.
Then halo 2 came out and it became the zoomer's most popular game of the gen.
>Soul calibur is actually pretty popular
But it is faggot
Not going to listen to someone who says
No one cares outside the sexy women I luv like wtf does that even mean
Shut up retarded ass faggot no one cares what u like
>And nobody cared about halo 1.
10+ million people did. You have no idea what zoomer even means.
are there even any western developed reps in smash currently?
No people will say diddy and rool but Nintendo owns them so that means nothing
The newest game flopped.
>I really would want to see the Smash music team's take on Minecraft's music.
I lean more towards Banjo & Kazooie myself, but it’s hard to deny that this would be fantastic to see. In my ideal DLC for the game we’d see a B&K Challenger Pass along with a Minecraft Stage + New Music released as extra DLC, though the actual chances of that happening are probably not all that likely.
Have sex incel
Yikes IMAGIEN think any of that’s good
Ur gross
Good thing ur not in charge because ur ideal idea SUKS
>have to take doomguy, sora, halo, or fucking steve
burn it all
B. Even though I have no idea who the second character is.
C is worth it just for Neku.
Oh that’s cool
>sora that’s okay I guess
Have to take shitty meme character one and two
Yikes never mind besides Neku and 2B the rest of this is trash I guess the one under neku is fine besides that
Yikes nvm just burn it
You clearly were too young to remember the absolutely massive success of Halo 1.
It instantly became a cultural phenomenon, that's the power of early 2000s Microsoft marketing
Partyblockers, where you at?
If literally anyone takes baby ass Sora's place in B it's the perfect pick.
Had a joker moment the other day. I’d been at school and yet again the dumb roasties were mocking me as if I cared about those used up whores, so I was already upset and feeling nihilistic as fuck when I got home. I thought I’d chill with some CS GO when I got in and was just sucking. After like the fifth loss and my brainlet NPC teammates blaming me I just flipped the fuck out and broke my gaming mouse- and that just drove me over the edge. All the misery I endure in my life, the fucking comedy of the situation I’d just made for myself- it’s literally all a fucking joke. I was always highly intelligent and knew there was no god and it’s all just particles and shit and all meaningless because space is massive and Earth is small... I was already blackpilled. But at that moment I realised it’s not just tragic that we are born into a meaningless and pain filled existence- that the best sort of people like me suffer without deserving it- it’s a fucking joke. It’s a fucking hilarious joke! Can’t yousee? People try to force meaning into all the chaos! It’s whatever you want! Nothing matters! I’m fucking clownpilled! wagahahah... AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA HONK HONK! Can’t you see the FUN?
Beat me to it.
A is stupidly front-loaded as the best option. I would have wanted Toobs, but the other options in D can't hold a candle to the other options in A.
Boring. All four of them could have some fun unique stuff but probably wouldn't. Fine if they played similar to other characters, but their whole kits don't really offer anything new to the table
Weird and unlikely as fuck but easily the most interesting. Don't like KH but would be fun for all the silly Disney stuff alone
Weakest one. Cuphead's great and Chief would be good for mascot points, but way too much anime bad boy with Joker already in. Also fuck twewy
Ok. Pretty memey and don't really want any of them but not really an offensive or boring lineup