So what is your favourite:
>2D Classic games
>2D Modern games
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
>Least favourite games
>Unpopular opinions
Sonic thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to suck the milk out of her kitty titties
I want to impregnate her with my seed.
Built for human cock.
I want to take her and impregnate her with by BBC as I cuck white boys
>2D Classic games
3 and Knucks
>2D Modern games
Mania and Rush
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
>Least favourite games
too many to pick, but the usual ones
Vanilla 3 ending
Old Knucks
>Unpopular opinions
We need another Sonic RPG. A well done one.
My favorite is Suck the Cock
Sonic Rush 3 when
It's called sonic colors ds
Amazing thread guys.
Nah, there's only like one good image in it.
>No Blaze
why are they all horny?
She's in the game though, just not playable. She's in Sweet Mountain with Silver
>2D Classic games
3&K, no contest
>2D Modern games, 3D Modern games
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
Adventure 2
>Spin offs
>Least favourite games
Unleashed for the Wii jesus fuck
>Unpopular opinions
I want more of Adventure 2's edge and actually threatening villains
Could be better if people posted more of her
Her body doesn't change color when she goes Super, just her clothes?
I love u
Freedom Planet >>>>>
Only Sonic is allowed to be special.
She turns pink.
Her fur goes from light purple to light pink
>2D Classic games
>2D Modern games
Just so I'm not forced to say Mania. I'm actually going to go with Rush. It had nice graphics for the DS.
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing for the Xbox 360. Banjo+Avatar made it the best version to me.
>Least favourite games
Sonic Labyrinth. Sonic Drift.
The Emerald coast but with Big the Cat was pretty comfy.
I like the team Chaotix, the three members.
Blaze is the only good answer
>Unpopular opinions
I think the first Sonic is mediocre. I have this opinion since 1995 or so. When I got my MD. It doesn't compare to the sequels.
CD is also shit, because it's a convoluted mess.
D Classic games
3&K and Mania
D Modern games
D Classic games (pre boost era)
Adventure duology
D Modern games
Colors and Generations
>>Spin offs
Spinball & Pinball Party (if that counts)
>>Least favourite games
Storybook games
Spring Yard and Casino Night
Open Your Heart and It Doesn't Matter (SA1)
Sonic and Knuckles
Amy Rose
>>Unpopular opinions
The Archie comics sucked ass once they started getting overly serious.
The Storybook games are worse than 06.
Not even Mania?
>2D Classic games
3&K (Technically Sonic 3 Complete)
>2D Modern games
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
The Fighters
>Least favourite games
Chrome Gadget
Hydrocity Zone Act 2
and Chrome Gadget
>Unpopular opinions
Shadow should've stayed dead after A2, he was actually cool in that.
Adventure had a good story too
Isnt Sonic Rush the game with a Jet set Radio soundtrack?
>sonic thread
Don't mind me, just dropping off some hot kino
I'm going to add this one
For some reason its been stuck on my head the whole week.
Shadow was perfectly fine in heroes and team chaotic was an awesome team, a bunch of rouges banding together and slowly becoming close. Ever since then, they’ve all sucked. Rogue became a 1 dimensional sex bait, they basically made an advanced robot like Omega into a creaky and slow moving and stupid sounding toaster and of course, we saw what happened with shadow.
I think the only highlight to come out modern sonic since adventure and heroes for him was seeing shadow kicking silver in time stop.
3D Blast is underrated
>thinking this is a good parody
Get the fuck out of here. This is a comfy sonic thread
This game was amazing.
Extremely comfy for a handheld game.
Wasn't post SA2 Shadow explained to be a clone in Sonic Heroes?
Minute 2:55
What did she mean by this guys?
Yeah I really liked it, bottomless pits aside. Plus it gave us best girl
>Unpopular opinion
Blaze being doomed to be shipped with Silver forever due to 06 was the worst idea for this character.
Alright boys where we droppin
This. Silver is such a joke.
Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"
Let me know what you think about it
Alright time for my autism to shine
SA2B probably
>Least favorite
Studiopolis. City Escape
Endless Possibility, but big shoutout to With Me All Ends
>Unpopular opinions
Sonic R and Riders are legendary. Also I don't wanna sex Zavok
So... Yea Forums?
Or "Sonic the Sissyhog Trilogy"
I think you are a faggot.
>Silver forever tied as Blaze's bellboy never allowed to be cool unless in the comics cuz he is on his own but LMAO fuck you Penders
>Blaze forever tied to Silver babysitter so we are never getting a Sonic / Blaze game again
fuck you sega
I thought that question was referring to games like the Advance trilogy or the Rush duology, neither of which I've played any game from.
>This isnt an option
D Classic games
D Modern games
D Classic games (pre boost era)
Adventure 1
D Modern games
Havent played any
>>Spin offs
>>Least favourite games
Sonic Spinball if that counts, Sonic 1 if not
Hydrocity Act 2
>>Unpopular opinions
I think the Sonic Advance games were pretty good
OP knew exactly what he was doing
Blaze worked way better than Shadow as a rival for Sonic.
idk but rouge
I ain't a furry but damn I really wanna fuck Blaze.
That's h... hot! I mean cute!
Why is Blaze so cute?
Sonic and Blaze had a lot of good rivalry and sexual tension no wonder Sega shut it down cuz fuck good things
>Sonic Rush 3 when
never and I hate it
>2D Classic games
Knuckles in Sonic 2
>2D Modern games
Sonic Advance
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
Adventure 2
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
Racing Transformed
>Least favourite games
Unleashed 360 version, first Riders
Chemical Plant
Stage related: Planet Wisp act 1, overall themes: Live and Learn
>Unpopular opinions
Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06 had great ideas but the development made them into messy memes
>I think the Sonic Advance games were pretty good
>Unpopular opinion
user c'mon I know it isn't the most popular, but I'm pretty sure the general audience likes the Advance games.
I thought I was the only one. It's like she isn't allowed to appear anymore unless Silver is there, but it also doesn't work vice-versa going by Forces.
the series is so fucking dead
I wish Sonic Team was disbanded and sonic was handled by literally anyone else
fuck, platinum, square enix, nintendo, anyone.
Sonic spinoffs and handhelds are dead. You only get shitty mainline games every 2-3 years with only Sonic and Classic Sonic.
>2D Classic game
>2D Modern game
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
Shadow the Hedgehog
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
>Least favourite games
Adventure 1 and 2
Hang Castle
Labyrinth Zone
Rosy the Rascal (not the shitty comic one)
>Unpopular opinions
Shadow the Hedgehog is a great fucking game.
Imagine being Sega, sitting on a goldmine of potential autismbucks but can't get any due to sheer incompetence
I don't know what happened, but Forces killed any interest I had for future games. Everything feels so lifeless now; the franchise and the fandom.
Forces was so bad.
But his song was so good.
What happened?
Christian Whitehead and Sumo Digital have done Sonic more justice than Sonic Team has since 2011
this picture reminded me that i have saved somewhere in my pc a rar file that had a bunch of porn saved but that porn was just a bait so that people didnt checked the hidden rar inside the rar that contained dozens uppen dozens of Sonaze pics i saved a long time ago.
This image can't be real. This is a meme.
>We need another Sonic RPG. A well done one
Yes we do. Chronicles was a big wasted chance, now I think we will never have another one due to that
>I want more of Adventure 2's edge and actually threatening villains
I loved how Eggman went crazy and fucked up the world in Unleashed. Yeah we need more real villians
>I think the first Sonic is mediocre. I have this opinion since 1995 or so. When I got my MD. It doesn't compare to the sequels.
It was like a prototype of how a momentum based game would work. That's why we have contradictory levels like Marble zone and Labyrinth zone. I didnt play CD that much as a kid but I didn't like it
>The Archie comics sucked ass once they started getting overly serious.
Fuck Penders. Just fuck you Penders.
>The Storybook games are worse than 06.
I think they are in the same level, but I especially hate Secret rings.
>Shadow should've stayed dead after A2, he was actually cool in that.
Yes. Or at least make him not cringely edgy
>Adventure had a good story too
>Sonic R and Riders are legendary.
Riders 1 and 2 are not that great but still underrated. 3 is garbage
>Also I don't wanna sex Zavok
>I think the Sonic Advance games were pretty good
Yes. 1>3>2
>Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06 had great ideas but the development made them into messy memes
>Shadow the Hedgehog is a great fucking game
Hell no.
They couldn't commit. The promised a more "Adventure-like" experience, but it failed at every attempt. It didn't have style NOR substance.
This is my favorite sonic character
>and sexual tension
What do you mean?
I played those games looong ago... don't remember anything
>2D Classic games
>2D Modern games
uh Mania?
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
Adventure 2
>3D Modern games
Unleashed Daytime and Generations
>Spin offs
Racing Transformed is so good
>Least favourite games
The Boom games that should have never existed
oh man I can't choose but I really like this one lately
Sally also Shadow, Blaze
see above
>Unpopular opinions
Boost games are fun but a cop out for designing Sonic in 3D. I wish the Adventure style had been refined instead
>Lost World is downright shi-
It was better when he didn't look like one
>Sonic arena fighter made by platinum Power Stone style
I want to play something like that
Mostly the one scene in Black Knight and the fight between them in Rush where the song sounds like she's making sex noises or something
Basically Blaze was intended to be a sensual character by the composer, so her music has quite a bit of sexual tension as a result.
>2D classic game
Sadly I've never played one of them. My experience with Sonic is limited to the early missions of Secret Rings and Lost World. Mania was the first Sonic game I actually finished.
>2D Modern Games
Mania is the only one I've played but it was a blast.
>3D Classic games
>3D Modern Games
I guess Lost World, but that games sucked so that's not saying much
>Spin offs
Final Fantasy Sonic X
>Least Favorite Game
Sonic and the Secret Rings, worst of the 3 I played
Stardust Speedway
I've always been partial to the Green Hill Zone theme, I find it soothing. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I don't care.
From what I've heard of Blaze it seems like she'd be my favorite, but I haven't played any of her games so I guess Sonic is my favorite. Or Sticks.
Classic/Mania Amy is really cute. Modern Amy is a whore though.
>Unpopular Opinions
Probably already stated them. Again, I've only played Mania, Lost World, and Secret Rings, and of those Mania was the only one I cared enough to finish. I really hope they make a new Mania game, I had no idea Sonic could be so much fun.
A bit extreme but ok
>the way Sonic reaches for blaze at the end of Sonic Rush after the awkard silence
>Blaze owns a huge Sonic statue
>every Sonic and Percival scene in Black knight
i legit Sega noticed that Sonic and Blaze relationship was getting to romantic and kill it before it got impossible to stop
If we can't get Vanquish 2, Sega should contract Platinum to do a Shadow the Hedgehog remake that plays like Vanquish.
Yes but I don't want to play Battle forever I NEED A FREAKING SEQUEL
I'm not a furry but oh man
Please source me
Oh, fuck this game was cool.
Sequel never ever
Give me some source broski, examples, citations.
>Have to play as Shitty Emerl before he gets any good moves
>Hey fight me in a 5 stock match.
I want to like it so bad
>shitty spinoff no one cares about IN SEGA EYES i mean
>has the most develped story and best character arcs
every fucking time, same with mystery dungeon and Pokemon. to bad the game likes to drag some fights
Like... this?
>Im not a furry but
user, just admit you have solid taste.
Sonic and blaze is the otp
Wtf Tikal never looked this cute before
A sonic thread, you know what that means right?
Fucking gross. How does a person enjoy Colors more than Unleashed?
Prepare for my shit Opinion
>3 & Knuckles
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>Sonic Heroes
>Unleashed I guess
>Riders Zero Gravity (though the original's fine too)
>Can't really say I have one, but CD felt meh
>Seaside hill was nice
>With Me
>I guess Blaze?
>Oh boy where do we fucking begin.
Heroes was amazing but I'm 95% certain I'm blinded by childhood nostalgia. Unleashed (Wii) was pretty good too. Werehog was fine, it's just that stages dragged on for way too long. Werehog bossfights were fun as fuck.
Gimmie a fucking Rush+Rush Adventure HD combo pack. Please Sega. Rush 3 would also be good, but I acknowledge it's never-ever at this point. Feelsbadman.
>Sonic and Blaze relationship was getting to romantic
Imagine this to happen without Sega screwing it up
Why doesn't sonic wear pants?
You know, wen you put it like that, it really puts the whole bizarrety of their incompetence into perspective. Even the autists have gotten sick of their bullshit. There is no reason to support Sonic team. Not a single one.
Dumping the Amy folder won't do anything good for the conversation.
Literally looks nothing like Klonoa. You had to attempt to actually lie and change his model to even begin to have a point.
Klonoa 2 looks better.
>Imagine this to happen without Sega screwing it up
when you put it like that, maybe we dodged a bullet. they could have fucked up by turning into a drama shitfest. i have a crazy theory that Blaze was the real main girl in Sonic 06 and Sega backpedal it
From the composer of the song that shared.
Wtf dude if you liked Mania, you will love 2 and 3&K. Go emulate them right now
He hates pants
The more you fucking learn, huh? Thanks user, who knew japs could be so autistic and that sega team could have fucked up everythimg so much.
Oh who am I kidding. Of course Sonic Team fucks it all up. Wouldnt be sonic team if they didnt.
Werehog stages felt like they were made only to annoy. And the fucking final level was another level of bullshit.
Which is funny because the Wii version was actually enjoyable, but the 360 version dear lord why did I waste my time?
Probably because Colors is all good while Unleashed is 99% shit.
Nude girls wearing shoes. Just my thing.
I like both but Colors is a short but sweet game (as short as Forces yes, but more satisfying)
well she is fucking sexy in my eyes
Unleashed was fun during the day stages
That is the worst fucking list ever.
im not replying to all that
>2D Classic games
Pocket Adventure
>2D Modern games
>3D Classic games (pre boost era)
Adventure 2
>3D Modern games
>Spin offs
>Least favourite games
1 or 4
Any casino
CD Amy
>Unpopular opinions
Underground was great
Thank you, I am one of the legendary few who actually enjoys Heroes
Joking aside, I know it isn't universally hated but it seems like a LOT of hate has sprung up as of late.
I replayed it like 2 years ago and actually had more fun, so make of nostalgia what you will. I am fully aware of the game's flaws don't worry (special stage lookin at you) but I still have fun overall
You aint the only one user. Just a shame that the entirety of the fanbase has some serious case of bad taste and is into pairing em with other characters instead of superior taste human male on female anthro
Probably some meme youtuber and underage parroting.
Heroes was fine, but it was glitchy. the gimmicky could´ve been done better but it was nice to have some variety.
>That unpopular opinion
I never thought someone could be objectively wrong in their opinion
Unless you find enjoyment in the Double-Dee Sonic singing voice. Then I get you
i love heroes too man, althoe i dont have the balls of steel i had as a kid when i played, i got all the emeralds using team dark. that shit was wild
>all emeralds as team dark
What the absolute fuck, you mean to say you finished the castle levels as team dark just to get the emeralds? The 40+ minute ones?
If so, holy shit, kid you was a fucking mad man user. Congrats.
>superior taste human male on female anthro
i fucking hate how rare this shit, nakagami takashi is the only nigga who is a god when it comes to that genre
The first playthrough is mostly okay.
Playing it through other routes afterwards is what made me hate it as a kid.
Especially the Chaotix levels, I remember those being unbearable.
I just wished Blaze wasn't paired with Silver all the damn time. It's like ever since 06 and the end of Rush, they always have to appear together.
to put it simply, the writer who wrote Sonic Adventure and is behind Blaze and her story is Akinori Nishiyama, he is also the one who wrote Black Knight and Rush
more like they have a legit subplot that is still canon with the whole dimensions/ power of stars/ jeweled scepter thing but we will never see the end of it until this guy writes another game again, since Iizuka and Shun Nakamura have been writing the recent games, and they are not very good at writing characters and shit.
or they simply don't care as much about lore.
I got me some doujin links to good shit user. Not sonic related but big tiddy priestesses is great shit, its even on e-, so no sad panda. Want some?
Send it.
Heroes had a damn fine OST. criminally overlooked imo.
not him, but hook a man up.
That’s pretty curious. On eye test alone, makes sense, she’s got that authoritative postured, the fire and gymnastist movements. But her personality isn’t what I’d call sensual at all. She ain’t Rogue or even Amy when it comes to invoking that type of personality trait.
share nigga i'll give you something too
I agree with you. Do you have this image in not for ants?
fuck i forgot to quote
Silver is such a faggot character that doesnt deserve Blaze, I dont usually care about shipping nonsense but when the devs do it themselves its worrying and this one actually bothers me cause I like Blaze
although I get not wanting to ''Hinata'' Amy, I rather she just be solo than paired up with that fag
Gimme just a min, computer shitting itself.
Wow... now I want more Blaze
i played SA1 for the first time last week.
Fuck hub worlds and FUCK the Mystic Ruins theme.
i totally agree man, Blaze deserves the best so either Sonic or Shadow, Silver needs to be develped more ALONE first before he gets even the chance to be near best girl, Amy thoe seems better as a platonic relationship with Sonic.
How the fuck that office rat with the glasses comes way before the tribal knuckles? Lnao
Do we have a chao garden mobile game yet?
Shipping is done by the fans not the staff
Silver was meant to be a main character in ´06, but since he had literally no supporting cast they "re-imagined" Blaze as Maria 2.0 with the same sibling dynamics and shit
the fans going full retard with it is just fans being fans
Literally muted the TV whenever it came on, i hate songs that do that
Who's ready?
>we are having a good thread
>some Yea Forums xeno fan ruins everything
fucking hell
Last week? Man I'm sorry
That game was amazing when I was a kid but when I recently replayed it? Shoot where did the time go
My (maybe) unpopular opinions would be
>Sonic levels are great
>Tails are okay, if you have half a brain you can skip a vast majority of his levels and they're already really easy
>Knuckles are good
>Amy sucks
>Gamma sucks, don't understand all the love. His story? It isn't good.
I cant believe there are no lewd posts in this thread.
I loved that pic related btw
I first played a demo on the dreamcast a long as hell time ago. Sonic/Tails/Knuckles are fine, Gamma's okay, and Amy/Big are unfun padding. I fuckin LOVE trying to do the little hammer flip but Amy's not running fast enough and stops in her tracks
I'm gonna marry that cat!!!
Fuck Bingo Highway and FUCK Rail Canyon
(priestess doujins, deer, fox and kitsune ones, in order)
Here anons. Love, from /hmofa/.
And I am gonna breed her for you.
No. They are mad because their thread was deleted while this blatant furry dump thread is still going
>3 & Knuckles
>Probably Mania, but Sonic Advance is close because of Amy
>Sonic Adventure 2
>I haven't played much of them
>Sonic Advance 2
>Hard to pick, I guess Studiopolis' theme
>Hard to pick, toss up between Tails, Metal Sonic and Gamma
>Sonic Advance Amy is the best playstyle in the 2D games, and Amy's sections in Adventure 1 were not bad.
What's wrong with bingo highway?
Not him but did you play it?
I don't flat out hate it but ya gotta admit it was the lowest point in Heroes
what thread was deleted this time?
>crippled controls
>repetitive music
>did i mention the crippled controls while in ball form?
I hate the frog levels more desu
You forgot FUCK Sky Canyon
isn't that the same thing as Rail Canyon but basically Act 2?
user i found some new oc rouge content along those lines would you like it?
But you gotta admit, new jannies have been shit lately.
Rail canyon is far worse.
I'm talking about Sonic Advance 2, not Heroes. Just felt there was another Zone worth hating even if it wasn't the same game.
>Hate fur shit
>Peepee gets hard when seeing Sonic girls naked
Fucking based
She looks like she only fucks human men
my interpretation?
she is that kind of really fucking powerful sub that get horny fighting someone that could possibly dominate her since she is desperate at a real challenge.
Give in user and fap with the rest of us
Wave is the best Sonic girl. Don't (You) me.
Without irony user, just ignore typical durry shit and appreciate proper anthros. Unironicaly human males on female anthro is top fucking tier, everyone knows it, its when you develop fursonas and shit that you go wrong.
Read and . Have fun.
not the same but share nigga
ultimate smug
i must warn you the boobs are quite big but it is rouge so who cares
There's nothing wrong with it unless you start acting like a fag about it.
>fucking pit falls in a damn ball slide
>ball slide breaks off to another slide with a 99.98% accuracy of you making it
>can roll off the ball slide
>can literally roll off the damn slot machine
What was right with bingo highway? Besides the music.
Heart attack warning
every appearence of Blaze in a game is merely a reminder that they never finished her story
>liking beaks and feathers
Probably because while normal furshit looks somewhat ugly and has that "style" to it, Sonic girls are actually pretty cute looking.
cute and flexible
I mean she is far from best but she isn't really bad either
Some proper writing (in a Sonic game? I know) she could be pretty decent
god i wish i was a sonic character
So many anons of refined taste and integrity in this here thread. I salute you, comrades.
Reminder that there's a mobile game where you see Amy's panties so much it's distracting and had to have been deliberate.
Proof, screenshots and citations required user. You cannot leave us hanging like that.
you cant say shit like that and not post proof dude
Is it Dash?
It's Sonic Dash isn't it
i like this thread you got here anons
Absolutely based, ain't no way that passed quality control and people didn't notice it.
Also reminder that in Sonic Advance Amy grinds on her ass.
It's like how Big grinds rails on his dick in Heroes