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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that Resetranny is spamming Yiik threads on Yea Forums because this literally who made them seeth. They were also very openly posting trans people and linking to resetera last thread.

Sage report and filter these tranny raid threads

He’s not wrong, games are toys meant to relax at the end of the day.

>main character is a basedboy fag who has a stuffed panda and attacks with vinyls

what the frick
What other songs did Toby Fox do in the game? I want to at least listen do the very rare cases of good songs from this abortion of an OST.

>those beards
ask me how I knew this cringefest is made by some ''e-celebs'' basedboys

>So angry they made an out of context quote as a webm instead of linking the actual quote in the dick show itself

Pfthahahahahahahahaha 40% etc

>still tying to push the self insert meme
Found the tranny. Fuck off.

Why are you so obsessed with people who have nothing to do with you and want to make their own decisions with their body?

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There's a reason you trannies use female anime pictures.

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What a whiny faggot, lmao.

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I'm glad this guy realized games aren't art. Makes me respect him a little bit.

Is there anything else worth listening to in this interview?

There's also a reason neckbeards use them.

Attached: Neckbeards.png (345x337, 127K)

Post your real face then. I bet you're good looking right? Oh no you're just another incel with no hygiene


You do realize that he’s just saying that because he’s salty as fuck that his shit game didn’t sell?

the black girl dresses like a slut

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>Why do you care that 45% of a demographic commits suicide

I always thought the "anti-trannies care more about the well being of trannies than trannies do" was a meme but holy fuck apparently it's true.

>nobodys buying my game, it's because it's too intelligent for them

holy shit

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He came to that realization because he's salty his shit game didn't sell.

Im never ever going to play this numale shite, so can someone summarize the plot of the game?



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Honestly the dev is a piece of shit and deserves the hate

who makes shit like this?

is yiik 2 canceled?

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>Alex: I had a spirtual connection to this woman in the elevator I just met recently. I owe it to her to find out what happened and avenge her death and see to it happens to one one else.
>set in 1999
>Iwata's gravestone is there
>site he browses is 90s /x/ by the devs own admission
>retroactive references shit of and in the decade like a Bojack Horseman gag.

It’s YIIIk you philistine

so yiik is the 2nd game already?

>resethomo is actually openly allowed on Yea Forums

Ok I’m out. There’s literally no reason for me to post on this board anymore.

Has anyone gotten the red pill ending yet?

Cancelled? IGN Greece gave it a 9/10 AND it sold 19K copies in Japan! Source: YIIK dev's Dick Show interview dude trust him lol

Lmao he's mad as fuck.

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Incredibly obvious self insert main character comes to the realization that he's a dick.
Does nothing about it.
In between that revelation is a bunch of quick time games with not all that great controls.
It really is a mediocre title.

>19K copies in Japan! Source: YIIK dev's Dick Show interview dude trust him lol

I mean, Nintendo pushed this game hard with a full jap translation on switch. That doesn’t really sound like a lie.

What's the point of basing your game in the 90s if you just wanna reference current pop-culture? Put your dumb game in 20XX if you just want to reference whatever you want without having to be accurate.

Oh God, I hope Yea Forums contrarianism isn't starting to reach this boring mess.
I thought we all unanimously agreed that it wasn't even funny bad.

>Make shit character

Retard should honestly get rid of the chip on his shoulder, he clearly hasn't been exposed to enough people who are actually above average intelligence. Because he really must think he's a genius.

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Fucking soya overload.
What a bunch of smug little shits.

>wow people dont like my unlikeable character
who would have thunk

>0 comments, likes, or retweets
How would you find this? Do you run this account or something?

Reminder to not buy or discuss this game. These threads are set up to build publicity.

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Why is every plaid beard+thick glasses faggot such scum?

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Yeah because its not like society isn't largely transhobic and uncaring for transgenders


>gamers don't understand any character that isn't a self-insert
>the main character of his game is literally his own self insert


>the problem is these GAMERS who are too used to identify with the characters so they can't handle my imperfect character
>the only people who screech and scream about representation is fags, trannies and niggers

So the actual problem is with fags, trannies and niggers. He's saying these people aren't intelligent enough to enjoy his game.
Ouch, better hope someone doesn't tell twitter!

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I was gonna buy it the day it came out but these threads steered me into the right direction.

We got him

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You shouldn't enable mental illness, especially one that has such a large rate for attempted suicides. Get help.

Its not a mental illness and see the original point. Seeth harder incel that people exist that you don't like.

I think it would've been tolerable if it didn't have voice acting, and they cut out half the dialogue.

Game gets so fucking convoluted I couldn't stand to finish it.


badly written story
shitty MC that never grows
so many minigames in combat
bad music
randomly gets a Persona style calendar system at the very end

are all the reasons why YIIK is bad.

I can't believe I am going to say this but FINAL FANTASY XV is a better game than YIIK

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>gamers don't like shitty protagonists because they can't self-insert
>yet, plenty of people love Final Fantasy VII
Maybe because hipster and commiefornia aesthetics are not liked by plenty of people

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If a lot of people hate trannies (which is doubtful), it is because you are annoying as fuck, entitled beyond belief and both extremely ugly and extremely aggressive. You have no redeeming qualities and seem to exist only as a mockery of both men and women.

What is much more likely is that most people don't give a shit about you and they rightfully shouldn't. The fact that you think it's somehow a bad thing that everyone isn't kissing your ass and worshipping you directly goes to show why others might hate you. Everyone will hate you eventually.

>Its not a mental illness

> it is because you are annoying as fuck, entitled beyond belief and both extremely ugly and extremely aggressive.

Same to you incel I bet you think you deserve sex

>gamers don't want to play an asshole
Pic related says otherwise.

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Nobody deserves anything, you have to earn things. Especially things like respect and rights, neither of which you will ever have because you're an entitled little goblin.
You'll never pass either, no matter how much you disfigure yourself, so why not just commit suicide now and get it over with.

>reeeee beards

I love posts like this because I know it's a buttmad low-t betafaggot incapable of growing facial hair calling other people s0iboys.

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Nobody deserves anything, you have to earn things. Especially things like sex and meaningful relationships, neither of which you will ever have because you're an entitled little goblin.
You'll never have kids either, no matter how much you try to wash yourself, so why not just commit suicide now and get it over with.

>I wanted to make a game about a guy who’s a piece of shit unlikeable character who, by the end of the game, has to grow.
Oh, so like TWEWY, one of the most beloved JRPGs out there?

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It's not as much simple mental illness as it is mass psychosis and a medical nightmare at this point.

>Piece of shit unlikeable character

I love this meme

It's insane that they let someone who's mentally on the level of a 5-year old get HTR.

>Neku is unlikable

This is how I know video games ARE for brainlets

Neku starts out shit but becomes decent.

Unlike Alex.

>implying he wasn’t a piece of shit at the beginning of the game
Neku was straight up willing to murder Shiki if it meant only he would get a second chance at life. Sure, you can argue that Uzuki tricking him into trying to do so by saying that he’ll be erased if he didn’t, but even then, he still has to be forced by Mr. H to apologize to Shiki for almost killing her

What made me agree with the developer on this is that the first time somebody made a thread like this, somebody thought of the main character of Clerks as an example of a critically acclaimed film with a main character that is 100% a loser. Nobody seems to be able to do it for video games.

>implying Neku wasn’t unlikeable in the beginning

>Sure, you can argue that Uzuki tricking him into trying to do so by saying that he’ll be erased if he didn’t


>but even then, he still has to be forced by Mr. H to apologize to Shiki for almost killing her

Because he's humiliated you autist, he can't look her in the eye after what he did much less apologize.

>design character to be unlikeable
>nobody likes him

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Somebody doesn't remember Yea Forums circa 2007~ complaining about him in the first week

Are you seriously implying that not being able to own up to your mistakes and not apologizing to someone for almost killing ISN’T a sign of unlikeablilty?

Here's your unlikeable piece of shit main character done right

Attached: image.jpg (730x900, 79K)

>Forced to do something or (as thinks) he will die
>Does it
>Doesn’t know how to properly apologize because he’s an introvert

Do you really think character makes a bad choice = unlikable? Please step out of the realms of video game writing.

The guy in the middle isn't him

No because otherwise nobody would have any friends IRL. Nobody admits to everything especially things that are really bad mistakes.

>almost killing someone and not immediately owning up to apologize isn’t a sign of unlikeablity, guys!
You autists need help.

No, I'm saying in the context of the scene he's not apologizing because he's embarrassed and doesn't know how to apologize for something so awful, not because "fuck Shiki I dindu nuffin"

It's because his game looks like shit, no one wants to see fucking nu-male shit in games, women literally play Overwatch and League of Legends because the characters are not disgusting looking.

if the game had a cool edgy anime protag I would like it.

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Just admit you’re socially retarded

>A post modern rpg
What does this mean?


What game? He looks cool.

This is unironically the reason it didn't sell but nobody here wants to admit it because they want to pretend they're above that shit.

Ok retard.

Drakengard, the game that is a prequel to NIER.

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>Neku wasn’t a piece of shit guys, I swear!
Yeah, I think you’re the socially autistic one here.

was the creator an sjw when he made this game and he just swapped over when everyone shit on the game or what?

Nothing since it's entirely contemporary and we live in a post-modern era already.

It's like calling a pizza "Italian food" like yeah no shit retard.

No matter what you think of the writing, this shit is absolutely inexcusable

No, the real reason why it is crap is because it has 15fps animations in a 60fps game, it has incredibly obtuse repetitive minigames to deal 1/10th of an enemy's health, the color scheme looks like the artist ate a bunch of crayons and shit directly into the screen, the music is godawful and to level up you gotta go through like five loading screens.

No he was apolitical. Trannies and gamergators tried to drag him into politics shit

>FPS locked at 1/2 actual framerate

Poor guy. He spent like 6 years making this game and it got shat on by everybody.

>no one ever brings up how the black chick is not only the most annoying piece of shit in the game she also speaks in a stereotypical mammy voice
there's just so much awful shit being found

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That fucks me up because just looking at the game's characters and dialogue and shit I was dead-on certain he would be an sjw.

I know barely anybody actually played this game but the player in this video is ridiculously underleveled. If you look at the text boxes you can see the enemies are level 23 while his party is level 14 in a game where you're expected to be higher level than the enemies. But maybe he couldn't deal with the whistling so eh

>"it's a story about personal growth"
>"you'll see he grows"

The hilarious part is that he doesn't grow. At all. He's a clueless repetitive prick the whole way through

Like what?

The game makes racist jokes a lot, like Cop enemies will only shoot at your black party members if possible, people on the in game message board can't tell Sammy apart from other asians, Alex refers to Vella as "foreign looking" at one point.

>why are you so obsessed with what people do with their own body
What a shit argument.
Let people do drugs freely and drug addicts will steal from you and rape your wife and daughter.

We care what other people do to themselves not only because what they do doesn't necessarily affect only themselves but affect others as well, wel also care for other people's well being.
If that were not the case, we are no different than animals.

Truly an artistic message. A shame the game is shit.

He does grow, he remains long-winded and pretentious through the entire game but he does stop being a dick.

And that somehow makes it better? Sure, maybe that’ll work for something like losing Mr. Mew when he borrows it but not for actual attempted murder. Jesus Christ, go the fuck outside.

>Let people do drugs freely and drug addicts will steal from you and rape your wife and daughter.

Yeah ok grandpa do you believe in reefer madness too?

He doesn’t look like a basedbean
He looks like Ricky Gervais playing a basedbean

Or you’re just a contrarian fuckwit who gets off on defending piece of shit indie games.

has this dumb fuck ever played Spec Ops: The Line?

cringe... yiikes...

>I wanted to make a X about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikeable character who, by the end of the X, has to grow
It's not that hard.

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>there are people who read this shitty meme comic book.

Scott Pilgrim is the original YiiK

>gamers don't want to play as flawed imperfect characters

Attached: file.png (650x629, 508K)

Ok retard.

Case in point.

what's wrong with this indie game? just because the protagonist has a beard? you guys should play the game first instead of criticizing by lemmings logic. Yea Forums is a joke.

You have nothing to say. Goodbye.

Unironically this

>you only dislike it because the protag has a beard!
You’re sounding an awful lot like those DmC fags who strawmanned people for criticizing it by spouting this.

I've actually tried playing this fuckign thing but I can't get it to work nicely with any controller. XBone has some terrible missed inputs, DS4 on its own has problems with mapping the correct inputs and XInput wrapping it causes XBone issues, and keyboard controls suck. Fucking nigger technology.

>people on this board are unironically defending YIIK
Ironic shitposting has gone too far.

ironic shitposting has been what most people do in this shitty board since its inception, newfag.


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Not everybody wasn't to obsess over some random indie game 24/7

Maybe you should spend less time on Yea Forums, once I did that I realize not every crappy game is the literal end of the world.


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Is the black guy the last one you get? I've never seen him in any of the gameplay videos.

i would fuck him if he was a cd

Because none of them really go past the first two chapters

Sorry user, he’s only interested in murder and dragons. And sometimes both at once.

if he was a compact disc?

It's not a meme if it's very OVERTLY based on the creator

fuck off boomer

My dick says this is fine.

nice nigger design

This retard doesn't realize there are TONS of unlikeable RPG protagonists
Hell, there is an unlikeable RPG protagonist that is in an incredibly similar situation to Alex and develops in a much more compelling way.
Alex is just poorly written. He's unlikeable but here's the rub: we're never shown any redeeming qualities ever. So we're expected to think this literal shithead who can't fill out a basic job application has a single positive quality that can be brought out.
It also doesn't help that the events that push him to develop are completely unrelatable

Attached: Neku_Erasing_Shiki.jpg (417x659, 94K)

She looks like she fucks white men

I actually have no idea what is meant by a "cd" other than discs. I am too old for this shit.

You know what? The black weeb was an alright character

Except that wouldn't explain why some people defending the game. You expect those people to just not enter the thread

The game would have been better if he doubled down on the MC being a piece of shit. Axe the redemption arc .Might have been more interesting

The girls are cute, hope there are some worthwhile porn of them.

not only the black weeb. this game is full of interesting characters that are well designed and illustrated. people in here didn't play the game.

The last one you get is the Robot.

Does anyone know of the vocal song that’s being sung when getting they’re playing Vella’s LP?

ok hol up senpai

Cry no More, cyborg.

>this game is full of interesting characters that are well designed and illustrated
Go away Andrew
Alex, Rory, Chondra and Vella are all pretty boring.
Claudio is mainly fun for being a black weeb.
I don't remember anything about Michael, I didn't really pay attention to him much.
The only thing remotely okay about them is the art-style, which is kind of cute

Gracias user

I'm honestly baffled you can't remember Michael because he gets by far the most development of the side characters.

nice music, actually

>Find girl passed out on the floor
>Should I rape her?

looks like NITW, not interested

I hope someone out there enjoys it though


The music in this game is actually good in some places. It’s mainly just the battle songs that shit the bed.

What's NITW? Just curious.

Japs enjoy it apparently so there’s that.

literally just that
he even deleted the tweet he had mentioning it

Night in the Woods.

Doesn't he also tell two demon kids that if anyone's going to eat Alice, it'll be him?

>Saved a gif as a jpg
oh nonono...

for weebs, maybe. otherwise it's just terrible, sorry.

Nah it’s good.

it has a nice beat.

Reminder that the snake eats its own tale, the mother rabbit consumes her own children, the phoenix burns from the inside out, and maggots consume the corpse of the wolf.

tl;dr they're eating themselves, leave them to it

Attached: the oak and the reeds.png (824x964, 926K)

NITW was miles better than this

It also helps that TWEWY was an actual fun game to play.

terrible, terrible game. I can't fathom in the abyss of my own life how terrible this game is. It's like looking at the abyss and seeing a bearded demon laughing amidst fire. terrible, terrible... terrible game.

Toby did the right thing deleting his tweet and not addressing YIIK's current reception.

Link to the full podcast. The dev is actually pretty based. He had told anyone who can't beat sekiero to git gud and that people are just babies that can't deal with failure well.

Trannies bullied him yet again into deleting it. Him and his pal Hussie are some of the biggest kowtowers I've ever seen.

who cares. his game is still shit.

I really like the concept and the style. I just wish the game itself wasn't actually hot garbage.

The fuck? No. Toby wasn't bullied.

Can someone explain to me what the fuck this line is supposed to be? It serves no purpose

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I don't know. the art looks like shit to me, i guess either of us has terrible taste. I bet on you.

This place used to be 90% weebs. Before the rise of Yea Forums and /pol/, I guess.

Yes, they started bothering him and a few people who worked on the game and told them to dissociate themselves with it.

you don't even know what you're talking about, tranny.


Does he ever talk about whether his own game was intentionally shit to suit the hipster themes?

Bet I've been here longer than you

So, supposedly, that's the sort of outline of his check to his mouth.
But it doesnt make sense why his beard would wrap the way it does then

The tweets are deleted but If i can find the archive I'll post it

of course you have, dear.

How does such an innocuous actually entertaining SNES game bring out the absolute worst in humanity so consistently?

Attached: Ness.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

the secret desire of humanity is to exterminate themselves. there are too many faggots in the world. we should just kyourselves.

They want to corrupt all that is pure and good.

Kek, what a fag.

Earthbound is shit

I see more growth when watching porn.

>asking the player their name is insensitive

Literally what

Earthbound was kind of shit, but since it took place in modern times instead of your traditional fantasies, people liked it for the self-insert potential.

It wasn't until moonside that i finally got interested to it and finished the game. If anything, Mother 3 fixed all the issues of Earthbound by making the characters more interesting and the gameplay better

The Dick Show is like kryptonite to retardera trannies. That 40% would jump all the way up to 100% if they sat through a single episode because it's comedy and not turboprogressive drivel. Humor is oppressive.

the game asked "what name did your parents give you?", which as we all know is transphobic and makes him a shitlord

Even if I try to use SJW logic to make sense of that I still fall short.

Transfolk are mentally damaged and hate their "assigned name/gender"


I see, thats retarded but I understand, thanks anons

I can get over the hipster "super deep" story if the gameplay didn't look so slow and boring. If they just put out a patch that takes away the QTE's, or make them faster. Then I would probably give it a try. It shouldn't take 5mins+ for a random damn encounter.
But it seems like they just gave up on the game altogether so it doesn't matter now.

I think a patch to speed up stuff and make enemies less spongy came out but no one played the game by then to try it out

Attached: everythread.jpg (964x645, 314K)

The only thing that circulates in these people's heads are marvel movies and their equivalents

>out of context
It provides all the context necessary.


Jesus fuck, that’s bad

"I mistook making something filled with pretentious purple prose as making something artistic so if people hate my shitty RPG they must hate all art games."

Should have saved time and money and made a walking simulator if he wasn't planning on actually making a fun game.

An example of this dude's truly atrocious writing.

Attached: ExampleOfBadWriting.png (1867x1026, 692K)

What in the actual fuck is the point of this line? Why can't just remove it and animate the actual scene instead?

How is it that Charles Barkley from a shitpost game is a far better example of a "bad person that needs to grow" character than this game's shit excuse for a main character

Attached: file.png (273x375, 10K)

Compared to vibrating without moving at all?

>Invokes based Chuck

Could it be that you're just full of yourself and made a shitty game?

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How much of your life this past month has been spent spamming and bumping these threads? I'm willing to bet it's more than half.

hopefully its the remaining 40%

We decide that

Idk, bro. Guess the guy just felt like writing a bunch. Shame he's REALLY bad at it.
Typing with percussion, he must have spent a long time clicking keyboard keys to write the tripe that is this game.

Attached: ExampleOfMakingYourCharacterSoundLikeAWeirdo.png (1911x1032, 1.31M)

nice TDS

The framing device is he’s telling the story to the player. Also it’s an indie game.

The dak talk is a different one, the quote about art is from dick show 144.