Go ahead

Go ahead

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP is straight

fallout 2 is the best of the series

shotas > lolis

Video game

New Vegas > Fallout 3


>being this intimidated by what Yea Forums thinks
>to the extent that you think they're going to lynch you

Low test.

I don't talk about games i haven't played

I like video games.

videogames are fun

I like and play videogames.

Women are humans.

classic is gunna suck

If you started playing atlus within the last few years you are a poser


MGS4 was great
MGSV was better

Frog posting and wojak spam is so funny and based!


butts better than boobs

Half Life is fucking trash
System Shock 1 is better than 2
BioShock is fucking trash
Deus Ex’s story doesn’t make any goddamn sense.

Kill yourselves all of you

ESDF is how you always type
wasd is cringe brainlet shit

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Mario 2 is better than Lost levels
God Hand isn't that great

*atlus games

Political discussions shouldn't be allowed off the politics board. Even if it's about a vidya company or person in the industry, discussing political topics related to them should be /pol/-only.

>things which would get you lynched in bizarro Yea Forums

Ahahaha, so hilarious and original. Not like this joke has been done 100,000 times already. This board desperately needs an r9k filter.

I don't like Dark Souls' setting and the git gud mentality is so glorified that it's leaking into other games

There is nothing wrong with being a virgin into your late 20s.

This is obviously a shitposting thread so why would I not give a shitposting answer?

video games are better with niggers


Janitors should be able to ban people on their designated boards, just like the janitors on 8ch.
It would help to reduce the amount of shitposters.

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I enjoy those silly green frog pictures

MLP is a fun show

I'm a girl (female) and I play games for the cute boys

Epic games isn't anything special. Yea Forums is just mad because Steam spent the past decade being lazy and are now in threat of being toppled.

Like tipping a cow.

nin toddler bad

In a vacuum, yes. In reality, it means something is seriously wrong with you, mentally, physically, socially, or otherwise.

BotW really was nearly a masterpiece in game design and as much as I'd love to enjoy MGS I can't get over its absolute fucking ass controls

Some blacks are okay

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Monster Hunter, Souls games and Fallout are all shit series.

>more room for keybinds
what the fuck I've been doing things wrong this whole time.

the ps4 is a good console that earned its success.
nintendo is a worse company than sony.

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Final Fantasy sucks balls and the only reason people hate XV is why I like it, because it doesn't play like a FF game.


Dark souls 2 is the best game in the franchise

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way to get cucked by society

Retard, blacks are okay, niggers are not

Only mad Thad.

fuck off xv-kun

P, L, semicolon, apostrophe and left-hand mouse is for high test only.

The standard of woke is incredibly low. If SF2 (any of em)were released today it’d be labeled SJW trash and bomb.

Or, you know, Tencent. If GOG came out on top, that'd be cool. Or a new store like Steam that isn't connected to the Chinese, also fine. But EGS needs to crash and burn.

Fappinh to futanari is not gay. Women can have feminine penis.

Yea Forums is full of contrarians, so this is impossible. Even if you said something retarded a bunch of people would defend your point just to make the other half mad.

I had a lot of fun playing The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild and I think it's a good game

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Based fujo.

Link's Awakening is a better game than BOTW.

I could not give less of a fuck about the presence of politics in video games, all that matters is how fun the game is

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Super Mario World is floaty and feels like shit. A lot of the older mario games before Mario 64 just do not play well. I have never played past the first couple levels of any of those games and I believe the new 2D mario games on the 3ds / Wii and more recently are vastly superior games.

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Resident Evil 4 isn't actually that good

Dark Souls has lots of bullshit moments and general hitbox problems but people casually ignore it by claiming getting good makes them disappear.

Western games are better than Japanese ones

overwatch is a good game suck my cock


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Jokes on you, faggot. I can't be XV-kun, since I love DMC5.

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video games are fun

Nintendo fans are definitely the worst fanbase on Yea Forums by a large margin. If a Sony game gets high scores people will scream "PAID REVIEWS", If a Nintendo game gets high scores people scream its "GOTY".

If a Sony game get mediocre 7/10 scores people here will scream its dog shit. If a Nintendo game gets mediocre 7/10 scores people here will scream "it's actually really under rated and a sleeper hit, critics just didn't get it" (see arms, travis strikes again, kirby dream team)

You can be a fan of a game or game series even if you've only experienced it through let's plays and walkthroughs.

BotW isn't that good and the Switch has much better games available than it
Halo is massively overrated because of nostalgia and is a pretty middling FPS in terms of both multiplayer and singleplayer, it didn't do anything particularly well until they added Forge

>all single player games are faggot tier brainlet
>only competitive multiplayer games are worth any time
>if you like the "kino story" of a video game you have a mental disorder and are guaranteed wizard/college loser/ b&
>if you are paying money for single player games is worse than being a nigger or mexican
>niggers mexicans and Yea Forums have the objectively worst taste in games ever
>if you are or have ever posted to or viewed this site from a telephone you are literal cancer

no its not pasta don't @me

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Overly fanservicey games are dumb, I just want to know if the game is good. I avoided Xenoblade 2 for a year despite it turning out to be one of my favourite JRPGs in the last few years now that I've actually played it solely because of the fact that all I ever heard/saw about it was "PYRA IS MY MOMMY BOOBY BOOBIE BOOB BOOBS". Like shit if I wanted to jack off I'd just go read some doujins or something instead of circlejerking over characters. But if you bring this up at all you're a tranny or gay just because you arn't a constantly horny underaged zoomer.

I love undertale and deltarune
Futaba was best girl, but i cant think of her in sexual way
Im glad that everyone is banning/censoring weebshit, but im afraid they just testing grounds and will censore everything else
Rage 1 was good game
Dota > LoL if you are not brainlet
EGS is not a bad thing, but its FAR from perfect
Fuck Valve
Console gaming is better than PC gaming in most of things

are you implying I'd give a shit about 3dpd? cringe and bluepilled.

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There's nothing with being a liberal. What's wrong is being an asshole.

fpbp desu

minorities and LGBT people have as much as a right to be alive as anyone else does.

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obvious pasta

>no its not pasta don't @me

>Im glad that everyone is banning/censoring weebshit
need to add that VNs are not games and if you love "playing" them you are disgusting and retarded.
Also anime porn in not hentai is the worst thing that happened to anime ever and basically ruined it.

owning stock doesn't equal ownership. Just part ownership, with other stock members.

I swear Yea Forums's paranoia will kill me.

Honestly, if people here realized that the internet isn't the best platform to showcase these people as a whole, they'd probably mellow out. But since they spend so much time on the internet, they assume every homo is a flaming fagoid who dances half nude at every pride parade they can. Which very few of us do that.

We should take video games back from women and trannies who don't play them, they just want to destroy them for men because it's a form of enjoyment they can't partake in.

>36 year old taking a bath.
BOTW is the worst Zelda I've played, and I've played them all new, except the CD-I games. I get genuinely confused when people say it's even decent.
Horizon zero dawn was my favorite game I played in the past few years, until DMC5.
If you say PS1, I assume you are underage. It was called PSX on literally every fucking website and some mags, if you abbreviated it, it was PSX.
Gacha games are shit and anyone who plays them is a sad individual. Titty games have zero sex appeal. Only nude mods for games that are supposed to have zero sex appeal are okay. Like Kenshi.
Halo CE-3 are my favorite shooters of all time.
League of Legends was the most fun MOBA, even with flash cancer. Rigid enforcement of the meta is the only thing that killed my interest.
>I still agree with the base cause of gamergate, and I'll never forgive the niggers who attached (false flag) misogyny to it for a few clicks.

I think that's all I have that violates the new hivemind.

Last of us is good

Lolicon isn't allowed on Yea Forums, so stop posting it.

It is only the trannies that I want to eradicate.

zoomer: the post

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having main characters of different races/orientations/religion strengthens children to look forward to a better future

Oh and Saints Row 1/2 were shitty GTA knockoffs, and the series didn't find itself until 3. Too bad it then peaked at 3, and then just copy pasted 4.

I’ve never played an FF game but I did play XV and that game sucked ass.

Aliens: Colonial Marines is a good game

I'd rather get them help. I think science isn't ready for those decisions, but I don't think that means we should kill them. Get them therapy and shit.

Lolicons deserve to be burned alive.

>liked HZD
>hated botw

This does not compute in the slightest

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>Horizon zero dawn was my favorite game I played in the past few years
>League of Legends was the most fun MOBA


Dragon Quarter was the only good one and its only major mistake was attaching itself to a shit franchise.

super smash bros. brawl was the best smash game and had the best content, dare i say the most homage to NINTENDO.


FF7 and FF8 are the peak of the series. FFT is the very top if you include it.

Bloodborne and Sekiro are 1 trick pony games, Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series.

There's nothing wrong with being trans and liking video games.

Kill yourself

All Nintendo games of the last 2 decades are either reskins or trash.

Deus Ex has a schlock story that only makes sense to people who don't know anything about history or economics; but it was babby's first counter-culture story in vidya so it gets lapped up.

Mass Effect 3 was the best Bioware game.

Fallout 1 is overrated, it's really short for an RPG (12-ish hours) and most of the skills are completely useless.

Iron sight aiming, sprint keys, separate keys for grenades and melee, some form of health regen, and some form of stat progression are all objective improvements to FPSes that most have adopted for good reason.

modern Yea Forums is as good as it's ever been

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Theres plenty wrong with being trans. Like plenty

ResetEra is a very good place to discuss video games

The FFXIII trilogy are the best FF games

Pokemon X is S tier and Pokemon HGSS is only A tier due to the trash gym leader and villain teams, god awful grinding, and the insane amount of HM moves you have to drag through the game.

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Sonic Adventure 1/2 are good games in fact they're better than the classic games

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Hating on Reddit is extremely hivemind. There are plenty of subreddits that are pretty much Yea Forums incarnate. It just makes you sound like an old faggot in front of your computer bitching about kids on Facebook

Don’t mind me, just waiting for ACfag

Infinite is one of the best games ever made because it basically isn't a game

Literally every waifumon is better than Gardevoir

Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with transsexuals PLAYING video games.

Gardevoir is a fairy type and is therefore only liked by gays and trannies

ACfag? As in Armored Core, Ass Creed, Animal Crossing, or Ace Combat?

wojak memes are lame

Nudity has no place in video games.

Botw is good
MHW is good
Nier Automata is good
Odyssey is ok
Sekiro is meh


Mega Drive > SNES
SNES Aladdin > MD Aladdin

The Half-Life HD models are fine.

I enjoy FC3 and 4

well technically speaking, no, but they never stop at just "playing" them
They go far beyond that, and thats where i take issue

If you don’t know, you don’t want to learn
Trust me

Amiibo are great to collect.

If you say so. Cause one of those I care about and I'd feel bad if they made us look bad

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People need to stop misusing waifu in the place of “best girl” or simply “cute girl that I like”

If you’ve got a waifu you’re supposed to be monogamous to her. Having more than one makes you a faggot.

>didnt read the op

There’s nothing wrong with sexy stuff in video games

Video games are art.

The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I love Detroit Become Human, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiderman, and a bunch of other PS3/4 exclusives. They're some of my favorite games
I hate fighting games besides Mortal Kombat and Smash Brothers
I consider myself a die hard fan of Zelda despite only liking the 3D games except Skyward Sword. I got to the Dark World in Link to the Past before dropping it because I wasn't enjoying myself.
Cassie Cage in MK11 is utterly adorable. MK would be improved if they significantly turned down the violence. Seeing characters I like such as Johhny Cage, Erron Black and Cassie get torn apart gets under my skin and the screaming
I'm fine with less scantily clad women and more playable female characters in games because I'm deeply sexually repressed.

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/pol/ is always right
JRPGs outside of monster collecting games and a few with character creation are trash.
Talking about sales and stocks makes you a faggot

Tropical Freeze is mediocre.

Killing robot dinos while riding smaller robo dinos was enough to sell me.
Then the post apocalyptic story was the first time I had heard that flavor. Actually shocked me that it wasn't a rehash I had read/seen before.
The graphics were unbelievably better, and the gameplay was much tighter.
The world felt like a real world, I know that's a knock against every Zelda, but still. The world that was built was cool too.
I never felt in danger once in Zelda. (Kids game?)
Horizon even explains away the Mary Suedom, you are literally a vat born perfection creation. Link, hes a chosen one.
BOTW wins with the hang glider and the cool tech demo stuff that you play with once but rarely makes any real difference.
Both have cool 1 off shit like the sky dragons and the giant destroyed robot overlord things.

Horizon does literally everything right, BOTW does a couple of things right, and a shitload wrong.

DS2 was better than DS3

I honestly think that all the Wojak and Pepe stuff on Yea Forums these days is the same shit as those Reddit and 9gag rage comics Yea Forums was mad about back in the early 2010s.

Souls and every game like it is shit. It's nothing more than a visual version of that 80's electronic simon says game. It' aint deep it's lame and the only skill it takes is autism.

MGS2 was mediocre at best and the message was babby's first postmodern concepts but hamfisted.

>Only cucks watch streamers
>Competitive fags are the worst of any playerbase
>Nintenbros are beyond saying from their max delusion.
>Games aren't getting that much worse you guys just have higher and higher standards.

if a game is fun to you than keep playing it

Kingdom Hearts 3 is a good game.

There’s literally nothing wrong with watching let’s plays, but if you like the game, you SHOULD buy it, as let’s plata are not a substitute for playing the game

Sonic 2 is better than 3K

Guilty Gear has too much setplay and coinflip oki.

Bloodborne was pretty boring and repetitive, spending forever dying constantly to hordes of human enemies at the start was a garbage beginning, it's got so much janky shit in it that learning the entire weapon system was pointless

Games were better in my day.

Silent Hill 4 was the best in the series.

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Bloodborne isnt that great of a game.

So wrong

user its the reverse that will get you lynched

Nuts and Bolts wasn't actually that bad

>no its not pasta don't @me
this isnt discord, nigger faggot

RTS? More like real time snoozefest. Only Yea Forumsiggers would like Red Alert unironically. Only the third one was any good. Age of Empires is even worse.

I think there need to be more non-stereotypical gays and minorities in games. Fuck trannies, though.

I thought old Kratos was an edgy shit and that nothing of value was lost in nuGoW, even strictly gameplay-speaking

I think 60+fps is a meme for the most part, though I do think framepacing is very important

DA:Inquisition was my favorite DA and the only one I was able to finish

I think DLC, live services, etc. are all cancer, however, I think the solution is to increase the standard retail price for new games to, at the very least, keep pace with inflation. Furthermore, I think market consolidation i.e. vertical integration, console exclusives, would also help.

While I don't think FFXIII was a good game by any means, I think people fixating on idiotic shit like linearity had a lot to do with FFXV ending up being shit. Also even though my favorite FF is IX(which is infamous for having the slowest battle system), I don't really give a shit about turn-based and think it's just another thing that brainlets like to fixate on because they're too stupid to realize what actually makes a good JRPG. In other words, I think Square's problem is actually listening too much to fans, which is the opposite of prevailing opinion.

Those are the spiciest ones I can think of off the top of my head, will update with more if I think of any.

Oh, and also:
I had no problem with ME3's ending even before the extended cut DLC

Awakening was good

i play basketball video games

I like bad games.

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dragon's dogma is a horrible game

Despite everything, I really enjoyed ffxv

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I love movie games. Telltale, Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, all that shit.

I agree, the first half of the game makes up for the shitty second half.

Jrpgs fucking suck ASS most of them are padded trash and no because they put a big tiddie anime girl in the game does not make it a 8/10.

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This right here

that's a fact, not an opinion

/vg/ has made this board obsolete.
The Vita is one of the best game systems to come out in the past 3 generations.
The Switch is the only console that delivered on what was promised of it, and as such is the only console worth buying. That said, it still sucks.
The Wii U's biggest flaw is not having fucking optical audio output. I have to use an audio splitter to plug this bitch into a speaker? WHAT? Both the PS3 and 360 have this. The fuck.

As much as I love that game, hell naw.
I like this, but I don't agree with it.

Nintendo died with the Gamecube.

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YIIK doesn't deserve the amount of hate it gets here. Its not a very good game but its not Hunt Down the Freeman bad

but it is though
>more weapons than FO1
>more locations than FO1
>Better written than FO3&4
>better overal plot than Fallout New Vegas fight me vegas fags

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Even if the majority of the characters you get outraged about had any depth, them changing in sequels doesn't retroactively make them worse.

MK11 is good


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I'm a female and I want Geno to make a comeback because he's cute. :( Same with Mallow.

Erika > Mia

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Dragon's dogma is shit and it is

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>Too bad it then peaked at 3, and then just copy pasted 4.
Except 4 was great fun
like Prototype but not edgy.

Unattractive female characters are okay.

long way of saying you take it in the ass

I think people that post gay furry images in shitposting/bait/pol/etc threads are based.

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Both of these are right

VtmB sucks


Fallout 4 was a lot of fun.

>Dragon's Dogma is shi-

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bara > traps

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A game doesn't have to be fun to be among the best.

Post OP F to M vaginas get wet, and lead to cumming. The image posted on Yea Forums about this disgusting post OP vagina outlines in the post that it was specifically done by a top surgeon (Breasts and face) and wasn't qualified to do the surgery, it's propaganda.

The 40% suicidality statistic is outdated, and in recent studies when test subjects that had family that didn't accept them, and friends that didn't accept them were compared to other trans individuals with supportive family the statistics were completely different and incomparable.
The trans individuals with supportive family and friends had a suicide percentile that was lower than the average country's suicide rate, and in recent studies unsupportive friends and family were shown to directly bolster the percentage but never reached the 40% mark in three separate recent studies done in the past 5 years.

/pol/ propaganda is ruining video games and Yea Forums, I'm not trans myself but I'm sick of people turning into sociopaths with little "evidence", you should all be ashamed for this obsession over mentally ill individuals.

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Zelda Skyward Sword is a good game and it has the best combat.

>those slow as fuck swings and shitty floaty jump
even old GOW is better nigga

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Sources? Not being a dick, genuinely interested

Chinese games will overtake American and European games on Steam measured in player count within the next four years because they are better and have much less political constraints on creativity.

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I like the dice roll system of combat morrowind has and wish more games used it

It's okay when FromSoft does it

there's literally nothing wrong with trans people and most of you hate them because you've been told to by alt-right YouTubers you follow

skyrim was a 9/10 game, the goty 2011, and better than oblivion in literally every way

nice false info discord tranny
kill yourself sooner

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I think Final Fantasy XV is pretty great.

>the goty 2011
You called?

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Traps are gay

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DS and DD both are slow as shit and garbage combat system but DS gets carried by the setting and lore DD doesnt have that luxury

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damn I thought DS was earlier than that.
okay, skyrim was 2nd best that year. And I still think it was better than oblivion.

Sonic Lost World is a really great game.

Runescape 3 is just as fun as OSRS but for different reasons.

Although world of warcraft has changed since it first came out, the expansions are still good and they have implemented many mechanics that have improved the game vastly from when it first came out.

Sticker star was fun.


When will gookmoot give us the /vpol/ and /tvpol/ boards we need to save Yea Forums?

I genuinely enjoyed Skyrim when it came out.
With or without mods.

Nah, never hated them nor fully accepted them—and I don’t need a YouTuber to explain why. I think there are genuine people with issues, but trans community need to understand that there is crazy people in every demographic and it needs to be called out from their own side. Otherwise how do you tell apart psychos from the rest?

The NES sucks.

I can appreciate it for what it did for Nintendo and for gaming as a medium, but with very few exceptions, most of its games have aged like shit.

Healthcare and medicine arent a right. You dont have the right to force doctors to give you medi c al care just because you are too lazy to get a real job. Socialized medicine is slavery.

loli fans are pedophiles, but the age of consent should be 14.

Except they're disgusting freaks who mutilate their body. I didn't need racist friends to tell me that's fucked up

Linear Mario >>>> sandbox Mario

>Wanting others to fail is a shitty attitude to have.
>The Epic Games Store doesn't matter. It's neither anti-consumer, anti-choice or whatever arguments we're repeating. If it's a bad business model or a bad service it'll fail. If it's not it'll succeed and gain an equilibrium with steam. Neither outcome is worth brandishing the torch and pitchforks.
>Now that I have an income piracy is morally wrong and not justifiable, but in the grand scheme of things also not a big deal so I'm not gonna begrudge others for it.
>There's nothing wrong with representation. Give me all the gay, black, female, transgendered, historically inaccurate characters you want as long as the game is fun.
>The culture war or whatever against the SJW boogeyman is dumb in general. It's just /pol/ manipulating you through outrage and I wish you'd stop falling for it.

Anger is addictive. It feels fucking good to get angry, but you have to finding newer, increasingly petty sources to keep fueling that anger until eventually you're just an empty shell. I finally took a step back from it all a few years ago and I've felt amazing ever since.

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Got one to insta-trigger, epic win!

My man

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>they are better and have much less political constraints on creativity.
best fucking joke I've heard all day

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Super Mario Odyssey was an okay Mario game. The game play and how Mario controls is the best it's ever been, but the worlds aren't memorable.

You only like Mortal Kombat, but you hate the violence? Why not just play Injustice?

Global warming is a lbullshit lie. For every species that goes extinct another just evolves. Pic related, there is a shitload of fish and global warming alarmists expect me to believe the ocean getting hot will kill them

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Skyrim is definitely better than Oblivion, but Oblivion had better side quests.

Persona 5 is one of the worst JRPGS I've played in the past 10 years.

Sonic 06 is still the best Sonic game I've played to date. Come at me.

Suicide and rejection

M to F vaginas being able to feel pleasure and ejaculate


>kirby dream team

Not a joke. Truth.

You guys are trying too hard.

Most games have aged like shit. On every platform. I think the 16-bit gen did a good job of iterating on the 2D game mechanics (for example, Super Castlevania, Contra 3, etc.) but NES still has an awful lot of great games.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with LGBTQ people and the constant hatred they get in this echo chamber is the worst thing I've seen on this board since I started browsing back in 2006. You're all broken and disgusting people. I just want to talk about video games.

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Diversity is good and the retarded /pol/cucks that pretend it's some horrible thing are retarded in most cases

>there is a shitload of fish
No there's not. The numbers have been steadily declining since the 70's. You conservacucks aren't doing a very good job at dispelling the myth of being anti-logic.

Anything even remotely fun or interesting about Morrowind is almost completely disconnected from the experience of actually playing the game, which is a tedious repetitive slog.
To a lesser extent the same is true of Deus Ex.

Metroid was never a good game.

>thinking women can ejaculate
that was your first mistake you fucking freak

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Reddit is way better than this shithole

i dont like saying the n word

Early access games tend to be more interesting than more professionally made vidya despite their numerous flaws.

Kill yourself, fag enabler. Transgender bullshit is a mental illness and fags can only reproduce by touching kids

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Off to bed, zoomer. The adults are talking.

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All of the Pokemon game are good

FE 13 and 14 are great

>garbage combat
Stop posting anytime

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Sword/disney animation fags are obnoxious. Westerners simply couldn't design good platformers in the 90's

Nintendo shitcube

Way to out yourself as a virgin.

/pol/ is the worst thing to ever happen to Yea Forums in general and Yea Forums in particular

Nintendo games are nothing special at all. They're polished, but shallow.
Zelda is a terrible franchise and it baffles me how much people enjoy it and how many clones have been made recently.
I actually enjoy indie games more than most AAA shit.
Dark Souls 1 is the worst of the franchise. Still a great game, but DeS and the sequels did everything better.

I think Yea Forums should discuss video games. Obvious bait threads like "what are some games that _____" should be an instant ban.

Please just fucking discuss vidya

League of Legendas is a pretty buen juego

I like Guild Wars 2.

You don't have to like reddit's opinion to understand and know that devs are listening to them and consider them their audience

Is bad at games.

Kinect wasn't a half bad idea. Sucks that they shit the bed so hard, there could've been something far more interesting than what was given on the base level. Also, remember when Microsoft dramatized Kinect being used in schools and medical hospitals?

Bullshit. I see fish literally everywhere. All thay global warming crap is a bullshit lie made up to raise taxes and grant the UN sovereignty over the globe using a Gaia cult. Endowments for science are basically bribes and most scientists are cuc.ks

Most trans individuals adopt, which is better for society than bringing in another mouth when there are hungry children.

I don't think Xbox gets shit on enough around here.

As far as I can tell, every console has redeeming factors. PC has its graphics, unique genres, and appeals to those who like to tinker. Switch has its portability, great games for local play, and a varied first-party lineup. PS4 has the cinematic third-person action-adventure genre down to a science, and boasts excellent third-party support.

I don't necessarily own/like all of these consoles personally, but I can see why other people would. But I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone would look at the four options and choose to go with Xbox.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 are legitimately terrible. Get some taste.

Nigger's are not that bad, but it's the women trying to start the shit between us

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Read this part.
>I'm not trans myself but I'm sick of people turning into sociopaths with little "evidence", you should all be ashamed for this obsession over mentally ill individuals.

I'm proving your point, but I really don't like you. Fuck off.

the Kinect was actually really cheap for what it offered (was Microsoft selling it at cost?). It sucked for games but was a pretty damn good tool for hobbyists and the like.

The reason you go with Xbox is because it's the best.

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>getting pee'd on is ejaculation
i can see it now freaks peeing through their axe wound calling it ejaculation

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Fanservice is garbage and is the reason most of Yea Forums likes Japanese games

DLC/micro transactions are fine for the most part because it’s the only reason $60 price for new games hasn’t gone up for 15 years

MD's level design was all over the place and had obnoxious enemy placement. the apples were far more useful than the sword and i didn't come close to running out of them until the final level. the jafar fight was really lame too. while the snes version is above average, the md version is borderline bad.

I'm a massive Nintendofag, but Travis Strikes Again was ass.

FFXIII is good

Thanks for the sources.
I have a thought though that perhaps the results may be different if it were studied in America, rather than Thailand. Having lived in Thailand, it was natural to see trans people, and in most cases—from what I’ve seen personally—they were more accepted that trans people there; which supports your claim.
But also, suicide rates are much higher in 1st world countries as well, so there are some variables to this study. Again, not trying to discredit, i enjoy to learn more.

Phone posting is OK

Naughty Dog is just rated

>unpopular opinions thread

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>He actually thinks girls squirting is ejaculation

Sonic 3D blast is a good Sonic game.


No one should let mentally ill people such as faggots and trans adopt kids they will inevitably molest. Most gay people were molested themselves and will molest kids into their sick lifestyle

This but unironically.

Embarrassing, don't they have sex ed in the deep south?

I don't think race matters.

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>Disagree. Some of them can be shallow, but Nintendo's focus is fun, not depth.
>Zelda does a good job of mixing puzzles with exploration and combat. Again, not super deep but fun regardless
>Agreed, AAA just does the same shit over and over (RDR2)
>Haven't played the others but Dark Souls was underwhelming

VR enhances every single game

Top tier tastes

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Brawl is the best Smash game

Humans should be banned to be game characters.

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Fire Emblem as a whole is a solid franchise. Even the 3DS games which have less creative map design are still fun to play. It was a good move to make supports more central to the game. There is nothing wrong with having attractive "waifu" characters.

we're not in Yea Forums

if its not pee how can you tell? and im not watching a video of a axe wound "ejaculating"

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final fantasy vii is shit after you leave midgar

thanks for proving me right.



According to the American Psychological Association, children are not more likely to be molested by LGBT parents or their LGBT friends or acquaintances. Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.
TLDR; Sorry kid, you were really easily brainwashed by /pol/. Try taking some community collage classes.

I wasn’t disagreeing with you

I don't know how this isn't a popular opinion

Fat shaming works and we need to bring it back

kill yourself

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Gamergate was legitimately a lefty libertarian movement fighting for ethics in game journalism until the moderates fucked off, leaving the rabid culture warriors behind.

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EDF is a shitty series.

A long-term follow-up study of 55 transsexual patients (32 male-to-female and 23 female-to-male) post-sex reassignment surgery (SRS) was carried out to evaluate sexual and general health outcome. Relatively few and minor morbidities were observed in our group of patients, and they were mostly reversible with appropriate treatment. A trend toward more general health problems in male-to-females was seen, possibly explained by older age and smoking habits. Although all male-to-females, treated with estrogens continuously, had total testosterone levels within the normal female range because of estrogen effects on sex hormone binding globulin, only 32.1% reached normal free testosterone levels. After SRS, the transsexual person's expectations were met at an emotional and social level, but less so at the physical and sexual level even though a large number of transsexuals (80%) reported improvement of their sexuality. The female-to-males masturbated significantly more frequently than the male-to-females, and a trend to more sexual satisfaction, more sexual excitement, and more easily reaching orgasm was seen in the female-to-male group. The majority of participants reported a change in orgasmic feeling, toward more powerful and shorter for female-to-males and more intense, smoother, and longer in male-to-females. Over two-thirds of male-to-females reported the secretion of a vaginal fluid during sexual excitation, originating from the Cowper's glands, left in place during surgery. In female-to-males with erection prosthesis, sexual expectations were more realized (compared to those without), but pain during intercourse was more often reported.

Kojima is a hack.

Lol, I thought you were calling me an npc. Which is a pretty typical response from those who give a shit about race.

I'm black

(((APA))) Fuck off woth that liberal bullshit. Psychology is basically voodoo and being a faggot is a mental.illness. Want proof? There is no such thing as a normal gay person. They all have neuroses and insane emotional problems. I fond it interesting the prevalence rate for homos and schizophrenia are both 2% and there is a high degree of comorbidity with personality disorders and anxiety.
Take your bullshit to plebbit, Yea Forums is a conservative christian site

The majority of those are better played on a PC, are mediocre compared to exclusives from other choices, or both. And Crackdown 3? Really?

I genuinely believe that there's so few Xbox owners on Yea Forums because the average Xbox owner is a turbo-normie who bought the thing for cheap FIFA/Fortnite and have never heard of any Yea Forums boards besides Yea Forums.

Yea Forums should be holding Xbox owners in the same regard that they hold mobile and facebook "gamers".

Dubs are usually bad and so are remakes, and the people arguing these points have much more detailed criticisms than "GRORIOUS NIPPON SEIYUU" and "SOUL/SOULESS", despite what most people think.

There's no liquid that comes out you fucking moron, for women it's about vaginal muscles contracting.

I thought Witcher 3 was an incredible game with fantastic writing. Especially Hearts of Stone

>There is no such thing as a normal gay person
Marlon brando is the ultimate normal guy, and is considered an american hero.

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then if its a muscle contracting how can a open wound contract?
that must be painful

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Meh, everyone has issues. I don’t think it’s exclusive for gay people, and it is a bad comparison. I could be wrong, but living in Oregon, the gayest state in the US, I know far more straight people with mental issues or addiction problems compared to gays. Again, not empirical evidence, just my two cents

Most gaming related subreddits are much better than Yea Forums these days

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My girlfriend is trans and I support her.

>Psychology is basically voodoo
>So listen to my voodoo claims instead of theirs

I see a lot of Brandos at pride parades. Face facts:/Your average faggot is a depraved, hedonistic dead ender who will fuck thousands of partners and die from an std because they have a mental illness. Thats why people dont want faggots around their kids

In all seriousness though, good for you two

Console games are shit, no exceptions.

So if the surgery isn't done by literal Top surgeon retards from Thailand, it heals normally and a fake clitoris is created using nerves from the head of a dick.

When stimulated you can bring yourself to orgasm.

Also, just like regular women you can do this infinitely with no recharge time.

*blocks your path*

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Yea Forums is bad because of playstation users and at no other time, either when nintendo or microsoft were at the top, was Yea Forums ever as bad as it is right now

how's the mouthfeel?

i enjoy video games

Getting pussy isn't as hard as some Yea Forumsirgins make it seem

Things haven’t been the same since moot left us ;_;

No one ever gets lynched or even cussed out here ever unless there is an autist involved.

These threads usually have the most banal and petty of attitudes and opinons.

Your waifu is shit.

PC has some of the shittiest platformers out there.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trans people?

Sometimes the dubs are better than the Japanese audio.

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I agree. I work a lot so I don’t have time to git gud so I watched people do walkthroughs of the soulsborne games so I wouldn’t waste my money.

BotW is a deeply enjoyable game with groundbreaking physics.
It is truly THAT good.

Cuz no gf/bf

You're moving the goalpost, I think you need to accept the fact that focusing on LGBT aspects isn't what is actually causing the degeneracy. It's the fact that it's seen as illicit and rebellious from the norm. Straight leftist women are also filled with tattoos and shaved heads, and it's not because of LGBT, it's because of the culture of "fighting back" against their parents and doing shit that they hate.

Want to actually make a difference? Enforce values and ethics that lead to men like Marlon Brando, like culture, manhood, suaveness, and class popularized and rebellious.

so your saying its normal if it looks "passing" and their is neo vaginas that dont have to be dilated?

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The Last of Us is a fantastic game with really good gameplay, the shooting feels very cathartic, I understand it when people call Uncharted a movie game, but TLoU is far better than that.

> girlfriend
Nope. She will never be a real woman and you are a faggot. People laugh at you.

I fucking love Borderlands 2

It's not normal, just like how depressed individuals are not normal with disgusting rooms and bodies that haven't showered in weeks.

The answer to both issues is to treat them like members of society and make them work hard, earn their place, and respect them just as you should respect other mentally ill individuals with anxiety, depression, ect.

Ermac>Sub Zero

Crackdown 3 has a fantastic open world sandbox.

moot was a fun guy, but he basically did jack-shit during his last 5-6 years here. I'm older than him and can't leave, it fucking sucks, I hate this place and what it became and how the few good old anons are scattered and cannot be contacted in any way

Donkey Kong 64 and Pokemon Gen 1 are some of the worst games ever programmed.

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Every video game console is great, but all the games people and the media recommend to you suck, so you think those video game consoles are bad.

Breath of the Wild isn't a real Zelda game.

>dodging the question i asked about the axe wound
now i know you are full of SHIT

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No one, without nostalgia, likes DK64.

I think niggers and fags are alright.

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The average LGBT person is more socially tolerable than the average Yea Forums or /pol/ poster

There is no reason tontreat gays and trans people as normal. They should be bullied until they act like everyone else because pretending they arent mentally ill weakens society. One way or the other we are better off without them. I legit love the sky high suicide rate and wish it was higher to cut down on the number of freaks

>I find it interesting the prevalence rate for homos and schizophrenia are both 2%
12% of Americans are black. 12% of Americans live in California. Therefore all blacks live in California.

I literally dropped the game back then after the first disc. Starts strong but then it become just another FF game.

Wii U is better than Switch.

Ditto. Strange to think I’ve been browsing for like, 8-9 years now, but it’s definitely been hitting the shitter hard. Back then Yea Forums was just Yea Forums2.0, now it’s just a mesh of ads, kids and /pol/.
At least how it feels to me

KH3 is a great game

But that's why Yea Forums would flip. It's full of nostalgiafags.

You bugged me a bit.
By the "worst games ever programmed" i understood as the buggiest games due you including Code executionmon Z80 version on the list.
But DK64 is not THAT buggy, it is?

Let's not get too carried away.


Video games ARE art. Not just their models or music or cinematics: the game as a whole is a single work of art and anyone who tries to claim otherwise has simply not put any thought into it.

Wario Land 4 is not that good, 2 is the best in the series.
I don't like Yoshi's Island, but I really like Yoshi's Story. I acknowledge its mostly nostalgia, but I still think the game looks amazing.
Halo CE's reusing of levels was not at all egregious except for parts of Assault on the Control Room, for the rest I found it really fun and clever.
MGS2's level design just isn't fun, Dead Cell is a shit group of characters, and the game only really gets good at Arsenal Gear.
The train chapter of Thousand Year Door is shit, and Glitz Pit is amazing the first time but kind of sucks to replay.
Banjo Tooie is kind of bad.
>Mario 2 is better than Lost Levels
Totally agree and SMB2 is my favorite of the 2d Marios.
I also love SM Land and think everyone who whines about the physics being different is a pussy.
I agree about World. I also found the level design pretty unmemorable, the only things I remember from the game are the ghost house and the last boss.
I eventually came to love BB, but it took a long time for me to get over it looking like gray blobby shit and start enjoying it.

Dragon Age 2 had some good stuff and interesting ideas and the overt edginess of the plot and characters was charming

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I like DK64, replayed it on Wii U and got every colored banana and every ohhh banana

nintendo is garbage

I was kinda vague because they're bad for different reasons. Red and Blue are buggy pieces of shit, meanwhile DK64 is just a piece of shit altogether.

I like videogames

Skyrim is pretty good.

Donkey Kong Country is boring compared to other platform games of the time, with rare fun moments with minecart rails.

Dark Souls difficulty is half from its buggy mess and the other half from getting bored and attacking too soon. The combat is just in the way of its far better features of cool atmosphere and world building and is the games weakest part.

Batman AA ruined 3D beatem ups as everything copies its dull ass style when more should work on making a way to get old school 2D beatem up actio into 3D.

The WiiU was the closest thing to a real console we'll ever see again in a world of rebranded PCs and tablets and had more good games than its competitors despite having a shit tiny selection.

The N64 was a fucking tech mess pile of ass even Sega would have been embarrassed by saved only by the power of very skilled devs.

Fallout games are boring as fuck, yes all of them.

Sonic 3D Blast was a crap version of Snake Rattle N Roll and was the beginning of the end for good Sonic titles long before real 3D was a problem.

FF7 took a generic anime plot type and told it well and is better than the largely useless cast of FF9, which falls off much harder in the second act.

Mario 64 is not as good as people remember and plays like you are in sludge. The painting world hub was awesome though.

SNES games were mostly just bigger versions of their more original NES counterparts. (still a good system and games tho)

Ugly ass early 3D was better in some ways, at least you could tell what was going on as the action wasn't under 8 layers of bloom and particles.

Nintendo has made as many stupid decisions and often the same ones as Sega but lived due to shady sales tactics and the goodwill from Konami and Capcom games being thought of as Nintendo games and Miyamoto's adorableness.

Also This. I liked the levels and style better, but it is rough not having the save feature of the later games.

2 > 3 > 1

Come on, collecting over 500 objects per level is not an horrible idea at all.

FFXV is the best FF since IX.
KH3 is a solid action RPG.
MGSV is the best stealth game ever made.
Bioshock Infinite is legitimately more fun to play than both of its predecessors.

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You need to be 18+ to post here.

trans people are people

the minecart levels are the worst part of any DKC game


Fallout 4 was okay with its DLCs

You're right, I must've been a fetus when I was playing FF9.

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playstation games are actually really good

>SNES games were mostly just bigger versions of their more original NES counterparts. (still a good system and games tho)
Most people don't notice that because most of the popular snes styles were japan only titles in the NES, specially the JRPG stuff.


Every zelda game is really overrated hot garbage

I liked Automatron quite a bit, and I'd be super into a open world exploreathon with customizable battle robots as a central feature.

Why did you play every game in a series that you don't like?

See, I never hear anyone saying that they AREN’T people. Just disagreement of biology and perception I suppose.

It's okay to use QOL mods on your first playthrough of a game.

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Female characters don't need to be fap material

I'll give you the overrated part but almost all of them are pretty good

God, I wish that was me.

No, but let me ask you, would you rather play as a fuck-ugly dude/chick, or an attractive one?

It mostly pertains to treating them with common human decency. People don't argue that they are not people, they just treat them like they arn't.
I was just being succinct.

>Bioshock Infinite is legitimately more fun to play than both of its predecessors.
This one is too much, I don't hate Infinite like/v/ does, but it's gameplay is complete brain-dead, Bioshock 1 is far better and Bioshcok 2 is on a completely another level

Depends on the game.

At least they were different, but hey I liked the Battletoads turbo tunnel. Game was boring as fuck compared to the power ups and level designs of things like Mario, Megaman, or Castlevania, etc.

Mario 3 vs World, Megaman, Metroid, Castlevania fall into this as well. They are wonderful games, but they were just bigger versions of things that were original ideas before. Would still play the shit out of them all over again.

who dis

Here's an opinion for you!

3D Asian girls > 2D girls > 3D everything else

Dragon's Dogma sucks
All the Souls games are great, there are no "bad" ones
Mortal Kombat is vulgar garbage
There's nothing wrong with being a (modest) fan of a particular platform or company
MGS V is a good game

Most of you need to see a therapist

rip thread

>3D above any thing
based ironic weeb

>there are no "bad" ones
You seem to have forgotten that Dark Souls got two sequels.

Haven't played BS2 in a long time but BS1 is very slow. And neither of them can match the ability to leap on enemy from a skyrail 100 feet in the air.

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Yea Forums was better off when it was just Yea Forums 2.0, instead of the political shitshow it is now. It was a mistake to take dubs from Yea Forums.

>Batman AA ruined 3D beatem ups as everything copies its dull ass style when more should work on making a way to get old school 2D beatem up actio into 3D.
That's such a bitter pill to swallow but I think it's true.

I'm not a weeb at all, though. Asian girls are just pretty. Even western 2D is often better than 3D. Don't act like you wouldn't Elastagirl.

Kirby games are boring and are the same shit with a different pain job. The posters that say poyo and borb are the worst

Starfox doesn't have a place in gaming outside being of being a relic of yesteryear. If you brought back Starfox again, there would be virtually nothing unique to offer game play wise.

These are some fucking HOT takes. It's okay tho, I see where you're coming from.

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 was an okay game with a good story marred by gameplay that was agonizingly slow to slog through because of terrible sidequest design and extremely tedious and long grinds. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 competes with it for the better Xenoblade solely because of how much goddamn QoL was introduced. Having never played X, I don't know how much QoL can be attributed to that game, and I don't make any statements on the single best game because I haven't experienced all of them.


>Asian girls are just pretty.

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Oh yea it hurts. Could imagine if we got a 3D Turtles in Time. Or if a beatemup could feel like the bridge scene in Thor Ragnarok instead of a QTE series.

Depends on the game.


are you one of those anons that say Asian girls are cute but always settle for some SEA monkey?

They are. I want to squish their chubby cheeks.

>no one has a hot take worthy of more than a few (you)s

Pathetic REmake 1 is soulless

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The Wii U was great, I have no regrets purchasing it day one

This but unironically.

>2-3 years ago I wouldn't have even considered shota
>ftw now

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RE wasn't good to begin with. It was clunky not scary shit.

Best of both worlds.
If I'm in the mood for slender faces they know how to nail the look expertly, if I want to cuddle and pinch their cheeks they can just remove their hair.

I have no regrets, either. I enjoyed what I got. I wouldn't call it great, though.

resi was never meant to be anything other than schlock b-horror. you got spooked by the doggos and maybe mary but that was it. .


this is a popular opinion retard

Not on Yea Forumseddit. Anything that isn't New Vegas is never discussed.

The MMO "trinity" that all the recent MMOs want to do away with is one of the best parts of the genera and is paramount for player interaction. The only way it should be done away with is by making it a quadity.

Trap shotas offer the best of both worlds.

Thank God, i love these threads. I can vent out what my little heart feels.

>Batman combat is fundamentally great, it just hasn't delivered it's full potential
>Spider-Man is the best PS4 exclusive; Bloodborne is pure gameplay, but i prefer Spidey's, despite of it's flaws like those shitty Miles/MJ missions; haven't played any GoW game or TLOU
>Uncharted games are decent
>turn based JRPG's suck ass, specially Chrono Trigger, God i hate that game
>Nintendo games are boring and unappealing, i mean, they are good for casual fun, but nothing to lose my shit for
>Nintendo Yea Forums fanbase are annoying shitheads
>Halo is the best FPS franchise ever made, based in my short experience with the genre, Martin o'Donell soundtrack for the trilogy is something else
>i like fighting games, but i don't know what is supposed to make ones better than the others, in other words, i don't know what's wrong with DOA and NRS gameplay and animations, they seem fine to me
>i don't feel like REmake is entirely superior to the original, there's some feeling of unease that is missing
>Pandora Tomorrow > the original > Chaos Theory
>Twin Snakes is better gameplay wise to MGS, but the graphics suck, they don't replicate feel of the original, looks too clean

Elder Scrolls as a whole, MORROWIND INCLUDED, is fucking garbage.

gf is certified Chinese. Let's just say I've already made my deposit to the Epic Games Store for the day.

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i mean it came out 21 years ago senpai

Black guys are good.
Chinks are good.

Bioshock infinite is not that bad of a game. The only things bad about it are the nonsensical final act and that 1 boss battle. Other than that it was fine.

Days Gone unironically looks great.

I fucking love Chrono Cross and Legend of mana

If you're not an idort, nothing you say matters. Period. Owning an Xbox isn't needed though since it's 100% redundant.

>Pandora Tomorrow > the original > Chaos Theory
okay holy fuck, you got me

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Fortnite has a high skill ceiling and pros would wipe the floor with all those fags saying the game is shit and that its easy.

You just have shit taste. I feel bad for you more than anything.

bb is better than gg in every aspect except graphical

Europeans are worse than Americans solely because they're the ones who decide to insult the other first thus derailing threads.

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He may have a point on Twin Snakes. PS1 games had that gritty feel to them from all the texture noise.

I wish /int/ was still good.

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I never said anything about no attractive girls.
I said they don't need to be fap worthy.
To be specific. They don't need huge tits with cleavage, or show more skin than covered up.
That doesn't mean I prefer ugly girls over slutty ones.
It just means I don't throw a fit if they decide to give a girl less ideal proportions and more clothes.

I miss when the EU vs US bickering on here was just "Europoor vs Americlap".

Well, not sure if it'll get me lynched, but a lot of people have had issues with this opinion of mine:

Nioh is not a souls-like, and the people who call it a souls-like haven't played it.

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>huge tits with cleavage
This isn't attractive.

ME3 is good and the ending is fine.

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>Strange to think I’ve been browsing for like, 8-9 years now, but it’s definitely been hitting the shitter hard.

It's been around 8 years for me as well. I remember Yea Forums being way more off-topic around the time I was new here, but the Yea Forums culture stuff from back then was way better than the "CRINGE YIKES INCEL" shit on here now.

The ending should've cut to black when Anderson and Shep were looking at the battle wrap up.

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not sure if this is still true but kreia was a shitty character and there's literally nothing deep about kotor 2


Sekiro is mediocre for a FromSoftware game

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What's weird is that I don't remember Yea Forums being like this until about a year or two ago. I remember when the things that Yea Forums was outraged about were cartoon horses and cancerous Reddit comics.


Filtered by Chained Ogre.

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Have sex, incel.




Gamergate/anti-tropes vs women ruined Yea Forums and welcomed /pol/fags and reddit. nu-Yea Forums is obsessed with making everything "political" when all it does is have a minority. They praise anything if it's against their boogeyman of the week if a "video game culture" board was made it would fix Yea Forums

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Sure, if Down syndrome arouses you.

Was he right?

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They're both shit

hears a good one
EAfront has improved considerably since EA backed off after the scandal, and its worth playing in the current year

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apathy is death faggot

Sports games (or at least football games, real football, not American one) has better gameplay than a lot of revered japanese games.

I like gay characters in video games and want more of them.

Open-world games are always garbage without exception.

Why does she have a beard?

>I like Big Bang Theory (that will get me lynched anywhere)
>I genuinely enjoy video games
>I thought Horizon: Zero Dawn was GotY
>Console gaming is just as good as PC gaming, and PC gaming is just as good as console gaming
>everyone is entitled to their own opinion
>i thought Sekiro's combat was mediocre, and is inferior to Bloodborne
>kids' games can actually be really fun


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Mega Lopunny > Roserade > Lopunny > everything else

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Platinum has never made a good game, and "Character Action Games" in general are the same kind of mastubatory button-mashing kusoge as Dynasty Warriors
>The Fourth generation of Pokemon was the worst one, the fifth was the most mediocre, the 3DS games have been a vast improvement
Soulsborne games are mediocrity defined and the challenge factor is used by their fans as a bludgeon to deflect valid criticism regardless of the proficiency of the critic
>Doom 4 was pretty good, actually, and better than Doom 3 in many ways, even if it doesn't meet the high bar of the originals
Kingdom Hearts is played exclusively by faggots and fujoshis
>The best "3D" Sonic game was 3D Blast for Genesis
Earthbound isn't a very good game and is a lot closer to what we think of as a "walking simulator" than an actual RPG with combat being mostly meaningless
>The only genuinely good Final Fantasy games are spinoffs
Same with Dragon Quest
>Sony's games have been bullshit ever since they let go of Crash and Spyro
The N64 was better than the Gamecube, so was the Wii
>The PS1 was better than the PS2, PS3 and 4 are ass
Halo is painfully mediocre in every respect
>WoW was never good and neither was any of the themepark garbage it spawned
For that matter Blizzard's games have all been kind of meh, the best thing they ever made was mod tools
>NRS games have been consistently better than Capcom fighters for quite a while now and Yea Forums simply can't admit this because of weeaboo pride and muh waifus

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Grand Theft Auto is a fantastic series and you can't convince me of the contrary.

male Kirlia > everything else

>complains about button mashy action games
>>Doom 4 was pretty good, actually

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the vidya
>sonic>mario without exception
>fallout nv is mediocre
>doom 2 is easily the worst doom
>vr becoming standard is inevitable and good
>mortal kombat has always been shit
>home consoles were a mistake
>half life is ok. not great, not shit, but ok.
>leveling is a shit mechanic
>all devs shoud be forced by law to do public playtesting and quality checks.
>sports games are awful

the not vidya because thats what you really wanted op
>"i don't play video games lmao xdddd" posters should be permabanned
>moot was an air thief and i wish he an hero'd when he hit 18
>hypergamy and multiculturalism is going to cause the end of civilization
>Yea Forums, /gif/, /r/, Yea Forums, /r9k/, /cm/, /hm/, /lgbt/, /y/, Yea Forums, /hc/, /mlp/, /pol/, /soc/, Yea Forums, /wsr/ and /x/ should be deleted
>old /g/ (guro) should be reinstated
>hiroshima should do more to stop shitposting instead of sitting on his lazy fucking ass and cramming more malware into the site
>gamera 3 was mediocre
lynch me please

Mass Effect 2 is good

>Kingdom Hearts is played exclusively by faggots and fujoshis
I mean, this one's just a fact.

Shut the fuck up, see attached circle jerk as evidence

Fortnite with the boys is fun as hell, and they've done a great job pumping it with content so it stays fresh

Just off top of my head:
>Soulsborne games are shit.
>Final Fantasy XIII is not that bad.
>Whoever gets in Smash doesn't matter
>Both Sony and Nintendo make good games and deserve the attention they get.
>DLC is not always bad
>Piracy is wrong
>Old Yea Forums wasn't much better
>Videogames are fun

>they've done a great job pumping it with content so it stays fresh
That's because Epic's employees are working 100 hour weeks.

>sonic>mario without exception
t. furfag

resident evil 4 is garbage , from classic zombies to "pseudo" mind controlled ombies is such let down , this game just got popular thanks to fucking americans and i need action always

Considering the terrible quality of most posts and all the oversaturated buzzwords as of late, there's no reason for him to have been wrong.

Your point? These are computer scientists, they have career mobility

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>has in depth opinions on pokemon gens
>thinking he matters

At this point, I miss the times when Yea Forums revolved around retarded Yea Forums shit like "19.95 plus tip" and Jimmies.

you wish


I think that's pretty much the majority opinion on Yea Forums, just much more concisely worded. Everyone here always shits on the overdoing of the Bamham formula and copypasting its gameplay into every big franchise game.

The only thing i will disagree with you is on deleting boards.
Deleting boards don't delete users, only make em move to other boards such as this one.
Also banning users is not very useful when many can just kick the modem and get back asap.
What really, really work is deleting threads, because you see, many posters are multifaceted bitches that shitpost horribly on a thread while making good posts on another thread, and when you delete the thread where he shitpost, he's forced to do more good posts.

That said, there are quite a few lot of threads that should be deleted.


Sonic was never good. I think Bubsy is cooler than him, his lame cat puns are amusing. Meanwhile, the biggest problem i have with Sonic is that i don't feel the speed his games are supposed to be convey, at least based in my experience with the first game. I mean, it's decent, but i don't get why he got so famous, i guess there was nothing else besides Mario at the time. Also, the level, music and character design go from weird to horrible, they scream "developmental disorder".

My main mascots at the time were Crash, then Donkey Kong, then Mario.

>Dark Souls difficulty is half from its buggy mess and the other half from getting bored and attacking too soon. The combat is just in the way of its far better features of cool atmosphere and world building and is the games weakest part.

Fucking thank you. The programming and animation quality in the Souls series is so piss poor yet everyone just pretends they're not there and just tells you to git gud even if you're criticising the shitty animations and visual glitches. Why do you think they receive a gorrillian patches? The only reason this From series isn't forgotten like all of their other series was that it came out at the perfect time when peak bitching about video game difficulty was rampant.

man of taste

Being a furfag (or furnigger as I like to call them)

Lmao. This is documented behavior among the indigenous populations of America. Fish population decreases, the new generation of fisherman swear the seas are as swarming as ever because they have no point of reference. Time goes on, and people forget. The rivers of the US used to have more salmon than water. But keep living in denial. I want you to know that your attitude has directly contributed to the planet's destruction.

>Sonic was never goo-

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>Costanza posts
>Plus tip
>Sanic was new
>Galo sengen
>Everyone making Launchpad the best sidekick in gaming
>End of rine
2011 was the last genuinely good year for Yea Forums, funny to think it was almost a decade ago. You never know what you have until it's gone

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Wasn't Reddit a big thing before the 2012 election? I remember Yea Forums getting mad about Reddit before then.

>Batman AA ruined 3D beatem ups as everything copies its dull ass style when more should work on making a way to get old school 2D beatem up action into 3D.

But those sucked. It's all pushing the attack button to see the only three animations the character has during the entire game with very little variation until everything dies, speaking of dull.

In Bamham, at the very least the combat is pretty to look at.

OK, you motherfuckers are legit fucking stupid about SMW. like I'm not even triggered or anything but just wow. Like quit. Life.

Holy shit I'm not even fucking mad. You two are just faggots. NSMB is fucking based off how SMW played? Each game is great but not liking SMW or 3 for that matter.

Fuck you I'm not angry.

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OK, i admit, that looks fun. I have not a developed opinion on 3D games, but i heard they suck.

play 3&k and mania a few times. 2d sonic has a wild learning curve, but it's unparalleled once you understand how to use the terrain to gain momentum and speed.

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I think Smashfags are the worst fanbase in existence

>2011 was the last genuinely good year for Yea Forums

That was the time I got here. I think 2012 was fun as well, back when everyone on Yea Forums laughed at DmC and ME3.

Digg was bigger than reddit until around 2011 or so.

True, almost forgot about Donte, good times

Everyone that likes anything but melee is braindead, you're right

>laughing about my most soul crushing game announcement

This, i fucking hate how they spam the board with roster shit, i bet they have more fun with speculating DLC than playing the fucking games.

I'm a newfag from 2011, so I remember everyone on Yea Forums shitposting like "LE REDDIT MEMES XDDD LE MONKEY FACE" when I was new here.

I like DMC as well, but DmC is fun to make fun of.


2011 was when reddit became pretty big. Like I said, before that it was Digg.

We were laughing AT it back in the day, it was a dark time for a dmc fan but laughing at it made the pain go away a bit

Will Yea Forums ever be good again, Yea Forumsros?

I couldn't even bring myself to laugh. At the time it was announced it felt like it was basically a sealed deal that DMC5 would never happen.

No, it was only good for a short time around 2006, before casuals were accepted and open here. Culture has been garbage since, rife with memes and stupid shit.

It's dead, Jim.