Defend this things existence

... I'll wait

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Other urls found in this thread:

They eat mosquitoes, you don't want the world over run with mosquitoes do you?

just walk nigga lmao

Like, story-wise?

It makes interactions with zombies and other enemies a lot more tense. The only time I worried about Mr. X was if I walked into a room with a licker and heard his footsteps.

They're fucking bullshit. Playing Leon's second campaign and there's no lickers at all.
Then 4 hours later I'm getting chased by Mr n and I run into 5 of them that randomly start spawning
Its fucking horse shit

Oh, that.

Aren't they random spawned?

They're cute. When they notice you and slowly start walking towards you, it's fucking adorable. There's also no point in the game where you need to kill one if you know what you're doing.

Attached: Claire.png (1920x1080, 678K)


Beats me. It's irritating how there's almost no counter okay for them. At least Clair has the flame grenades...

Tense for you
To me it's unfair and annoying

All I can ever do is just shotgun them over and over.

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Wow, lewd as hell.

It put you in a situation where you have decide if you want to run away to avoid zomebies/mr X or walk to avoid triggering the lickers
either way just knife them, they caught in the a stun loop and can't fight back

why the heck did they get rid of the evolved lickers in the remake
I feel like nobody has even pointed this out since the game came out

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No, people have. Same with the moths, crows, and original Ivys.

I don't know whether I'm happy or sad that they got rid of the crows

I think they would have just been awful to deal with using the third person camera. The moths, spiders, evolved Lickers and Original Ivys on the other hand are inexcusable cuts. If they can fit the alligator, they can fit the spiders.

Attached: lickerrs.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

I think they're just a dumb enemy
My x is annoying too when he won't fuck off

I don't mind the lack of evolved lickers because the remake lickers are pretty dangerous; I never bothered killing any of them during my two playthroughs, just stealth'd around them. And let's be honest: back then they were a downgrade from the Hunters.
I'm indifferent towards the moths and spiders; the G mutants were a far better replacement.
The Ivys were boring back in 1998; at least with the plant zombies you have to burn them on the right spots.
The only enemies I genuinely miss were the naked zombies on the laboratory.

Before you yell "you're just an underaged who knows nothing", I'm a 34 years old who played the original RE2 back when it was released.

Attached: Pepe le Pew.jpg (1920x4356, 2.22M)

They are evolved crimson heads

Attached: Crimson_head.jpg (300x227, 12K)

Just walk by them fuckwit

You should have to slow-walk when you get too close to a licker or else they will hear you. It's crazy that they rely on echolocation to see yet they still can't hear Claire's clomping big boots walking 2 inches away. Because there is slow-walking in this game that muffles your footsteps, and there is no real use for it (there is also slow-running).
You can't even do it with a keyboard, you need an analog stick. They could fix that by just adding a slow-walk button like shift is for sprint, though.

Attached: slowest walk speed.webm (812x638, 3M)

Sony wins again

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If this is yours could you make a .webm of her crawling under that rolling door scene? Asking for a friend btw

retcon, the comics, that predate the remake, clearly show lickers in test tubes in various states of development.

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What a fucking loser, what, did you use the magnum against birkin? Just blow their heads up

Better than hunters from re1 and hunter frogs.


if by Sony you mean PC

Attached: white lace.webm (720x720, 2.98M)

Literally just walk you retard. Not only will they completely ignore you, Mr X is attracted to running too and will come to the room you're in.

what else am I suppose to fap to?

#Not All Lickers

oh boy i am fuckin cumming

they are the sexiest things in the game

Attached: resident-evil-2-remake-licker.jpg (1857x1210, 191K)

>You can't even do it with a keyboard, you need an analog stick. They could fix that by just adding a slow-walk button like shift is for sprint, though.
Why are you blatantly lying? Walking by lickers undected works fine on keyboard you retarded faggot.

Literally just use a knife you retard. I'm not even that good at the game but knife hard counters lickers

damn I didn't know they had those barbs and teeth on their tongues like that

I'm talking about slow-walking, not walking. On keyboard you can only press WASD to walk, or shift+WASD to run. With a stick you can push the stick down 25% and you will walk at very 25% speed etc

Attached: slo walk.webm (600x580, 2.97M)

>getting chased by Mr x
>go into room that didn't have lickers in it previously
>it has lickers now
>walk and get killed by Mr x
>run and get killed by lickers

Is there a mod that has Claire wearing spats only?

is this you

Attached: WOOOOW.webm (960x540, 3M)

It hates niggers

all lickers are basically evolved lickers now, they take a lot of damage and are very agressive
They just didnt swap the color pallete for the ones in the lab

How are they able to climb on walls and shit, without falling? Their claws don't penetrate at all

There is exactly one(1) place in the game where that happens, learn not to go there when being chased by Mr. X. The hallway is even previously foreshadowed to have lickers roaming it.

flash grenades mess them up hard

but yeah i cant never walk past them either even super slow

There's the east corridor and the weapons locker hallway. That's 2 places.
And I don't remember any scratches or other evidence of lickers in the weapons locker hallway, even though fucking 2 of them spawn there

They're not random they're just new. Learn their location and walk. Once you git gud and plan your route you'll very rarely run into X, as you just outrun him.

Licker should attack Mr X and other zombies.
Change my mind.

I just told you the licker did not spawn in that room a single time before then in my play through

they're sexy bois

this to be truthful

Actual useful advice thank you

How the fuck am I supposed to knife a licker when I'm getting followed by Mr x in a room with multiple zombies

No way, they are all products of the T-virus. You might as well say zombies should bite eachother to death

you sound dumb

Are you running into rooms? You need to start walking before you enter rooms or else they'll alert regardless.

Not always safe to do so

They're supposed to be killing machines, not masturbation material. They serve both purposes, so it's a success.

If Mr X is right on your ass chasing you and you have to run away from him into a room with lickers, you already fucked up. You should kill them beforehand; the ones outside the weapons locker spawn in after you fight Birkin G1

Stunlock them with the knife
exploit their inability to move between rooms
Use flash grenades
Use high powered ammo

>hunter frogs.
You mean Hunter Gammas or those shit giant frogs from RE0?
>Don't have your partner with you? Too bad, enjoy your instakill grab
Those things sucked.

Attached: be careful not to make a sou-.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

Sure thing zoomzoom

Good to know that now but why would they spawn half way through the game? That's dumb

>stun lock them with he knife
How would I know to even try that
>use flash grenades
Again, useful info but why would I think to use a flash nade on a fucking blind enemy

based and sportpilled

stop making me horny for lickers Yea Forums

I wish

Attached: Claire G1.jpg (1920x1080, 548K)

They're not called flash grenades like that one user said. Their name has another word.

link to the mod?

Emphasis on bang. It's deafening to the lickers

>" were right."

Attached: leondrink.png (1280x720, 840K)

wrong neighbourhood motherfucker

Attached: raccoon city lickers.png (1130x840, 323K)

This was the lowest point for me.

Chris Redfield threads literally nuked this series.

They spawn to keep the location interesting. As for why they "spawn" at all, there are open windows in the police station, no matter how you use your boards. It's so it seems like the station has become more overrun even in just your short time away. Also that isn't halfway through the game.

Everytime someone tries to design a disgusting creature, everyone's fetishes just get weirder.

ill have to test it.
i know the 3 in the basketball court with the mayors daughter side story notice me right away but i probably always stumble into that gate

God she's too fucking much fcfg

Shut up boco

It really only does if you have unlimited knife and actually know what you're doing. So stop being disingenuous.

What? Not him, but I was using it my first playthrough just fine with zero issues. It stunlocks them and you can kill them with at least a 1/4 of the knife remaining.

A-Are they saying "leon grab my tongue and lets fly off to some nice place" But leon refused?

That's bullshit My first play through I had enough knifes to have always be carrying at least two on me at all times explore more and get grabbed less

Not everyone is still on their first play through

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>spats only
For what purpose?

Attached: IMG_8832.jpg (922x819, 414K)

fuck you doug dimmadome owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome

where the fuck do you guys get sexy mods

a hub, or a nexus of some sort


Attached: now wheres my whip.webm (790x720, 2.97M)

oh, I figured nexus didnt do lewd mods
do you have to log in to see them?

Are those spats? Everyone keeps calling her under-armor spandex shorts and her old spandex t-shirt "spats". Or maybe they only mean the shorts. Still


I've never heard of anyone calling spandex shorts spats in my entire life except on this dumb ass board. It's probably a European thing, we don't do that in Canada but we speak proper English

Spats is basically the weeb term for bike shorts which is what classic Claire wears under her shorts

It's japanese in origin. Leggings in general are referred to as spats in japan. A lot of people are otaku nerds on Yea Forums. There you go.

It gives the knife purpose

but the knife is extremely useful in this game for all kinds of shit

>flash bang lickers and run past
>stun/kill lickers with firearms and run past
>literally just run through through them and tank a hit or two
I know it sucks that some games actually try to be challenging but us gamers have to unite

If you're 13+ and not legally retarded you have no excuse to be buttmad at RE2 on standard difficulty

nice twitch aim

Attached: pits handsup.jpg (1920x1076, 517K)

Terrible player

bigger brain than you

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Story-wise, they're BOWs created through the V-ACT process of the particular strain of T-Virus that was distributed in the city's water supply. Physically compromised specimens of zombie undergo rapid mutation to make them more efficient and capable killers with different strengths and weaknesses to regular zombies - it's the same process that makes Crimson Heads, only a different T-Virus strain.

Gameplay-wise, it's more complicated. Partially enemy variety is good, but also they needed some living enemy types, and they're especially important in RE2R where the moths and giant spiders are gone. They encourage players to literally stop and think, moving past the dangers carefully, and weigh up their ammo (Leon) or gunpowder (Claire) as to whether or not they want to use it.

Hardest part of the game?

For me, it's getting the jack and taking it back up to the library while Mr X is chasing you around. Basically the part everyone ITT is complaining about, because as soon as you pick up the jack, Mr X is scripted to start chasing you out of that room and the only way to go is into the hallway with 2 lickers in it.

The sewers G mutant part is also hard but I can usually slip past them somehow

terrible players are afraid of lickers. Good players stunlock them with a knife or avoid them altogether,

Attached: kingcigar.gif (360x238, 1.43M)

I can deal with him most of the time and you can kite him around in that room fairly easily
He's annoying when your trying to get something done in a room and no matter how far you go he just pops up again

The game is much scarier when you don't know all this shit about how to most easily cheese the enemies. Like lickers are designed to trick you into thinking they've detected you with their shrieks and how they perk up and look at you as you walk clomping by, which makes a lot of players start running / shooting, and shit gets fucked up like it should in a horror game. Once players figure out how their AI works (usually by learning about it in threads like this), they aren't half as intimidating.
And you wouldn't expect the knife to be so effective against such a deadly enemy when it's so shit against standing zombies

Pretty much this
Is the knife thing even intentional on the developers part?

The knife is always surprisingly useful, in every RE game. At this point you should expect it to be

ceiling lickers are gay
lickers on the floor are okay.

God some of you are such fucking babies. You can really tell which posters grew up only playing brainless Ubisoft style open world games.

dumb zoomer

What is that fucking aim

based dsp

just walk up to them and push l1 and r2 its not that hard, you'll always have enough knives

Can someone tell me what William berkin was thinking when he injected himself with the g virus? Didn't he know the damage he might do?
Also why do none of the characters make a big deal about racoon city being completely overrun with zombies

>zombie with ice cream headache

>Mister N
Ye what?

Attached: Prepare for trouble.webm (1920x1080, 1.38M)

They're not zombies they're fucking freakers, user

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This game triggers the pcúck
Please don’t post it

Every enemy in the game is deliberately placed. I'm pretty sure even window spawns have a set routine. You don't run into lickers on your first round of RPD's 2nd Run because Mr. X is pretty much covering their role.

How long until classic camera dlc?

sometimes when you're in the lab you just make things y'know.

you literally never have to kill one in the entire game, with both characters, in hardcore mode, etc. get good

Birkin was being selfish, as he often was. For someone like him, it may as well be the apocalypse when you yourself die, because as far as you're concerned, it's all over anyway. He was also probably not thinking straight due to being so close to death. And he didn't know exactly what it would do to him; they had done tests but nothing like this

Attached: G2.jpg (1920x1080, 745K)

I really find w birkin to be a interesting character but they don't show him much in the games pre mutation
Is there more backstory for him anywhere else?

he’s in re zero but some say it’s not canon

this, they are precious

he's reloading his shotgun while they'er busy

she cute

>Also why do none of the characters make a big deal about racoon city being completely overrun with zombies

The characters all seem to be autistic. At the end of the game Leon and Claire are just walking along the highway joking and quipping trying to hitchhike a ride. The railroad they used to escape the lab was still in Arklay mountains so there would be zombies there as well. Not to mention Arklay is always shown as a bunch of mountains with forests completely covered by trees and yet at the end they're at some sort of arid desert that looks like South Dakota's Badlands, i heard Arklay is based on the Ozarks not the Badlands.

Whats with the giant cave under raccoon city that NEST is over? Is that natural? That would cost so much to excavate, especially secretly

i cant, but i will thell the obvious retarded plot hole of them.
their fucking brain is exposed, yet they can endure a shitton of damage to the head.
lickers should be a type of enemy that doesnt take too much to defeat, but its speed, damage and wall crawling abilities should be a threat, also would help if they always appeared in large quantities, because they are an evolution of regular zombies.

I remember when lickers were easily defeated with a single shotgun blast.

According to the reporter it's man made, he mentions a sinkhole appearing in the outskirts because of all the hole boring that Umbrella is doing for the lab. The tram ride from the sewers to NEST doesn't seem to be very long, but it probably does reach the outskirts of the city.

Would be cool if it connected to a cave system or something, but there doesn't seem to be any indication that the lab was ever a cavern or a mining operation or anything like that. Like in RE7 for example or Parasite Eve 2, a game directed by the writer of RE1, the lab in Parasite Eve 2 was a mine that got converted into a secret lab.

it has to be mostly natural, the cavern is fucking massive. Maybe the sinkholes were from expansions and digging tunnels for the trams and such. With the crazy labyrinth of sewers that they have you'd think that Raccoon City is built around some big natural cave system. There is no fucking way Umbrella could secretly excavate that huge cavern from nothing, and it would be insane to even try

I would fucking strangle you if we ever met up irl

Keep crying, bitch niggah
Can't wait for casuals like you to get btfo by Nemesis in the inevitable REmake

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how do their brains outgrow their skulls anyway

they burst from their heads

Attached: RE2_remake_CONCEPT_ART_-_Design_Sketch_C.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

>It's irritating how there's almost no counter okay for them.

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No, it's a shame. There is a BDSM mod though that's pretty hot.

>namefag has bad taste
Checks out

Attached: 251.png (591x539, 218K)

How did G5 get so darn big?

Attached: G5.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

>So stop being disingenuous.
you are shit. stop posting.

No way faaaAAAGH
*slips on blood*

Attached: gym boss wrestling.webm (874x1080, 3M)