Anyone besides me play this game?

Anyone besides me play this game?

In retrospect, I'd probably rank it in the top 10 games ever released for N64. I don't understand why it didn't become popular.

Attached: Body Harvest.jpg (300x213, 20K)

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You are not alone OP, I've played it and I still own my copy, but I can't say I've beaten the game due its crushing difficulty. Still a great game and very ahead of its time though, I should replay it sometime. The screams of the civilians are forever stuck in my head to this day.

>Anyone besides me play this game?

>I don't understand why it didn't become popular.
Because it wasn't very good. The vehicles handled like shit, the shooting was lackluster, and the maps were fucking terrible even by 90's open world standards.

Now Hybrid Heaven, that's a game that should be looked back on fondly, as it broke new ground and was a decent game. Unlike Body Harvest.

Attached: Hybrid Heaven.jpg (800x452, 73K)

I remember Gamefan hyping the shit out of this game. Saying it had the best graphics ever.

An important video game in history, but def not Top 10 for N64, even though it was ahead of it's time and is a foundation for GTA and RdR series.

A game, like a spiritual successor, will be very cool if Rockstar ever does it.

I put some time in on it. Was rough living in the shadow of Blast Corps though

What was that world war 2 third person shooter with vehicles? It had a giant zeppelin in it and i believe it set the stage for bf 1942... i cant remembee it exactly but i know it was ahead of its time. Iron Eagle or something...

Brass Canary?
Silver Sparrow?
Gold Swan?
Diamond Crow?

Played it. It's fun and interesting even if a lot of it is just exploring the world. It was made by DMA who went on to make gta3. One can see some aspects of gta3 in its design. One of the issues was it was a new IP on N64 so it didn't do so great, but it did get a lot of push from Nintendo Power, etc.

One day Rockstar will make a sequel.

Open world driving was pretty cool for the time. Otherwise it wasn't terribly fun

Yoooooooo. Hybrid Heaven feels like a mishmash of some neat ideas that just kinda morphed into a clusterfuck

All I remember was laser beams and turn based wrasslin'

Main thing that stands out to me is that your body parts had their own individual attack values that raised the more you used them, so to do more damage, you had to work out different parts in combat. It was weird

Fuck i cant remember what it was. I remember it was a janky game with a lot of potential. I remember walking on a giant zeppelin, and the maps were open and massive and i believe it even had direct ip multiplayer but it was extra janky and i never played it. Im not even certain if you drive the vehicles in the game or if it was first/third person. It either set up crimson skies, bf 1942, or something like that. It was on a pc gamer demo disc at some point i think...

Alright, i found it. I was thinking of codename eagle, im pretty sure. I watched some vids of it, tho, and it doesnt seem as impressive as i remember... but still, ground and air vehicles as well as ground combat and multiplayer, it was well ahead of its time

I feel like Hybrid Heaven would have fared better as a PS1 game with all that extra disc space to work with to make those (lengthy) cutscenes have a bit more to them. Game was repetitive though despite the move-set loadouts being novel for the time.

Played it. Hard as fuck.

not even the best DMA Design game on N64, Space Station Silicon Valley (AKA Mario Odyssey 64)

it was pretty good and deserves a sequel

Solid game. Controls were clunky as all hell but it still felt good killing stuff. Got pretty difficult after java level.