Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 6

Why is Phantasy Star Nova so much better than this piece of shit?

When and where did PSO2 go so wrong? Episode 6 is about to come out and it somehow looks even worse than the trash that was 5.

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that game was made for the vita. Pso2 is made for pc.
And honestly the gameplay is confusing and lost of the quests are just videos.

Does PSO2 work for PC? I remember looking way back and it wasn't in the US region.

Did they bring it in English?

Didn't 2 break the combat/endgame gear somewhere around the end of episode 3? I remember having a ton of fun fighting loser darkness, but never really put more time into it after that.

its arks layer its an english conversion mod

also you have to sign up on the japanese sega site and slay a Japanese captcha. It is pretty fun honestly ark 2 is where most of the English people play.

The moment they turned things into the most generic anime possible

Yes. They went full potato sometime during or after episode 3 IIRC.

The game is basically a mindless mobile-tier hack and slash game where every attack AOEs half the room and mobs just come at you by the dozens and there's zero thought put into encounters.

They did this to appease braindead weebs who want to see flashy shit all over their screen.

Phantasy Star Nova gameplay is based on early PSO2, which is when the gameplay was at its best.

Is Nova worth getting if you have nobody to play it with?

episode 2 was kino

So is Phantasy Star Nova only on the Japanese side, too? I'm considering going for Phantasy Star Online because I liked the old ones and I figure I could make a character with big tits.

Do I have to do something wacky with my Vita or do I just copy stuff onto the SDD?

Nova is a single player RPG first and foremost. Yes it's worth getting but the translation patch only has Chapter 1 translated so be warned. Almost all menus/items/skills/etc are translated though

Just have CFW on your vita that's it. Download the patched game and drag it to your SDD. See for translation status.

PSO2 is not worth getting into at all. The game peaked years and years ago, and now it's an absolute mess that mainly exists to get money out of whales who are addicted to cosmetics.

Imagine, when PSO2 finally dies and the private servers start popping up, we could actually get the entire game and its later content rebalanced for early PSO2 mechanics where it still played like an actual PSO game.

Oh, neat! Is Custom Firmware a bitch to install? Will it fuck up my downloads from the store?

Well, that's only possible if someone packet sniffed the game back during the episodes 1 and 2.

If not we are shit out of luck and anyone who wants to make an PSO2 emu based on the old episodes is going to have to reverse engineer nearly everything.

Thanks, I've always been kinda curious about Nova. I guess may be the best PSO2-based experience. I only played PSO2 way back on the open beta before release, then me and my friends waited on the Western release that never happened and I kinda just lost interest as time went on.

I don't remember off the top of my head since I CFW'd my Vita long ago but here:

Should have everything you need.

Did you get good at phantom yet Yea Forums?

Here's what I did
>Get NoPayStation, download PS Nova + DLCs if you want em (it's much faster than using Nicoblog's mega links and the patch and patching method it uses is outdated)
>get the english patch
>follow the instructions

EXCEPT if you use sd2vita, depending on how you set that up you will need to make sure you're using the config text found in uma0:tai instead of ur0:tai