what do you expect from this? is this gonna be THE pokemon game?
What do you expect from this? is this gonna be THE pokemon game?
Played only RBY and GS when a kid/teenager. I want to buy Shield, but I fear the game will be too much streamlined or I grew up it.
It probably will in terms of sales simply because of its boon as the first “console” mainline Pokémon game while still being completely portable. Going to predict that it’ll get middling reviews and be entirely forgotten about a few months after release, though.
>THE pokemon game?
already happened, this one is gonna be as shit as the other recent pokemon games and bla bla bla
They're going to have the same box legendary, but its form depends on the version it originates from and their stats are opposite... right?
I'm expecting a game worth buying a Switch for.
i don't expect anything, but im gonna buy it anyway. I need a pokemon game for spending 200+ hours in the switch
>what do you expect from this? is this gonna be THE pokemon game?
I have no expectations, we are already past peak pokemon, i am only amusing myself seeing how bad things can get
i expect new pokemon. nothing else
Extraordinarily little. With game freak's track record I expect it to essentially be sun and moon but with higher resolution. I'm sure it will still find some some way to disappoint. I'm not getting it at at launch, if at all.
I am looking forward to pirating this only so that me and my buddies can drink and have Pokemon battles on the tv again since they stopped that after battle revolution for some stupid reason
Pokemon is a low-tier franchise.
The majority of them are god tier games.
JUST going off of the BARELY-A-MINUTE-LONG footage we've been given, I am kinda thinking that this will probably not be "the" Pokemon game, but "a" Pokemon game. Like every Pokemon game ever
I really, REALLY want them to prove me wrong, though.
THE Pokemon game is an Amalgamation of Pt/HGSS/B2W2, which is never going to happen since Pokemon fandom eats whatever crap has Pokemon on it just loook the drooling retard creaming about that horrible cgi movie BOTH of them.
If you wanna good Pokemon game replay the DS era that's the top it is downhill from there and it will never pick up
even shittier than S&M, it will sell millions, normalfags will eat it up, and the series will keep getting worse with 0 actual innovation or good new mechanics, and any good or new mechanics that GF manages to stumble into will promptly be forgotten next game
USUM are the best games so far, though. SnS will be even better.
>god tier
Wrong. They are acceptable games at best. The past few generations have been dog shit, selling on name value alone. The newer game don't have the player retention that some of the older ones did.
Normalfags will play it for a month. The majority of pokemon fans are not normal, they're lolicons, furries and competitive autists.
Gen 1: Set the stage
Gen 2: Day Night, Time Events, Berries (of sorts), Genders/Breeding, a straight upgrade from the previous games
Gen 3: Natures, New Battle Formats, Contests, Endgame Content
Gen 4: The Physical/Special split (not a giant change but absolutely huge in gameplay terms), Online, the Underground
Gen 5: ?
I quit then. From what I've seen the only changes after are stupid shit which are just special ways of saying new pokemon, which is what every gen brings to the table. Not to mention newer games started to remove things older games provided. Might have missed some things, not gonna rack my brains, but this franchise already shit itself long ago. The only people left are dingleberries.
Another waste of time just like everything else post-Black and White 2.
it's going to be even worse than the previous gen which already was really mediocre
Yet another Gamefreak outing where they sweep a bunch of shit under the rug in favor of introducing a new mechanic that will be swept under the rug after this game. Seriously, why hype Mega Evolution if you're just going to ignore it? Who wants to be Z-Moves are gone now too in favor of some other bullshit?
Retarded boomer. Keep living in the past with ancient, fossilized, shitty pokemon games.
It makes every pokemon game unique and worth playing.
Sun and Moon aren't worth playing at all.
The entire game is riddled with unskippable cutscenes and heinously anus characters.
The announcement that both Mega Pokemon and Z-Moves won't be expanded upon is very disappointing. Say what you want about those two mechanics, the fact that they're 1 and done just seems shitty to me.
Plus, what happened in ORAS is extremely concerning for the amount of actual content we'll experience.
My expectations for SS are so excruciatingly low it may be the first Pokemon title I don't buy on opening weekend.
Better a boomer than a manchild. I'd offer you a sip of monster but it would probably keep you up past bedtime *sip*.
I expect it to be garbage like every pokemon game since Platinum
Stuff like Mega Evolution makes zero difference to the majority of players because the AI is braindead.
Ever since the 5th gen they started to roll back on big play features, and anything they would add to the game would always be a one and done gimmick. Now it feels like they add some new gimmick every generation that fucks with the game, and abandon it the next gen, while not balancing any of it so the meta game gets worse.
>already forgotten and hype died
What went wrong bros
>Why hype Mega Pokemon if you're just going to remove it
This is ridiculous to me. There are still a lot of Pokemon that can be brought out of shitmon status with Megas. I mean, look at Beedrill. Mega Beedrill got me excited for what the future of Megas could hold but naw dawg no more of that lmao gotta make each game "unique".
Who cares about AI? Competitive is all that matters and Mega Evos and Z-Moves are a huge deal.
>Tune into Pokemon World Championship
>Doubles has everyone using the exact same team down to even held items
I have to ask, who gives a shit about this when the game is so unbalanced anyway?
I do wish the AI was just a TINY bit better.
I also wish AI Trainers didn't have only 1 Caterpie.
Niggas gonna make me sit through a fucking ! into a god damn intro sequence and the dude's gotta say somethign and everyone's gotta throw their pokemon out and it's a big how do you do and the dude's got a fucking Caterpie that's 3 levels below what you have and you didn't even do any grinding.
It didn't provide a challenge, the EXP wasn't even worth the time it took, just fucking wasted my goddamn time.
Not much but since it’s britbong I expect good shit to be represented (well they have football, Big Ben and other shit in the map)
>it’s good because my dick is tingly
Game Freak knows everything they need to sell a Pokemon game. Just dangle a few new pokemon in front of kids, and they will buy it. Dangle some gen 1 call back so that retards will buy it. Lastly, dangle some loli waifu bait in front of the internet, and they will buy it.
>USUM are the best games so far
SoulSilver and HeartGold proved to me that Gamefreak is capable of making a modern Pokemon game that doesn't suck.
I still hold a tiny amount of hope they can do it again.
They sure can, but they always take the low road. Whatever is the laziest way out.
I'm expecting the 3DS games with better graphics on the switch. That's it, and I won't be disappointed because I'm not expecting more from game freak.
I expect another soulless cash grab like every game GameFreak shat out since XY. There is literally no reason to ever think they can make a decent game, let alone one that lives up to an iota of the potential the series has.
My expectations are low.
Black2/White2 was the last Pokémon game I felt was fun and I still think HG/SS are the best the franchise has had to offer (regardless of its shit level curve)
X/Y were beyond boring.
OR/AS felt alright but also felt like a downgrade from R/S/E
Sun/Moon had some pretty fun Pokémon and the story was intresting due to actually doing something a little more different than the norm but the number of cutscenes and the difficulty as usual was pretty shitty.
I expect it to be on par as Sun/Moon.
I swear if they give you the same shitty tiny PC to make you get Pokébank i'm going to snap my switch in half.
You see kids these days play on their phones
Gamefreak also is somehow even worse at writing. Ever since they destroyed any sense of continuity with wormholes and alternate universes and shit their stories have been further muddled.
I feel like alternate universes was a way to patch up any plot holes they made
At the very least /vp/fags are no longer as anal about “canon” anymore
I expect a surplus of Sword Lass fan art once they release.
I expect a massive disappointment of a game.
I wish they'd let another studio do a big ambitious spin-off.
>Free camera
None of this fixed camera bullshit. You get complete control over the camera like you would in most games nowadays.
>adaptive and interactive following pokemon
Different sizes work differently. For example shoulder-mons can choose to trek alongside you or behind you (up to them). If you try interacting with it, (example you go up to it), get the option to pet it, feed it, or have it go on your shoulder.
Medium sized pokemon would just trek alongside or behind you. Some of the mountable-looking pokemon would give you the option of riding it.
Larger pokemon won't show up at all except in battle. But there's a catch which I'll explain later in this post.
>completely remove random battles and implement seamless battles
Similar to Chrono Trigger or Xenoblade, pokemon would be roaming the world and you'd be able to see them. Some of the more aggressive kind would automatically initiate battles, others just want to live their lives but you can initiate a battle if you choose.
I like to imagine your own pokemon trying to stare down or intimidate passing pokemon just to make them feel more real. Maybe some acting more intimately with each other. There's lots of ways to get creative.
>completely revamped battle system that focuses more on the environment
When you're fighting in a tight alleyway, you're not gonna bring out a Wailord or a similarly large pokemon. It would look ridiculous and just wouldn't work. I think there should be situational battles where you can't use certain pokemon because of the location. Some would benefit from their size or abilities depending on the location and others would get an disadvantage or straight up not be usable.
>remove or downplay the level system in favor of horizontal progression
The more you use a pokemon, the more moves get unlocked. Each move should be very different from each other and feel like getting a new tool. This would also allow more freedom and get rid of a lot of the repetitive grind the games have.
>big emphasis on exploration and world navigation
I want the game to have explorable maps with plenty of places that reward you for exploring or thinking outside of the box. This is where following pokemon would shine. You'd be able to use their moves as tools for helping you navigate the world.
Of course, if you get stuck you would just have to look around and catch the appropriate pokemon to get you around in that certain area. It doesn't have to be limited to one pokemon too, you could call it "attributes" and certain pokemon would have these attributes that help. This is how I wish HMs evolved.
An example would be: smaller bird pokemon could lift you up by the arm to slightly higher places before tiring out. Water pokemon could cool things that are too hot for you to touch. Fire pokemon could melt or burn things to reveal another path or object.
>call pokemon from PC for overworld use
You would have your main party of 6 and choose any of them to follow you on the overworld. Or you can access your PC while adventuring exclusively for overworld use and choose a pokemon from there to follow you but it can't battle. This is to make the navigation system much more flexible.
Kind of a shit take. If some indie studio rolled out sword and shield people would be praising it. People aren't mad that pokemon is "bad" now, they're mad that they no longer feel the same feelings while playing as they did when they were a child... because you're no longer a child. You'll never experience childlike wonder ever again
That said, they could make the games be not piss easy
This. The mechanical changes to Pokémon has been getting stagnant as hell. Rather than changing a mechanic which makes the battles intresting as a whole, they instead decided to give individual pokemon changes which means in order to actually experience the changes, you have to play with some Pokémon you don't even like to begin with.
Gen 5 added Triple Battles which while icing on the cake for battle formats, instantly got dropped. Gen 5 was also when Power Creep started rearing its ugly head.
Gen 6 added inverse battles, a mode which nobody plays. Mega Evo's which while making some Pokémon usable and fun, also made the power creep even fucking worse. Fairys also quickly stole Dragon's place as the OP type, taking a offensive glass cannon type of role and replacing it with a bulky tank type with Pokémon which can abuse moves to be just as much as a glass cannon.
Gen 7 added royals which again, most people don't play. And also introduced even more powercreep mon like the Tapu's and Ultra Beasts.
I remember when Pokémon like Starmie use to be considered the baseline for a good pokémon.
this is so true it hurts
>show-not-tell type of story, similar in structure to Shadow of the Colossus
There's a lot of cutscene-heavy games I enjoyed but I'd love to see this type of storytelling in a pokemon game. I like the kind of game where you're just doing what's expected and as you play you start to realize what you're doing but don't get a full sense of it until near the end where it just hits you in the face. Of course, there should be tons of little tidbits of lore and appropriately placed worldbuilding. I want a world with characters that feel alive and unique too. I don't mind if there's less NPCs if they're all distinguishable.
>limited pokemon, 75% new 25% old
To keep it realistic, you won't be able to transfer past pokemon into this game (so it'd be a spin-off). This enables each individual pokemon to have more work put into it. And to keep things fresh, 3/4 of the pokemon in the game would be new.
I think the worldbuilding and lore should be made first, then decide what kind of pokemon would fit in that world. This is the process on how they'd make the new pokemon and decide which old pokemon gets to make the cut instead of choosing what's popular.
>"online" or "2-system" co-op
Be able to see a friend on the overworld where events aren't taking place and be also able to participate in double battles with them.
>Journey-like seamless multiplayer
Game would randomly and seamlessly connect you to other players that have the same progress to make the world feel a bit more lively.
Oh it'll sell fucking huge, the switch can be used as a portable device but it's the first system that can be used as a home console that's getting a real mainline game, something every single person has been begging nintendo for since the inception of the series.
Will it advance the gameplay and not throw out a bunch of QoL features at the start of a new gen for once for no apparent reason?
pfffthahaha fuck no
Even though the pokeride system was universally praised as one of the defining improvements to the games (some might even say the ONLY good thing about sun/moon), but they'll come up with some stupid ass reason to bring hm's back.
Because the hacks at GF don't understand the irony of teaching the player that pokemon aren't tools to advance themselves while forcing the player to drag around an hm slave that literally gets used like a multi-tool cause nobodies stupid enough to put fucking cut on their starter.
When elite4 leaders start whipping out their specialized flash and fly pokemon at me maybe I'll consider using the moves on my main team, but otherwise they can fuck right off with this shit.
We're all going to buy it anyway.
I could have sworn you posted this shit on /vp/. I'm fairly certain you want this shit to replace the mainline titles, too.
>no transferring past Pokemon
Always a shit idea, always. It was shit in RS, it was shit in LGPE, and it'll be shit in any mainline game going forward.
I personally feel they've fell off. The last 2 generations were going down a dark path of removing as much actual gameplay as possible for style. I've been playing pokemon since I was in kindergarten yet I feel nothing for the new games
In other words, you want a pokemon game that isn't pokemon. Fuck off, zoomer, we like pokemon the way it is.
All too bold. We know GF doesn't like to take risks. Part of the reason why we know that the series won't get any better.
Pokégirls are always fuckable.
I will continue to buy pokemon games for as long as that statement is true.
You've got shit taste if you think fucking Pokémon compares to many games already on the system.
>if some indie studio rolled out sword and shield
You mean if pokemon didn't have the brand behind it? Nobody would buy the games. If you removed all the pokemon elements from a game and replaced them with generic RPG monsters, nobody would play it.
>I'm fairly certain you want this shit to replace the mainline titles, too.
Nah, particularly because I know pokemon has a lot of collector autists like you that I'd rather gamefreak keep pumping out the same garbage to satisfy those types. Problem is your collector's autism can't stand to have another pokedex out of your reach, which is why I assume you're so opposed to the idea.
Yeah, even if gamefreak decided to be more ambitious I really doubt they'll be competent enough to live up to it.
>we like pokemon the way it is.
Both current Pokemon and that user’s idea are both complete shit
More like HGSS/BW2
Less like USUM/XY
What's your idea of how pokemon should be?
A series where Gamefreak actually keeps and refines the features that they add instead of removing them so that they can sell it back to normalfags later
I need some chubby Gardes, posthaste
I expect a region that bombards you with Kanto pandering to the point where it barely has an identity of its own, like the previous two regions.
HGSS came out 10 years ago user, it's time to let go
wrong lmao
So you want LGPE with PSS, triple and rotation battles, a new region with old and (I assume) new pokemon. Same battle system and wild battles as SM. Random Encounters. Dexnav. What else am I missing?
What about the map design? Do you like SM's hallways or did you want a flat translation from the 2d sprites era ala XY?
I expect sub par graphics
I expect no voice acting
I expect dumb pokemon designs
I expect no free cam
I expect it to be a linear map
I expect no walking pokemon
I expect no challenge
I expect no hard mode
I expect my rival is unnaturally friendly
I expect a boring story
I expect no innovation
And I expect people to love it.
Prepare to be disappointed.
It's going to be FUCKING GARBAGE
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you the plates
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you the trade evolution items
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you mega stones
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you Memory Drives
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you the Red/Blue Orb
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you the standard Z-Moves
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you the excluse Z-Moves
>gotta have some random jack off who tutors those legendary exclusive moves you forget about
>gotta have some random jack off area with the icy/moss rock
>gotta have some random jack off area that have Alolan forms
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you Ice Stones
>gotta always have a Peak Mountain so you can evolve Crabrawler
>gotta always have an electrical place so you can evolve Magneton/Nosepass/Chargabug
>gotta have some random jack off who gives you the item to split up Zygardes
>>gotta have some random jack off who gives you both a Z-Ring and Mega Ring
I expect it would do so poorly in Japan that it will be dubbed the shortest generation in pokemon history.
Game Freak literally doesn't care if the games sell in their home country anymore. Didn't you notice that the logo in Japan changed to the international version? Haven't you noticed the constant Kanto pandering for the past six years (something that the Japanese don't really care about, but Americans/Europeans eat up like fast food)?
My expectations are low.
>what ur really eating a sandwich lol
>how can you even like sandwiches lol
>you've eaten a million sandwiches in ur life how can you eat another one
>it's just the same old sandwich formula
>it's all the same basic bread and meat with just different veggies
>there's never any innovation
>idk man I just like sandwiches
thanks for reading my slam poetry rage comic
Because Yea Forums is entirely convinced that it's going to be garbage, and Yea Forums is always wrong, I do expect it to be THE pokemon game for that reason alone.
most of the reason why I stopped playing at original sapphire/ruby, yeah
just got bored of playing the same game over and over but with more stupid minigames and side-quests stuffed in each time
Armored evos
Armored Dragonite
That's all
I mean v was right about x and y... And they were spot on with sun and moon.
>about x and y
Being fine games? Apparently not.
>spot on with sun and moon
No, Yea Forums was excited for those games because "fuck chibis," moving away from grids, and adult Red and Blue.
>he doesn't get addicted to a new food he likes until he's sick of it until he finds a another new food
>having hope
>at this point
When will you learn?
Really proving me wrong there champ, keep it up.
Who said I was trying to prove you wrong? I'm just astounded that you can look at everything since XY and still think GF will suddenly put out a half decent game.
But Nintendorks are going to be convinced it’s the best game ever, and they make up most of Yea Forums
Pokémon fans have unbelievably shitty taste. Bunch of nostalgiafags.
I'm going to buy it as my first game since playing Pearl, expecting lots of fun even though I see people shitting on the latest games a lot but that just means I'm not burnt out on Pokemon like everyone else, I hope it has a lot of fun online features as well.
Cope, cope, COPE, dogs
Gen VII fixed IVs.
epic wojack meemee brother where is the upvote button on this website
Or maybe the games are actually just shit, ever considered that?
>Probably like 50 new Pokemon
>Looks like a small fucking region, probably won't have a decent post game
Boy, I can't wait to pay full price for less content than the DS games.
I expect it to be mediocre or bad, like most of the games.
Real pokemon fans have no nostalgia, they keep up with the latest and greatest pokemon games. Nostalgiafags want to keep pokemon in the past.
Knowing gamefreak it's going to be shit
You keep up with it because you want to recapture your childhood. You're all nostalgiafags, just in different ways.
What's the problem with them? Some people are just naturally born superior to others. Same with Pokemon.
Of course but I also considered the attitude that people here have to videogames in general, since I haven't played them I'm going with that.
Z-moves should be removed, the only thing that will be missed is mons like Heatran being able to nuke what's supposed to wall them.
It will be shit, basically Gen 7 but even more shitty, or at best about the exact same as how shit Gen 7 was.
There will be a three evolution stage bug Pokemon available in the 2nd route of the game.
It's not going to be anything innovative or exciting which is disappointing because Pokemon is the most valuable media franchise worldwide. Like holy shit. SMT V is going to most likely blow it out of the water. I just don't understand. The fuck are all the staff at the Pokemon Company doing? It's certainly not level design, dialogue, story, combat, or any number of things that Pokemon lags behind other series in or hasn't changed significantly in years. They look lazy as fuck compared to nearly every other game studio out there.
z-moves make a lot of interesting sets
anything that makes pokemon interesting than 4 attacks and 252 atk / 252 spe is welcome
Reminder to play pokemon gaia nuzlocke
bug types are shit
gen 7 as a whole and LGPE has my expectations low. if sword and shield turn out to be another sun/moon with the same sorts of flaws, i might just be done with the franchise
Ah yes, I too love overly edgy renditions of pokemon where everything dies a horribly violent death.
Gen 8 will have more waifu girls and more waifu Pokemon, combined with a gimmick that is forgotten about by Gen 9 all wrapped up in that same dull as dishwater formula Game Freak have recycled for 20+ years.
That's what I want. Yea Forums has such shit taste in what a pokemon game should be, I'm going back to /vp/.
Sun and Moon were gonna be THE pokemon game but tuened out to be shet. At least ultra did it justice. GF is catering too much to the kids; they're gonna lose most of their adult audiences if this keeps up.
Unlimited TMs, less reliance on HMs, Dreamworld abilities completely changed the game, several new battle modes
Gen 5 was known as the powercreep gen for a reason.
5th gen Added a difficulty option given vip characters Pokemon with perfect stats, smarter ai and higher levels.
And the he greatest feature IMO are hidden abilities, it gave some many pokemon purpose without fucking anything up
You can also play them right now on any pc or phone
>what do you expect from this?
A 3DS game with barely HD tecture.
Anyone expecting more than this dont know how fucking lazy and incompetent Gamefreak is.
>THE pokemon game
>the first “console” mainline Pokémon game
that is already Let's Go, user.
>But Nintendorks are going to be convinced it’s the best game ever
>The announcement that both Mega Pokemon and Z-Moves won't be expanded upon is very disappointing. Say what you want about those two mechanics, the fact that they're 1 and done just seems shitty to me.
That is literally what gamefreak is doing since ever. Every new gen they bing something new and cool and they left that to root and die for the new shiny shit they will bring in the new game. This is what appened every single time, i dont know why there are still people expecting something good from one of the wosrt software house in the industry.
>SoulSilver and HeartGold proved to me that Gamefreak is capable of making a modern Pokemon game that doesn't suck
Oh, yes, they surely can do that, but they dont whant to, and you know why, because they can make the same ammount of money even while doing only 1/10 of the work they need to do for making an actual great game.
Everyone is blaming Nintendo for rehashed Mario and Zelda games, while actually it's the pokemon series that is rehashing the same game for 20 years without improiving a single shit.
And what exactly are you going to do about it?
Try out BW2, chikabro.
>Competitive is all that matters
Yea, a competitive game with 800 characters and only something like 30 are actually playable, what an amazing game.
It's going to be shitty, just like everything past gen 5. They don't even do spinoff games as often anymore, this franchise is dead to me.
>I also wish AI Trainers didn't have only 1 Caterpie.
This, if you turn off battle animation you will waste more time with the trainer intro and outro than th actual battle, its insane.
>Going to predict that it’ll get middling reviews
Pretending or?
Not buying their games.
3DS games were so shit that they are not even worth pirating.
Is anything known about these games yet besides the title?
drop their sales from 10,000,000 to 9,999,999, that'll teach 'em
I don't care as long as it has cute girls.
Z-moves are the lesser evil here.
They brought the best variety in the game since the physical-special split back in gen 4.
There are too many things to chop out instead of zmoves, like IV and EV
That s because retarded people like you keep buying the same gameboy game with a new skin every year. And some really insane people buy both version every time, thats why thei sell so much, they actually selling the same game two times to the same people.
You assume a lot of shit, user. It's true it's collector's autism, but not the way you think. I collect events. Any special distributions, especially anything in a Cherish Ball. No transfers means they'd collect dust and eventually die with the game cart they're stuck on. I mean, they're gonna die eventually regardless, sure, but I'd like to keep them for as long as possible. I invested a lot of time and even some money into mine.
Also, I actually enjoy competitive play in mainline Pokemon. It's fun.
I expect it to be as barebones as PLGE but instead of all motion shit from PG back to the traditional gameplay.
But the map won't even be as detailed as the GameCube games.
>it sells a lot so it’s good
>removing evs
are you retarded?
No, are you?
>z moves are good because variety
>but lets remove evs which create variety
yep, you're retarded
>like you
Nah, I just buy the ones that let me dress the female trainer in lewd outfits, but feel free to keep reeeing because other people have more reasonable expectations than you and aren't constantly angry about everything
How the fuck EV create variety in competitive?Its either you max the 2 needed stat or your pokemon is literally useless.
Said it in many threads before, but the one thing I really want is a full female rival. Not generic shit like the female protags as rivals, and not sharing the spotlight like how Bianca had to with Cheren and kinda N.
I want a posh british bitch that is your friend but clearly thinks she's higher class and thus better than you. Sorta like female Gary, but not outright mean, just blinded by her own status.
Then you get to knock her off her high horse bit by bit until she is forced to admit your superiority and changes for the better because she now doesn't look down on people.
>I just buy the ones that let me dress the female trainer in lewd outfits
I respect your taste.
>is this gonna be THE pokemon game?
With Ohmori and Masuda in the development team, I doubt it.
lol no
here's an example from smogon:
>Hawlucha @ Electric Seed
>Ability: Unburden
>EVs: 96 HP / 252 Atk / 36 SpD / 124 Spe
>Adamant Nature
>- Acrobatics
>- Swords Dance
>- High Jump Kick
>- Roost
>Maximum Attack is used so Hawlucha hits as hard as possible, and 124 Speed EVs help it outspeed all Pokemon up to Jolly Sand Rush Excadrill. 96 HP EVs, along with 36 SpD EVs, enable Hawlucha to survive a Moonblast from Clefable and 2HKO it with Acrobactics. Such investment is unecessary if Hawlucha is running a Psychic Seed though, leaving the SpD EV points to be invested onto HP. A bulkier spread of 104 HP / 244 Atk / 88 SpD / 72 Spe and an Adamant nature can be used on Electric or Grassy Seed Substitute variants to set up on Toxapex.
>Literally the exception that proves the rule.
Nice try.
only shitters do that for every pokemon
More or less the same basic stuff as XY, ORAS, and Sun/Moon. I will buy the one that has a better box legendary. I brought red, silver, ruby, diamond, black, Y, and moon.
based but bluepilled
Wow you're bad
There's more than one.
>88 Speed EVs make Golisopod able to outspeed Pokemon with uninvested base 50 Speed such as Diancie and Registeel. Maximum investment in Attack is used to hit as hard as possible, and the remainder is dumped into HP to increase Golisopod's bulk. A spread with 208 EVs in Speed and 48 in HP allows Golisopod to outspeed Umbreon by one point, and maximum Speed with a Jolly nature Speed ties with uninvested Mandibuzz. Choice Band is the best item option, since it allows Golisopod to revenge kill more easily. Insect Plate can be used to switch moves and use support moves more freely, but the drop in power turns most First Impression OHKOs into rolls.
>linear as fuck
>difficulty is non-existent
>hours of cutscenes
>hours of intrusive text dumps
>no post game
Gamefreak are a bunch of incompetent hacks who are going to ruin yet another gen by cramming it full of Gen 1 pandering. Pokemon peaked with BW2.
>what do you expect from this
A metric fuckton of excellent porn
A disappointing game
They should reboot Pokemon, or at least make a spin-off that didn't require them to balance a thousand mons.
>Implying they ever tried to balance a thousand mons
>bug types are shit
Too bad they already spent that gimmick on Aegislash
Game Freak will phone it in just like they've done for the past 6 years.
You will do the same things you always have with very little to change it up or make it interesting after two decades
There'll probably be a new gimmick that they'll drop in the next game... again
They'll probably flood the game with worthless and bloated cutscenes pretending to be a "story"... again
The new Pokémon will be few in number and almost always rare spawns so you don't even get to feel like it's a new game... again
There is no reason to play Pokémon anymore.
You've already played Sword and Shield.