Attached: 1530147294299.webm (854x480, 2.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I beat him on my first try.

Now nigger normies are shilling this god awful game?

Who filtered you, was it the Ogre?

kek, this is great

seething soulsbaby

I like how that shows exactly what makes the game so boring and bad.
>spam L1 to win


In the game you end up winning every fight if you do what he does by the way.

Looks like he's make fun of the parry spam combat. How are you dumber than some youtube faggot?

>Mitsubishi Gallant

Attached: bat_smile.jpg (300x227, 9K)

Is this netflix adaptation?

you're ng+7 kuro's charm prooves?

>mitsubishi gallant

Attached: laughing old men.gif (480x228, 469K)

I'm not playing your stupid trash game 7 times to get to the point where it starts being challenging.

>tfw filtered by Mitsubishi Galant

Attached: 1554046312559.png (750x730, 560K)

Git gud

Is the game as bad as this webm?

Are you retarded?

>Mitsubishi Galant

Attached: One of my personal favorites.jpg (1126x956, 363K)

>mitsubishi galant

Attached: 1548113722332.jpg (1024x1012, 75K)


Attached: rust-1.jpg (1024x576, 114K)

The movement and battle system is broken, just like for honor.

>Mitsubishi Galant

Attached: 1547484435878.gif (256x192, 11K)

Seething shitter

Blacks are subjectively funnier than whites. White humor is cringe compilation tier
t. Gook

hahaha lel epic

gaymer jokes guys hahaha

I found it to be easier to just keep swinging, once the enemy deflects you, be ready to defect the counter, repeat. Baiting the defects and dodging/waiting didn't seem to help. IMO of course.

Forget Mitsubishi, how the fuck do I get past the Acura twins?

Attached: hitsugi-no-chaika-toru-and-akari-acura.jpg (1092x615, 75K)

Yeah im sure this nigga got a sekiro outfit, put it on and made a parody video because he fucking hates the game. How are you so dumb?

Am I allowed to think this is funny, or is it from some lame professional Youtuber?

you couldn't possibly be more fucking insipid and unlikable.

No you hate it. Now call him a nigger.

source plz, i want to watch and don't know any of these yubtub faggos

It really speaks a lot about how good graphics are getting when I thought it was a game for the first few seconds.

I bet you have many friends and people that really like being around you

absolutely seething

anyone knows miyazaki is satoshi fan? only watched paprika this week eariler now i see both BB and sekiro have some reference as pic related

Attached: Paprika88-e1301435143304.jpg (420x233, 26K)

>cover wide variety of comedy
Yep, subjectively funnier lmao. They're funnier than women, I'll say that.

why do people have to hate the game to be able to parody it?

>making a parody is hating a game
Boy howdy you sure are stupid

So ridiculous and yet so accurate.

That was literally 5 years ago. Everyone moved on.

You clearly have zero social media precense at all. Actually, I envy you.

shit was on vine. Now it's a bit more than that is the point. I don't know why you're so mad. A lot of people find ebonic foolishness funny.

Attached: dripcare.jpg (1125x801, 164K)

it's true, just spam L1 even if you don't know the timing

super easy

stay cucked white boi

Attached: 1534649331888.webm (774x1000, 1.31M)

>Yea Forums playing Sekiro

Didn't realize all those people parodying trump by dressing up as him love him

Attached: 1555715756704.jpg (233x263, 10K)

where's the full video? this is great

cool pic

I found it

>everyone bitching for weeks about the guardian ape
>approach it for the first time
>ok he is really big so "probably has a dark souls tier moveset where he can rape you sideways if you lock on so let's not lock on" I think to myself
>kill him on my second try, didn't even have the time to learn how to properly counter some of his erratic moves, just power healed through them all (thanks rice loli)

I legitimately don't understand
is the difficulty of sekiro an inside joke of Yea Forums? there's nothing that I faced so far that comes even remotely close as having bullshit and unfair stuff, every single boss has pretty good tells, you get a warning for their big ass attacks, you have a revive, you can stun shit with prosthetics and items, what more do you need? sekiro is a fucking cake walk compared to the shit we had to face in dark souls 2, royal rat authority probably melted me a good 20 times, not a single sekiro boss even made me reach 10 tries

Attached: rice.jpg (1854x2944, 3.82M)

>Yea Forums doesn't like racial humor when a black guy does it
fucking die, hypocrite

that was his point, user.

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Attached: RacismIsReportableOffense.jpg (373x424, 69K)

>those nike flipflops
fucking kek

>yum yum yum I love the taste of mod cock slurp slurp slurrrrrrrp
Uh...thanks for sharing?

you completed late game content before fighting him no shit he was easy.

these nigs aight

A half assed comparison like that aint worth bothering with. Stupidniggerposter


Attached: 1555278074694.jpg (250x203, 5K)

Half assed comparisons should be easy to disprove but thanks I'll take the win

Attached: 1322244389551.png (232x233, 67K)

Genuine quality parody comes from a place of love not abunch of pissy celebs doing trump impressions because the jews tell them to. Its a shame stupid zoomers like you are THAT clueless about comedy. Its ok. Perhaps you actually have autism and cant understand. I take that back, kids today dont have actual comedy all you have is your maymays, such things you wouldnt be expected to understand.

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>n-nno you overleveled t-the content

lmao all areas are open for exploration I just went everywhere telling myself "I'll go somewhere else if I have trouble" and instead I stomped every single place I encountered, only skipping the headless because had no confetti

nigger nigger nigger nigger


Attached: 490ffe49-e98e-4efb-8290-ebf2110f6a8a.jpg (417x599, 87K)

I just did you humorless faggot
I can see i wasted my energy because what you consider humoring is normie react pics. Yikes.


Attached: sekiroisagoodgame3.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

Oh I'm sure the guy loves it I'm just pointing out it's retarded to say "Putting in the effort to dress up MUST mean you can't hate it".

Not any worse than the hitboxes in every other Soulsborne game.
Also git gud.

Holy shit wait for a reply I obviously didn't see your response

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These the same guys that did those God of War videos? Those were kinda funny. Not side-splitting, but fun.

>Bottom rule is "Announcing a report or sage"
>Omitted by your pulldown

Have sex


t.seething whiteboy

This is how speed runners beat it in 25 mins. Parry spam.

>clueless of what parody is
>cringe react pics
>terrible attempts at sarcasm

You sir are without a doubt are the least funny person ive ever seen


Are you okay?

>t. has not watched a Sekiro speed run