Play Persona 5 cause it looks cool as shit

>Play Persona 5 cause it looks cool as shit
>have a blast, get interested in previous games
>get told to start on 3
>play it expecting some anime simulator with waifus, power of friends and "just believe it" fun
>get despair, deaths, existential dread and even genuine tension at times
>get to the ending
>that fucking rooftop
>I'm sitting there, crying my eyes out as the credits roll by
>lookup Memories of You with subs later
>I'm a mess once again

Lads what the fuck? How come this isn't praised more? It's fucking kino holy shit.
Should I expect more from 4?

P3 thread I guess

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Other urls found in this thread:

it had endless threads at a almost daily rate for pretty much ten years, people could only rave about it here for so long

>tfw you get to the ending and don't feel anything
Was it because I played P3P instead? Just for reference, I started with P4G first.

not as praised probably just because its an older title and there is newer things to talk about, did you play portable or the ps2 version?

P4 is the same game with a totally different vibe. People often call it Scooby Doo, which is an exaggeration, but not entirely unfair. It's good, but definitely lighter than 3.

zoomers started with 4, they never played 3. Shame because its better than the scoobie doo bullshit of 4 and the not so subversive, not so phantom, not so theives of 5.

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>people think the ending is sad

Persona 3 has been beloved for a decade bro. You are VERY late to the party.

>How come this isn't praised more?
Was this meant to be ironic?

old game bad hurr

always a laugh to see P3 fags be elitist towards 4/5 fags despite their game being 90% identical

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The ending itself isn't sad, but December and January really set the tone of dread and despair. There were moments in January where I just wanted to just stop playing. I'd be lying if I didn't want to cry like a bitch during that part of the game.

>get interested in Persona
>get told to start on 3
>play it expecting despair, deaths, existential dread and even genuine tension at times
>get 25% of the way through the game, still waiting for something to happen
>get 50% of the way through the game, still waiting for something to happen
>get 75% of the way through the game, still waiting for something to happen
>plot finally kicks in with amazing atmosphere 15 hours before everything ends
What the fuck was the point of most of the game?

P3 for me was much more memorable P5. I think it does a better job of making the player get attached to the characters. I wish they'd remake it with new dungeons and keep the OST.

SMT IV is a Persona game in everything but name too though

Everyone loves 3. The game is old news though and it's been discussed to death. You shoulda been here when Persona 5 was still not out, there were threads about 3 and 4 daily. Discussion has shifted to Nostalgiafags and Mainlinrfags shitting on 5 because normies like it despite it being closest to the mainline games with actual negotiation, non procedurally generated dungeons, gun attacks, etc.
The series is great OP. Play 4 as soon as you can

Ah, a man of culture. Congrats on your superior taste.

P4 is gonna be what you expected P3 to be, but worse. Gameplay and dungeons are slightly better but characters, plot and setting are all infinitely worse.

oh look, another sweaty SMT fan. How's it feel knowing you're franchise was hijacked by a dating sim spinoff? Take a shower nerd.

You're just late to the party. Everybody already talked about it to death before the P4 anime gave the series even more exposure.

>he played P3P first
It's too late, P3 is already done in your mind and there's no way to recapture the experience as it was intended.

who are you trying to fool? p3 is zoomer shit just like 4.

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Persona 3 will always and forever be my favorite, even though it's clearly the least polished. It has a cast of characters, atmosphere, plot and setting that are extremely special. I don't think the game will ever leave my memory.

>everything I don't like is zoomer
mainline SMT is done, get over it.

It is praised a lot. I love 4 and 5 too, but everyone who didn't start with those knows that 3 has by far the best story/characters of nuPersona. It just need another remake to give the gameplay some QoL features from later games

3 and 4 were two years apart, retardo

We know user. We're here. It's just that some of use took that road years ago.

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>Should I expect more from 4?
P4 is JoJo Part 4 but the antagonist isn't even 1/10 as interesting as Kira.

And it shows. P4 was rushed to cash in on P3's success and appeal to the lowest common denominator. Literally uses the same assets and everything.

I love Fuuka!

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I found the game to be incredibly overrated and mediocre in the whole and the ending still made me cry. One of the best endings in any game, its just a shame that 90% of the leadup was a boring slog.


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Establishing a setting so you're invested when things eventually go tits up.

Based and redpilled.

The only QoL feature I'd have is restarting boss fights from the start of the fight
There's nothing more fucking annoying than an hour of cutscenes and walking between a boss and the last chance to save

>How come this isn't praised more?
It's an old game and it's barely tolerable to play today

portable or fes?

wtf why is he holding a gun to his head. I dont want my son playing this shit.

I hear she's a demon in the sack. In fact the whole dorm probably hears it.

FES no doubt
P3P if you're tired of FES

Post pics of your son

You don't need 60 hours to establish that. More importantly, you can actually try to tell a story in those 60 hours.


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FES for first playthrough, P3P for replaying the game as FeMC.

Fuuka is an angel, not a demon!

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>15 hours before everything ends
That's not enough for you? Jesus Christ, lad.

For the most part no. 4 is a really good game but much lighter in tone barring few and brief moments.

P3 is my favorite game ever. I feel sad I'll never be able to play it again for the first time

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>Should I expect more from 4?
No, god no.
I started with 4, and was blown away by 3 when I played it later.
4's story is pretty bad. Its alright at first, even gets pretty engaging, but they shit the bed near the end. I'm so happy that I gave 3 a chance, because I almost didn't want anything more to do with this series after finishing 4 because of how it drops the ball.

P3 is rapidly becoming the new P2

She's a semon demon if I ever saw one.

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P3 keeps getting stuff so I doubt it

Main cast in P3 is better, but the s.links are pure trash
4 improved on that end if nothing else

Fuuka is a pure Angel! Her persona is even a saint to further drive this point across!

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rent free

Saint Cock Slapper is what I hear it's called.

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P4 is fun, but it's a huge disappointment coming from P3 and P5. The characters are less interesting, but they have more interaction with each other. The story is pretty stupid and the resolution to the big mystery is very convoluted.

>How come this isn't praised more?
You must be blind, there's threads sucking this game's dick every week. rightfully so

>Should I expect more from 4?
You should expect different. These games all have different themes going for them. Form your own opinions after you play it. I will warn you though that it's the easiest one to get a bad ending in though

Why are you faggots like this? Are there actually people who enjoy both SMT and Persona?


you could have said SMT4A or DeSu2 and it wouldnt be a stretch but you had to grasp at straws with 4

Ten years ago when there was literally daily Chie/P4 threads there was always a bunch of fags saying how P3 was better and Aegis was the better waifu.

You could like both, but you'll get made fun of on Yea Forums which is more important

They're all great games, what really matters is which one has the best battle theme.

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No. One of those is trash and you know it.

I don't understand the elitism amongst SMT/Persona fans. They are all fun in their own ways.

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Name one good in P4.

I miss the days of 2009-2010 when P3 had two re-releases and a ton of non-game material, everybody was calling it the FFVII of the series and talking about how P4 wasn't even going to get a FES upgrade and just be lost to time
How quickly the tides turned

Every single one of them was better than anything in P3

Piggyhara. Literally the most complex SLink in the franchise.

Portable. It cannot be overstated just how fucking shit non-controllable AI is. The game is definitely beatable in spite of it but it's incredibly fucking annoying and will force you to play inefficiently to compensate.

All FES has is animu cutscenes and walking around tiny town maps. The Answer is completely pointless plot wise and is little more than just grinding.

5 almost didnt make wanna kill myself from overhearing it. so i guess it wins

and they're still equally as obnoxious in 2019. there's a reason why p3fags are known as the meleefags of persona. they can't move on from their old stinky game.

If you're in a mind to take things seriously P2 might be a good interlude between calendar games.

Despite being wacky as fuck overall, the characters confront some difficult things and the gloomier aesthetic helps sell the tone of those moments.

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1. FES has Direct Party Control since last year
2. You are the retarded one if you think the AI is bad, because you are clearly too stupid to fucking change their AI presets on the fly (which is effectively same as direct party control).

Imagine being the Mc and destroying Fuuka after consenting to premarital intercourse

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>All FES has is animu cutscenes and walking around tiny town maps.
And Fusion Spells
And MC being able to use more than just Swords
And better balance
And shitload of in-engine 3D cutscenes
And shitload of elements actually being SHOWN to you instead of being only told about in P3P because lol off screen cause PSP is too weak

Fuuka is for pure, tender loving only!

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Honestly I'd argue that none of the party members, nor the Dojimas have a weak link.
Kanji's, I have a soft spot for, especially the extension of it with the "Rank 11" scene that got added in Golden.
And even while the bottom 3 (both sun options and temperence) are pretty bad, none hit the lows of P3's Moon, Kenji, or I'd even argue whatever the name of the Fortune link.

I'm trying

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>not using controllable party member mod

last surprise > p2ep battle theme > pull the trigger > remember, we got your back > wiping all out > light the fire up in the night > invitation to freedom > mass destruction > wait and see > a lone prayer > p2is battle theme > reach out to the truth

kenji's was a riot though

Random skill inheritance is way worse than AI party members.

I actually enjoyed the suspense of setting tactics and casting a skill to see what happens all the way through the Journey -- Mass Destruction is constructed perfectly to complement the evoker animations -- but it has gotten pretty painful in the answer.

Soft resetting skills during fusion is just an ironic waste of time considering that the game supposedly wants you to spend your lifetime meaningfully.

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Yeah, IV is beyond irredeemable shit

Honestly it's just been a while since I've played vanilla P3/FES. I can't think of a third particular stinker, and remembered kinda hating how sob story his grew into.

>Fortune Link
Purest boy yet

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Completely forgot this guy existed.

Persona 5 is way better than 3.

>atlus remaking P5 before P3

Bring it to switch already so i can play persona 3. I have no gayming pc and no ways of emulation, not even a fan of it in the first place. Just wanna play 3

>How come this isn't praised more?
Because its closer to smt than p5 and the narrative p5fags want to spread is that P5 is.

Now go play persona 1 or 2 (for Hitler) or start playing SMT

Fuck off Eric.

>LITERALLY removed demon negotiations, the defining element of megaten, and they didn't come back until p5
>i-it's closer to smt than p5 is, though!
why are p3 lards so delusional?

Yes and no
SMT is god tier game with crisp meaning whilst Persona is for fags who can’t get past the fact their childhood was shit and want to experience what they could have had through the games (P1 and 2 don’t include since they are more SMT than nu-persona)

Persona 5 has better gameplay, art direction, and graphics, but a terrible story and pacing. The game tries too hard to rail against Japanese Society.

Persona 3 did it too, but does so with grace. Not how the principal of Gekkoukan asks for forgiveness at Shinjiro's funeral for not helping him, or Mr. Ekoda had a "My god what have I done" moment when he abused his power

What' s wrong with p3p?

Kenji just wants to fuck a cake. You must have him confused with Moon, which was the Christ Fag

Persona 3 came out when SMT games still had unique philosophical aspects to them.
They decided to just make 4 and 5 happy higschool stories because people dont like thinking or not having perfect happy endings.
If you want more feels play DDS.

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Persona doesn't need to be like SMT, the more they deviate from the mainline and doe their own thing the better imo
If it was up to me, I'd have kept the P3/P4 shadow models instead of just using SMT demon roster

and yet 1 and 2 are the worst ones hmmm

P5's tone was all over the place. I didn't know what to feel after it was all done.

Retard, I already noted Moon. Who is, without question, the worst social link in the neo-trilogy.

>Bought a Vita and P4G because everyone is hyping the shit out of it
>Loved it and ended up spending over 300 hours with it
>Decided to play through P3 because its on PS3
>Figured that it might not be as P4 because I was in love with the cast, minus Naoto and Teddy
>Ended it loving it more than P4
>Decided to get into SMT with Nocturne since its also on PS3
>Fucking hell its great too.
>Years later and I've play pretty much every modern SMT games outside of SJ, which I am now playing on 3DS and Soul Hacker.
>Persona 4 went from one of the best game I've played to bottom tier for the series.
God damn, what a great ride.

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I miss Shoji Meguros ps2 guitar music experimental techno phase.

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Sun was the only S link that made me feel anything in Persona 3. The game made up for it in character development during the plot and I don't blame it for having poor S links but they really were just fucking boring and pointless most of the time.

>Final Fantasy 7
>Zelda Twillight Princess
>Saya no Uta
Not really. It's just that making edgy depressing shits was the fad back then in Japan.

Persona 4 is just Jojo Part 4 without Josuke.

>Persona 3 came out when SMT games still had unique philosophical aspects to them.
no, you're thinking of 1 and 2. they made 3 an emo high school story because emo culture was trendy at the time.

Excellent post

Justice, Hierophant, Lovers, Emperor, Star, and Death

Interacting with all the characters going through various phases of loss, grief, and acceptance

Everyone in P3 had life and goals. Even Kenji wanted to cram to get into Uni.

Pretty much this.
There was an 8 year period where 4 was the newest game, so attracted lots of newcomers.

Based. Though I like demon negotiations, there was just something charming about the arcana shadows. (pic related is my favorite) There was a bunch of arcana that never even got shadow designs too, it's a shame

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it is praised more you fucking retard have you ever been in a persona thread before?

>he thinks gameplay mechanics make the game smt and not the themes involved in the story
Fuck off back to your power of friendship shit.

I'm not even through P5 yet, but it all just feels so incredibly lame to me
P3 has time related, incredibly ominous phenomenon
P4 has a creepy as hell other-space
P5? Oh just alternate space again, but this time instead of dealing with the repressed sides of people manifesting, you know something actually thematically fitting with personas and shadows, it's just straight up brainwashing evil niggas with no scruples about being awful people
The whole set up is incredibly contrived and lame, concerning MC's circumstances and the formation of the Phantom Thieves
Lame is the best way I can express how I feel about this game
It's a shame since I love the visuals, environments and all, it's a stylish game and gameplay-wise really enjoyable

>you know something actually thematically fitting with personas and shadows
Persona 3 has the least of any entry in the series to do with this

Imagine Elizabeth asking to visit your room and then dropping the act with "I know what this means, show me your moves"

Banging a physical manifestation of the collective unconscious is almost Shinji-tier in its scope. Door-kun essentially had sex with all of humanity at the same time

Persona 3 does the power of friendship shit too, fuck off retard

The entire plot started because Mitsuru's grandfather was about to do some messed up shit by collecting shadows to bring about the end. It took Yukari's dad creating a lab accident to delay the Fall.

I-love-Fuuka!user, which of Fuuka's VAs are your canon?

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Every girl in P3 was thirsty for MC. Even his teacher.

You’re an honest to god faggot if some gook’s light novel-tier story moved you to tears.

so... persona 3, then? and why do p3 babbies tout their game's story like it isn't an enormous downgrade from p2 in story and writing? no other series would get a free pass on this.

Fuuka is a japanese woman, her one true voice is japanese!

What an absolutely adorable cutie!
I love watching her swing and dance around!

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he means the actual jungian concepts behind Personas and Shadows you buffoon, P5 still deals with that like P4 does, whereas P3 they mostly skirt around what these things actually mean in favor of focusing on a different plot.

Yes, and what does that have to do with Jungian philosophy? The Dark Hour and everything associated with it comes from a bunch of shadows getting blown up, you could replace shadows with "a bunch of chemicals" and absolutely nothing changes because the shadows in P3 are just generic enemies.

4 and 3 both had better atmospheres than 5
5 didn’t even elicit anything close to an emotional reaction from me

It's old dude. I agree the game is amazing but it's been discussed to death.

>autistic child with no friends or family has to kill himself to save them after only a year with them
Fuck you nigger thats sad as fuck.

Not him but do you two think that power of friendship just means having friends or something?

Imagine coming home to Fuuka and being able to help her take off her spotted and striped socks she's been dancing in all day

Having friends is dumb ass kid's shit, no respectable adult has friends

>Akihiko's breakdown at Shinji's funeral
Too bad Persona 3 is forever tained thanks to the shit that happened to Vic thanks to our trash modern era

That's the one thing I liked the most about P5 actually. Once you start thinking everything is a metaphor, right down to the weapons you use and the things you do, the whole game turns into an exercise in meta-analysis that was more fun than the actual gameplay for me

I'd say Persona 3's friendship bullshit ending is different from 4 and 5's, and is more in line with Persona 2's
In 3 it's him caring about his friends' continued existence that he's willing to give literally everything for it, whereas in the later games it's more them yelling that they're best friends and will overcome anything because they're best friends

>watch the movies
>Shinjis death/funeral is even worse
Fuck that song they played in the ending.

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>whereas in the later games it's more them yelling that they're best friends and will overcome anything because they're best friends
Right before you fight Nyx it shows all your max S. Links cheering you on and then during the fight all your party members yelling at you, you even get Shinji's fucking ghost chiming in

Actually agree.
One of the bigger shames from P5 is that EXCLUSIVELY using demons made a lot of encounters more hallow because any experienced player will know most of the weaknesses offhand which kind of trivializes a lot of the experience.
Woud've liked if we got a good balance where the fights had shadows, but with a "Demon Commander" who'd be who you try to get from the fight.

>in the movies Makoto holds back because he doesn't want to lose the dark hour effectively delaying the rest of the team from meeting up with Ken and Shinji
>In the movis Makoto is as responcible for Shinji's death as Ken and Reolver jesus is

That's great, just because it makes up for them pissing away his interactions with the party beyond Aegis and Ryoji

Didn't they outright axe Akihioko's breakdown in the movie?

>P3 has finally hit P2 status where you can just say whatever you want about it and claim it's true because nobody on this board now has played it

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None of those games have the philosophical aspect of smt games

Isn't it great that you could dress up your female party members in bikini armor just to mess with them

Hurts, doesn't it?

Persona 3 is a Grade A Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Suspense

Persona 4 is more Slice of Life, Light Mystery, Jojo Part 4, Afterschool Tomfoolery Fun.

Fuck, look at the color scheme.

Persona 3; Black, Blue, White. Very somber colors


There's a difference between using friendship to strengthen your resolve and turning friendship into a tangible force like Izanagi-no-Okami.

After all of your friends in P3 are yelling at you to encourage you, golden magic flows into you, it says "The power of friendship surges in you!" and you gain 200 health. I don't know how much more blatant this can get, they flat out say the phrase in the game itself.

The P3 cast confronted their personal issues in the most unorthodox way: being locked in the dorm and stuck in an endless loop till they get over their grief of losing MC. Plus, some of them like Junpei and Akihiko are aware of their flaws.

Jungian shadows would work better on Mitsuru and her unhealthy obsession with atoning for the sins of her family.

Meanwhile, P5 goes hard on the aesthetic style and kind of shits itself on the narrative value.

I don't really keep up with Jojo, but I'm told Persona 6 is going to have a female MC
What genre would it be?

Yeah and then you use that resolve given to you by your friends to fucking blow your brains out and die for them
Whereas Yu be's himself and stabs the god demon

There's no Female MC for Persona 5 R. She's just a new addition to the Phantom Thieves and believes people should solve their own problems.

>Persona 3 is a Grade A Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Suspense
who are you kidding? p3 is like watching paint dry for 90% of the game. i'm not crazy about p4's story either, but at least most of the game isn't a boring slog.

I think you need to take a break from the internet. For your own good.

It is absolutely insane how time changes all of Yea Forums's opinions on games

I remember when ALL of Persona was considered trash and 2 was BELOVED

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I'd love to help Fuuka relax after an intense dance session!
I'd prepare her some tea and put on her favorite music playlist!

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Not even a little lick of her legs while you help her out of her cute-as-a-button outfit?
Whatever suits you, I guess.
I was definitely going more for a raunchy, sweaty, passionate love making angle though.

You use that power to resist being killed by the physical embodiment of death, something so powerful its mere presence is crushing your party members and making ordinary people spontaneously explode, and seal it away. That's pretty impressive. I'll reiterate they literally use the phrase 'power of friendship' in the game itself, I really don't get why any Persona fan is so afraid of this when even in P1 the power of friendship somehow cured a terminal illness and then in P2 generated an entire alternate reality.

Persona 3 is unplayable. It's dog shit. You can't even control your fucking party members. And in the end the party member I was using, the robot, just died, then I just gave up this shit fucking game.

get your feet off the coffee table

But she'd be sweaty and that's unclean!
I would love to give her a nice shoulder massage tho!
Not to mention she'd be very tired from dancing to do anything else!

I enjoy both for different reasons. The characters in Persona are often more compelling and the day-to-day of it can be fun. SMT games have great atmosphere and settings. I enjoy the themes and combat of both.

>when even in P1 the power of friendship somehow cured a terminal illness
After you fucking retarded or do you not know the plot of Persona 1?

I unironically wish they did another soft-reboot, threw the whole wild card memery in the trash and instead of MC having 6 gorillion personas and the rest of the team 2, 1 starter and 1 upgrade, you'd have the whole core cast have several, like 5 or something tiers of Persona, each tier with several choices that are determined by your interactions with the cast, and MC's is determined through his interactions with s.links or something
So say you had 5 tiers and 3 choices each tier, totaling in 15 choices altogether for each character, going through their story arcs and depending on your dialogue choices and whatever they get different new personas and in the end each team member would have a total of 5 they can swap between
The team members grow as characters depending on how you interact with them and their powers grow in tandem with that character growth, same for MC

Now play The Answer.

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I'd definitely agree with this, P3 starts out incredibly strong; the setting, tone, and the mystery of the dark hour are all established and hook you right away.

This is then followed by, off the top of my head, maybe a 3-4 month period where it slows waaaay down. Still has some strong moments, the set-up for later is all cool in hindsight, the problem is just that it doesn't pick up again until Strega and Operation Babe Hunt.

Once Junpei starts listing after his goth loli, and all that cult shit with the apathy syndrome people starts appearing around Iwatodai, then you're in it for the long haul, and the pacing is consistently great. It's just a shame that The Answer isn't the short but sweet epilogue it could've been, at least The Journey stands alone far better.

Technically Nyx was killing people in P3 by pushing them into pure apathy, not straight up slaughtering them
Makes sense that holding onto the resolve to protect your friends would save you from that

Explain how Maki's physical ailments she's suffered from her entire life are cured during P1.

Because she was no longer being hooked to the deva-yuga system

Apathy syndrome sets into people without any willpower faster than those with it.

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I miss all the other SMT spinoffs that weren't Persona.

How long was that ago?

Duality of men.

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My bad, my only issue being that I'd change 90% to maybe 40%, I'd say a third is still a flaw, but the 60% makes up for it. Sorry, I lost the plot a bit, it's half 2 and I've got a headache.

Do you even know the plot of Persona 1? Maki has been sick her entire life, long before she was hooked up to the Deva system. It did not cause her illness, Kandori just capitalized on her fucked up state of mind.

to be fair, p2is was more about philemon than the power of friendship.

>Be fucking retarded and somehow miss the whole "MC is literally dying look" hints during the end of P3.
>Think he just rests in Aigis's lap for a while, meets up with his friends, and they all have a happy life together forever afterwards.
>Thinking "cool I wonder what The Answer is about, another 80 hour story and sequel?"
>Boot it up.
>Get told the MC didn't wake up when he closed his eyes.
>He was rushed to the hospital and died.
>Everyone is depressed.
>Aigis awakens to Orpheus.
>Shut off the game and lay in bed for a while, a clusterfuck of emotions.
This was a fucking rollercoaster.

Attached: permanent state of despair.jpg (840x700, 368K)


Ignore this user.

The answer physically destroys the ending of P3 with made up fanfic-tier bullshit. Once you know of it you ruin the charm of the vanilla ending forever.

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4 is scooby doo, but it has my wife in it and the dungeons being slightly themed made it better than 3 with regards to gameplay in my mind at least

Isn't it? I feel like I could watch her dance forever

Portable cranks it up to another level by letting you save Shinji.

>The answer physically destroys the ending of P3
If you think this you never gave the slightest fuck about P3 to begin with.
> with made up fanfic-tier bullshit.
It's literally made by the same goddamn team what are you on about?
>ruin the charm of the vanilla ending
It's not ruined, are you 12? The Answer just has everyone figuring out what happened and coping with it, then moving on with their lives while expanding on some shit that wasn't clearly explained during the course of the game like shadows for people who didn't play P2.

Like a second before 5 was released

Pussies who can't handle hard mode and justify it by saying The Answer is bad.

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>Aegis's shadow dopnut steel sister and every character becoming an emotional bitch isnt fanfic tier
>A concept as stupid as Door-kun isnt fanfic tier

Yeah No. The answer was a load of shlock. The story is about death and acceptance. It ended with minato dying. Theres no point dragging out that points aftermath except for atlus shekels and aigis fanserivce.

fes already did that by letting you straight-up revive chidori.

Persona 2 is the Fire Emblem 4 of Persona; barely anybody's played it but they see "it's the best one" over and over so they just regurgitate it as well while barely knowing anything about the game (a shock plot twist in both game's cases)

>Yukari's breakdown after "that" part
It made me appreciate her character alot more

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>Crying over shitty video games
That's gonna be yikes from me dawg

As someone who has played P2, IT can go suck a dick solely because of Geistig blitz.

>>Aegis's shadow dopnut steel sister
I can't believe I share a fanbase with a bunch of retards who think every single new character introduced in a sequel is an automatic fanfic OC, even if it's made by the same team with the same vision as before.
>>A concept as stupid as Door-kun isnt fanfic tier
So you thought the ending to Persona 3 was retarded too by the sounds of it, because he literally became a seal to prevent Nyx descending onto the world as a result of their yearning for death.

Or do I have to explain how metaphors work in the Persona universe like you're a baby brain?

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>I can't believe I share a fanbase with a bunch of retards who think every single new character introduced in a sequel is an automatic fanfic OC, even if it's made by the same team with the same vision as before.
Were you not here when Golden came out?

I thought she was a massive bitch from P3 all the way up to this part in The Answer.
Somehow seeing her have a meltdown turned those feelings into pity, then appreciation.

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MC had to work hard and be Junpei's wingman to revive Chidori.

>homophobic rapist works on trash series
Color me surprised

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The point was the gang realizing that they had to accept it you fucking mongoloid
That was the entire theme of the Answer, it was over and done with
I don't really like the writing of it at all but the theme is perfectly solid and in line with the Journey

Memento mori, user.
Memento mori.

The biggest problem with the Answer was making Aigis Field Commander.

Unfortunately because of some of the things Yukari said in the answer people hate her forever and ever and of course the attachment she has is all optional so for people who didn't go with her the harshness comes out of nowhere

Marie was different. She didn't have a reason to exist, and they handled her poorly. Metis was perfectly fine, if a little under-utilized.

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Yes but the theme of P3 is memento mori, not "Work really hard and you won't die"

For those of you who think P3's Sun SLink was sad: have you played it recently? Did you really read that dialogue, and not think it was so hammy that even dime novelists would blush?

>He became a seal for nyx
Wasnt established until the answer, therefore, not relevant.
>Metis is a literal edgy recolor is good character design
Even Labrys A NON CANNON FAN CHARACTER is a better design then metis.
Metis was a damn mistake. Next ,you'll tell me you love stupidwhatsherface marie and defend her inclusion into a cast that didnt need it, right? Persona has never benefited from these side stories, they all suck and ruin the original ending all because atlus needed new content, same way P5R will inevitably pull some magic ass bullshit to make P5 a happy ending for akechi.

a strong devotion to world building.
If a game is willing to put you in its world for 30+ hours before really going full gear it's trying to get you invested into everything around you.

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People hate Yukari because her actions in the Answer forced the team into an unnecessary tournament to determine who gets the keys.

>playing games as an adult instead of relying on nostalgia

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>Black and red is automatically edgy
Oh, you're trolling. Nevermind then, continue on.

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>coming in to persona/smt thread expecting to get a serious reaction from zoomer/boomer shit


>Wasnt established until the answer, therefore, not relevant.

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Nah you're just a metis-loving faggot with a bias. Sorry but your waifu a shit.

you got him real good, i bet he's crying

> the attachment she has is all optional so
There are people who didn't do a 100% social link run and get Orpheus Telos?
Everyone being attached to the "Cool Suave Supersmart Social Butterfly" and their actions in The Answer feel completely in-character after that.
Are these people even human?

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No, just got done watching it all, they paced it differently is all, it's placed later than expected.

What serious dialogue in the new Persona games do you not find hammy?

>A shadow, the dark true nature of the person in question isnt edgy.
Keep it up. You'll run out of bullshit eventually user.
She belongs to Arc system works. So yes. Fan character.
Yeah now show me where "Great seal" implies turning into a door? Oh. you can't? Thought so.

>There are people who didn't do a 100% social link run and get Orpheus Telos?
Why the fuck would you? You'd need to follow a step-by step guide for a 80 hour long game, meaning you'll have 0 freedom to do whatever you want.

What kind of super autism do you need to enjoy that?
The game devs themselves said you were never meant to max all of them, and were even told that it was impossible by other devs

Looking cool joker
Everyone laugh at this guy, he doesnt know about the party control mod

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As a story it's much better than 4 and 5, as a game it's like 10x shittier than both.

I feel like there should be SOMETHING between release of 4 and 5 persona and i am not talking about dancing shit.

So this is what memes do to a person.

Yeah, gamers are lazy and sharing media on video game play throughs wasn't a big thing back then. Gamefaqs was where people got their information there.

Fan character or not in original design, Arena is Canon. Labrys is canon.
Seethe more.

i thought the big theme of p3 was coming to terms with death? "working really hard" to magically bring someone back from the dead is the exact opposite of that theme. so is retconning shinjiro's death and having elizabeth frantically search for ways to revive door-kun.
after all the filler, all the boredom, p3 can't even commit to the theme it was supposed to discuss. it's all a waste of time.

Next you'll tell me Q and its cross dimensional velvet room fuckery is cannon.

more like just laugh at him for needing a party control mod in the first place

This. Its just atlus trying to market happier endings and more content to weebs to get them to justify buying P3 4 times over, and guess what? It worked.

I'm still mad we never got to go on a real non-online date with Toriumi

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Q could be argued. But it's irrelevant because its story is self-contained and fucking undoes itself anyways.
Arena is called out in Golden's Epilogue. It's canon.

>Should I expect more from 4?
Scooby Doo and some murders? Fuck no.

God I fucking hate P3P.

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>Golden is cannon because I say so.
Yeah no. P4 is cannon. not its added on DLC bullshit.

>You will never ERP with Toriumi on Persona 2 Online

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does the teacher-student relationship stop being taboo after you graduate or is it still not allowed because technically they "left their mark" on you?

>P2 IS theme that far down
What the fuck?

It's canon, and yes that's how you spell that word sweaty, unless you can prove otherwise because it's the fullest revised version of the game.
Or are you going to argue that The Answer isn't canon anymore?

Its Sweetie, and yes thats how you spell the word.

I mean sure, if you're going to act like you're right when you clearly aren't. P3 and P$ are the canon entires. P3P, FES, P$G and
P5R are what ifs. Everyone knows that except you apparently.


how is it p3p's fault when fes started this bullshit with chidori and p4 continued it by having margaret reveal that elizabeth was trying to revive door-kun?

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>*siiiiiip* ahh, SMT... the true persona experience

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>when fes started this bullshit with chidori
Yeah that part was fucking dumb and poorly explained.
>margaret reveal that elizabeth was trying to revive door-kun?
Keyword trying. She could easily make him a new puppet body or something of the sort, rip his soul from the ether and toss it into the "container" and have him be alive again.
But doing so would allow the collective unconscious desire for death ("Erebus") to call down Nyx once more.

She is more specifically looking for a way to relieve MC's soul of his duty and let him properly Rest In Peace via true death, not to revive him. This is a very important distinction to understand.

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>Keyword trying.
yeah, trying. as in, not coming to terms with his death and accepting it.
and you know full well that door-kun won't be dead anymore if elizabeth gets her way. atlus has more spinoffs to whore out in the future, after all.

>Elder God Tier

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It casts a dark mark on the relationship for others if they find out you were dating all through school.

never post this again

Replace with P2IS and EP and remove the other games

Is Shin Megami Tensei II really that good or is this just a bait image. I tried playing Shin Megami Tensei 1 but it didn't grab me like the original megami tensei did, which I feel like isn't a popular opinion.

That's why Junpei refers to Chidori being alive in A2.

>A fighting game is canon.
And you continue to show your stupidity. Brava user, Brava! ces't magnifique.

Sorry you guys can't handle the truth.
Easily the best SMT in the entire series. Only people who dont like it are those who cant be patient enough to grind.

>The fighting games are canon because the revised versions make callbacks to them.
>The revised versions are canon because the fighting games make callbacks to them.
Insular canon. There's nothing you could refute.

Don't blame him for something ATLUS refuses to stop letting ALL side material being canon.

what if you both abstain from dating until after you graduate?

By your logic the Star wars christmas special is canon because Clone wars made a joke about it a decade later.

>yeah, trying. as in, not coming to terms with his death and accepting it.
Holy fuck dude you can't be this retarded.
Read the rest of my post. She's trying to let his soul return to the cycle of reincarnation and let him rest without being the sole thing between Nyx and the world.

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>Should I expect more from 4?
You should expect a japanese version of Scooby Doo with some cute girls.

half of smt2 is an insufferable fetch quest so no its not that good

>He thinks Chewbacca's family isn't real

People will still be suspicious that something must have happened.

When the Christmas Special gets a sequel that makes a joke about Clone Wars, yes. Because then you have a loop.
Where's your proof that Clone Wars is canon?

Referenced in ANH.

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>why doesn't it get praise

It's rife with nazi imagery.

>P3 > P4 > P2 > P5 > PQ >>>> P1

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It's still garbage that completely misses the tone of SMT.

Doesn't the entire cast wear wehrmacht era armbands?

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No. They wear a japanese school club thing.

>Yukiko's Rank 11 skill in Golden wasn't called Amagidyne
I'm still mad.

nazis didn't invent armbands retard

it's an anime thing

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I actually got teary eyed at the end of the game when I went to check on him, only to find his mother there instead. I got so unexpectedly choked up by that whole sequence. '

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when will the author return?

If Persona 6 isn't set in a college town I riot solely by myself, but it'll be one hell of a riot.

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Is P3 the most overrated Persona game?
>Most of the main cast is unlikable or boring.
>Tartarus is a tedious slog.
>There's no definitive version. You either get no party control or a VN
>SLs range from terrible to mediocre.
>Plot is literally non existent until near the last few months
>Adachi is a better antagonist than Strega, Ikutsuki, and Nyx combined

Me too, it really fucked me up when his book gets mentioned in P4

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Why college?
In Japan, high school is where you decide on your path in life. For a game that's part life simulation, it makes no sense to focus on college.

I like both because I like JRPGs and Persona has different mechanics within the game and more characters/story while SMT has the demon system and godly Press Turn.
Yea Forums just generally hates videogames. It's the sad truth.

No P4 is easily

If you haven't figured it out, bland VN style dialogue

Because I want to be able to not feel weird about romancing 14 year olds and instead romance consenting adults

Which version of P3 should i play Yea Forums?

I'd rather get that world trekking backpacking game that proto-P5 was instead goddammit.


1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4

Daily reminder

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>Persona 4 is goo-

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FES. Please don't play Portable, one waifu and party control is not enough to fix what they broke.

Are you honestly trying to imply it isn't?
Who enjoys watching battles instead of playing them?

It's not like you make any actual decisions in Persona though
People in college too also live and do shit in their free time

How about you just play Eternal Punishment instead dude

Nice now play P2:IS on PSP, it's actually kino and that game is more memorable imo. I started with P3.
Both of P2 cast are good I always cared about them while playing it.

Nazism is a Japan thing.

Don't be disingenuous. Japan was part of the axis powers, much of their culture plays respect to their fallen brothers in arms.

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Anyone else a Kei Nanjo fan?

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>Got rid of dual summoning
>MC can only use swords
>Only one types of phys attacks
I'd much rather have those than lose those and only gain party control

Japan was in fact never national socialist


Adachi had no ground to stand on because he was only placed in the boonies because he's a massive cock-up who refused to do the work that was required of him back in the city. It's sophistry at its finest.

Incel-tier post

Adachi's only problem in life was not being able to get laid. Otherwise, he had a comfortable job doing jack shit because he was a cop in a town with like a thousand people in it. Yosuke wasn't just "upset he lived in the middle of nowhere," he loathed himself for secretly being happy someone was murdered because it meant he could act like he mattered. Cripplingly low self worth is a little more severe than "women don't find my creepy, rapey attitude attractive."

Reminder that Nanjo is hitting this nightly

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>cross dimensional velvet room fuckery is cannon.
I'd say 5 makes that a canon possibility


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zoomers. P3's bittersweet ending is peak performance.

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Sorry to disappoint you /pol/ but weebland doesn't care about you.

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The Kirijo Group isn't a part of the Nanjo Group, what the fuck are you on about?

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>Ewww idols and anime
>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself
>Edgy shit, 1-dimensional characters, but at least I get to punch god
>Final comes out, it's trash and shits on its predecessor, a game that actually tried to world build
>It's okay because the gameplay is better
>Press Turn is still "win faster"
>Oh, Hama and Mudo actually require thought now and don't randomly instant kill me, nevermind the fact that Smirk activation itself is still random
>It's hard and you just need to git gud, needing validation about being good at a single-player turn-based game of all fucking things
I actually started with Strange Journey on the DS, but the wank is trite. Completely shit close-minded fanbase.

t. ugly cereal bear.

Maybe next time you'll actually post this in a relevant thread

Fuck delinquents and fuck people who don't wear school uniforms

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How was P3 so ahead of its time?

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Backtracking: the game
It's shit

Unironically Based

I'm sure it's just a big misunderta...

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At least change your pic name, dumbo

It used to be. You're gonna tell me the children of two prominent CEOs in the same group didn't meet as kids at a Christmas party or something? We both know how this ends.

sex androids when?

Any reason to play Portable instead of FES if I don't care about FemProtag? I already have FES on PSN so i'd like to avoid playing a different version if I can

you're giving these phoneposting 12 year olds too much credit

Is this the most kino moment in the series?

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Nope. She's the only real draw. Except I guess Desert of Doors, but that's certainly not worth giving up The Answer.


It's a million times more convenient with skill cards and party control.


No, THIS is

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I've yet to play EP but IS was great, I'm more of a SMT guy than Persona overall but I loved it.
Still waiting for that juicy EPSP english patch

>tfw Asia likes nazism more than Judaism and can't be shamed into silence

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music, but you can find that online. Yukiko and Vincent make cameos. you can also control party members so it's less of a pain to replay it but there's really nothing new.


Besides the convenience of controls, not really. I liked FES more since you 'commanded' your party like a strategy game.

Git gud

Does anyone besides me remember hearing well before P5's release that the MC and his friends would be homeless? Was that a mistranslation?

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FES is a much better version with way more content.
P3P's cutscenes are also mainly dialogue+text with no visual representation whatsoever.
The Answer is a full epilogue story about ~20 hours of content that P3P doesn't have.

I'm pretty sure the Kirijo Group has been split from the Nanjo Group long enough that Mitsuru's grandfather was alive long enough to amass an even larger fortune.

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How pathetic can you possibly be lmao ?

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FES emulated with party control pnach file.

Best experience by far unless you wanna find the tactics settings to get exactly what you want, you can ALWAYS get what you want with tactics, but it's a learning curve.

Yeah but
>The Answer
I mean I'm a goddamn masochist and that was still a slog for very little payoff

They were and still are imperialist.

Which is basically nazism but even less trusting of foreigners.

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i get the impression that japan doesn't really understand why nazism and their own brand of extreme nationalism was considered bad and that they just understand that they unquestionably lost. And that's enough for them.

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>I mean I'm a goddamn masochist and that was still a slog for very little payoff
You must hate SMT then. That sucks, because it was just like Persona 3 without social links, which is what I was wanting before I knew what SMT was. I just wanted to endlessly kill shit with personas and segments of story between them.

>fucks up a commie with a wakizashi
Based zipperhead

It's literally only designed to answer your questions from The Journey if you had any, I didn't have an issue and caught onto the stupid Japanese metaphor shit easily, so it wasn't really necessary

SMT doesn't have randomly generated dungeons.

No, the VN style doesn't really detract from it any more than the godawful PS2 Persona models or QUALITY animated cutscenes did for the original. The real issue with P3P is the casualization of S Link mechanics and the MC only being able to use the second worst weapon type.

>it's a Fatesawakening babby shitting on a classic that he hasn't even played himself episode

Putting the fear of the samurai in the jew

Agreed, I wish there was a mod to keep the compendium from the Journey in the Answer. That would have reduced the tedium significantly.

Not even. It's what's gone from the main game that makes it sloggy. No Compendium and quite a bit of grinding. It's strategic, but SMT Press Turn still makes for faster battles that don't take forever.

I took basically the same path while starting at 3. Then I went to 4 and the rest of SMT. Series just gets fucking better the more you dig into it, it's true kino.

I've been reading the Undiscovered self by Jung and have read Memories, Dreams, and Reflections and I cannot see how people can't understand the Jungian themes in P3. One of the core aspects Jung covers is the idea that individuals becoming detached from their individual relationship with the idea of God (not necessarily religious belief, but the moral and spiritual aspect of devoting oneself to the greatest good) was a recipe for the catastrophes of the 20th century where rationalism, which I define as the belief that the events of a human's life and the morals derived from it can be explained scientifically, destroyed much of the moral foundation in Western Europe. P3 covers those Jungian themes through the Mitsuru family fuckups and the masses becoming literal zombies.

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Your mistake was thinking anyone on Yea Forums has read Jung

But I'm here and I've read Jung. Certainly I can't be the only one right?

Your mistake was thinking anyone on Yea Forums can read.

This is all a dream, you were never really here

Probably the only one who posts in Persona threads. My knowledge of Jung is pretty cursory and based on critical theory courses, so I'm a poser.

>Geistig blitz

Fuck no. Worst persona

That's a point in P3's favor, at least. P3 has the advantage of being original for an SMT spinoff and shaking up the formula

People worldwide will always sympathize with Nazis over Jews because Jews earn their loathsome reputation and always have.

You don't get kicked out of 500 bars and blame the bartenders. You don't get kicked out of 500 countries and get to play the victim.

Also Nazis stood for excellence and had beautiful visions of the future. Can you really blame Japan for fondly remembering their well-dressed comrades who DIDN'T NUKE TWO CIVILIAN CITIES?

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Literally anything is worth giving up The Answer

I miss getting sick and having to balance scheduling dungeon crawls with actual school shit.
P5 completely trivializes this.

Because it's a dream I'm definitely here.
If you want to understand Jung as a person, which I feel has helped a lot of his works make more sense, then read memories, dreams, and reflections. It's basically an auto-biography (Someone recorded his words as he spoke them). It has made everything I've ever read or played become a million times better. I've looked at Bladerunner, LISA, Umineko, and Persona from a Jungian lens and it makes it all a hell of a lot better.

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You mean P4 completely trivialized that

You make this too easy.
Remember to breathe through your nose, kiddo.

I love persona 3
It's the only persona game that I can replay again every time I pick it up and actually stick to it. P4 and P5 have too many parts that drag. Plus p3's cast is fantastic.

Really? Tartarus was ridiculously easy to figure out, took me one trip to realize how to get the most out of it with and never have to really be even concerned with getting tired or sick


I want to show her the joys of womanhood again

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P5 doesn't have any parts that drag, though.

Go scribble swastikas on your Temple, Rabbi

Nobody cares anymore

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>Should I expect more from 4?
Sort of. Persona 4 will make you realize the friends and family you have suck and will never be as good as the ones you make in persona 4

there's the 6 hour introduction for starters

3 also has a long opening segment. You don't get into your first combat encounter until almost two hours.

And in Persona you summon your demons for your skills only and they're not your party members.
What's your point?

>literally every palace after Futaba's

So did they remove the red arm bands from the P3 character designs?

Seems pretty excessive.

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I liked Tartarus because it cut out the bullshit dungeon minigame shit and navigation so I can choose whether to throw myself into endless battles or not. I liked that it cut to the chase like that.

Yeah if you spend an hour and a half trying to decide on a name

3's opening segment is like a 1/5th as long as 4 and 5.
You're doing your first battle where you summon your persona around 40 minutes, 30 if you aren't dragging your feet, then jumping into Tartarus about 10-20 minutes after that.
Not to mention after that point the training wheels are off. None of this "you should probably just go to sleep for the night" nonsense.

Post your persona names.

P3 - Jesus Christ
P4 - Senpai Sensei
P5 - Dindu Nuffin

Morgana was so fucking pointless it actually angered my soul.
It felt like the only reason he existed was to constantly nag you.
In a game about freedom and rebellion, it felt like Morgana was hindering you more than anything, always suggesting you do this, don't do that. You should NEVER
have a mascot character replace the main character's inner voice.

Whatever's the current most "official" name when I'm playing it, I can't stand it when the player name doesn't fit in with the setting and npc names and I can't make up japanese names

I always go with the canon names.

>the memes jack
yeah he only drives the story of the whole game, totally pointless character.

p3 - kotone shiomi
p4 - gary stu
p5 - akira kurusu

P3 - Pontus

>Akira Kurusu
>Not Ren Amiyamia

It's not about memes. It's about him attaching himself to the main character, which is completely unnecessary and cramped. At the very least he doesn't need to pipe up any time anything at all happens, it makes you feel like you're incapable of thinking for yourself, like he's holding your hand.

I get it, he's manifested from Joker and sent to guide him, but he doesn't need to literally think FOR you. Every time you overhear a conversation, Morgana has something to say and re-iterates what you JUST read or heard.
This is a detriment. It's not okay.

Was SMT Strange Journey any good? Anyone play the original or redux?

No, nobody has played SJ
But sure, it's pretty good if you like SMT

I only played original. It's good. The dungeon design is fantastic and it's still first-person so it feels somewhat immersive.

>people say this destroyed Yukari's character development
>even though it makes her one of the most human characters in the game

Both are good. Play the one that's most convenient to you.

>Joker is walking to school.
Student 1: So I was masturbating the other day...
Student 2: Ehhh? Masturbating? What's that?
Student 1: Masturbating is a way of relieving stress by rubbing your ochinchin until it shoots white pee.

Morgana: HMMMM masturbating huh? I see... what if you used masturbation to restore your stamina whenever there is a chance?


Morgana: Why don't you try masturbating right now?

Really good game. I'd argue it's better than 4, try to get redux as it smooths over all the wrinkles the original had story wise

It's a love-it-or-hate-it deal. She acted like a psycho, but it was completely understandable. She loved him, if it wasn't obvious in The Journey it's obvious now. Some people don't like the way she acted and judge her for it, other people admire the devotion. It's a very polarizing scene.

3 - Raptor Jesus
4 - John Freeman
5 - Harry Potter

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Guys I think I really like Tartarus for some reason.

P2EP is still good and Persona is a fantastic series overall

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>tfw autistic and have to uncover all the map no matter how much I have to backtrack

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>How come this isn't praised more?
It is, and it has been for like a decade.
>Should I expect more from 4?
Not in the slightest. 4 is the worst game in the series, especially in those aspects.

Where did this user go wrong?

You have to ask because you haven't played half the titles on that list?

We talking ps1 Persona 1 or psp? I've only played psp but I heard that ps1 has a great soundtrack or something

4 is comfy as fuck. It's good in a completely different way than 3. Not worse, but different. It's up to personal preference at that point.

I personally prefer 4.

>the worst game in the series
Let's not get too carried away.

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just give the ps1 soundtrack a listen right now
it's night and day

nah that's just strange taste overall

P3 - Minato Arisato
P4 - Brotag onist
P5 - Lelouch Sempai

I only played P3 and never Fes, is it worth going back for Fes or should I just play P3P?

I've been wanting to replay P3 for years but never got round to it.

I use my real name for every game. If I'm gonna self insert, I'm goin all the way

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I've never understood Akihiko's arc in the game

>need to get stronger so I don't lose anyone again
>should have focused up and payed attention to the people in my life
>better get back to training in order to protect everyone
It seemed like he had already been doing his best and life just threw him another curve ball

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>It seemed like he had already been doing his best and life just threw him another curve ball
Yeah that's about the gist of it.

Play P3P with FemC,

Aoyama Rei

That's depressing but I get it now

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>tfw you finally make it to the top of Tartarus

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I already did, Fes is the only one I haven't played.

P3 - Ai Uehara
P4 - Hitomi Tanaka
P5 - Anri Okita

I'm such a fucking meme fuck me

Tbf, you didn't say you already played P3P.

Can we be friends? Reasonable people are rare.

Should I read those titles or will the Jung biography I have lying around do?

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You get to hang out with Junpei and Koromaru.
You don't have to quit Tartarus after 4 battles due to your teammates getting tired.
Multi hit magic spells are actually useful now.
Maniac mode manages to be challenging without stripping control from the player.
Vision Quest is way more fun to play than The Answer.
If you know the enemy is going to hit your teammate's weakness you can actually have them defend instead of being forced to give them a free turn.
Dizzy is a status effect now. This means that if you are fighting an enemy you know you can't be beat with an all-out attack you can still capiltlize on the weakness.
Allies can now take mortal blows for you. This means that you won't lose an hour of progress because a random enemy landed a crit on you.
The game still lets you use AI if you're that stubborn.
Ken moveset is updated to make him actually useful.
Obviously the presentation on FES is better and it does suck that the MC can only slash weapons in P3P, but that's really it. I've beaten both and while I've have played through P3P at least three time but I always lose steam trying to replay FES. From a gameplay standpoint P3P is just way more appealing.
I also didn't like The Answer. I felt satisfied with the ending i got from The Journey. The Desert of Doors is a total slog with horrible boss design. The fact most of bosses follow a pattern of having double evasion to their weakness means you'll end up losing because of a bad dice roll instead poor strategy.

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>Anri Okita
Based and redpilled.

>Should I read those titles or will the Jung biography I have lying around do?
The Biography will go over a lot of it, but undiscovered self has been revealing as to his interpretation of how the psychology affects society which is useful. I only just got started in getting more into it, but it's been really fun.

All you need to know about P4 in comparison to P3

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>The game still lets you use AI if you're that stubborn.
But it sucks and is missing many tactics, the system isn't functional

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>death and darkness is bad

this is such a fucking meme image, all those choices perfectly aligned with p3's aesthetic which was superior to p4

To be fair, the FES OP is total dogshit.

This is among the worst opinions I've ever seen holy shit

P3 - Minato Arisato (sue me fuckers)
P4 - Ren Takeru
P5 - Hide Takamine

gr8 b8 m8

Its honestly garbage compared to the original OP, this is not a matter of opinions. The first OP was perfect.

>actually fucking liking the reused animation shitfest that is the FES opening over the god-tier P3Vanilla opening and the pretty good P3P opening
The song is all the FES opening has going for it.

This is you, you motherfucker.

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>the most important part is all the FES opening has going for it

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Song is literally the hypest shit on the planet but it's just a lazy gameplay compilation.

>most important part
You're the biggest fucking mongoloid I've ever fucking seen. A good OP song doesn't mean shit if it's paired with a fucking boring clipshow.

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To get you invested in the characters and setting so that you give a shit when the plot finally kicks off.
Much better than the P5 approach where the party is constantly hounded by a rotating selection of goofy Disney villains who hog up all of their attention and discussion, even during the "casual" scenes. And thus, there is no room for the party members to develop alongside eachother.

Yes P3 was about coming to terms with death but accepting death also means understanding the importance of life, and with that comes the struggle to live. Elizabeth is searching for a way to free his soul from being the seal, which imo fits the theme of the game just fine.



>the countless pieces of evidence that humans instinctively value sound over visuals is nothing compared to my poor taste

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>frogposter is a retard who doesn't know the first fucking thing about a good opening


>that western "art"
And on a different note, Kuma and Slut were even more annoying than Fuuka

I love Yukari!~

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Go ahead and rewatch both openings with no sound. Then listen to the songs without visuals. Then tell me whether sound or visuals is more important.

This is why P1P has the best opening despite only a few good visuals

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>This is why P1P has the best opening
Let's not get too carried away.

>No hug in the movie
Movie can rot and hell

Given that P3's non-FES openings are way more visually striking than the total shitfest than is FES, I'd say it still ends up being better without audio, you moron. Nobody is talking about the songs on their own, they're talking about the OPs.


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Yeah, and sound is more important than visuals by a significant margin, so calling FES' bad just because it reuses cutscene animation doesn't mean much lol

>Yeah, and sound is more important than visuals by a significant margin
Not in a fucking opening, it isn't, holy fuck.

lets be real, P4 is got big overseas because of Golden, not it's original release

Why the fuck is shinji there

P3P is only worth it if you're really interested in the FeMC route.
Never ever fucking play it if it's your first time. In a game that spends a long ass time building it's atmosphere and doing world building turning it into a VN ruins fucking everything.

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I'd say the anime had a pretty big hand in that was well

An amazing feeling isn't it. Megaten has so much to offer.

the only thing dogshit about the FES OP is a longer version of it was never made as far as I'm aware

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P4 got big because of tumblr fanart, but I'd also say discussion, especially at a time when then-teenagers were questioning things like their own sexuality and identity on a large scale
The same also happened with Fire Emblem Awakening.

I like both, but I am a DeSufag at heart.

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DeSu has transcended SMT in its own way


Because FeMC can have him live for an ending. Still going to die having to use those drugs to suppress his Persona.

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No it doesn't. Are you retarded?

>play thru 3 a couple months back
>make it to the train part
>drop it
ok you all are gonna make me pick it up again. what can i expect?

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How's DeSu2 compared to the first one?

It doesn't say its bad, just a comparison user.

I hate because all Persona needs to do to be on par is just start doing SMT tier dungeons.

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The best game in this series

It starts picking up at the train part.

The first few months are pretty slow. Stop caring about plot and simply care about the gameplay, both the dungeons and Persona fusion but also the social link and life sim elements. You'll get your plot eventually.

The worst game in the series

Persona 3 is X-Files.

Persona 5 is Sherlock Holmes.

Persona 4 is Scooby Doo.

>tfw the only SMT "game" you've played is Demi-Kids

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Was I the only retard that missed that Door-kun killed The Magician during his awakening and thought it would make a surprise appearance as a late-game boss for almost the entire span of the game?

Slightly more polished gameplay, mostly in mechanics, battles remain largely the same.

Story is batshit bonkers, literally including aliens. It pales in comparison to DeSu 1, BUT you are capable of having the MC go full pants-on-head retarded, so it's at least entertaining when you don't try to play it straight.

Protip for anyone ITT planning to start their first run of P3F: fuse Narcissus ASAP until you get one with its heart item, then register that one for easy anti-charm accessories. You will need them.

Comparing Persona awakenings isn't fair, no Persona awakening will ever be as cool as Thanatos crashing Orpheus's awakening
I didn't realize it until I watched Spring of Rebirth and saw how fucking big it was

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Door-Kun didn't do that, Death did.

But yes, you were the only one.

Are the P3 movies actually any good? Ive heard positive things but P5A is so terrible I'm worried I watch it to experience P3 again and have absolutely none of the emotional or important moments hit due to shit pacing

FE4 is a bad game dude

Can we safely say that P5A manage to be as bad as P4G animation?

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>The P5 anime is terribl-

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They're pretty good. Some people don't like that they push Aigis pretty hard, and all the social link stuff is cut, and I think they botched the final scene, but on the whole it's well done, especially the Shinji stuff.

Name a more emotional moment in the series than Junpei's ultimate Persona awakening.

Solid bait

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are you baiting?

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>push Aigis pretty hard
Based, I'll check them out. I really dont want to deal with emulation of FES or portable, both are dated and Atlus needs to remake 3 already

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The first one is genuinely amazing
the other 3 changed directors and are still good, but they might get grating if you're not a fan of Aigis. The fuck up the final scene though, Minato actually manages to look over at his friends running up the stairs and sees them one last time before passing away unlike in the games

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P5 is the worst Persona.

That's cheating.

I like both, but P3 is better than 4 and 5. And SMT is overall better but that's expected if you're an actual SMT fan and not just a Persona fan.

How bad was P5A?

If you didn't already know how P3 ends, you wouldn't even understand what is happening at the end of the final movie. They really screwed it up.

It's pure kino.

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P4A's bad moments and the entirety of P4GA are at least funny in how bad they get
P5A is just a disgrace.
I wouldn't go that far, you really get a sense that something isn't right during the scene where him and Aigis are climbing up to the roof and he can barely walk up the fucking stairs. They just fuck up the landing with the last 20 seconds.

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It's not bad but can't compare to the pure Kino this is

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This is a joke right? SMT4A is much more fulfilling as a SMT game than IV ever was.

You'd think with how much lf a success P5 was they'd be putting at least some budget into the anime


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Gameplay is animated better than the anime.

There's no words to describe how you feel when you watch it, but you do.

Shit taste

You still need good combat.

I'm completely convinced that some of the big higher ups on the Persona team are just really big /m/fags and put all of their extra revenue they have into making sure the OSTs for Persona spinoffs material is up to par with the main games and that they get their once a year concerts done right. Then everything else is just a low budget after thought

when's the best time to grind on tartarus? should i grind a lot?

part of the appeal of P4A is getting to see your favorite scenes animated somewhat nicely
P5A actively looks worse than P5's gameplay

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>phys skills are MP
>Hama and Mudo are baby-mode
>no more VIT stat
SMT combat sucks though
if you cream yourself to SMT, you should play pokemon and learn to play a more mature series

When you don't have anything of value to do that evening and you're in good or great condition and so is your whole team. Remember: If you can reach the barrier you can beat the full moon boss.

>Hama and Mudo are baby-mode