Why do developers do this?
It looks awful, like they think players cant use the control stick to move themselves?
Why do developers do this?
because melee is CINEMATIC and AWESOME and normalfags don't care for positioning and thinking when hitting things or playing videogames in general (see auto-aim being standard in most shooters, auto-drive and massive arrows everywhere in racing games, sports games that play themselves, etc.)
Keeps the flow going. Whiffing melee attacks is lame, especially when they do shit damage anyway
This is a result of western devs copying Bamham all this time. Positioning lost all relevance and characters slide across the screen.
isn't this a game where you fight like a zillion zombies? I'm surprised there's melee combat in it at all
>Whiffing melee attacks is lame
how the fuck are you gonna have any half way decent melee combat with missing you fucking heathen shitter
because they want money from normies missing attacks isn't cool and doesn't give them there quick dopamine rush
fuck you
this game looks kind of shitty
This is a shooter, not a melee game. Melee is just extra
Melee is "cinematic", to make the game "look like a movie" they have very precise melee animations. Since melee animations can't be infinite, this is the solution they found to make characters get into position for the predetermined cinematic animations.
The player should still be capable of whiffing. Might as well have the autoaim be a perfect aimbot. It's more C I N E M A T I C that way.
>it's not important to the game because I say so, therefore they don't have to put in any effort
I despise this "argument" whenever it's used
>whiffing extremely fast zombies as they circle you and take chunks out of your health is fun
Fuck you Yea Forums
I'd be a good incentive to actually get the fuck out of there instead of pretending like you're batman.
these kinds of games are made for people who don't actually like videogames, and largely play them as an excuse to get through the shit and see the cutscenes and story. missing would get in the way of that.
then why even have melee in the first place. 3rd person melee just doesn't work without lock on or if the character has a big ass sword or if your character has this lunge shit like in the OP. it's too hard to turn your character properly and swing accurately if all's you got is a little knife and you're using an analogue stick.
>designing a bad game on purpose is a good thing
fuck you Yea Forumsaggot
>press x to win
The game plays for you. How are consolefags okay with this?
I agree. Why have it. At most a very ineffective push just so the player can potentially get a few extra seconds to run away. At most.
But the answer is obvious though, because every game has to have as many "features" as possible. The idea of a tightly done game without unnecessary shit is a bygone idea.
if youre game is too "gamey" it wont appeal to everyone
just look at god of onions
every game is "press x to win" when there's only 1 or 2 shitter enemies left
I've played enough games with melee move assist to know that it's not really a big deal. Every time Yea Forums spots it, you guys cry like it's some game-breaking thing. Usually these games just have spongier enemies to make up for the fact that you rarely miss, and the difficulty balancing ends up the same
Except having an actual hitbox on your attacks that's relative to your character with no sliding would mean you could hit multiple enemies at once and also let you wind up an attack as they're coming towards you.
Yeah I agree with you there, way too much tacked on shit in games now. Especially those terrible"rpg-lite" systems.
Yeah and a mediocre shooter at that. You would think they could try something new for their mediocre zombie shooter that's been done to death and maybe add a unique melee mechanic?
Knowing the average IQ of this board I'd say this combat system is a bit too complex for Yea Forums
I'm always reminded of AssCreed Syndicate for this. Game series whose strongest differentiating aspect is the parkour, I know, let's give the player a fucking batman hook to bypass that shit. And why? Cause we had to say it's INNOVATING from the previous one.
Are normies only hyped up for this game because its an open world zombie game and its a PS4 exclusive? it honestly doesn't look all that good
you say that like spongier enemies are a good thing, i dont want to never miss and win just by tapping the melee button over and over again
in a game where you have to fight a million zombies why on earth would you make the melee like this, it feels like you have no control for a good full second after pressing the attack button, its like mining or gathering in monster hunter, you just press a button towards the object of interest and it points you towards it and does the whole thing for you
Why do fighting games and soulsbornes have giganigga hitboxes that don't look like they come close to hitting, but do?
missing because i press stick bad feel bad and make me play different game that more cinematic
Also learn to suppress your IRL ki, shitter
Probably because melee is only meant to be used as a weak last-resort in this game, for finishing off individual zombies that had made it through all your other shit and are now cornering you while all your guns still have to be reloaded. Shit like that
Because they're unoriginal and lazy
that is a good point, if i knew melee is like this i'd never want to use it and stick to my guns
Shitty monster hunter