Stage Builder MAX!!!

Drop 'em in

Attached: Meta_Thumbnail.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anchoring whit this post

Attached: Anchored.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

Didn't he buy them to deny Nintendo money from Nintendo fans?

Oh baby

Arena is still open with 2 slots

Do terrain blocks combine if corners touch or does it have to be sides touching?

My first stage
d-dont be cruel ;_;

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Attached: Cradles.png (1280x2853, 3.08M)


Attached: stage7.jpg (1200x675, 115K)

The code for your Homestar stage is actually RTGK0W2B btw

Snooping as usual I see

Weight limit makes this 10x harder i had to simplify so much

Attached: stage8.jpg (1200x675, 113K)

Mario's House (Paper Mario)

Attached: PM_Mario_House.jpg (1280x1440, 1.09M)

Attached: myStages.png (2400x1350, 3.9M)

Posting the finalized version of Fireball Island. Download this version if you have any of the others since this one prevents campers from staying on top of Vul-Kar and has the lava flow easier and not get as stuck as much.

Attached: Fireball Island ID.jpg (1200x675, 107K)

First time making a stage. It's the Combo Cannon from Kirby Super Star. Can I get some feedback/tips?


Attached: 1555359684955.jpg (640x624, 25K)

I'm consider redoing the Moai Doo-Wop stage and make it a Medium-size stage. Currently it's a small-size stage so it's difficult to work on it and makes the KO ridiculously easy. I will post it again tomorrow, sorry for the people who are wanted it.

Also I suggest this to fix the hole problem . It's still possible to kill in the hole but not that easy.

Attached: IMG_20190425_011454_468.jpg (1280x960, 117K)

>two threads

Attached: 1541409060649.jpg (1024x1015, 164K)

I knew I was going to fuck up a code eventually , thanks for pointing it out

Attached: UpdatedStages.png (1200x2362, 3.97M)

i don't play smash, i just wanted to say this is cool

Arena will probably close in a few matches

stop putting triangles in your stages fag.

My nigger.

Yeah no problem! I just didn't want other people having as much trouble as me haha

Nice stages dude.

Attached: Banjo_Stages.jpg (2560x3600, 3.51M)

To the Banjo stage guy:

Do the 1st floor entrance of the arklay mansion from RE1.

Hey, Yea Forums

is the nsfw version of the scorbunny stage up yet mincheeto? or has it been taken down

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Attached: triangle man.gif (313x228, 300K)

Cool shit dude

Oh. There are two threads. But I guess I'll post here too. If you like Metroid, feel free to support my subpar levels and reply with your own.

Attached: 20190423_221907.jpg (1043x1762, 716K)

The tit and ass stages are great and all...


Attached: XpgonN0X_400x400.jpg (399x399, 22K)

I want to fuck the rabbit

Based user.

Attached: smashstages.jpg (2400x1350, 3.2M)

has anyone done the sunshine pachinko level?

I spend two days making a shitty stage only to find out right after that using the grid is what made everything blocky. Now I have to remake everything.

Attached: 1553712355284.jpg (1920x1080, 849K)

stop posting

Awwww shit someone beat me to an Exor stage from SMRPG
Fantastic taste my dude

that sounds tough, I might give it a go later though

Last time reposting

Attached: D45XvSdVUAATeb3.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Just wait for the official release with Geno


Attached: Sensui.gif (311x228, 2.62M)

>TFW they dont got any turbograffix games

I don't think they're going to give a dlc Mii costume a stage LOL

I see alot of stages base off of Rhythm Heaven
did anybody make one of DJ school yet?

Attached: dj school.jpg (500x500, 66K)

It's like he thinks LBP trademarked creativity or something.

Attached: Shit taste..png (599x333, 40K)

Attached: drift stages so far.jpg (2402x2032, 881K)

who fucking cares

Damn, two threads and there were people complaining in both. Whatever...

I published another stage. The stage is a rotating shack controlled by a witch. Hope you like it.



Attached: haunted_house.jpg (533x1200, 157K)

Attached: Stages.png (640x1080, 1.3M)

This is fucking epic

I just uploaded my first stage, please be gentle.
The entire middle platform moves up and down, while the small one in the upper left moves left and right.

Attached: Lukewarm Ravine.png (1280x720, 1.56M)

still gonna hound you for a Rottytops version of that cute Shantae stage

I didn't know i wanted this until someone said it.

That looks really cool, will try it later.

Thanks for the heads up senpai, now I won't have blocky ass for my stage

Reposting my recreation of a 9-Volt cutscene image stage

Attached: B47FAFA2-54A1-4647-B712-164547BFB883.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

Nice, I was waiting for this one. Good job.

Inspired by Banjo-user, I want to begin my own quest to contribute to Yea Forums. I present the first of the Paper Mario 64 inspired stages: Shiver Mountain!
Couple key notes:
>this is the 7th and penultimate world before facing off against Bowser
>this landmark is based off the area where Kooper gets cloned upon hitting the blue switch
>the floor is NOT slippery, so no ice physics are found here
The only bad news about this stage: I didnt have enough room to fit in a Duplighost. I did however leave a little Easter Egg for those savvy with their Paper Mario

Attached: IMG_20190424_185441.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Version 2 of the Chandelier fight from SMRPG, I made the chandelier not look like shit. Hope you guys like it

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will download when i get home

Attached: 9volt.jpg (1920x1079, 269K)

Planning to do all PM1 or will you maybe dip in some TTYD? I'd love to see a glitzville

>recognized that exact area from the thumbnail
downloading this so fucking fast right now

Is Cynthia user here?

If so i'd be eternally grateful if you can change the cock to black, the Rosa is amazing but Cynthia and blowjobs are the absolute best. i beg of you.

Attached: __shirona_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_enpe__sample-47af4cba749340b1e5d3c5c18e73b691.jpg (850x1253, 183K)

Currently in class, I’ll do that in 4 hours

For now PM64. Don't get me wrong I love TTYD and hold it to high regards. I do however think there's some cool areas in PM64 that are underappreciated, so I want to tackle some of the pivotal moments in that game. Shiver Mountain/Crystal Palace being my all-time favorite.
I plan on doing either Gusty Gulch or Jr Troopa's playground next.


>tfw Banjo and Paper Mario 64 are my two favorite games of all time
you guys are my damn heroes
also, is the easter egg the pebble you can collect at the bottom? the one handy for snagging those booby-trapped items

Attached: 1463928577908.gif (500x549, 1.18M)

I'm willing to wait, thank you very much user!
I'm eager to see it!

That's really good. Nice

Attached: 1541080754783.png (1012x740, 318K)

Never going to happen, Jamal. Stick to black 'women'.

What cock are you talking about?

That is an easter egg that is present! But I was talking about the secret-secret easter egg that you probably won't find while playing the stage itself.

...a triple?

Attached: play this one here also too as well please.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

PLOK Cotton Island: 2X8P9NY3
DKC 2 Bramble Scramble: MRK764HJ
Rayman BandLand: C549PJN2
DuckTales African Mines: M4DD4MHN

shit...I might be retarded. Give me a clue? I'm not seeing anything.

Rate my garbage stage
Its the start of City Escape, or at least its supposed to be

Attached: SUSPECT SEEN HEADING SOUTH.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Thanks, user!


the red letter "P". There's no Duplighost to be found, but a certain one of their kind hid that certain something there.

Stage looks fine, but are the stairs and the platform on the bottom left supposed to be grabbable?

I'm going to make a K-Mart stage.
Anyone else have any other similarly mundane or absurd ideas?

Attached: kmart2.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

a walmart or gamestop

whoever the fat isabelle stage creator was, please do more like that

Attached: DzhAGIRU8AAoV-Q.png (610x718, 107K)

there's already a k-mart stage though, why not make a hollywood video or blockbuster stage?

Does anyone have music suggestions for echo versions?

The default is Funky's Fugue. What other tracks sound MK-ish?

Attached: MK.png (529x456, 235K)

Toys R Us stage

Copy that.

Looks like a blonde Satsuki from Kill La Kill

Circuit City.
Radio Shack.

pffft. I get it now. Flew over my head.
Hope you stick with this series. I'll save every one. Flower Fields is the one I'm looking forward to most
>Sun's tower
>the creepy well
>wise wister wood
so many good set pieces to use

which is the better meta crystal, OP or this one?

Attached: D44NmR_UcAE9x2B.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Paper Mario HD confirmed?

Pretty good stage btw.

Okay, doing at least Gamestop.
>there's already a k-mart stage
You can't just say that without showing me...
But Hollywood Video should happen. Maybe with moving spotlights.
Es possible
EB Games.

It must include the Funko Pop wall.

Attached: funko wall.jpg (750x1000, 233K)

Put a duck in the gamestop

>Not compy
This is just about the, second or third, to, worst but still very good stage ever.

Haven't uploaded it yet. I kind of want to see what else I can do with the stage. I'm also debating on if I should hold back and make more stuff to dump before risking ban.

I don't think I could add that much detail with the build limit, but I'll try to make the Funko logo.

You can't just say something like that and not post an imgur link to the stage or something.

Turn sideways you dumb bitch



Attached: 1556126255998.png (1280x720, 1.65M)

Just made this Blighttown, hit the weight limit pretty hard.

Attached: B2BAFD84-42B9-4DB6-A8E2-53B4E29B879A.jpg (4032x3024, 3.44M)

did that one user ever post the rhythm heaven stage with the easter island heads

OP. They're both practical and functional, but the OP has better Crystal's. So it's subjective, pick which suits you.

Level 1 from Alien Hominid! The UFO flies up and above the entire stage in a loop and can be ridden


Attached: Alien Hominid C88MKC7X.jpg (960x540, 72K)

BBW is the most based non-fetish

Fixed a mistake on the right side where you could get stuck in the cave.

Attached: Lukewarm Ravine.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

they said they were holding it off to resize it. tomorrow or so

it was in most popular for a long time. i haven't checked popular today though

OP's is also the first I've seen to get the actual pattern of the scaffoldings right, and the top platform doesn't look like shit when you're actually playing the stage either

Fucking why tho

F-Zero Car Select

Attached: 1437338217643.png (602x648, 14K)

R + ZR

Attached: 1532569082308.gif (430x408, 908K)

now that's a blast from the past
good stuff, Blarg

arenas where?

Block all major roads

stage idea?

Attached: o621i2yMXk1rrftcdo1_640.jpg (608x456, 62K)

if its still up, look up 'Isabelle 2'.
now go out there and make some bbw stages

That's more of a Virtua Fighter theme, now that I hear it.

Attached: 1394906655736.jpg (221x246, 25K)

Has anyone done/found a good Duel Zone from Smash 64?

You got a code for the version you have, friend?

Why do you put triangle in your stages? Btw they aren't even perfect triangles.

anybody got any good castlevania related stages?

Seconding. Blowjob, you say?

Thank you! I remembered that I had a notebook I made back in middle school filled with ideas for all the games I wished could appear in some way in Brawl after Snake was revealed, and it made me want to try to go back to the ones I put in there for Stage Builder ideas. Hominid is a very obvious holdover from that time

I actually tried to make a stage out of this mixed with the Doopliss battle yesterday but didn't get anything very good out of it sadly. I wonder if it would be better if it was merged with Twilight Town?

Man, these are amazing. Would you be willing to do Omega/BF versions of them?

And New Londo

Attached: AB43AD8B-B6AC-4498-8993-5413C6328D27.jpg (4032x3024, 3.75M)

The ledge I made intentional. The stairs however was an oversight. I'll be removing ledge grabbing from those two at a later date.
Sun's Tower is planned for that world, that and the area where the Crystal Berry Tree/Asshole Flower resides. I'll probably throw in the Huff N' Puff fight since that shouldn't take too much time to make.

Wayside School. I plan on improving this later, but here's what I've got for now.

Attached: wayside school.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

During the match the water slowly sinks to reveal the bottom half of the stage.

Attached: ADC92900-A791-44E9-BEFB-473AD075353A.jpg (4032x3024, 2.75M)

There was a cool one based on C3's opening posted yesterday sometime. Maybe check the archives.

Attached: castlevanias.png (1198x661, 1.22M)

Unfun stage

Attached: Airman returns.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

God damn good stuff, ive been trying to think of old flash games to make stages for because the crude stage builder aesthetic reminds me of them, maybe ill try a Thing Thing level or something.

It looks very nice user.

That better be missing the nineteenth floor.

Thanks! Dino Run could probably turn out fantastic. The lava blocks would be perfect for meteorite shards and the dinosaurs are already one singular color polygons

And Fountainhead Palace.

Attached: 369F137F-7D64-4675-9412-B907B6B1326C.jpg (4032x3024, 3.18M)

>Would you be willing to do Omega/BF versions of them?
maybe for some but not all, whic ones specifically would you like omega/bf versions?

It's nice

>can't set the randomness of custom stages so i can't have an arena that only uses one stage ever

Battle routine set!


Attached: IMG_20190424_204639.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Attached: the 19th floor doesn't exist.png (959x593, 385K)

What about the Boo boss fight?

US west arena
PW: 147
2 stock 4 minutes - no items


Attached: 1366427724959.png (240x160, 13K)

Fucking nice.

Hi shen

I just saw this right before you posted it here. Glad to see someone giving a great series some justice.

Liking the SDM stage

I love this


what now? code?


Thanks a lot guys. Lemme know if there is any way to improve the stage. It's at max weight though but I'll see what I can do.

Attached: Screenshot_20190401-210036_YouTube.jpg (2560x1440, 517K)

To create the effect you get from having them there. Why else?

I've been trying to download the Smash update but it won't fit on my SD card (where the whole game is at as well). I already deleted every other software from it and still it's not enough space, it has just the right size to fit Smash.

What can I do? Even if I bought a new SD card would my save data be fine? I have enough space on my Switch's main memory but I don't think there's any way to distribute files in there.

Any help?

Attached: 29665684_10216226834448182_1742575298_n.jpg (225x225, 8K)

any good toohoo stages?

Holy shit. Someone aside from me is acknowledging the existence of those books.

What the fuck.

Attached: 1395034182718.jpg (593x358, 74K)

How much space does your SD Card have?

megas xlr was too good for us

Sorry to say user, but you may have a fake SD card with dummy data, this was the problem everyone had with Pirhana plant, because Amazon allowed sales of Fake SD cards

I think he's talking about this stage

Attached: 1556122591440.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

is there any way to get around the stage download cap?

Why would you do that? Don't you like dunking your opponents?


On second thought, I was planning to do a super dump later this week, I have a ton of ideas cued up and don’t want to get banned before releasing em all. I’ll still do your request but I’tll be on like Friday or Saturday

Finished my Xen stage! Please let me know your thoughts on it

Thanks user

Attached: Xen Stage.png (1280x720, 1.5M)

>tfw been tinkering with counterweights and pulley systems for like 2 hours
I really hope this hailfire peaks concept stage is worth the effort in the end

>that mii handjob stage

Forgot to anchor, my bad

Aw, But you already uploaded the other one so the risk is the same, i was hoping you'd post it before the shithead reporter user attacked you.

Just fill it in with the brown color

>mfw slowly but surely deleting all my rare lewd stages because I don't have enough room to fit all the amazing new shit people are cranking out
this sucks man

Attached: 1548649721573.jpg (250x247, 11K)

what's the point of the follow feature? how do i see the stages people i follow make

Can't you get another sd card?


But theres like 3 other Cynthia stages I want to do lol

>super dump
hell yes. I'll be looking forward to this.
(The guy recreating the ZSS VS DH stages said he was gonna do this too)

Attached: 1550857076449.png (872x632, 193K)

the stage builder has a lot of flaws. much better than 4 and Brawl, but still countless shit.

Is there an option to save additional stages to an SD card, I'm not aware of? I thought the limit was 99 stages per smash game file

Attached: smash ultimate stage compliation resized.png (1024x2240, 3.44M)

I'm excited.

Attached: D2-bR7LUcAE24sm.png (480x432, 236K)

Is that true? I’ll have to coordinate with that user then

still got slots open

I mean you already posted the other one so the risk is the same now since you posted the other one, just do that and do the other ones as you can before a ban happens please.

It probably is, I don't know anything

That Megas is fucking beautiful. I assume that Johnny Bravo does the monkey?

Dumb ass nigga if he makes more he's going to get banned longer.

I guess. Did the user who drew the Pikachu libre stage get banned yet?

he probably hasn't a gotten a warning and take-down for that one yet. He'll still have a last chance to super dump even if that happens.

ZSS x DH Remake user here

Has nintendo ever reuploaded deleted stages before?

Because my remake stage appears to be back from the dead. FFNFPJVG

>I fapped to a smash stage

Attached: 1442442087101.jpg (1280x720, 352K)

This one is nice user, good work!

Surely you've fapped to worse things than moving platforms meant to resemble porn.

Really? he posted two already, and most anons say they got the 9 hour warning.
I'm not sure, i think maybe? i don't see it posted anymore

Please don't say it was a Duck Hunt one.

was it a good stage?

Yeah, we were talking about it in this thread
H'e probably still working on them, but he said he'd make an announcement early so people can get in on it

cancer stage and it crashed me, nice one.

ill re-open

Not him but I feel like Spiral Mountain is the obvious one

>tfw missing out on stage porn
wtf bros why must my switch be hundreds of miles away

Attached: 1520400795061.png (284x449, 106K)

He's not. All the stages are still up.

>giant ice turd rampages city
It was kind of cancer

no, you cant save stages to an sd

not seeing anything with that code

new US west arena
PW: 147
2 stock 4 minutes - no items

It was

Attached: 1551286124967.jpg (720x576, 421K)

I can't see it

They simple haven't been reported enough yet. 1 stage is warning, 2 stages is 3 day ban and any more is 14 days.

Novelty wears off after seeing it for the first time tbqh.

As long as it was the handjob or the footjob you're fine

Ok, guess I only see it because I uploaded it. But i swear it was gone a couple days ago when they gave me a warning.

Yeah, if you're a faggot.
The people who had their stages deleted can still view them on the share page, but nobody else can.

Attached: 568876.png (396x435, 360K)

Search > Second option > Players.

Attached: E8Z5TKIxuAoza3rC_VP8.webm (1280x720, 183K)

and capture the suspect

Le yikes

not the same.

that would be a waste of a lewd. doesn't 4 or 5 warnings get you the 14 day ban? wasting 1 stage on a clone?

PASS 8008
spectating at first because I'm eating

Attached: 1553639141390.gif (800x450, 2.06M)

If that is the case i'm willing to wait, i hope nobody hits him with it though.

thanks user

Attached: sailor dee.png (230x199, 80K)

What's the footjob one?

Louis Sachar was a god among children's authors.
>see: the absolute genius of Holes

Anybody find this one? Can't look right now but a CV3 intro level sounds great.

Attached: my stages.jpg (1280x2156, 585K)


Your 80s stage is fucking mint.

You're possibly my favorite creator so far. I'm not sure if you're (((report user))) or if he's just a fan too.

Somebody make her a stage.

Attached: blade-runner-lead.jpg (1600x900, 281K)

You know who else likes these stages?


Fairly basic. I hope to do more with it later on, maybe add some trees on the side while making better use of the layers. It's based on an old Brawl dome-type stage.

Attached: Aegean Valley.jpg (711x400, 75K)

Pikalibre user here, personal pika stage has no curtain, first off no bans yet.
Secondly, Goddamn whenever I try do any other stage I just cant get faces right, I suppose whenever it finally 'clicks' I'll make something nice
Also kinda glad to see my idea being used and somewhat working, even tho the ZSSxDH remake got taken down with a similar strategy

Attached: IMG_20190424_204807.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

id for naomi

>That metal stage
Please someone tell me, do I need to pay for online to download these?

Attached: panda question.jpg (1080x1085, 147K)

I see that johnny test and I want to see the rest of the thumbnail out of morbid curiousity

Can you draw a thicc Ness in magicant? I'm shocked I haven't seen any stages of him yet, but I guess that's probably since him being naked in magicant was a jap only thing and I rarely see jap stages.

Attached: Ness sprite2.png (68x99, 786)

You bet your sweet ass you do.

there better be a little caesars in the kmart, or else i'll know that you've never been in a kmart before

SM3NTBH0 beware the FD like stage is kinda shit cuz the creator decided to use a grid rather than free hand, art is nice tho

Thanks friend, may have to break the bank and drop a twenty on their online.

Attached: somewhat disappointed hakase.png (1280x720, 610K)

ID for thicc luigi?

there's no little ceasars in any k-mart I've been to, where the fuck do you live?

if you know anybody with a switch at all, you could collectively pitch in for a family plan. it's way cheaper

Get the trial if you haven't gotten it yet.

>not deleted
thank you

Not my map, found it my searching by date of all things... ID: 060M0D38

Attached: 20190424_205814_1.gif (656x368, 1.96M)

Oh damn, got the code or is it already deleted?

is that based off that fucking miiverse drawing

what the fuck

I think that particular stage is gone, someone else tried to replicate it tho

Attached: IMG_20190424_210244.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

arena is still open

Who the fuck would come up with this of all things?

Bruh can I get an ID for that awaken smashers stage?

lmfao what the fuck

my game crashed guys, see you all later

Ok, this got a chuckle out of me.

Hasn't been uploaded yet. Including it in my next stage dump

I believe that user has been banned for 14 or so days for their first batch of ZSSxDH, so they can't upload anything
Sad days men, sad days

During the pre-release hype i remember a thread that turned into dream rosterfaggotry for a snash clone about classic books, so i made a Count of Monte Cristo stage.

Attached: 57AC0582-D597-46D6-8BB5-E7020A312722.jpg (4032x3024, 3.63M)

When will that be? I want to make sure I can Yeah the fuck out of your work.


>that face

He likes it.

Here :)

Attached: IMG_20190424_210619.jpg (1280x720, 95K)


Attached: F5B1E524-7300-41B2-A807-9617F15CFDCD.jpg (4032x3024, 3.53M)

Looking forward to it..

Thats fucking tight. Got a code?


His hand moves back and forth as he decides his final move.

Attached: FB_IMG_1556157872486.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Any good Castlevania stages?

Attached: Lost Painting dot MP3.webm (800x450, 1.23M)

Attached: DAT ASS.jpg (1280x720, 239K)

Rest in user's purified piss.

Need one for Wiz and her potions.

Attached: wizzzz.jpg (1074x1517, 992K)

The little head Bob fucking kills me

who the fuck has green hill zone as their goddamn stage

holy shit this is actually the worst thing I have ever seen and i regret asking to see the full thumbnail, yet at the same time this is fucking incredible in it's own weird little way.

Attached: liatris plushie face.png (300x300, 74K)

Aqua user here, back with another Halo stage! It's Construct this time.

Attached: D49tQM7VUAEq3ar.jpg (1200x675, 123K)

so any clue if Gum will upload that mii paizuri stage seeing as teamwork is still up?
sadly I dont have a pic of it incase any of you are wondering

Attached: delete this this instant.jpg (789x591, 121K)

Attached: D49tWJyU8AAgnY6.jpg (1200x675, 114K)

If you have Amazon prime you can get a year for free


haven't been here for a few threads, how many lewd stages did i miss
and did a "you retard" stage actually get made

Attached: 1520402888303.png (481x469, 333K)

I wasn't banned, that was the original ZSS vs DH user. I only got a warning

I wanted to wait until the other ZSS vs DH user got off his ban so that he could download them too, but it depends. He said he was alright with me releasing them earlier.

I actually saw this in the by date catagory and few days ago or yesterday, cant remember

how do we stop the cradles

meant for

Well thumbnail is covering inkling by giving her a dress, but that doesnt do it any justice

Shilling my stages.

Attached: 1538719925189.jpg (2400x2025, 2.62M)

so we have a Solid ZSSxDH user and a Liquid ZSSxDH user?
things just got interesting

Brawl came out before lbp1

>fucking megas xlr stage


>that p3
i like you

Goddamn I love your Kraken stage, I would love to see more creative boss battles from earthbound from you
There's a place for homebrew fags to dump and download stages now

>be me
>have MASSIVE fetish for ShyGal
>hear about nice af lewd ShyGal stage
>didn't hear about it til it was too late
>search "shygal"
>find one that satisfies my urges

Attached: IMG_20190424_212026.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

sorry for the dc i dont know why that happened. i didnt lose internet or anything it just straight dropped me

that trap stage was a literal trap

>not playing the most advanced skill based competitive stage of all time

Why is Doc Louis' face so scary in this game?

i love the bottom left, it's the best looking custom stage i've seen

you say that but there arent enough triangles in those stages you posted

he's a misunderstood bike enthusiast.

Was hoping there would be some persona themed stages made some time.
Nice Castlevania stages too

Attached: 1358904961835.jpg (319x298, 36K)

the fear from docs face fuels macs rage
next smash doc will be nightmare fuel and mac will be absurdly powerful

that's because I'm retarded

Attached: large[1].jpg (1280x720, 134K)


cradled and triangle-pilled

Thanks for the lobby hun, I'm gonna hop out. Good luck everyone

Thanks user, but I can't really think of any other bosses from the Mother series that would make for good stages. Maybe a Belch factory stage?

Fuck Johnny Test in particular

Attached: 1555208053783.jpg (1024x1008, 88K)

From cradle to the grave, baby.

Quality stuff as always

Thanks for using my stage in the OP, user
Posting the 2.0 version of my Laharl's Castle stage, with the castle slightly more to the center and some other graphical tweaks.
I put a lot of time into this one, hope you all enjoy

Attached: Laharl Thumbnail.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

looks like i'm stuck without a lobby to join so i'm making on

2 stock 4 minute smashballs

>Make stage based on MMZ2 opening stage as my first stage
>Learn I need Nintendo Online to upload/download

Attached: 1520562273017.gif (245x245, 1000K)

tried reposting a neat stage someone here made a few days ago which didn't get much attention, but I got this message.

dunno if this is some hardcore case of "oc donut steel", but save images of stages at your own risk. especially you gdrive user.

Attached: k den.png (1438x110, 13K)

>You need to pay for Nintendo's online service to use Nintendo's paid online service
What did you expect?

pay up goy I really fucking hate this online shit, they should've just given us the entire NES library if they wanted to make anywhere close to a good deal.

what stage was it?

which stage image was it?

Fukkin nice

lobby crashed
PASS 8008

Attached: unknown25.png (908x960, 1.11M)

/mii/ died for a reason user

If Yea Forums was able to detect that it had malicious code, how did he post it here in the first place for you to download?

Upgraded. Thanks my dude. Looks great

find someones family membership to join

look what i found

Not home. What is it?

You have to post a picture so I know whether or not to get it before it's gone.

anyone have mario pissing

>buy a cheap edu email off ebay
>create amazon account and get free a 6 month amazon prime trial
>link to twitch prime for free year of Switch Online

Attached: DhD4HOKVQAEMf_S.jpg (185x272, 12K)

i deleted the image as soon as i saw that, but it looked like some kind of shrine, probably from touhou.

i dont know, was asking myself the same
i'm not tech savy but malwarebytes couldn't find any results on the image file.

google drive probably added something to the picture

Any ideas for a Regi-stage?

goddamn I wish I saved WHIRR before it got removed

I want to make more homestar runner stages, I'm thinking of doing the roof of bubs, anyone have other ideas

wtf bro i can't believe we're dead........

>implying it would break the weight limit
What part of "roughly the size of a barge did you not understand garcon?

Regigigas below the stage holding the main platform up Atlas style

Attached: D4uG1mSXsAAqrQ_.jpg (928x854, 147K)

>Malwarebytes didn’t find it
>Yea Forums’s garbage virus checker did
Yeah that gotta be a false alarm.

Reggiegigas, the Reggie Muppet, the Reggienator, Reggie as a rock person (i.e. moving parts that cover his face like a layer of gravel), etc.

What are the dimensions for the standard battlefield platforms?

good think it looks like crap. i might have downloaded it

What should the others be doing?

You're clearly not regi-pilled.

Nope, no online but I'm going to get it next week. I'll repost a bunch of stuff with codes then.

9/11 crashed my game entirely



Fair, but no-one can evade the weight limit like Gaston as well.

all the custom stages ive downloaded are shit but were still gonna play em

Attached: 1548979803574.jpg (1920x1080, 87K)

To whoever had that Fireball Island saved, I recommend deleting it and using instead.

Make the others in the background just fucking around

Attached: 2EA2025A-F81B-4ED1-9CD8-48457943C7CF.png (625x790, 632K)

eh, most likely. thanks for the relief
got me paranoid as hell though

still reminds me of red box day, copy paste in mspaint or sink threads

Attached: GK.png (500x374, 182K)

>sort by: reccomended
>this pops up
fuck yeah

Attached: IMG_20190424_215339.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Thought this was Klax or something.

Ithavol Building from Bayonetta. It features a slight upwards draft and debris falling to simulate the building collapsing

Attached: AC947F34-EECF-4B93-9D9B-E6C2DD045C05.jpg (4032x3024, 2.28M)

Don't actually draw things. Use points to make lines, like connect-the-dots. Cuts down on stage costs and helps mitigate weird geometry glitches.

I'm the guy who made the Strong Badia and Kick the Cheat stages. Well done.

How about... Sweet Cuppin'/Puttin' Cakes, or the Deep sea fangly fish. Maybe the SBASAF ship? There's lots of weird stuff to take from, just throwing out ideas.

Eh. I'd download it but it looks terrible to play on, and the artwork isn't nearly lewd enough to justify playing on such a bad stage.

wow Mewtwo spun the house to death

I'm the creator, is it not up anymore? I don't think I've received any email regarding deletion

Attached: 6dc.jpg (400x384, 30K)

>nintendo took down my stage
feels fucking bad man

>jojo stage

Attached: 1545961913755.jpg (255x278, 37K)

First stage

Attached: E305E599-F72C-4DBF-8056-5BC46D8403E6.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

dunno man nintendo have removed some pretty tame lewd stages plus to see this type of shit in recommended is pretty jarring

any open arenas?

The most recent arena ID isn’t turning up anything so I’m making a new one. Come show me your cool stages.

Name: stagegen

Who cares? It's a shit stage.

>Want to make an Arcade Donkey Kong stage with a working barrel
>Either I can make it aesthetically like the arcade game, but the lava barrel won't roll
>Or I can use ice platforms so the lava barrel actually rolls, but now the stage barely if anything looks like donkey kong
God dammit this is sad.

Attached: angry cat cocks gun.jpg (720x833, 143K)

the guy made a second one with a floor. someone posted it here on day 1.

>that breast placement
Jesus whoever made this must be autistic.

Just use a rail.

The thing with my stage was that it has a lot of curves. It would have saved a lot of time and looked better if I made everything straight then slightly rotated it, because with the grid the angles are very limited. So if I wanted to redo something, I had to play around with all the different angles that existed on the map.

Also it's mostly for background elements. The actual stage is very simple, then again, it's easy to clip through a straight wall because of how janky everything is.

never ever

Attached: 58375253_146454629736253_1625741530666893312_o.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Had a stage called wang land in smash 4. Just a giant penis floating in space. Was thinking about making a 2.0 but don't want to get banned. How strict are they on shit like that?

Takes up too much "space". Plus I kind of like the variable yet natural speed.

Obvious dick stages get nuked pretty fast, just do what pikalibranon did and cover your stage with a front layer curtain that falls off. Or just keep your dick stage for yourself and don't share it online.

If you really wanna do it have the upper most layer cover the whole stage and apply gravity to it, thumbnail is covered by front layer, good amount of lewd stages are getting away with it

3 stocks and 8 mins are too much

Then just go all out and make it all blue tinged. Make it Color Blind Donkey Kong

>the trap stage is constantly cumming
That actually made me laugh like an idiot, good job whoever made it.

your welcome Yea Forums

Attached: Yoshi Slap stage.jpg (1200x675, 124K)

Hailfire Peaks (Banjo Tooie)

This is all 1 standard-sized stage, the background completely changes after a short while of play to alternate between the 'Lava Side' and 'Icey Side'. I don't know if this has ever been done before in the stage builder, but here it is.

Top image is default lava side, middle is icey side, bottom shows it mid-transition. The transition loops, too, so it goes back to lava side to repeat the process.

Attached: Hailfire_Peaks_Preview.jpg (1280x2160, 1.31M)

i want to see this trap stage

I too want to see it.

forgot to ask what music would fit Hailfire Peaks, as I've got no clue what to use for it.
Also, sometimes it lags a bit which really concerns me...anyone know what could be the cause? too many gravity components?

also forgot to anchor

You're my fav stage creator so far. All look sick as fuck and are actually playable. God bless.

is this stage the fuckin two spookies from mario galaxy

Final Fantasy 1 stage where the fighter swings in the background and the pointer moves at the bottom, but otherwise it's just a flat stage with a pit in the middle

Attached: final fantasy.jpg (539x349, 65K)


holy shit it's so slick, very nice

That Sanic vore stage was pretty insane

Please give me a code, i really need traps

all my local k-marts also had a little ceasars in them

my puff got vored hard

horny stages are great

fuck this ghost house level
I fell through the ground TWICE

who the fuck is lagging in this arena so fucking much
where are you niggers from



Thats really cool

Attached: 1552320033763.png (339x300, 196K)

i love you user

cant fucking refill my ink wtf

so long gay falcon

hold shield and press B

What music should I put on a Walpurgisnacht stage?
I went for Hades's Infernal Theme but It's way too short.
This is the the reference music, btw:

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

tell me who you are so I can ban you from my lobbies every time

Isn't there a Palutena temple stage that has the vocals kinda like that?

Battle Hymn of the Soul, River in a Desert

check ur smash tags if you have his he should have a brazinga flag

Pretty good, I think I'll start using that.

Finishing up work on another ZSSxDH stage with Samus taste testing the knot. I'll be posting a webm soon. Do you guys think i should make it cum or keep it clean.

There was originally going to be some throat action, but i decided i wanted a different pose so that will be next.

thought it was shield and hold down
also desu I legit forgot inkling was even in this game...

No, eat shit :)

Opened up another lobby

3 stock 4 min
items low
ID: 6CS39
PW: 5550

Attached: 66727439_p0.png (1024x768, 220K)

personally i prefer cum

Attached: Dq3shFjUUAEzXRl.jpg (1024x684, 77K)

Every south american has now the USA flag because Nintendo doesn't have the Eshop service on those countries, so have fun spotting the chilean with an american flag.

depends, like leaking cum or caked like a krispy kreme donut?

Minor update in a few hours:

>all saved stages will be deleted

Need to remember to pick someone with some fucking mobility on these stages

Sector Antlia from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.

Attached: 1524634882056.jpg (1280x720, 587K)

I need the code to the trap stage, is it uploaded?

it doesnt say that
tho that would SUCK

Looks pretty good. Will check it out.

>just bought a copy of smash bros ultimate today
>all those lewd stages gone forever before I could save them

Attached: 1541221572102.jpg (882x960, 150K)

OG user who said to report the Konosuba Aqua stage. Have not been active in a few days, but i'm proud to say we did it. Finally got rid of that garbage ass weeb stage. Fuck bad anime.

Thanks for sharing. I'm kicking myself for missing out on one shygal stage I don't want to miss any other.


Just leaking, don't think I should coat her in it

please don't give the shitposter any yous

Amazing. hee hoo


fucking game crashed ill remake the room

I want to ride the yosh

I broke it
It was me!

Attached: IMG_20190424_162817.jpg (968x747, 52K)

shit taste detected

Attached: 1543176111598.gif (540x310, 463K)

Ok lets try this again

3 stock 4 min
items low
6 slots
PW: 5550

Attached: 1552949717329.png (628x676, 501K)

Hey i got two for you

user I need that code so fucking badly.

This is cool shit man! Is it possible you could make a version where you can jump on all of the floating platforms instead of just the middle one?

Attached: four_stages.jpg (2560x2880, 1.52M)

asked this before but what song sounds the most like hopes and dreams
was gonna make a god of hyperdeath stage and need ideas

This makes my fingers sticky

we got 5/8

I'd pick "CROWNED" from the kirb series.

>that Midna going crazy

Attached: 1651656461165.png (1456x1046, 722K)

thank you user, I really like the Rosalina stage
it's a shame that I missed the ZSS x Duck Hunt and the Aqua stages

Fatal Blooms in the Moonlight from Kirby.

I choose to believe that Rosa is riding a futa Wii fit trainer.

creator said this after complaints of discolored dick

Oh, if you're into Butt Shake there's also this

He said it was the male one

Futa btfo


Can we get a Yea Forums gallery going?

>unironically defending Konosuba
>defending a stage that wasn't even practical to play on
>having the audacity to yikes anyone.

not into futa but I ain't kink shaming

Attached: shikage-kira-the-sitcom-son-how-dare-you-kink-shame-4518869.png (500x929, 214K)

oh wow that Tooie stage das amazin

Is this a reference to that NZ shooting? I just found it in my followed list

Attached: IMG_20190424_225436.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

I need that fucking claw machine stage

thanks, I haven't released it yet as I've noticed it causes a bit of lag (even testing it in the stage builder had framerate issues sometimes)

it is, yeah.

You're right user it should have been a dog dick

The title is "[RPG] The Claw?" I can't get the ID atm

holy fuckin based....

found this [RPG] stage earlier, had a nice chuckle by its existence alone

Attached: IMG_20190424_214627.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

I take it the eyebrows move too

Good thing I downloaded it then

The Ocelot stage is the best stage and you can't prove otherwise

brows dont, brush does

Looks like something from South Park.

Post it

I made Boobeam Trap.

Attached: MM2BooBeam-300x263.jpg (300x263, 25K)

shit I'm an idiot
was meant for you

kino as fuck

Attached: 1554194332067.png (400x397, 244K)

Sure, but it'll have to wait a bit since my Switch just died when I tried to upload it

It's called "Pretty Good"

bowsette crashed me after the game?

>inb4 tryhard joker

Aight stage gen, I’ve got some chores to take care of but I’m going to leave the arena up for as long as everyone is having fun.

>tfw by the time I get my Switch and Smash AND online, stage builder threads will be dead

Attached: b3a[1].jpg (229x343, 24K)

hopefully the patch fixes this issue of crashing after custom stages

try hard joker!
not even in the lobby just wanna make your predictions come true

He has another one

hopefully there will be a feature to download stages from arenas in the future

What is it?

i know you can save replays with custom stages, which i did when mewtwo spun the haunted house into oblivion. gonna go try out replay editor after all this is done.

piranha plant why

bling bling boy eating out inkling...

Attached: 4bd.jpg (324x586, 22K)

I'm gonna try my hand at making a good Doctor Mario stage since none of the ones that are up look any decent. Which background should I use for it?

Attached: D2p3-J-VYAAd0Kj.jpg orig.jpg (1465x2071, 280K)


Wario shaking his ass

the darkest one, space i believe

roy winning crashed my game gotdamn

i live in southern california, ain't never seen a k-mart with a littel ceasars in it and neither have my other friends from around the country. might be a you thing


Were crashes this common before? Seems like you guys are crashing all the time