Attached: Persona 5.png (578x603, 245K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Unironically super fucking based.

post the image

Cringe and Mansplained

You know what? Alright, I'll admit it, that's based.

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>every single character in the team is fully clothed except their head
>new girl looks completely out of place with her design

Even Marie fit into her game more than this bitch.

>It's ANOTHER twitter screencap thread

Attached: 1535688718582.png (260x312, 73K)

this guy is going to become the new "you cheated yourself" mocked by the media

>no localizer will hire you
Covering things up with shitty edits is literally what localizers DO

*taps mic*
testing, testing...123
*adjusts tie*

Attached: 1526945713441.jpg (249x249, 8K)

>no localizer will hire you
I fucking wish.

Have sex

it's hilarious, because the very same subhuman libshit leftypol feminazi social justice warriors are being extremely racist with their cultural appropriation. yet these filthy subhumans get triggered when someone does blackface.

Even with the skintight outfits on Ann and Makoto no-one on the PT has any sizeable amount of exposed skin. It’s nuts how badly it makes her stand out, but that’s par for the course with Atlus’s Le Millenom Girl/“remake girls”.

>Even Marie fit into her game more than this bitch
Fuck no. She stuck out like a sore thumb.

Leggings with ZR are superior to bare legs though

>not wanting leggings/stockings/what have you
Imagine being this much of a faggot

>no localizer will hire you

we know that's not true

It's a shitty outfit, and it'll take more than recoloring parts to make it good

Based C3PO

>No localizer will hire you
Thats a lie but Usa Atlus isnt that awful yet.

It's just a leotard with leggings and some wannabe joker accessories like the red gloves and the coat

Goddamn I love stockings so much

Who cares?
Who fucking cares?
Who truly honestly fucking cares?
This sites obsession with twitter is absolutely maddening. Can someone make a Smash leak already so we can go back to all that bullshit instead?

Attached: 1538110674436.jpg (721x600, 45K)

it's not the leggings that are the issue.

just that the costume fucking sucks.

Attached: fixed.jpg (960x1180, 244K)

>gymnast characters wears a gymnasts leotard

Somehow that makes her look even more slutty than the original pic. Based retarded twitter niggers.

This actually looks pretty good, does the red/black thing better I think.

This looks awful.

wasn't trying to make her look less slutty but to make it actually look good

>being so afraid of skin
imagine being this much of a faggot

She already looks good though.

Her design is just shitty all around, I mean it's Soejima art so it's not "bad" but it's really uninspired compared to everyone else.

Didn't Nintendo so that to the blonde thot in Xenoblade?

>red/black two colors that contrast nicely
>durrr lets have 0 red
makes me sad someone got paid and it got OK'd

bruh im not twitterer. I just think the original costume looks like shit.

Attached: chesto.jpg (960x1180, 244K)

For Smash, which has a lower rating than XC2. E10+ vs T. Just some ESRB shit.

it's not too bad, but i can't tell what type of rebellious person she's supposed to be.

With the edits made the chest actually looks better covered in red than being bare, honestly.


Attached: 1534186522183.jpg (1440x810, 127K)

>trannies in this thread
Just fuck off.

The heels are awful, I agree.

like 90% of the people who regularly post here are addicted to the small hit of dopamine they get when they loudly shit their diapers and dress it up as speaking truth to power

She's either doing the classical phantom thief style like Joker or she's a highwayman or something like that. She's definitely a European style like Joker and Haru.


It's a fencer/french duelist sort of get-up, kind of like a mix between joker and morgana, which is just kind of boring when you compare it to the rest of the cast.

As a FEMprotag design it'd be good, but by itself? there's already two party members with that type.

Nah she has a arming sword, it's probably a duelist.

>swimsuit dlc showing a ton of skin
>that's fine
>the new phantom thief member shows her thighs a little bit in her outfit

Attached: 982798279428374.png (2050x1216, 1.25M)

I'd like her design more without the coat

>tfw won't get Texas Red with a saber and a lever action in sexy cowboy gear

some people just don't like the design, it's not their fault they're getting lumped in with people who hate skin

>telling people what to do

Eat a dick.

>tfw we're losing the war against trannies and socialists


Attached: tiresome.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

>swimsuit dlc showing a ton of skin
>that's fine
Well yeah
It's a swimsuit.

What the hell is up with Anne's boobs being so high up? Are they implants?

What? What makes you think that?

Yeah, I don't like the fact that they pretty much just slapped on random details from Joker. I'm sure in-universe it has something to do with how he's her idea of a rebel but out of it it just feels lazy. Might've been better if she weren't wearing his three-tailed coat, but instead had two short triangular coattails attached to the leotard like most MMO "magician" sets, notably TERA's.

Attached: teramgic.png (510x340, 249K)

Reminder that Persona 5 on Switch or PC NEVER EVER get used to it fags.

>phantom thief designs show zero skin
>except the super special new girl to show how super unique and different she is

It's almost like you are retarded

Attached: phantom thieves.jpg (1024x621, 108K)

This is the best one. Red tights are my jam.

I like it
make it look more like fabric and it will be perfect

Attached: nice dude.jpg (132x218, 14K)

Isn’t she a gymnast? Isn’t that normal clothes for them?

Or a mobster alcapone type design.

Even if she wasn't, there's no reason to cover up a character showing leg

Do you think trannies would know that?

Make the coat red and gloves black, there I fixed it

Do you really not see the blond chick’s tits that are out?

gymnasts don't wear capes, boots, and jackets.
[most] people aren't saying the design doesn't make sense.

And a full bodysuit.

That swimsuit guy specifically said thighs user, that's the only thing everyone's talking about
saying zero skin wasn't right though

Trannies on suicide watch.


Except for the literal Power Girl boob window. But let's just forget that part.

You guys are seriously bitching over nothing

Seriously can we PLEASE stop having Twitter threads on Yea Forums?
I dont go to that shitty place for a fucking reason you retards!

Be sure to like and retweet that tweet.

yeah it won't get changed but this is what this twitter screencap thread was made about so may as well talk about it

there are more of them on twitter so that means there are more of them in real life

So, trashera is at it again? Usually, P5 gets a free pass somehow probably because it's a Sony exclusive

There are less of them in Twitter and real life.

Why can't you just respect women, Yea Forums?

Was the game already announced for the west yet?

I respect them by giving them my cock.

It's cute to me.

Attached: Screenshot_20190424-110016_YouTube.jpg (1406x1079, 546K)

Im sorry im trying user

Attached: imsorryboutthelegsAnon.jpg (960x1180, 258K)

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I don't get it. In what way a simple outfit disrespect them? can you enlighten me?

That model looks fucking terrible.

It's a mentally ill tranny, don't talk to it.

It would look better if persona girls WEREN'T STICC

I think there is a reason that her jacket and glove color match up exactly with Joker's outfit.

She looks great. Mask looks goofy but so does Makoto's and Yusuke's and I got used to them-

Seriously, leggings makes her look 9 times better. She literally has no motif to her shitty outfit

>game is rated M
>for Blood, Partial Nudity, Drug Reference, Sexual Themes, Violence, and Strong Language
>includes a literal dick monster, a rapist teacher, and a young teenage girl's suicide attempt among other things
>people are offended by 4 inches of a girl's thigh showing

>has no motif
She does.

What about says she's a dancer?
>Besides the obvious dancers leotard

Her Phantom costume looks great, but her character design is boring as fuck.
She looks pretty much the same as P3P femMC, which already look average as fuck.

>What about says she's a dancer?
The way she exaggerates movements on attacks

Super quick and dirty edit, didn't care too much about precision since the idea gets across. Looks a little better but doesn't change my personal core issue: it's just Joker's outfit but with a leotard, which can't be fixed by palette swaps and leggings alone.

Attached: redcoat.png (1016x1180, 459K)

based as fuck

There are more liberals in real life America, but the vast majority of those aren't social justice shitheads that plague twitter.

So everyone is just gonna ignore the fact that she's pretty much a pro gymnastics athlete.
What a weird coincidence that her outfit consist of a leotard which is precisely what gymnastics women wear during their competitions (which ALSO involve dancing).
But no, it's either SJW screaming their usual shit or anti-SJWs going down to their level.
Fuck you retards, learn to add some depth to your points of view for a moment.

I, don't hate this.

I don't know, user. It can't be her literally dancing in the last 10 seconds of the trailer

>No localizer will hire you
that is where he is sadly wrong

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Attached: red.jpg (960x1180, 245K)

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Isn't bitching about her outfit slutshaming? Let her wear what she wants!

Atlus hire me to make your disgusting games not as disgusting

Attached: It stinks.png (960x1180, 761K)

I fucking hat what this series has attracted for "fans", fuck it I'm going to kill myself

Attached: yolobitch.png (200x201, 52K)

I really like it, but I'm super into thigh highs, heels and ZR. Not to mention girls wearing coats to cover up pretty revealing clothing. It does stand out but that's fine. They all stand out from each other.

Don't kill yourself user. Live a happy life.


>add leggings to anime girls to be """woke""" or some shit
>end up making them even fucking sluttier and hotter

Attached: 1r9ljzks2y021.png (621x957, 617K)

Twitter exhibiting something resembling sanity for once. Bizarro world.

I never knew persona 5 apologists were this stupid. On her COSTUME what says she's a dancer besides the leotard. I'll wait.


That stupid hot topic cunt made p4g the worst in the series lmao

The leotard. Some girls like to look attractive. Maybe she sees criminals as attractive fem fatales. All of them end up dressed like what they feel a Phantom Thief or rebel looks like.

Attached: fish.jpg (960x1180, 256K)

amazing how you guys will make up any kind of problem to hype something up as the new blunder of the century

Now this, I like. Shame about the heels though. The leotard makes sense, considering she is a gymnast, but the high heels just fuck the design a bit.

Keep in mind all the people doing this would screech to the heavens if you edited their art

There are no trannies that produce art.

I am big high heel man so I dig it.

I felt bad for wanting to do just that, not because they don't deserve it but because usually I try not to let these retards make my bile rise

>what says she's a dancer besides the thing that shows she's a dancer

I do. :)

Attached: A48B478D-2A02-4C7E-8435-0FEDA8529699.jpg (750x756, 152K)

this even states someone else drew this person's stuff

Attached: 1470013095222.png (184x180, 66K)

i don't know how anyone would find this picture erotic
she is 14 years old for fuck sake

Why are you trying to coax people into attacking some random tranny?

Unironically love this.

futaba is literally perfect

yeah it's like "she's 13 guys"

why would anyone find a 12 year old attractive? bunch of pedophiles on here lusting after an 11 year old

She's fictional and doesn't look any different from fictional 20 year olds. Real life 14 year olds wear less.

I lige twidder...

Attached: 1513320815459.jpg (227x250, 4K)

Perfect picture of a tranny.

I lige 4chin...

Best thread on Yea Forums right now.

is tht lik ford chanel?

Attached: 1513320620062.png (629x504, 36K)

Id lige ledit haha

Are you ready for his redemption arc and gay romance option

Attached: P3DMN_P5DSN_-_Goro.png (292x500, 82K)

Tranny talk.

None of you are actually concerning replaying this game when the rerelease comes out right? I got so bored I barely got through the space station and I completely gave up in the casino. Imagine replaying this 90hr slog just to do some different shit near the end.

heh trandees

Attached: 1513320396720.png (543x443, 24K)

Leggings are superior, you fucking retards

Heh im guurl when I gut dig hehe

Who wears a hoodie to the beach?

Hold up friend. I genuinely don't understand why we are shitposting about trannies. Could you please elucidate me before we continue?

Attached: a2a.jpg (600x600, 28K)


Trannies are the source of evil.

It makes his slender twink body more apparent




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I don't think the design looks very good to be honest, the leotard and jacket looks very silly. Everyone is (sort of) stylish while her outfit looks like something she threw together out of stuff she had in her closet to mimic how the Phantom Thieves actually look.

They should have just made Futaba a usable party member instead, since she's got health and SP for some reason.

No user if you can't dislike the design or else you're a tranny. It doesn't matter if you explain yourself

Take a side or fuck off retard

Attached: Political Divide.png (1280x634, 93K)


Sony will force Atlus USA to cover up all exposed skin or else they will add light beams

What makes video game girls wearing bikinis sexist when stores selling real life bikinis isn't? Like seriously, what is the argument? They don't like video games so they're gonna change them?

>Add it as free dlc with a cheeky name
Monolith are a crazy bunch

>Sony just puts the fucking son in the middle of the screen.
Cant see anything if youre blind! Its the ultimate censorship!


Attached: 1556136532579.png (1440x2560, 663K)

surprised no one tried to fix the coattails

Attached: 1556153158140.jpg (960x1180, 242K)

lads please I've fapped enough today

Alright, now change her hair color to white and give her a couple pistols.

Do both sides of this really have nothing better to do?
Do we have nothing better to do?
There are people being shot and bombed in the world and we're worrying about the clothing on an imaginary character

Attached: 1364372675146.gif (200x150, 1.95M)

so, go do something about it.

if you can't beat em, join em.

Do not bully the Ricky.

Attached: illust_38565022_20190424_233215.jpg (1202x918, 857K)

I dig that very much. Still sexy, but somehow classier. Fits the style of the costume well.

>removing bare thighs
Come on now fix anything but that

Its a HARD reference to Doronjo from Yatterman.

>Transgenders SEETHING
Fucking sweet.

That scene makes me curious

Is she an enemy at first?

Imaging being Atlus and Soejima and have to listen how gaijins have being all the day "improving" your work on twitter, by covering the character legs.
Like fuck off losers.

>could have perfectly saved the image and post it as the OP
>took a twitter screencap instead


Based xD

What’s it like being a localizer? Do the higher ups force you to change shit, or is everything that’s changed is decided by the people localizing it?

I'm pretty sure they just sigh and go "fucking gaijin"
I'm also sure they find the sexy ones and get those for fap material

The more changes you do, the more you get paid. The ideological dribbles is just excuses they use on their bosses to make the paycheck bigger.

Her eyes make her look retarded

>Shows more skin than Ann whose outfit is supposed to be skimpy
This IS retarded.


The outfit is fine, but I dislike how it breaks the motif of each party member being a different kind of crook/thief. As it stands right now, her outfit is way to close to Joker's with some added thigh.

I care, so fuck you.

can you please do and edit of this with the fishnets not red, but just her skin under?

Trannies dead

>exposed skin is not classy

What the fuck is wrong with puritans

14 is literally the perfect age for a girl. It is when they are the most fertile.

>no localizer will hire you
Most localizers are full of these people though.


SONY fags

>not liking tights

The mask is awful, worst part of the whole thing. Atlus!


nobody cares about your shitty twitter account, trash ape.

Oh god my dick
This looks 10x sluttier than the original
I wish this is what we got instead

>agreeing that her original costume is awful means you're a pro censor sjw
kill yourselves, the original costume is bad, is not hot, it's weird.

>Still no cool Law character so you can kill all your friends and side with Yaldabaoth
Why can’t Persona take any notes from Shin Megami Tensei?

You'll never be daddy's little girl.


Remember to dilate.

I can't wait until mods word filter tranny shit and /pol/ starts SEETHING again.

Fuck you bigots.



Attached: 1555368844590.jpg (500x500, 44K)

Why has this shit got so rampant lately?

You care because it's making your ass sore lmao

Featuring Dantette from the devil may cry series

I honestly think it's looks bad, she's too skinny to be showing off her legs and ass

at least it's better then whatever the fuck Makoto got lmao

Significant levels of baseage

Holy fuck, are even leotards considered a problem now by subhuman lefties?
Literally one foot worth of thigh?


To all those saying that the new girl's design is showing way too much skin:

Attached: mitsuohavesex.jpg (1900x947, 533K)

OH NO MUH CENSORSHIP *pisses pants*

american sensibilities were created by and are upheld by the religious right

>upheld by religious right
And by retarded leftists

Yes, its those religious right wingers editing anime pics and not lefty trannies.


The "you cheated yourself" guy was absolutely right and it pisses me off that he gets shit on.

have sex


I think you mean "retort"

Because ignoring trannies and SJWs instead of routinely shitting on them only emboldens them and makes them think that they represent the majority

looks too much like jokers outfit.

Not really, my dear falseflagger

He's technically correct, but typing out that kind of screed and getting that mad because some dickhead journo gamesharked a single player game is extremely gay. Just don't give the shitty article attention

>showing the human body is a bad thing
Whoever complains about nudity is a literal retard and shouldnt be breathing

>twitter screencap threads
>reddit screencap threads
>the vast majority of these have almost zero credibility, or even attention with no likes or downboats, and has no more credibility than screencapping some shitpost on here.
It's all so tiring.

Attached: 1547010335162.jpg (500x375, 20K)

damn 15 year olds look like this??

I agree but is this supposed to be somebody?

not really, a lot of the edits are getting 1000s of likes on twitter.

>reading comprehension
I'm not talking about the edits to this character that's on twitter, I'm talking about random fuckers posting some stupid opinion, and then some other stupid fucker screen capping it and posting it on here.

Case in fucking point,

I wish hiroshima would go nagasaki on twitter screencaps.

nah, you clearly mentioned most screencaps are of nobodies with no likes or attention when that isnt the case at all especially regarding this persona issue.

>cant even deny it was the religious right that caused the problem in the first place
lmfao bye

Another one.

i agree, kys christians

Yeah, most. I'm talking broadly user, not just this specific thread.

atlus USA released a short teaser confirming its localized name is persona 5 royal and it will release 2020 in the west and asia
they forgot to change 'the royal' in the copyright info because they're retarded (i can say it)

You know in your heart this shitty website won't improve. Leave. Cut yourself off somehow. You'll feel much better. Trust me.

like, gaijinworks or NISA might hire you, but not anyone who actually works on the game you're complaining about, so you won't really get what you want

Attached: Gemusetto Machu Picchu _ adult swim-xcbkOtptlgY.webm_snapshot_00.03.54_[2019.04.01_20.15.18].png (1920x1080, 842K)

This is the kind of brainlet that complains about designs without understanding a goddamn fucking thing about it.

What field is localization even under, marketing?

She's a gymnast you brainlet, and what do gymnasts typically wear?

you guys are actually just as bad as "the sjws" you loathe so much holy shit
this isnt even some two sides argument, some of you guys are legit getting mad at someone changing something in their own personal way in some jpg
grow up

Attached: 1509266314889.png (345x458, 120K)

Why haven't you added:
>twitch thots
I know having double standards in current times is a norm, but at least don't hide it.

uh huh

Let's add it then.

And she's the only character that needs an outfit that matches her hobby