ITT: Creepy stuff in non creepy games

Attached: gravity daze.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This part right here

Fuck stealth in games where it isn't a priority

how is that in any way scary, faggot?

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I was like 6 and I've always been a pussy. Suck my ass, anonymous.

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Last night I was high and decided to fuck around in Minecraft after not playing it in awhile. Got bored and decided to go spelunking with nothing but a singular stone pickaxe. Remembered about the herobrine nonsense and thought about how silly that is but then i thought about how the actual concept of spotting a player figure in a single player world was kinda unnerving. I kept spooking myself thinking i was about to see something in the shadows of a tunnel or if I 180 I would see a silhouette quickly retreat behind a wall or something.

*phone rings at night*

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Same. Loved that game when I was a lad. Don't think I ever beat it. Flippendo!

Pic related. When the big Antlion starts chasing you and you have to hide in those little holes where it can't get you. When things chase me in vidya it really gets to me. This part of Episode 2 in particular. Even watching that CoS video where Harry is at the door and the guy asks "Who's there?" got me.

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>inb4 100 Redead or Lavender Town posts

Vanessa’s Manor
Achenar’s broadcasts in Channelwood
That one Hex Maniac in Lumiose

>100 Redead or Lavender Town posts
Have you been in these threads in a while
everyone knows that basic shit and don't post it

>burglar sound effect in the middle of the night

>ghost / alien activity

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there's just something creepy about low-poly sharks, i can't explain it

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>hate spiders
>at first, think the spider enemies in DKC Returns are too silly to be scared of
>get to this motherfucking level

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sup nigga

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I was going to say redead at first but then i remembered this fucker.

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Haha Zelda right?, that Karariko Village temple is so scary right haha, it's like we have never seen those enemies before haha

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Where can I buy this pillow

the Ufo in ff viii , remote island and this shit appear out of nowhere

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Unsettling gif

That part in rayman 2 where the eyeball thing is chasing you

>Vanessa’s Manor
at least you can see that coming, I shat a fucking brick when one of these attacked me since I didn't activate the ones in front of the manor
damn Subcon was cool

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You expect it to be generally spoopy, you don’t expect what happens when she gets really close, though.

Those fucking statues jumpscared the shit out of me. I didn't even trigger the ones in front of the manor, it was somewhere else in the forest.

>6 during GC era
>allowed to post
l hate time

these fuckers made me not play the game for years holy shit who thought they looked fine

I saw one of the big ones with he soulless eyes staring at me in Death Chamber and nearly fucking jumped out of my skin.

This was like a month ago

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Fuck, this guy takes me back

I can't find a pic right now but the big oceanic rifts in WoW were really unsettling. Seeing an very large bottomless hole underwater makes me shit my pants.

lurker sharks from jak & daxter. that heartbeat thumping got to me

*ᶜˡᵃnᵍ* *ᶜˡᵃnᵍ* *ᶜˡᵃnᵍ*

*clang* *clang* *clang*

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empty source servers
empty servers in general

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Every Scream TV level would pretty much qualify for this thread. Especially those blood-curdling screams.

I totally forgot this happened in gravity rush

they're spiders? I played it on the 3DS and just thought they were random black amorphous blobs

Thank god am not the only one

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i never dared to enter those levels until i maned up in high school

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This fucking image makes me uncontrollably itchy and my tongue goes numb. Truly a cursed image

A ghost tried to approach me, he got Larry

>be kid
>aquatic mine
>check the radar
>"something something ghost room"
>go there

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Same, the one on the right fucks with me.

Don’t forget that one weird message behind the message board as well. Something about going out to look for help? That was kinda eerie

this shit as a kid was fucked

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Something about the C64 in general gives me an eerie feeling (beyond nostalgia). Even the shitty arcade ports had this vibe of being designed in a mental ward. I suppose this was one of the most unintentionally terrifying titles

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Its called trypophobia, Surprisingly common. look it up.

I feel really itchy right now.

There's a lot of odd shit in Kirby games, but the final phase of the Star Dream Soul OS fight takes the cake for me
>you damage the boss by destroying pillars moving around the boss arena
>every time you destroy one of these pillars, a sound effect of the game's villain screaming plays
>once the boss gets to 50% health, the pillars disappear and you start fighting a crystal heart instead
>when you beat the boss the heart "beats" three times and sends out three OHKO attacks before splitting in half and disintegrating, while a slowed down version of the scream sound effect plays

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I like this guy better than the boring shmup out of nowhere final boss. It was a fun fight.

I'm good.

>Falling for the trypophobia meme

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Wait what is this? I'm assuming its from robobot but this isn't ringing a bell.

Went the trolley!

Final boss of True Arena in Robobot

Either you’re a shit posting zoomer or you’re an le ebic hardcore gamer

>I didn’t get scared when I was 5 playing this game haha guys I’m cool right?

Point is, those Zelda enemies are ALWAYS posted in these threads, yes, we got scared or unsettled.

inb4 randy savage manic miner

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The piano in Mario 64
the godzilla copy pasta image that says run

>Have to shoot in the eye for a kill
>If you don't it runs mach 5 at you

6 year old me had to git gud at shooters real quick

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Fun Fact: This single part of Episode 2 is the reason why the flashlight isn't tied to the stamina bar anymore. Playtesters couldn't outrun the Guard because they used their stamina on the flashlight.

I'm itchy


Whenever I see this image I must put a finger in my ass.

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Majora's mask was kinda creepy I guess but these fuckers terrified me and I used to have trouble beating this part

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why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it’s my weeeeeenus peanus :) hahah

ITT: Creepy stuff in non creepy games - my answer is of course, my peanus weenus :D


same bro

Oh, that's the Flatwoods Monster. Those are real.

Hey user

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>no company, let alone fucking nintendo, will make another game that feels like MM
Feels bad

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that shit is cursed

See that part didn't bother me because that whole section is about death and zombies and stuff. But the fucking aliens abducting little girls on a ranch was fucking freaky

Oh shit, yeah man.

Those cities freaked me out as a kid. i still go out of my way to level every building.

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This game was fucking sad

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That dark level in Max Payne 1

And then there's 02

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This stuff always creeps me out.

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Majora's mask is honestly one of the best games ever and it's bizarre as fuck nature makes it even more endearing

Son of a fuck

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>Come back to Romani Ranch after you fail the mission
>Romani is completely fucked up

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You could argue that the OG Half Life is a creepy game OP but this gave me nightmares as a kid

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Ok this also got me as a kid when the piano chomp at you when you are close to it >XD

same, its why I hate the 7th colossus and the 12th to a lesser extent

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The one time I got attacked by Herobrine

I get what you mean man.

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another horrifying thing for me as a kid was these damn ant enemies in matrix path of neo, always gave me chills

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I have to do the Romani quest every time I rewind time otherwise I feel awful.

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>Ant enemies
I never played Path of Neo, what the fuck

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>Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

Honestly most of this game is a bit unnerving once you kill everything and then get stuck trying to figure out the puzzle while eerie ambient tracks play as in a giant empty polyhedral world.

This level specifically scared the SHIT out of me as a kid, It's a dark underwater level where you don't have ANY light source and there's GODDAMN SHARKS!!!

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why is she facing the wrong direction?

Why do you even have that artwork then user

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Yes there is

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to remind me what I have to protect

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>that art
holy shit thats good, it makes me wish we got more of those ghost aliens even though they are probably better as a one off that's never mentioned again

it became stupidly easy when you realize you can just spam the stink bombs and run by him while he's coughing

its an early 2k movie game, so expect some weird shit

You stop that

This motherfucker scared me so much when i was a kid

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>Visit the ranch on a "normal" run
>Anju's family is depressed, Cremia is on the verge of mental breakdown and Romani is still foggy from her anal probing
>Talk to the Gormans and they're laughing at her misfortune and refuse to let people take shelter at their house

This game is unironically several kinds of fucked up

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You're not the only one

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I'm deeply afraid of swimming in any game, no matter how silly and upbeat it's theme is

Check this shit out

All of Yea Forums is just reposting the same shit.

I cant play MK9 anymore because of that shitty jumpscare in the krypt

As someone who's never played MM before, can anyone explain what's happening here? I feel like because I have no context I'm missing out on whatever meaning the poster is trying to imply.


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Fucking Majora's mask was brutal man. Can't believe that shit was rated e

The world will end that night.

Sorry. Somebody already posted it.

the world is about to end, older girl understands but younger one doesn't. Older girl is allowing her to drink something implied to be alcohol so she can be knocked out as the world ends. Younger girls last line to line is a happy "see you tomorrow!" which will obviously not happen

Game is on a 3 day cycle that you keep repeating, trying to stop the moon from crashing down and nuking everything at the end.
This is special dialogue if you visit them in the final hours on the third day. The older one realizes they're about to die and wants to make her younger sister's last hours enjoyable (or get her drunk so she can't tell whats going on).
Pretty dark for a Zelda game, too bad Nintendo's lost their balls since.

From Skies of Arcadia
>navigating South Ocean
>going through the Dark Rift
>descending to Deep Sky
>navigating the Maw of Tartas

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If you somehow don't know the whole world is built on a 3-day cycle and then it's destroyed. This is what the two characters are saying the night of the 3rd day and obviously the little girl is oblivious to what's about to happen.

The Shalebridge asylum in Thief 3 scared the shit out of 14 year old me. You go from robbing castles and shit and then you're thrown into this dark decrepit asylum with those fucking zombie patients that always creeped me out. It was nicely foreshadowed before you actually go there so when it's time to actually enter the place you're like holy shit and super scared throughout.


*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*


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Thanks, that's what I was missing.

Holy fuck, every time.
Going into the Deep Sky shit me up every time.
That and flying near Shrine Island, when you can see the huge swirling dark vortex beneath you, beneath the sky.
Every time it creeped me out.

Yeah user, Resident Evil is my favorite non-horror series.

You should play it. Majora's mask is really something else and the insane amount of depth in the side quests is insane. There's a whole quest about getting a couple married that's has a stealth mechanic that isn't even part of the main game and is only there for that one quest it's nuts

One of the best comedy video game series of all time.

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fuck i forgot the thread topic

dark tooth in twisted metal 2 fucked me up when the head came off and there was nowhere you could run from it because the AI always knew where you were and the small size of it allowed it to suddenly be able to go anywhere you could go

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That was freaky. Is there more context?

>There's a whole quest about getting a couple married that's has a stealth mechanic that isn't even part of the main game and is only there for that one quest it's nuts
>Stealth Mechanic


Who was the best character in Majora's Mask and why was it Keeta

You have to sneak through a wharehouse or something as another character. As far as I remember this never happens as part of the main game

>the godzilla copy pasta image that says run
OP said non creepy games

>not "he got married"
Its like you didnt even hear the lyrics

What happened to Felix

Elite Dangerous is kind of this evolving space MMO and in the overarching Elite series, the Thargoids have been these insect-like alien antagonists. For the first few years of Elite Dangerous nobody had made contact with the Thargoids, but people started finding beacons and thargoid structures on some planets out in deep space.

A thargoid device that was found gave off a signal that when analyzed in a spectrogram gave pic related, and a person who was searching for the related star systems made first contact with the Thargoids in that video when they got interdicted out of Witch Space (which previously nobody knew was even possible). That kind of marked the return of the Thargoids.

There's lots of mysteries in the game.

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Beat me to it. Fucking christ.

lol, that scared the crap out of me the first time I saw that.

fuck you for reminding me of this mission

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kinda hot tbdesu

Even as someone who loves this game more than any other, I still can't pinpoint on just what makes it all work so well. The atmosphere, the characters, the impending doom. Somehow it's just done in a way that I've never seen another game able to replicate, and I still just can't explain why it works so well.

This one always surprises me. I loved dinosaurs and seeing this thing was easily a highlight of the game for me.

ree... REE!

Pee is stored in the balls Chriiiis


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why? not being an asshole here. even as a kid, the design is completely cute and non menacing.

god tier taste. only ones I ever really found spooky was deep sky and the dark rift tho

eh, that depressing, not creepy

Ding, ding, ding went the bell!

Entering the deep water with a big ass monster roaming around in a game where everything hurted you, i was a kid too but the feeling on being inside the water with that dinasour was scary

Honestly, all the basement levels kind of scared me as a kid.

>Lethal Lava Land with this as the painting
>Hazy Maze Cave and the bottomless pits and toxic gas
>The desert level with the quicksand and those weird grinning mummy thwomps

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did you know knuckles was canonically addicted to crack

but he's adorable tho. the eel on the other hand, I can understand. shit was horrifying.

It captured humanity in a way no other game has. People had jobs and lifes in the game some were in total denial others were panicking and others were accepting their fate. It really is an amazing game

Stick bamboo under his nails.

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This, those crazy zipperheads actually made a slice of life videogame

Fuck man when you show up wearing the Zora mask and everyone thinks you're their hero returning home but you're actually some asshole wearing his face after he died on the beach. Shit was something we'll never see again

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I don't get it

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look it up

Sup nigga’s

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What is this?

Those fucking sea snakes terrified me as a kid.

I always thought these things looked silly

hahahaha what a fucking disaster of a living thing

I forgot about those

>Darmani was the hero of the goron
>He tries to protect them and stop the winter, but ends up dying
>He's cursed to watch as his village is slowly being frozen and the Gorons are getting closer to death
>Goron Elder has to abandon his infant son because he tries to stop the winter as well, he almost dies
Jesus fuck, man

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U dun wanna know

What a fucking vid jame

Everyone does. Couldn't even find a good-sized screencap of them from the original game.

>Masquerade Violation

This area was creepy, unnerving, and gave almost a completely hopeless feel and I loved it.

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Does anyone else think Super Mario 64 is just eerie as fuck? Something is just weird about how that game looks and sounds.

>Hero of Time Link canonically laments not being seen as a hero in both Hyrule and Termina
>The Gorons will cheer on Goron Link once he clears Snowhead
>This is his only time he gets praised for being a big hero in "his" community
>It's all a fucking lie

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This probably doesn't actually fit, but once you see past all the lighthearted music and mech adventures this game is fucking depressing.

The economy is going to shit, you directly cause people to lose their jobs, you directly fuck over two wealthy heirs who just wanted to be in love in peace, you get a painter fucking killed in the desert after accidentally helping it look like he was a fraud after building him from from nothing to working his dream job. You introduce a kind little isolated village to the modern world and the mayor fucks over everyone else for profit.

The "kinda villain who helps you at the end" then goes on to burn down a family's fucking home for NO goddamn reason, and they have to start over with nothing, AFTER you sent an orphan girl to live there trying to give her a better life.

The main villain's entire fucking motivation was that he learned to hate an entire city after they just watched his brother die out of apathy.

The most childish and innocent of the main characters ends up homeless under a bridge.

You can be an absolute DICK to everyone you meet, you can extort your love-interest for cash at multiple fucking opportunities, you can actually learn to cheat at pool. All of the songs your band plays are fucking depressing, because the lead singer and your love-interest is actually legitimately depressed.

This game is one of the few that actually made me fucking cry once it all actually set in, and on some level that terrifies me far more than most of these posts did.

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Descending into deep sky is so fucking spooky. Just an entire continent of robots silhouetted against a nightmare storm.

Why not post the actual webm?


Wow I feel bad for Bartender Mario.

He scared the hell out of me as a kid.
Also any time you clipped through the floor and saw endless forest/ocean underneath you, or when you fell off of a rail in one of the space levels and go careening through space towards the earth.

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What is so creepy about this?


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Once you see them you can't never feel at ease in that level.

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is that carnivores? I played the ice age version a lot when I was a kid getting killed out of nowhere was always spoopy

I forgot to mention Darmani's Healing Scene
>He appears infront of a crowd of his people
>Despite him being dead, they all cheer for him when he thought they thought he was a failure
>Seeing them cheer makes him start crying
>He only stops crying when he sees Link and leaves his undying feelings with him
This is just one fucking instance of the sheer amount of humanity put into the characters of this game

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Scared me so fucking badly.
I'm ashamed to admit just how badly I was spooked by this shit. I triggered them but started looking behind the house before seeing them move and then they came into my camera vision and then I shit a brick and screamed real hard

A lot of that stuff went over my head as a kid

Wow this scared me as a kid too

The scream startled me but I didn't mind in the original PC "MSX" game Gates of confusion where my favorite area, I really liked the music.

I really need to get back to this game
I was really enjoying it
Think I just had RPG fatigue at the time

What game?

Oh yeah, don't forget how Lulu can see "Mikau" alive and well, but one day he just up and vanishes without a word or a trace after the Great Bay Temple is cleared. She probably will think her lover abandoned her for no reason.

Rain World

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You see Zora Link playing with the band in the end credits, so I like to headcanon that Link went around and explained everything afterwards.


Thief is a spooky game desu

Based, genuinely startled me the first time and was a great "oh shit the game isn't over yet" moment
The whole game was unnerving desu. So much weird shit happens, Moonside creeped me out the first time I got there.

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when it happened to me I yelled "YO WHAT THE FUCK" and jumped to the nearest platform as fast as I could, I think that's the first time I was genuinely caught off guard in a video game

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i don't remember this character at all

Do you know who's bones are on display?
Your bones
My bones
Bone' s bones
bone bone bone

Pic related + the level music made it impossible for me to play this stage alone

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You do, you just don't remember his name.

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It was the first time a game had made me feel like that since my age was in the single digits. They really outdid themselves with that enemy in particular

iirc there was an old abandoned mansion in pokemon platinum, that shit was mad scary

That's funny, as a kid I thought he was kinda cute. He looks like he was based off of a sock puppet.

Agreed, I'll be playing it again this year, may make it an annual tradition, and I don't do that for many games

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Essentially the older sister is letting her little sister drink alcohol because the world is going to end that night
The little sister is oblivious to the world being doomed

Lethal Lava Land is literally hell like the final area of SMB3. It's really creepy to kid me.

>"Since being shamed by loss in a battle within my kingdom... I have waited here for one to come and awaken my soul. Young swordsman who has awakened and deftly defeated me... I shall rely on your power to fulfill my request. I ask you to take my soul, which rests in the fiercely burning flame... And convey my words to my men, who, even in death, remain loyal to me. Tell them the war has ended... Then I shall be able to drift quietly into sleep... Captain, sir! May I take leave, sir?"


That's not a stealth mission, that's a block pushing puzzle on a timer.

I can see that. I think I just didn't like that you're sort of trapped between his head and his tail the entire fight, both directions just lead you to the lizard.


is this a darling in the franxx reference

I need to phone my mom and tell her I love her jfc I just came here to see spooky things now I'm crying

What is this from? Why are they scary?

The whole Hallow Bastion Level in Kingdom Hearts 1

It's been 18 years since the gamecube you stupid fucking faggot

That user could be 24

Personally I always saw that as an oversight. Link rode off on Epona, ditching Tatl, but then went and played for the band?

Being able to just let the guy go to rest so easily wretches the heart when you remember that Hero of Time Link spent generations not being able to rest himself.

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I always cheated and turned on debug mode then jumped halfway up a mountain and camped out until I got a good shot at the eye. fuck man carnivores was fun


it's a good game, I played it constantly when I was a kid


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It really is an amazing game you should finish it.

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screw you. my mind is broken now.

Fuck man ikana valley was heavy on the feels

Stop with the shitty artist please. No one cares what you fap to.

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The marriage mission ends with them getting wed like an hour before the world ends and they just hug each other waiting to get kilt by the moon. Majora's mask was heavy as fuck

You must think too highly of yourself if you think you're somebody.

Holy fuck how oblivious can you be

>this hole was made for me!

>Walk up to Igos Du Ikana with the Captain's hat
>"Ohhh! Keeta! Is it not Captain Keeta?!?"
For whatever reason, this line gets me. It feels like they were such good friends before they died, and it has been so long since they've seen each other.

omg I remember that game. It had three day settings (day, dusk, night) and several animals you could hunt. Man I was terrified of hunting tigers (i think it was) cause they'd kill me instantly, out of nowhere.

>The music got eerier the deeper you went

This room in SotN always unnerved me and the original tomb raider had a lot of areas that actually scared me fuck the bear and monkeys

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This is never explained.

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>"We'll greet the morning...together"

>that whole Azurill nightmare sequence
>the majority of the pokemon in the nightmare are guild members, which implies that after Drowzee tricked her she's been having severe trust issues since then
>your hunger depletes faster than usual to parallel Azumarill who's also dying of hunger while being in a nightmare coma
>reach the end of the dungeon and the supposed Pokemon who is said to cure nightmares tells you to kill yourself

Attached: pmd kill urself my man.png (400x383, 37K)

Mega Man Legends, the 3D game on PS1
one of the standout things about the game's world is this massive underground labyrinth populated with a bunch of those guys. What adds to the atmosphere aside from ambient noises is hearing them walking around in the distance
Nothing is scarier in those caves than exploring and hearing those clangs ever so slightly

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Giant objects underwater do it for some people.

Just looking at this image is giving me anxiety

What the fuck is this?

Wasn't there a girl who was depressed because she was a femcel with no bf

FLfag here. I don't think they allow people to do this anymore (except for certain places maybe), but that's how swimming in an area with manatees is. On a smaller scale of course.
They just pop up right below you for fun.

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I feel no sympathy for this loser
He had every opportunity to get better that most don't even get and fucked it all up
being a part of the 40% is just mercy at this point

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Nothing of your business user

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>Rain World
>not creepy
Did you even played the damn thing.

I mean, they probably were. Keeta was the Captain of the king's army, after all.


The music is what fucking got me. Why is it so unnecessarily creepy

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the scary npc faces in OoT and MM

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I don't remember her name just that she was depressed because her friend was getting married to the purple haired guy and she had no one for the festival

>>Hero of Time Link canonically laments not being seen as a hero in both Hyrule and Termina
I might be remembering wrong but I thought he just regretted not being able to pass on what he knew?

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Now THAT'S a mouthpussy.

I like that he becomes your friend after you feed him.

i played this game but i don't remember these enmies. what's up with them?

what game?

Nigger go to a porn thread and not here


This area showed me the power of atmosphere in seconds, fuck this area

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creepy. what are you supposed to do about a pole mimic? climb on the bottom of it? never played the game but very interested

never explained

thanks, user.

FUCK THIS. It's The Sims for PS2/whatever sister consoles it also came out on

The first game had an atmosphere that was unmatched b it's more mainstream sequel

>The abandoned part of town with the dogs
>The mysterious entrance tot he Mian Gate
>The big rust covered underground ruins
>The clozer woods

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AoS and SoTN are even or AoS wins in most areas but SoTN absolutely wins in terms of atmosphere

This is almost guaranteed the gayest post on Yea Forums right now

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I'm not going to pretend it's on the same level, but Xenoblade X does a lot of the same stuff as Majora's Mask, minus time travel
>Hard time limit (at least story wise)
>Mira is like Termina where it's ambiguous how the anybody got there
>99% of the content is in the sidequests, which have lasting effects on the world at large
I honestly need to know if there's another game out there that does what these two do so well, I need more comfy sidequesting in my life that actually has weight to it.

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The fucking noises this thing makes

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second only to OP's

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Yeah that one was creepy. But I also just hate large bodies of water in general.

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it's really not that creepy, it just has the one dark area and some enemies that hide in plain sight. Certainly not as bad as MM which people keep posting here
if you walk along the ground it sometimes won't grab you, or you can throw something at it to stun or kill it.

Attached: Dropwig.webm (910x470, 1.38M)

Absolutely cursed image

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They look like generic statue objects until you stop looking at them, then they start chasing you and attacking. They can't be killed.

How does this even happen?

What is the point of this? Is it related to the game at all?


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The mannequin freakout sequence in Condemned 1 in the burned out mall.
Also super crazy how some of the crackheads there are wearing pieces of the mannequins like armor, and will pose with some of the ones in the level and jump you from behind if you walk past.

These stages were fun as fuck.

seeing a bunch of fuggin dead bodies as a small kid was spooky at the time.

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You can usually just walk/ jump through it. Just don't try to grab it.
Killing it makes things just worse.

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I always thought this was a cool easter egg. the boo house flagpole ghost can fuck itself though.

only a computer program is capable of creating such a horrendous thing

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>When you Return to Mimiga Village for the first time
>Its empty
>Slow desolated music
>The Doctor has taken everyone
>King, Tomoko, Curly and Professor Booster are dead
Shit is harsh

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So what's the best way to play Skies of Arcadia on a PC?

Download Dolphin, get the Gamecube ISO

honestly anything relating to eyes spooks me good, Majora's Mask always got me

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looks like a possible error in the graphics engine of the game where the verticies were somehow receiving wrong data on where they were supposed to be instead ended up extruding to a +1 and -1 locations of the object

It was a glitch in a dev build, i think.

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I'm pretty sure Legends was their attempt to experiment, not just in the third dimension, but with the general tone. It led to this dark and scary atmosphere, and I'll bet a good portion of it was intended. Ironic when juxtaposed with the silly anime characters.

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I think this was the creepiest when it originally wanted posted to YouTube with no translation and it was all edited to flow smoothly together. The video also used the creepy unused song that was the voice clips slowed down.

Fuck this guy

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I was spoiled about this from Yea Forums and I still fuckign jumped

What are some other instances where unused content is as creepy, if not creepier, than things in the final product?

I feel bad for her

aaaaaa this shit triggered something deeeep inside of my fucking mind
that one level where you first unlock the FPS / DOOM mode and this fucking music is playing and there's a timer in the top left before the place is filled with poison gas or something
that shit terrified me for some reason.

lotus arms have been on this site for over a decade

Only the tip can grab you, the rest is just kinda sticky. If you get grabbed you're fucked

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You don't expect it. You just turn a corner, walk up to a place, and this huge thing in a game full of things comes slowly around a corner as this spooky otherworldly "oooooh, oooooh [ting, ting dodo]" music plays, emerging from the darkness.

I ran right out and died and went to another dungeon, had a nightmare it grabbed Mario out of the water and shook him around, beat him against the island, then ate his arm and I could only swim in circles before drowning

I wish they could fix the stutterings, I can't get past the second main dungeon because of this

Change the settings back to beta something, there was a fix on the forums for it


When the fuck does this play?

What gaem?

It's disabled by default
You need to re-enable it in the ini
Once it's re-enabled, it'll play after a ton of deaths happen (Mostly after natural disasters)

The entire atmosphere of both games.

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Steambot Chronicles

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the fucking weird sounds implemented into splatoon that the devs have no clue how or when it was added

I thought it was pretty unsettling what Todd was implying by putting himself in the game like this.

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I believe since you are underground in massive complexes, it's the complexes groaning under the weight and slowly falling apart.

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>one dev pranks the whole team
inkredibly based.

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thing is, in splatoon 1, it only shows up like 5 minutes after beating the final boss and not collecting the zap fish. thats pretty damn specific

This was out of left field for a game like gravity rush

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>hey why is the game zooming in that much am I going to be jump sca...

why my penis weenis of course haha my penis weenis

>all of the scrapped content and horror elements from Bioshock Infinite
>dumbed down to a dudebro shooter
>Boys of Silence would've been a somewhat regularly occuring enemy but instead were cut to only that very short section
Fuck Bioshock Infinite and it's entirety besides the Elizabeth porn. Even then we still should've gotten 2010 E3 beta Elizabeth.

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Oh no


she has big tits

King Boom Boo scared me as a kid for some reason, and now as an adult, I can't figure out why

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It's supposed to be creepy stuff, not sexy stuff

It's pretty clear why.

Nah, he looks dumb and has a rainbow tongue and makes dumb noises. Young me was just a bitch, and now he's dead so whatever

claustrophobia and he's a fucking giant ghost with a gigantic mouth lined with teeth
granted he's a little goofy looking but you had to run from him so it was kinda spooky yeah

dont feel bad user, ive done literally that exact same thing

That would send me into a panic for a few seconds, that erratic movement is uncanny in how accurate it looks.

>Killing it makes things just worse.

>Killing it makes things just worse.
what happens?

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Its fucking weird and tiptoes right at the line of being creepy without going into full horror ever. Other games that deal with doomsday take themselves seriously and go straight into “scary” territory if they’re aiming for horror. MM has a face on the moon, a disembodied hand asking you for toilet paper, a man whose been cursed back into a child, and a monkey about to be boiled alive in a soup pot. None of these things push the line enough to be considered horror and almost seem comical in description. But they make you feel uncomfortable and disturb you and the game is full of them.

It's like something right out of a Junji ito manga

this motherfucker scared the shit out of me as a kid. i was like 5 or 6 at the time and it was the reason i refused to play defender or any other space-themed arcade games (other than single screen stuff like galaxian) for a while
this also spooked me as a kid
its just so out of place and strange in a game thats mostly chill or cheesy when it comes to horror

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Ah yes, the thoughts I've been trying to avoid

the game uses procedural animation, where the animations of the creatures are based directly on the physics engine that they use.

So Weeping Angels?

>slowly follows you around the map

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>went "ghost hunting" with friends to an abandoned mental hospital at night when i was 20, didn't get scared at all
>have watched and played some of the scariests movies and games. don't remember getting scared
>this shit happens in a pokemon game, actually get scared.
i seriously, SERIOUSLY wasn't expecting that.

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watching yourself be hunted is always creepy.

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I remember the one time my youngest cousin + family was visiting us for the holidays and I let them play the vidya I had while I was somewhere near the room finishing my homework. Then they got to 'that part' and she started freaking out, telling the other kids to 'TURN IT OFF' but they started laughing and tried to purposely die and make her cry even more.

Eventually I had to make up some retarded fanfic of Hydrus and the other colossi being zoo animals and making up stupid shit about it doing flips like the dolphins at Seaworld.

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I swear , if they remade this game without all that jank it would be a fucking jewel

Is that what they would actually do in that situation? Looks like a good way to get shot

> just put in an ear-splitting whine, that's creepy, right?
now i remember why i don't recall any music on that level.

i put that fucker on mute.

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if the gap at the bottom of the stall was taller, it would be possible to peek if someone was squating on top of the seat or flush tank.
there's really no good way to clear a space like a bathroom without massively exposing yourself opening stall doors or being ambushed by someone in another stall.

technically, in real life, they would use a mirror on an extendable rod to look over the top and never do it manually, because like you said, you'd get popped really easy (even if you'd get killed in return fire, you're still taking out ONE person, which is not an acceptable outcome)

if they don't have a mirror, they simply guard the door and send someone to find a more portable mirror.

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True last boss from PowerStone.
Giant mutated flesh blob man crawling at you shooting fly wings or something.



Honestly I wonder why no dev has decided to take advantage of the corner of your eye kind of fright by introducing something that will only appear around corners for a split second if you turn the camera quickly, would probably be some of the most effective paranoia fuel out there.
If any games do have this please tell me it's something I really want

I appreciate the actual response. Thank you user

>Mommy's broken, so I'm going to fix her!

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Holy hell I played 2 and all that had was a goofy Zombie man who hadn't bathed in weeks.

That thing looks like Tetsuo on a bad day.

This fucker almost caused me to break my joystick, also this fucking guy

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Bless Stay Tooned!

I can't find anything on whatever this is, is it a boss?

I'm glad it's not just me, I hit the reset button ASAP first time coming into this area and seeing that silhouette

Thought this was a Bloodborne screencap for a few moments.

Go look into the lyrics of the song that plays for his boss.
Common theory is the singer is from the point of Bio Lizard asking Shadow to euthanize him

Surprised nobody posted this yet as far as I can tell.

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They get replaced with larger vines that have more attachments to grab you with and no longer stay in place until something comes and stretch themselves to reach food sources.
There's one segment near 3/4s of the game where you have to get past around 4 of them by either stunning them or sacrificing other animals to distract them so you can pass by.
Pic is another unrelated creature from the same game

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Giant things underwater are generally unnerving, and the reason I've put together mostly comes down to mobility, seeing the same giant creature above ground won't be as bad because you still have your mobility, underwater though, that thing is much larger than you and probably has better control, seeing as lives underwater, if it tries anything, you're basically completely at the creature's mercy unless you're ridiculously good at swimming, which most people aren't. Whales and sharks give off a similar feeling to a lot of people.

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Skullgreymon, Keramon and Diaboromon from Digimon. These guys gave me a bunch of scares during my childhood.

While I was playing Digimon World 1 as a kid, got my first big scare as my digimon digivolved into that terrifying motherfucker. I remember actually crying because of it, and having a nightmare of it trying to kill me. However, I actually got over it quite quickly, and it became one of my favorite Digimon.

Fast forward to the Digimon movie coming out, and I see Keramon, and its fully evolved form, on-screen. Its unnatural twitchy movement and overall creepiness gave me my second bout of Digimon-related nightmares. They also ended up being some of my favorite Digimon (primarily due to oversaturation when I was a little older and felt stupid being so creeped out by them)

These guys are awesome, but they gave me no end of strife when I was younger.

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>Young me being too scared to go on, after encountering these guys in the flooded area of Quke 2.

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If you kill the pole plant too many times another plant will take it's place that's unkillable and essentially blocks off that path

so dark so ebin

Oh fuck, you just jogged my memory, I just realized what I thought was creepy about it. It was that weird shrill sound at the start of the song along with Biolizard's roar when the fight starts, and then the distorted, nearly indiscernible lyrics in the track.
I never could make out the lyrics, but reading them now and looking at it that way, that is pretty dark.

No, he's saying it's not a phobia because it makes pretty much everyone uncomfortable. Phobias generally refer to abnormal fears

Facial recognition glitched when detecting depth

so dark so ebin

This fucking island
>had no idea this was in the game
>just flying around exploring the map
>hmm whats this shitty island in the corner of the map

Attached: JC2-Lost-02.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

I don't know why they do it, but I love that this kinda shit makes it into every pokemon game.

fugg :'D

What is this?


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Pulau hantu is really spooky
too bad it didn't keep that way after you beat the side quest

This Probably sounds pathetic but am i the only one who found Mario 64 as a whole, creepy? Not creepy in the sence that I wasnt able to enjoy it, I really did alot. I just thought it was creepy because of how empty and abandoned every place in the game felt. Peach's room is litterally just an empty corridor, all the characters are dematerialized into the walls, and pic related freaked my out for ages for whatever damn reason.

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>You can usually just walk/ jump through it.
I've never been able to do either, any time I get near it at all no matter what I'm doing it grabs me and I'm dead. Only way I've been able to ever get past it is to hit it with something first.

This spooked the hell out of me too.

>What is arachnophobia

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Same user. Though as an adult I can understand a high speed or action game like Sonic suddenly pushing you into a confined space and only letting you run in circles. It's not so much the fact that this fag is scary, as much as it is the fact that you're now almost helpless and forced to run in a single direction against it's absurdly high speed. As a kid, that sudden change of pace is scary in a non-gruesome way.

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>that one section of the corridor on the third floor in V3
what the fuck was up with that?

You're all too young to remember this game probably. My brothers used to purposely lose Countermeasure so they could hold me up to the killscreen with the volume way up. Spooky shit for the time, especially since it was the 80s and we thought about nukes way more.

Attached: iYKZUdJVmFbUt.gif (637x358, 2.34M)

Looking back on it, the most terrifying thing about this mission is that it has better stealth mechanics than modern Assassins Creed games.

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In that vein, playing Garry's mod by yourself can be pretty creepy. A lot of maps have creepy secret rooms and shit

What was this for?

Not really. Big Boo's Haunt was probably the only one that creeped me out, but I mostly just thought it was cool. The room that has Jolly Roger Bay was maybe a little eerie.

The only thing to ever scare me in a game was playing Portal 2 for the first time and having this suddenly move.

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spoogy, thanks for sharing

okay now i'm going to bed thanks for the dreams anons

Gargantuphobia, specifically underwater. Now THERE is a true patrician's phobia.

A lot of the Hitman games have creepy moments despite not being horror games. Like the mission in Hitman 2 where you've done perfect stealth playthrough and are sneaking out and suddenly a clone of yourself pops out of no where and starts shooting you, or the ghost in the hotel in Hitman Contracts. Contracts had a lot of creepy moments. Great series.

Attached: Hitman-2-Silent-Assassin-small-222.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Kino fucking taste right here. Nothing says shit-my-pants like a game that flips on it's head from bright colored skies and mildly cute dungeons to full-on fuck-your-phobias dark tunnel void-world non-euclidean terror.

Attached: Kind of Hot.png (302x201, 14K)

>get spooked
>fuck up and get killed by guards
>reload save
>get spooked AGAIN
i couldn't even get mad

I like spiders, and there is difference between not liking spiders and having an irrational fear of them, which arachnophobia is.

Yeah same

Why are so many of you referencing thalassophobia without actually saying it? Do you not know the fucking term?

whats this game about?

I think my heart skipped a beat at this moment.

Attached: FUCK.gif (480x360, 1.07M)

>Kino fucking taste
Imagine being so retarded you parrot words you don't know the meaning of

Welcome to Yea Forums

>They implanted gene-altering parasitic slugs into the wombs of prepubescent little girls

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The biggest one for me is probably the hex maniac in Pokemon XY. It's not that it was so scary on it's own it was just completely unexpected in a Pokemon game, especially in a such a safe happy place like Lumiose city.

Attached: Hex Maniac.jpg (800x450, 38K)

tbqh this fight didn't scare me as much as it frustrated me. I binged SA2 and when I got to this guy I was so tired of the "Just one more fight" bullshit that I basically ignored any aesthetic that wasn't directly involved with killing the bastard (his tube rails, for example).
Though, after hearing the song, I have to say that's kind of sad. Might check out SA2 again just to go through the story. It had its moments.

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RPG about being air pirates. For some queer reason despite taking place in the sky there's giant walls of rocks and fuck you vortexes. The biggest basically looks like hell from a distance and is a cave inside despite being made of fucking air.

I've been here probably while you were still suckling from your mom's teets, you fucking idiot. I just think everyone who unironically uses "kino" and more so nonsensically like that should be rounded up and shot

Fuck off newfag.


On the subject of startling voices in old games:


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You're not fitting in, cocksucker

I always thought those dudes sounded awesome. The smiley on the other hand, though..

Says the one who immediately outed himself.

is the game actually sp00py or is it just the shitty creepypastas? I played this game at a friends house back when I was like 8 so I don't remember it at all.

The Primeval demons in Demon's soul.

Those eldritch bloated slugs with too many legs did not belong in my fantasy game.

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>game full of absolutely abhorrent things
>get triggered by one in particular

>flies into your room

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never seen one of those, because I'm a offline only coward who kept killing himself in the nexus to get to pure white world tendency in every world



SCP containment breach
has that psychic speed lizard that reads your mind to predict your movements and stay out of your vision. You only see glimpses of movement in the corner of your screen after you enter its enclosure

No way fag

The harlequin babys with the spikes coming out of them in the maidens bloodswamp got me

just watch it pussys if its a jumpscare you wont get startled if you know its coming

That's a cute manga, but is it porn?

I don't know how to feel about this

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I heard there's a scooby doo game with some nasty screamers,is that even true?

Spiderbot gives me a similar feeling

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I couldn't play the ravenholm in hl2 chapter without turning my speakers off, the entire chapter was creepy and paranoia infusing to me as a kid

You must be new here

Are you part of the sixty or something

I remember playing through first time and being genuinely unnerved
I was also like 10/11 at the time sure but even now it just feels fucked up

Anyone relate?

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Remember the upside down house level? You can see your static dog at the ceiling.
That scared me to death.

I was playing Gothic II and I followed a treasure map. The area it led me to blew my mind, and creeped the fuck outta me. It was just such a drastic change in setting to what you're used to in game.

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yeah, there's a flash game made to promote one of the live action movies that has a screamer on it, the fucking face they use for it is kind of unsettling, especially for a god damn scooby doo game

>That level where Tommy inhales paint fumes and thinks the house is upside down

IIRC this screen was also in the PC version of Sims. Just the regular game I think... it was a long time ago.

> light or appliance breaks, can't remember
> call electrician on phone
> he comes
> he electrocutes himself while doing the repair, he dies
> try to call electrician again
> he comes
> he is now a ghost
> he literally swims through the house, grass, everything to the broken item
> repairs it
> swims away

Wish I recorded it, but it was so long ago... recording gameplay was just not really a thing. HYPERCAM2 UNREGISTERED HOWEVER..... a thing I didn't have.

The monster from Garfield: Caught in the Act scared the shit out of me as a kid

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Based electrician not letting death get in the way of his job.

I am actually. Spoonfeed me pls.

This thing in FF VII.

I ran out of the room as a kid.

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you just gotta praise the sun bro and nothing can hurt you

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The Wind Waker randomizer graciously triples your boat speed, running into one of these guys before the warning signs load in was honestly one of the scariest thing I've experienced in a Vidya game, shut that shit right off and haven't been back since
I was unprepared for this.

Someone's jacked off to this, right?


ive been trying to find the name of that game for so long. thanks
the one i played was carnivores:city scapes i think. did it have a gun in it that looked like the shock rifle from unreal tournament?

i have, multiple times

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>that the devs have no clue how or when it was added
u wot

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I'm not normally spooked easily but I had really good headphones on while I was focused on hunting in the dead of night and that whispering happened while I was looking through my scope.

bolted to my horse and got the fuck out of there.

Attached: afraid .png (890x580, 791K)

>Shambling but fast
>Revives on death
>Horrifying screech
When I was younger I had to take a few month long break before coming back and beating it

Attached: Fuckers.jpg (600x446, 93K)


Any time you can leave the intended area and go out into the skybox or whatever.
Bonus points if you can actually leave the skybox as well and enter the void.

Attached: 1518986643122.png (133x22, 1K)

what is she funny or something?



Attached: Playing Destiny.webm (640x360, 2.45M)

did these ever mean anything? or were they just creepy jokes? The joker mask made me think that it was a joke because nothing ever happened after them.

this fucker got me
>be me
>derp around the hub world
>find this level
>swim through that small tunnel
>look directly at this rusty piece of shit
>immediately exit the level, shut down the console and never touch the game again for 7 years
i had nightmares


Attached: Implying.png (294x442, 173K)

>dong ding

who where?
