What video games were you virgins playing on your prom night?

What video games were you virgins playing on your prom night?

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Fuck off underage

How did superhero movies gain so much economic power in the movie medium? Who is pushing this? Ever since the early 2000s hit it never stopped.

Halo 2.

God those dudes are ugly

Getting a pitifully disinterested handjob.

I don’t play video games

I actually had a gf through high school
It's all been downhill from there though

>the most beta of them all is captain america
why do MCU cuck the most based character in their universe? all people talk about is ironman and thor.

Ask yourself, who made comic books? Who makes movies?

You have your answers.

prom night ?


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I think ark survival evolved, it was like 3 years ago so I don't remember exactly.
I got rejected by an autistic anime girl that no one else wanted to talk to so I didn't have much else to do

Action movies have ruled the box office for decades. Superhero movies are effectively just the logical extension of that.

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What caused "geek" culture to get so big?

I was fucking my "cute nerdy gf" because I was a normie
during the years since I've had virtually no social life and my virginity has grown back

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They didn't make superhero films because they could not be profitable. He's asking why has it turned the other way so hard recently.

>DC and Marvel mixed
Every single time

me on the top right

typical white people, yikes

those girls are cute!

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Never had a prom night, I went to a technical highschool. Plus everyone there was as big of an autistic loser as me so nobody would've gone anyway.

Because the super hero movies of old were presented as goofy comic book affairs
The Raimi films are pretty indicative of this
More recent super hero movies, particularly since Batman Begins and Iron Man, have been presented more like action flicks

I'd say cgi plus the subject matter being cut/paste cookie-cutter normie fodder

Prom is overrated
I went, it’s basically some shitty lookin dancing and people spike the drinks and you fuck around being tryhards for a couple of hours

Xcom: UFO Defense.

The first one.

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Not really

The one on the left is passable

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Minecraft hardcore factions server

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After prom we went back to my friend’s place and made fun of Kinect, so I guess I was playing one of the shitty Kinect sports games on my prom night. He’s from a really rich family with younger kids, so he ends up having literally everything that comes out.

Shadow Hearts

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How the fuck should I remember? That shit was 12 years ago.

Have you ever seen previous superhero films? It was never not profitable. The problem was that they were absolutely ass at making them into movies.

They still are. Look at that absolute shit scene of batman in Justice League where he acts like a beta bitch in front of superman "O it's not like I don't like you senpai". The people directing the movies are just total morons and Marvel just happened to lock in the right actor for Ironman and director and figured out that the right actors and directors make all the difference in the world.

Saying they weren't profitable is like saying fish suck at swimming and judging that by throwing it in the desert.

Went to a private all-boy school. Girlfriend was from a sister school. So I had the joy of going to two proms. Both sucked dick. We were already fucking so it's not like I needed prom to make that happen. Both times I couldn't wait to get home and play Gamecube or PC.

Guild Wars.

I was invited to a party after grad .

It was the only time I had ever been invited to a party so I decided not to go.

Not a thing here, also I always skipped the last day of school

probably Tenchu Fatal Shadows or Katamari Damacy i was a huge weeb at the time.

I went to prom because I decided I never wanted to have this problem. It was fine but not really worth the hype behind it.

am*ricans are so fucking ugly

My buddy did this exact same thing for his wedding. I was Green Lantern.

i went to prom with two dates, haha, have fun wit yo games though

God, this picture is old. It was made when reddit was actually good.

yo am i seein shit or does superman have some weird growth on his face

Reddit was never good

With the exception of some (Donner's Superman and Tim Burton Batman, most notably), superhero movies in the '70s, '80s and most of the '90s were primarily low-budget DTV affairs and telemovies like pic-related. Charming sure, but not really that appealing to a mass audience.

It wasn't until Blade, FoX-Men and Raimi's Spidey in the late '90s and early '00s that people's ears kind of pricked up to superhero movies as summer blockbusters.

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This, I was a gamer in high school but still went to prom junior and senior year with dates. After hs though, yeah downhill

only the red one is doing it right
black one is spreadin vag, white one is too
blue is close
green is retarded

unfortunate doorknob placement

oh shit hahaha nice

Are there really wild after parties after prom or is it a meme?

Has a girl ever asked you out, Yea Forums?

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I watched interstellar, ate a large pizza and played through umineko

Souls games

I was playing with a sophomore's titties

how do you manage to take a photo of ten different people who are all completely hideous. Is this in britain?

Yeah but she was ugly so I said no

eh my friends had a bonfire then i went to a hotel with a girl and fucked, really nothing special


batmans girl is hot af tho

No, people don't talk to me and I don't talk to them

h-haha, yeah bro, s-same happened here...

Final Fantasy VIII. Had just split with a long time girlfriend and didn't feel like pretending to be happy to see anyone. Didn't go to graduation either.

>It was never not profitable.
So Thor, the 70s Spiderman movies, the 90s Captain Americas, Supergirl, Howard the Duck, the Dolph Lundgren Punisher, were profitable? Neat I'll tell Cannon and they'll bankrupt themselves

A girl asked to me prom my junior year but I thought she was joking because she had a boyfriend. Then she broke up with her boyfriend a week later. I should've asked her if the offer still stood because I liked her a lot.

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I wasn't playing any video games on prom night.
I was playing Vampire: The Masquerade LARP

>Had a girlfriend
>Had sex
>Has to nerve to think his life is bed
normalfags make no sense, you fucked her so that’s it, you’re done, you won life, what more do you want

They made Iron Man and realized that it was a gold mine and now the safest movies to make financially are mediocre capeshit. American movie goers are, on average, retarded mouthbreathers that buy 14 dollar nachos and chicken nuggets from concessions and look at their phones during movies and making any movie that's original or different in anyway might make their head explode.

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sex isn't all life is about, dude

If you haven’t had sex, it is. The only way to stop obsessing about it is unironically to have sex

>They made Iron Man and realized that it was a gold mine
Fucker 'they' made Iron Man because 'they' realized movies were a fucking goldmine. Marvel mortgaged themselves to shit in order to make the movie themselves after Spider-Man and X-Men spent the last half decaderaping the box office.

In high school I had a crush on a random girl that never gave 2 fucks about me.
There was this other girl, who was a ballet dancer, pretty and a lot of boys wanted her, she was my friend. She knew I was a star wars fan and she once told me that she just got the original trilogy on blueray and invited me to watch them in her house because her parents were on vacation. Me, being oblivious and focused on a girl that didn't care about me told her that I have just watched the six movies a couple of weeks ago so I didn't really want to watch them right now.

Only halfway through college I realized how i blew it.

I was playing "rent a tux to just grind the pants on a girl's ass for 2 and a half hours, then get dropped off at my house and hear a week later that after she dropped me off she got wasted and fell down a seaside cliff"

8.5/10 would try to throw it in next time

>what more do you want
how can you possibly think like this?
just because some people in this thread were once more socially successful than their current selves its not like a time machine keeps that moment on loop.
life is long and filled with highs and lows, and sex being a high point 10 years ago doesn't do shit for me now

Not so much asked me out as basically inviting herself up to my place and then telling me to fuck her


>life is long and filled with highs and lows
Some people never even had those highs to begin with, just lows.

This website, and the internet in general.

at least then it was a relatively new idea, now the main reason people go to the theater is to see marvel's latest pap.

have sex

ya in middle school, was ugly

Lmao fucking yikes

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fucking make me nerd

A girl wanted to go to prom with me but she went with some other guy in the end because he made a sign out of candles or some shit on her driveway while i was out of school because of strep throat

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>Some people never even had those highs to begin with, just lows.
I fully understand that, and you need to understand highs and lows are all relative
whoever pines for sex more than anything can ignore everyone who's had it and told them "its no big deal" because that's their right as someone inexperienced.
but like anything else, the novelty wears off same as a new jacket or new video game or food or any other stimulus
that is where virgins need to stretch the imagination just a little bit and shrink the hugeness of sex in their mind

I actually had a prom date who I had been dating for just a little over a year. She ended up leaving me when she went to college.

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Marvel Movies had been raking cash in at the box office for 11 years by the time Iron Man came out. If anything the idea's just about broken even.

Just came into this gay thread to let you know, supermans real name Kalel is hebrew, which translates to voice of god. He was a jew the entire time, goodjob getting tricked, idiot.

Uh, Superman was created by two jewish guys and he was first animated by a polish jew

>tfw actually failed sex a few times due to being too big
You average fags don't know how good you have it.

Yes, on dating apps a few times. Never in person though.

>Was super normie back in prom days
>got invited to four proms.

They're actually terrible. I was on ecstasy at one and still wasn't having fun

>The solution to virginity is just to be comfortable being a virgin bro! Take it from me, who has had sex!
You are the absolute worst kind of normalfag

this cringe as fuck, but at least my nigga knows he gonna get some pussy out of it.

>relatively new

Not really.. In the decade leading up to Iron Man's release, we'd had through various studios

>3 X-Men movies
>3 Spider-Man movies
>3 Blade movies
>a Punisher movie
>a Hulk movie
>a Ghost Rider movie
>a Daredevil movie
>an Elektra movie

i dunno man, maybe you just never experienced enough lows to really understand the highs you're at now
i know when i grew up i was a little fat nerd from a poor broken family, sex was never an objective for me
it was more important to me to get the fuck out and make myself a more healthy person, getting laid just sort of happened along the way
anyway i know one thing for sure; if I didn't help myself get those things I wanted then no one else was going to

it's cliche but whatevs

nice reading comprehension dipshit

My school never had any prom ritual.

>captain america

>hairlines already receding

that guy must be quite the chad to make all those girls do that

It's annoying the fuck out of me that all the guys are facing the same way but the girls just decide to pull the ol razzle dazzle right in the middle and switch directions.

Good they didn't sacrifice virgins to the old ones for prosperity later in life.

raimi-man was genuinely good

Based no-argument chad
Yes, you were blessed by circumstances which led you to sex, but not everyone is. I don’t give a fuck about whatever niggerhole you grew up in but whatever it is made it easy for you so you can’t compare yourself to people who are stuck in stagnation and slow death.

dota 2 like a faggot

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haha it was actually quite the niggerhole

I went camping and nearly drowned as it stormed because valedictorian didn't know how to use the rain sleeve.

Never, though a very pretty one did ask me if I was doing anything after a lab session we were both in. I had a lecture so I went to that. I didn't like having to catch up on missed lectures. Though I suppose it was a round about way of asking me out considering she flat out told me she adored me during an online discussion we were having. Wasn't sure if she was being serious though.

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I said its your right to think what you want about sex but for your own sake try to diminish its importance
you twisted that into whatever you wanted to be angry about

It is not a tradition in my country to have shit like this. We only have something similar after graduating on college.

yeah a lot but turned most of tjhem down cause autism I've since grown out of it and feel ashamed of my younger self

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Diminishing its importance will just ensure permanent virginity. Do you think that’s a way to live?

This is the only culture Americans have. America used to have culture before the Natives were slaughtered, so superhero films are now etched in the cornerstone of American culture.

I never had a prom night at all.
I wasn’t into the whole dance bullshit
I was playing Budokai Tenkaichi 3
mine was cancelled because of swine flu back in high school.

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Most superhero flicks make their money off international sales


>my virginity has grown back
Sorry, mate. Once you're in you're out. No magic powers for you.

Fallout 3 the Pitt DLC

Im married

so tell me what obsessing over it has gotten you?

What is seriously the point about going to high school pretending to have a high-society function in the gymnasium that still smells like dodgeballs? I've never figured this appeal out. Even with being 'culturally conditioned to end in sex'.

Alright chad I’ll just jack off to anime girls the rest of my life thanks for your advice

>in the gym

Eh? Is this a thing? My school just hired out a conference room at a hotel in my town.

And...? Doesnt answer my quest chin, dipshit.

A girl unironically offered to go to prom with me last minute after the girl I wanted to go with said she was going to try to make it work with her boyfriend.
I declined her offer so I could sit at home and play Tekken Tag Tournament 2. I don't really regret it.

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sex mostly bland without your foreskin you have to find a freaky girl or someone you deeply care for

*sips firewater*

Most likely world of warcraft.


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>dropped out of high school because of bad grades
>started smoking drugs
>drinking alcohol at age 19
I don’t fucking care anymore

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My prom was at the local zoo
It wasn't worth going

Too true, my friend. Too true

man, I am so happy I'm not a fucking normalfag

...a zoo?

Looking back I'm pretty sure one girl was into me but I still had delusions that my crush was into me so I did everything I could to ignore her as I hate confrontation.


Not that I went, but my prom was held at a place where formal galas are usually held, not in my school.

Haha, what adversity have you ever faced?

I went home, played some Mass Effect 2, and then went to the afterprom thing at the rec center from 12-7 AM.
Drank a shitton of soda and played games and whatnot. 9/10.


I was actually forced to go to prom since I was a shut-in. What a fucking waste of time that was. Played DMC4 before and afterwards.

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I actually went to prom every year except freshman

>no magic powers for you
exactly I just get all the spaghetti

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Yeah. She was cute, shorter than me (I'm 5'6") and had big tits but like the massive beta faggot I am I just ignored her and never talked to her again. This was when I was 22-23 and supposedly already fully mentally developed.


Mighty No. 9.

>never having ironic sex
the fuck is wrong with you?

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MonHun on PS2

>prom night
do americans really do this?

You forgot about Men In Black.

I went to prom with my gf at the time. She was super hot back then. We went to prom for 15 mins and then left for a party. I was a pretty popular guy in school and the years since have been great. You guys are losers for real.

Super heroes are just secularized 21st century mythology. They even get their powers in some bullshit scientific way.

>and now the safest movies to make financially are mediocre capeshit.
Brightburn is looking pretty good tho

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we posting tomboys?

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Please explain the appeal of short haired girls to me. It makes my dick rock-hard.

>friend didn't have a date and would've gone with me
>didn't ask her because i was embarassed about not having a car
>stayed at prom for 30 minutes before leaving
>went to a party after and puked all over the balcony
>never invited to a party again

Would've been better off staying in and playing vidya desu. Instead I made a fool out of myself and managed to get even lower on the social ladder.

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Don't forget Chinese audiences who are the exact same and count for just as much as americans
two different sides of the same bugman coin

These kids' parents must be loaded.

Both my ex and current gf asked me out

i got a bj in a park user

Heroin Hero
t. graduated at 16 and gave up

Daily reminder:

When you were 15, watching porn and playing video games everyday, ATTRACTIVE males your age were already having sex.
Everything was happening behind your back and no one told you because you were deemed UNFIT to participate in such sexual activities .
It was over before it even began.

Life is all about being YOUNG and cool, a generically handsome jock who lays with his virgin gf under the stars, seeing her priceless face as you first enter her pure pussy, moaning your name when her parents aren't home. Having a cool group of jock friends to hang out with...THAT is what life is all about

Sneaking out at night to lie with your virgin gf under the stars. Penetrating her for the first time. Seeing her face in the crowd at your HS football game. Having a huge group of jock friends. You never experienced any of that. It's over. You lost at life. Time to man up and become a provider. Time to downsize and save for retirement. Time to acknowledge that you were always destined for mediocrity. Welcome to hell. Welcome to life.


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Not directly but there were plenty of implications. It was a combination of self-loathing and too much self-worth, thinking I wasn't good enough while also thinking I was too good. This is why I deserve to die alone and virginal.

Tomboys are the straightest and best experience a man can get. They're female without all the female bullshit of shopping, gossiping, etc, and enjoy male activities.
Conversely traps are the gayest experience a man can partake in, having both a male body and female interests.

sauce me up chefs.

That’s retarded and completely untrue.

i wasn't playing video games. I was drawing while trying not to think about how much of a loser I was/am

You've never done anything in your worthless life. Let alone have friends.

Modern day CGI fits the medium. Also there is decades worth of comic book material that hollywood can dig up and put on screen for existing IPs that can sell itself. Also Jews.

Show your fucking state ID, learner's permit, or Driver's License.

Just go to sadpanda and look through the tomboy tag. You'll have a good time even if you don't find those ones

lol shut up

I'm bisexual, though. I like both buff men with giant cocks and cute girls with feminine bodies.

can't tell if intentionally bullshit or sad cope for a worthless adult who was cool in high school. either way, good shit actual incel.

the whole arguing over this dynamic doesn't matter to me
i just like sweaty tomboys

Does not getting laid really drive you crazy by your mid-20s or were /r9k/ posters mental to begin with

What the fuck kind of /r9k/ shit is this.

A man of taste

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