Did it anons,,,thanks for your help

Got the game for PC, AND went on amazon and got a the $400 motherboard I've been wanting for months since I fucking NEED it to build a second computer and I literally have EVERYTIHNG FUCKING ELSE, right down to the RAM to the fucking Wifi adaptor to...everything you could imagine. So I fucking ordered it, fuck him, he's been working in past 3 yrs on 3 of the most profitable;e franchises in the history of film, he tortured me growing up, i'll think of the $400 and my 3 fuckign "c" cables as my "Reparations."
So, I'm about to get started on Resident Evil 2 remastered for Pc and begin my journey. any advice, other than to being on the hardest fucking level? So glad I did this? And yes, you can call me a "thief" and everythingng else, but the fucker just bought another new apartment in NYC to go along with his london apt, so for him to bitch about 60 on a game and $300 on a motherboard so I could fucking build up myCP when i have literally EVERY OTHER GODDAM PART would be pretty Jewy.
So, back to Resident Evil, what can I expect? I have a pair of Bose Speakers (lol, also off of his CC. I know, I must send like an asshole but I can't tell you the franchises he's been working for in one of the get piositions and if I could tell you, suddenly would make sense.
So anons, what can I expect here? First game have been genuine excited about in a VERy long fucking time....

Attached: resident-evil-2-listing-thumb-01-ps4-us-12dec18.png (1200x630, 1.15M)

just enjoy the game. who cares if you die.

ada is a bad guy

>who cares if you die.
dude, I certainly don't much at this point and i don't mean that in a borderline chick "Give me attention" way. I've Oded on spates and bends so many times, obviously had no one to "check on me" so just woke up in my own fucking vomit. I don't care, nothing and no one to live for.
BUT, before I die, if possible, would like to get more into VR since I have the quipment, I know I can't be too fucking dumb to dun it since was in the 93rd percentile on LSAT while puts in in 99th percentile in terms of all people in the US plus all the fucking chinks and brits who rook the exam.
also should add I took the test high as fuck, including using the "bathroom break" to go into the shit house" is ton the toilet, and shoot myself up with H. Anyway, fuck it, for now, am alive, going to lay the fucking game.
thanks to all the anons before who helped put some courage back in me and got me to stiffen mt spine. Well, that along with 150 mg of roxicet and 8 mg of xanax got me to do what I've been waiting do...

Play as Leon first so that you have classic costumes and the SAA revolver when you play the B scenario as Claire.

...you god damn thief

Attached: Claire handled.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

While I have other anons who know the game...I have 3 fucking monitors..well, 2 hooked up anyway. a 38 inch LG, a 33 inch sync and a 31 inch gsync. is there any fucking use for multiple monitors in this game?

lol no

are you on drugs?

Dude, you're cringe as fuck. stop doing drugs and get a life.

I wish I knew some of you faggot IRL...I have so much shit I bought on my benders that I'm not using and never will use that isn't even pen, much rather people here have it. Example, have a modem that cost me $250 but found out that ym fuckign cable company doesn't allow that particular brand....by the time I found out, fucking "newegg" had quite taking returns.
I really, really should put the fucker on eBay but that's just one example. Have 2 fucking water-based"coolers" for my CPU that cost well over $100, didn't end up needing them, but had themeneded already so never sent back. Also have an entire fucking case of various screws, ASSUS and Gigabyte parts from motherboards that broke and the fuckers would not take back.
some of the fucking ASUS piece from the board, that cost $650 at the time i've seen on beat for $45. If I have genuinely went through the shit and labeled it and found the worth would HAVE TO BE over $4k easily.
also have 2 goddam blue "vive pros" bc I accidentally thought I "Broke" the first one, but turns out it was OK. Just a fuckign ton of shit like that. I wasn't paying at the time, and i know, you could call me a miserable;e spited prick and you'd be right but...oh, also have 3 fuckign expensive computer cats that are not being used. plus the 3 monitors in addition to ones not using, including the 31 inch ASUS the the pricks broke while shipping here. also, a very cheap 27 inch and an arm that i wanted hanging over everything to watch a news stations while playing much vista in case another Bataclan broke out...


Attached: resident-evil-3-nemesis-monster.jpg (720x460, 31K)

>are you on drugs?
right now? Yes. Opiods and benzos. I fucking already said that earlier in thread user, not like I was fucing hiding it.

>you're cringe as fuck.
Don't use "Cringe" in that sense, it just makes you look like an asshole. and I've been married and graduated from law school, though my ex lost both kids to miscarriage. How fuckign many people on here were married at 21 and had a professional degree by 24? Not fucking many I'm gonna bet...


GOOD job, user! ENJOY the GAME! You DESERVE it! KuDoS!

also. dont forget to kill yourself

reminder to play hardcore!

Didn't read. Just post claire

Attached: claire_cheeks4.jpg (898x900, 138K)

>dont forget to kill yourself
You fucking say that like I haven't been trying for months now. Eventually I'll ge the right combo of booze and pills. not bc of you, mind you, simply bc after i lost 2 kids to miscarriage and my marriage broke up, have been going that way.
but as for you, carefully what you wish on others. you know "Karma" is an Aryan, photo-Indo-European concept. Careful what you mother, siblings, i doubt you have a wife or Gf but as you wish on others, just may happen to you. I may be a piece of shit and ruin MY LIFE, but I don't wish it on others. YOU DO. Careful it doesn't come back at you in ways you can't even imagine. i predictions that within 2 weeks, someone close to you you WILL INDEED suffer something awful you are not expecting, and then you can think back this this moment.
Anyway, just wanted to thank the anons who gave me the courage to ge the fucking game, as I'm fighting this zombie-like cunt in the convenience store...

>dont forget to kill yourself
in fact, I'm predicting your mother dead within the next 10 days. It's basic Karma, which is not "Indian," the same retards who openly refuse to accept the Ayan Invasion theory despite genetics (not just linguistic analysis) showing it.
you wish harm upon someone who has never in any way harmed or insulted you, snd you do it to someone who you know is already actively trying to kill himself. By the standards of Karma, you have invited the painful and brutal death of your mother with yourself as a witness. I take no pleasure in that, I don't wish it on you, ut you've invited it on yourself. when it happens, would be appreciated it you'd come back and tell everyone that theAryan idea of "Karma," where nothing in the universe is ever destroyed or forgiven, still works in the world. you have it coming down the pike for you and your loved ones.
Back to topic at hand, now I'm angry i DID NOT get the version for the extra $10 if it would bean more bullets, since this zombie is a motherfucker and even after emptying an entire clip into his head, STILL coming at me....

blah blah blah

Attached: file.png (1000x566, 334K)

nigga chill out god damn

what the fuck is this bullshit

>blah blah blah
*tips fedora* I'm not much of a prophet but I will tell you this-- read Plutarch, Herodotus, and the other early classical writers. There were very logical, but even these most logical men believed in something beyond, something that could not be explained, a divine...sense of retribution.
you'll see in the coming weeks, and then will think back, though you'll never tel anyone, it will be in the back of your mind. You told someone you've met who has said he is actively trying to kill himself to "make sure he does it." Perhaps I will. But watch your own family over the next few weeks, and watch what happens. I believe in the photo-indo-european idea of "karma." And I've a feeling you will soon too.
Now, enough of that bullshit, has anyone who actually played the game give me pointers? Can you EVER kill these fucking things no matter how many times you shoot time? I watched a playthrough just long enough to see if you are laying as the guy, if you shoot the fucker enough times in the head, one of the door opens and you get to drive off with the girl.
Now I'm sorry i DID NOT piss away the extra 10 shekels to begin the game with a better sidearm so i could smoke check these fuckers more easily...
BTW-- ever think why "Zombie films and Tv shows" suddenly became so popular? It's because they are a Jungian symbol from the unconscious expressing White America's very real feel of being overrun by hordes od subhumans that they aren't allowed to discuss pulbically, so the only way to express this collectively anxiety is with "zombies."

Based depressing RE thread

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I never told you to kill yourself, that was someone else. But even if I did, who cares, people tell eachother to kill themselves all the time on this site just for having differing opinions

Attached: stares at you.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

>people tell eachother to kill themselves all the time on this site just for having differing opinions
it's sort of different when the person has already said in two prior posts he's been actively trying to do so with opiates, bentos, and booze but just ends up waking up in his own vomit. I really don't give a fuck, but I do believe it coe notion of karma and that eventually it will come back to haunt him.
This thread is too much bullshit for me, I just wanted to thans the dudes who encouraged me earlier and get fucking tips for how to neutralize the fucking zombies.

I love RE2make if you actually want to talk about the game. So far this thread has been 99% you just talking about your real-life trials and tribulations though

Attached: headshot.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Ok, so, when starting off with limited ammo and a shitty piece since you didn't pay the extra fucking $10, what's the best way to put the things down for the longest amount of time? Head shots I assume, no? and is there any possible way to kill them or you can just put them down for a bit?

Pc gamers are cringe honeslty. It seems like all of you are big losers behind the screens. Amd barely dicuss games.

Holy fuck talk about video games or fucking kill yourself. Were fragile creatures, it's not difficult to die if you actually want to you attention seeking faggot.

Play the goddamn game and figure it out? An 11 year old wouldn't need that much hand holding or 10 dollar """""dlc""""""" to get through this game.

A female zombie shouldn't be kept as a pet, change my mind

Attached: zombiegirl2.jpg (1368x1611, 265K)

what the fuck is going on

Seems pretty self evident.

I would suggest playing on standard for the first time so you can explore the game more. On hardcore you kinda have to rush or it just gets way too hard. You dont have enough bullets to kill every zombie on hc either

On hardcore, shoot their leg off at the knee and run past them as they crawl. On standard, shoot the head.
Make sure to let your crosshair shrink for extra damage.
The DLC pistols are a meme

>So anons, what can I expect here?
Overhyped trash, that's so far below the original, I don't even.

I only ever played on HC, because making ink-ribbons Hard-only was an idiotic design choice, and I managed just fine. The auto-balancer either fucks you up or patronizes you through the whole game anyway.

>how to neutralize the fucking zombies.
DEmake2's idea is practically "leg-shot Zeds, run past", because that's apparently the only way to create "challenge" and "scares" in 2019 according Crapcom.
If you want to KILL shit, immobilize them first, then knife them across their whole body until they stop reacting. Or shotgun blast to the face, point-blank range.

>I would suggest playing on standard for the first time so you can explore the game more
yeah, I tried hardcore like the another user told me, but I'm not familiar enough wit the game yet so was just getting slaughtered again and again. I kind of wish the nips had give an opening sequence that laid out the story and what has happening, sort of the way they do in Witcher 3, but i guess they figure part of the fun is diving right in and seeing what the mystery is.
At least this game is dark and has carnage. I think the perfect metaphor for the Current year+4 is the new spider man game, where NYC is cleaner than a fucking Norwegian city, there are no homeless, no graffiti, no kangz, and even the way spiderman fucks people is really without bloodshed.
Now compare that to the first new Batman Games that all took place at night and everyone used bats oe knives or guns and one of the first scenes was 2 face about to dump cat woman into a vat of acid.
As for user above, yes, obviously I have to "play to see what happens," but i don't see how it's productive to keep getting fucking killed over and over in the ae way with no idea what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it. Yeah, I could watch someone play it on Yt and figure it out that way but then i risk too many spoilers.
anyway, thanks for the help lads, going to go back and try it now. Also, just realized I have the Vietnam game people were discussing earlier, which was a cool find. Maybe will try it tonight when I get bored w, this...

>, then knife them across their whole body until they stop reacting. Or shotgun blast to the face, point-blank range.
sounds pretty god but first have to get the knife and shotgun...

I played on hardcore only too and was wondering why my inventory was uneven. It's strange how they locked an achievement behind the easier modes.

based schizo

>I kind of wish the nips had give an opening sequence that laid out the story and what has happening, sort of the way they do in Witcher 3,
Goddammit you zoomers are entitled little whiners.
See the "2" in the game's name? Yeah, there might've been "RE1" at some point!
In fact, if you jumped straight to this shitty remake without playing the OG RE1-3 first, you're a goddamn moron.

> i don't see how it's productive to keep getting fucking killed over and over in the ae way with no idea what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it
Jesus fuck, you ARE an idiot! How could humans devolve into such mouth breathers!

Well they did have an opening sequence that laid out the story in the original RE2

Attached: a bizarre incident.png (1023x526, 444K)

I've played RE my entire life, even Gaiden and Survivor. RE2 Remake is fantastic. It sucks the magic of pre-rendered backgrounds in the 90s will never come back, but it still captures the essence of the original RE2. It's a little fast paced for its own good at times however.

>See the "2" in the game's name? Yeah, there might've been "RE1" at some point!
But what the fuck good does that do me if they didn't do a goddam remake of RE 1? Should I fucking go back to 1998 and dig through the trash tot ry to mind a 21 year old game to get the fucking story? Like a 3 minute intro just giving the basics would have fucking killed them to make??? it's not "spoiled," it's fucking common sense. If you're introducing the game to a new generation, fucking explain the story line if you are going to start at 2 and not 1.

>mouth breathers!

No fucking regular here uses that as an "insult," you sound lie a tumbulrina. "mouth breather." go change your tampon or use your dilation machine, whichever one suits you. one thing is for sure-- we don't have to worry about you stepping on your dick, do we?

>But what the fuck good does that do me if they didn't do a goddam remake of RE 1?
but they did

Stop responding to RE troll bait threads

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