MK11 is WB Games Biggest Launch Ever

I think if there's one thing we can all take away from this, it's that absolutely no one gives a shit what incels think.

>Haddad didn’t mention specific sales figures, but he also said that in the Americas, Mortal Kombat 11 is the largest launch in Warner Bros. Games’s history. NetherRealm will continue to update the game in the near future (like adding new characters) — Haddad said the team has “years of new content” planned.

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>but it would fail because they covered up the titties and a black man ended racism

incels on suicide watch

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>Didn't even make it top 5 in amazon
>already a discount
>mixed reviews in Steam
Nice try nrs shills

>Got a BROKEN amount of money

THAT RIGHT... oh wait....

On a serious note. Even though its fun to shit on everyone who honestly believes in this "get woke, go broke" shit, lets not fucking forget about the horrendous ingame system designed exclusively to slow the games item unlocking progression to a crawl, so they can make you pay for these items.
This is what people should be talking about, all of this obsession about identity politics needs to stop if you actually want good games.

Yea Forums is just such an absolutely retarded hivemind completely out of touch with reality. These are the same retards who can't grasp why the PS4 was a blowout success and think it's somehow because of Bloodborne, one of the lowest selling PS exclusives.

Like yes the game has some flaws, ToT and Krypt are bullshit that they say they'll patch, but overall the game is fucking magnificent. No other fighting game is running in 60fps 4K HDR. The vast majority of people think the game looks cool and fun, people think the girls look good even despite the lack of skimpier clothes. NetherRealm's hard work is paying off. I can't wait for the sales figures to come in so I can shitpost about how many millions of copies this game sold.

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>Didn't list sales
So we just gonna take their word for it? Are they publically traded on the stock market? If so, I'm suspicious.

>This is what people should be talking about
Most people are, you estrogen-chugging retard. You only think it’s solely because of the politics because you’re exactly the kind of malleable sheep that marketers and journalists use to bolster their agendas (also known as a “useful idiot”).

Normies but shitty games, what else is new?

Was the whole no sexy fighterwaifus that much of a deal breaker for Yea Forums? I mean I'm not one to judge 'cause I ain't buying the game for various reasons but I was never that big into MK anyway, so I just wondered if you guys intend on buying it or not if its got no attractive women

found the incel

It's top telling in PlayStation and Xbox's own online stores. They also set up an online counter for players that have connected to the servers in both games. Which is about 600k for Xbawx and 700k for PS4.

Easily the doom-n-gloom crowd for the next TORTANIC was wrong again.

Have sex

You’ll shitpost because that’s literally your job.

>I-it a sucess!! believe us goy!!!
Show numbers then, fucking kikes...

Im gay and the whole thing was offputting moreso because it's clearly a politically motivated move and it's taken to an absurd degree where they'll cover up even the arms and legs. There's moving away from fanservice, and then there's regressing to Victorian-era attitudes to female skin.

MKX sold 11 million, how many less could this be?


>it sold well despite a horrible microtransaction model and glaring gameplay issues
>gloat because muh political side is vindicated
pathetic. never forget it was "conservatives" who tried to kill gaming in the 90s and leftists who have succeeded in the 2010's. thanks. can't wait to get more microtransactions and last of us clones!!!

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The game is spread across four platforms, and two of the console versions are in the ten best selling games on Amazon. Most people are buying the game digitally, as with all AAA western games. And people review bomb for dumb reasons on Steam all the time. If the President of the same company that put out Arkham Knight and a ton of other hit games steps out to say "This is our company's most successful launch EVER", do you really think the game is a failure? Yes sales figures arent out cause it's been one day, but just brace yourself for headlines like "MK11 has record breaking launch month".

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Not really. I love all fighters and love seeing them succeed. Yea Forums hates them because they suck at them. I loved SFV and Tekken at launch too

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>barely pushing 20k on fucking LAUNCH
literally dead in the water
steamcharts dot com app 976310

PS4 says 660k by its own unique player counter so far.
But keep being retarded I guess.

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Why doesn't anyone care what Yea Forums thinks about vidja?

Fair enough, fightan usually does poor on PC anyways, but 20k is low even by PC standards
But keep being retarded I guess.


Nobody is buying this SJW garbage that is already discounted $10 after day 1 and will continue to lose more money

Bull fucking shit, every fucking new release is top on amazon, until they fucking post numbers, which they will never, cuz it a fucking blander, I gonna take they word as a grain of salt

That $10 discount you're talking about is an Amazon Prime offer. Something you have to pay $12 to get the access for that $10 discount.

>no tiddies
I was mad but I slowly got over it
>jax ending
By this point my game was prepping to be shipped so i couldnt cancel and though whatever i'll play it
>equipment locked behind a massive grind or paywall
Yea fuck this I havent opened it yet but I'll be returning it tomorrow.

How long have you been on this board? No one in the universe should give a fuck about what Yea Forums says nor take it seriously. God help us if this board dictated how video games are made.

Sure, ignore all the biggest launch ever articles, user.

They're cosmetics. They literally do nothing to the gameplay.

Because it's so mind boggling retarded. He doesn't even speak archaic portuguese to negotiate with the explorers. Did he fucking beat them to a pulp to preventing them from starting the Atlantic slave trade?

you can buy more than once a year you know?

Go and shill your microtransactions somewhere else.
Even angry sanches can see how shit your game is.

sure bro

and anthem is a great success too

>Recent information released by American market researcher NPD has revealed that Anthem was in fact the best-selling game of February, and is now the second best-selling game of 2019. The figure means that the mech suit shoot ‘em up RPG is BioWare’s second best selling launch title of all time, losing out only to the critically acclaimed Mass Effect 3.

ignoring fake news by notoriously corrupt media? sound like the adult man option there, kid.

At least you have valid reason

Its more about the fact they promised a feature and sucker punched everyone who was looking forward to it. Its a shady practice.

Yes the important thing here is that We(not you you don't belong here) avoided the shitty game. So gtfo

>He doesn't even speak archaic portuguese to negotiate with the explorers.

The portuguese traded with england, so they probably had a translator.

>no tiddies

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