so how are you enjoying the new update user?
Minecraft 1.14
I like the new villages, not a fan of the new hotbar icons though.
fucker keeps crashing
my computer is garbage
post server faggot
i only play on 2b2t which takes a couple months to update to latest mc
fuck you too
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (
Minecraft version: 1.14
Pirate friendly: Soon! We will let pirate users back in after a week or two when bukkit updates so that we can have a password plugin.
Difficulty: Hard
>WTF is this server
A vanilla minecraft server Yea Forums plays together on. This server is up 24/7 and has been up for months. Now we're in a brand new spawn so it's all fresh. We have a fuckload of players most of the day.
>How well does this server run
Very well, we have a premium host
>Is there any gay plugin bullshit
Nope, this is true vanilla.
>how long will the server be up
At least a few more months, it's up 24/7
- don't be a dipshit
- don't be a dipshit
How can you not even run minecraft
Apex toaster
We're kinda laggy at the moment and will be for the next day, the reason is that we are generating new chunks due to the fresh map. It is running much better than yesterday however.
Secondly, due to some kind of memory leak in 1.14, the server crashes our for about a minute every 2 hours, be aware of that.
Other than that join now fruens
post float
New Textures suck
use programmer art
thank you good sir
I haven't played since the ocean temple update (and even then it had been years since I played regularly) and holy fuck has the game changed a lot. The changes to combat are probably my favorite. Not really a fan of this other types of stone clogging up my inventory but once polished they look really nice.
I think I'm finally going to build the huge underground dwarf city-complex I always wanted to make.
Also what the fuck is up with all these new tool blocks like stone mill and loom? A glance on the wiki shows half of them don't even do anything. Not sure I want this going the way of Terraria where we need two dozen crafting stations at any given time.
No Customized world, no play,
Buffet niggers need not reply.
only 2 of the new crafting blocks are useless, and their functionality is being added next update.
>A glance on the wiki shows half of them don't even do anything. Not sure I want this going the way of Terraria where we need two dozen crafting stations at any given time.
but user, the immersion!
The new tool blocks are 90% just for villager mechanics. At most you'll have to craft one or two decoration blocks with them.
>generate new world
>aw yeah let's go!
>end up making a messy first base
>the nearby village is either all just one class of villager or practically in a ravine
>delete and start over
God damn it.
>using natural villages
>not building your own and populating it with purified zombies
That's a cool plan, but it doesn't fix my issue of me being really picky about where and how I set up my starting base.
user, you start up base is wherever the fuck you spawn. Making due with bad conditions is part of the fun. Then you move on to your real base location, transforming your starter base into an outpost.
Man, I think I'm just too picky.
I really wish they would add a backpack to the game.
laggy as fuck senpai
the raids are kind of underwhelming but otherwise it's fine
user, I have not played minecraft for literal years, like since the actual village update.
How do I go about making my own village?
I remember back then you made some shitty houses and put villagers in minecarts or some shit
Basically, wait for a zombie villager to spawn. Trap it, toss a potion of weakness at it and feed it a golden apple. This turns it back into a regular one.
Then once you've got two villagers, drop a bunch of beds and workstations around, toss them carrots or potatoes, and wait for them to fuck and breed up some more.
aight, thanks.
I'll go make myself a nice as fuck village now
Can you play Sevtech Ages on 1.14? does this shit even update?
seems like it runs a rickety ass collection of old as dinoshit mods that somehow work
1.14 just came out yesterday, so probably not
How many players are online at once usually?
10-20 currently
its been playable for months, snapshots nigga
quit spamming this shit, I don't want bukkit or pirates.
Fresh vanilla server WHEN?
are you using the java version
stay mad
I have only ever played multiplayer on self hosted with friends (mostly irl sometimes online)
Like imagine building a cool house with a chest full of diamonds and some random just fucks it all up :(
Also I having strict and autistic mining style could fuck shit up on MP
Shulker boxes, ender chests and traveling through the nether still aren't enough for you?
I'm not mad i just want a real Yea Forums server that only bans people for being underaged retards like
thats why you build a secret underground stash far away and safe from spawn :)
>real Yea Forums servers don't have people calling others faggots
Only one of those I find useful so far is the stone-cutter, only because it's more efficient to create stairs and slabs with it.
Irregardless, their primary purpose is to give villagers jobs, which is actually really useful if you want certain trades.
only for wanting bukkit.
1.7.10 is where I dropped it
I don't like the combat update at all
When will it be playable on consoles? Like the Switch
This is a fresh vanilla server you retard, bukkit isn't even out yet
>When will it be playable on consoles?
think they updated bedrock (w10, mobile?, xbone & switch) at the same time as Java, either way it is out now
>the Switch
they mentioned it alongside the others but its the only one that doesnt mention update on wiki (might by now, and the wiki is shit so its probably on the switch now)
>have mine, autism pit and farms all seperate
>live in isolation, scared of anons ruining the fun
I generally get bored of that, say fuck it and start a singleplayer world where I can build what I want where I want (add a cottage to a village which I fortify and make look good)
Sick, might get on later then
Can I just be spectator?
don't see why not
you have to ask a mod tho
Switch got it yesterday.
but it will be, and then pirates will be allowed on.
Get on minetest
>this is fresh we just took all of our resources from the last map and oneshotted the dragon in the first 30 minutes of the map being up
Doesnt everyone play on the dev patches so none of this is really new?
They're planning on reworking combat again, probably in the next update actually
I have played very little of it, but the new stonecutter block is literally a godsend
I managed to activate a raid on a village which was kinda fun, but all it did was kill all the villagers and ruin the place
I hope they dont bring back spam clicking just cause of autistic 10 year old tweakers bitched about it.
based and librepilled
whens future or impact client coming to 1.14
imagine being mad because you missed killing a mob
Hell yeah.
Trying to get this bastard though. It's bad enough the biome is hard to find, I lucked out with my seed having it near my spawn point.
what a qt
Just lightning bolt a mooshroom.
No they fucked up, keeps crashing for me too and I have a beast pc.
So, I have a legacy account and always logged in with my username. I swear I know my password, but now it won't work.
Worst of all, I have no idea what the email for it is anymore.
What can I do? pls help, Yea Forums
if you remember your username you can probably contact mojang support
Will they help me if I don't have a Mojang account and don't know the email?
I really thought I knew the password, because it's the same one I use for everything today. Did they force change legacy passwords, or something?
just explain your situation and ask for the e-mail, you can probably reset the password yourself once you get the e-mail
I'll try.
How do I do that?
Trident with channeling enchantment.
I've been sitting out in rainstorms, but that seems more doable. Thanks.
It has to be a thunderstorm for channeling to work right?
I mean what else would they do though to change combat? Spam clicking is uninteresting, the current one is just not that good either.
>implying it wouldn't be kino as fuck to have the entire server work together to beat the dragon
>can't tame it
>can't eat it
>drops nothing of value to use like leather or pelt
What's the fucking point? How about putting new fucking ores that go above diamond instead of this worthless bullshit. All Swedecucks at Mojang are hacks. Those expense paid trips to China to record panda noises sure beats free modpacks home dwelling losers make, for free.
You can always respawn him with a few eyes and ghastly tears
Chinese very happy to see Chinese animal in foreign game. Minecraft big success in China now. Big market share.
>putting new fucking ores that go above diamond
fuck you, I hate you pseud faggots that think adding a new tier to progress to is some kind of revolutionary idea that will reinvint the game and make everyone cum their pants with joy. Fucking tier progression is something Minecraft should and most likely will never fuck with. How about you try and come up with some ores with interesting abilities other than
>my le epic titanium sword is 10x stronger and more durable XD ADD THIS MOJANG
Jesus fucking Christ.
Why are all texture packs so awful? The only good ones Ive ever seen are themed ones like tron and sonic.
attack animations for mobs maybe? deuuu DAOOIII DEEEUUUUUUU
Suppose it's a bit difficult to make squares look very good.
The Wynncraft resource pack looks pretty good though, just a problem that you'd have all these custom models and shit for various items that wouldn't be good for regular play.
I didn't even think of that but you know Mojang. That takes effort.
Absolute retard, its minecraft not for honor.
>crossbow with multushot
>6 star rockets as ammunition
Motherfucking bazooka
>you can't ride the raid rhinos
>you can't have your own organic bulldozer
>all you can do is kill them for saddles
what's the fucking point of them then
I mean the games target audience is 10 year olds that actually like stupid powerlevel bullshit like this
same people that clog workshops and mod shit with "RED AND BLACK DEMON KATANA RECOLOR"
Just add regular bears, too. Then have all bears interact with each other and drop something cool.
And why are there still no regular birds?
i don't get it.
so, they did the taiga update they promised, which do you think is next? Deserts or savannas? On one hand, it looks like there's more cool stuff planned for savannas, on the other I really really want palm trees.
Post your cool minecraft youtube channel intros
forgot link
As someone with bedrock and java why play on bedrock?
Paid skins and texture packs yikes.
I like the wondering trader. But the dude was behind a hill near my base. Good thing I saw him
sphax has always been and will always be the best by miles
Been refactoring my farm with the new smoker and farming mechanics using my old 1.13 world.
Once I get the hang of it I'll make a new 1. 14 world
anyone figure out a new duping glitch yet? I wanna build a pvp arena for my friends on a survival mp server but dont want to go around mining for three double chests of andesite
What is the most autistically efficient 1.14 farm
If a zombie in water picks up your item at the exact same time it both dies and converts to a drowned you get two items back.
Im setting up a server right now, premium host, update 1.14, 24/7, vanilla.
But its only for my twitch subs ;)
>tfw finally have comfy server full of 10+ irl friends
Wanted this for years, makes me happy.
congrats user
I set up a server but my friends ditched me and called me gay
You can join my server user
If you come to my twitch stream and follow me friday night
There’s a texture pack that was made by Mojang that bring the old texture back
Anyone want to play on Xbox?
Should I start a new game or go back to my old desert shithole?
pls respond
circular pigman farm, designed by ilmango
I remember when every mob had a fucking purpose and survival was actually challenging. Ever since Beta 1.8.1 there's all this pointless clutter and useless shit that's there to make Minecraft seem more like an RPG, a far off shot from its original conception. I miss secret friday updates. Every week something fresh was added, something that actually made the game seem new. You don't know much Redstone or boats changed the way you think about the game. Now I'm not saying I hate everything about new Minecraft. Admittedly Endermen and some of the other new monsters are cool and serve some purpose and there are features that still are simple while adding new stuff to the game... I just wish we didn't go into that direction. I even played 1.13 and Beta back to back to understand why the newer versions don't grab me. It's that the simplistic feeling is gone, the lighting has become much much brighter and the survival aspect was erradicated through hunger, sprinting and enchantments. Not to mention all those structures in the world. Wasn't the entire point of making a sandbox game to drop the player into a wide natural space where they can shape anything to their hearts content? That feeling of comforting loneliness while C418s soundtrack plays gets lost in all of it.
cant you just mod it so that you can customize it?
>oceans and fucking villages got updated before the underground and nether
jesus christ take your meds old man
>What are shulker boxes?
>Nether has the coolest concept and hostile mobs in the game
>Don't give it more content and more of those cool unique mobs
Caves are also underwhelming nowadays, especially ever since they increased the spawn rate of diamonds. Back in the day you were likely trapped 3-5 days underground before you even got the chance to gaze at a diamond. Now it's quite likely you'll either get some in chests or find some instantly after entering lava level.
>chunks load like shit
>foxes make weird ass noises
Not really enjoying it all that much
My village is broken as fuck
>farmer won't farm
>if he does at all it's sparse and takes the goods for himself
>villagers fuck through fences and breed inside the fences
>a large amount of my villagers were stuck in an AI loop surrounding MY bed
>Spent so many hours making skyscrapers full of doors, and now its about BEDS ... WHY!
>seriously FUCK YOU Microsoft.
>Hurr Durr, Let's fuck everyone over that started a village
>my minecart collector for wheat is useless now... thanks!
>Golems spawn inside rooms that ar 2.5 blocks high and they can't leave. THANKS!
>All my villagers were reset to nobodies and I have to make a bunch of arbitrary CRAP just to get my village in order... THANKS YOU FAGS!
>B-b-b-but there are PANDAS and CATS LMAO LOLOLOL
>it also takes longer to load my single-player game for some reason...
>... thanks
Seriously, I think I'm just reverting my backup and saying "fuck any new updates".
What is the point of an "upgrade" if it just breaks everything you wasted hours on in the first place?
i agree
Microsoft is just updating for the sake of updating at this point. they have no fucking clue.
Not him, but did they fix redstone and game mechanics in Bedrock to make it viable now? Or is it still the better running but ultimately crap version?
>game mechanics in Bedrock
get fucked
I wish someone made a mod that tries to salvage the good ideas new Minecraft has and throws out everything dumb. Sure there's no hunger mods and Beta generation mods, but that doesn't quite fix all the issues at hand.
updates should ADD new features and not fuck up old features. I remember not liking the hunger/stamina thing, but it makes sense from a survival perspective. It grew on me, and it didn't hinder other aspects of gameplay.
>I wasted so many hours on my fucking village just to have it all upended by a bunch of trannies and fags at Microsoft.
I am so fucking livid you don't even know.
As fucked as Bedrock's redstone?
excuse me sir
not playing the PC version means you can't bitch about anything. I was in since Alpha, faggot.
>join shitty Yea Forums servers in the hopes of finding cool people
>finally do find some
>they get bored and the server dies after a month anyway, just sit there talking on discord all day
>every server i've joined in the last year has been utter dogshit, either admin letting faggots cheat to the point there's no reason to even be in survival mode, admin playing favorites and spawning items in for people or admin being an absolute retard and hosting on a third world shitbox that can't handle more than 5 people
I just want like 15-20 laid-back regulars without a faggot admin going out of his way to shit things up, vanilla and minimal blocklag/rubberbanding and yet that's always too much to ask.
MeinKraft is a single player experience. it's about getting away from people and enjoying the freedom of a vast world where all you have is yourself.
>playing with others is always a temporary experience.
>minecraft now has better gramfix than modern games
SSP puts me to sleep every time. I have no trouble quickly progressing in multiplayer but I never even start strip mining whenever I attempt to play alone. It feels so pointless knowing how predictable the experience will be and that nobody is ever going to see or use anything I make anyway.
the entire point of the art style is to be simplistic. that looks so fucking bizarre. why? it doesn't look better, it just looks anachronistic.
>Like hearing a hip-hop song in a movie about 18th century colonialism.
I play the Java version numbnuts.
Cute. I remember when bread took 6 wheat and all things were bouncy because pathing couldn't figure out a ledge.
I've been mulling over doing that for a long time, but I'm pretty amateur at programming but I'm learning. Maybe one day.
My strongest memory of this game was during indev singleplayer, before procedurally generated worlds, before sleeping through nights, and before villagers.
It had a much different atmosphere. I would describe it as purgatory-like. It gave me this feeling of overwhelming loneliness with no hope of contact, no God watching over me, no way to escape this small and finite floating island, forever going through the day-night cycle where nights were actually dangerous and attritious.
And then this song would play:
It was absolute desolation, and a very specific type of desolation as well. No game, movie, anything has made me feel that way again.
It's just not the same with infinite worlds and villagers and beds. It feels like an alive world.
the tool textures look like shit
This is a very neat window into how much more powerful the tech we have now is compared to the stuff we were using back when we were all playing Minecraft back in 2011-13.
This shader mod is much more complex and impressive than the stuff we were playing with 5+ years ago.
I just lose myself in the work-reward-explore-reward-build loop. It's cathartic after a long day of talking to retards that pretend to be "experts' or even "professionals" at their jobs, but don't even know the basic concepts they should FUCKING know to do their day-to-day work.
>"I'm an expert in Ruby and have an extensive background in Rails! Just look at my 14 page resume"
... why didn't you sanitize the user input here. look I just displayed the config file as a standard user. I now know exactly how you configured the fucking application. :thumbs_up_emoji:
>sometimes you just need to fuck off to your own world
I've only seen one decent attempt, a Mod called "The Right Branch of Development". But it's stuck in 1.7.10 because of Mojangs recodings in 1.8 and is also a direct Jar mod, meaning it's not forge compatible and must be installed tediously with MultiMC. I like some of its ideas but it's for one outdated, doesn't get updated anymore and I take some issues with some of the changes. But that's really the only time I've seen someone try to fix anything. Kinda weird seeing how a good portion of the community wants that Beta 1.7 feeling back.
>base was a zombie made village with tons of little houses with beds in it for them
>now they've bred like rabbits and clog up all my hallways and storage areas and never shut the fuck up or go to sleep and leave doors wide open like I'm paying to heat the goddamn taiga
>cats and golems are also accumulating very rapidly
I don't know if I like change
>I play the Java version numbnuts.
then why are you whining about the bedrock version? Are you fucking Fred Flintstone?
>Cute. I remember when bread took 6 wheat and all things were bouncy because pathing couldn't figure out a ledge.
cool beans, daddy-o, how much did a can of coke cost then?
Glowstone doesn't even look like it glows anymore. Everything looks muted
>at least you can
stack buckets, and compasses... but not beds for some fucking reason.
yawn, back to modded-to-shit 1.7.10 for me
Anyone else feel like we need some new overworld monsters? Unless you're playing on hard mode and let like 20 mobs overwhelm you all that dread from the old days is gone. Even Creepers can be dealt with rather easily since sprinting. I'd like some new enemies I can't just run away from that easily. Just something that makes me not wanna go out at night like Creepers and Skeletons did back in the day. Or at the very least make some of the older mobs (Zombies and Creepers in particular, since Skeletons already did become a whole lot more intelligent) more intelligent to account for the huge amount of options players have nowaydays.
going back that far I may as well play IndustrialCraft. That was some good times.
>be me
>I'm going to make nuclear reactor to power all my shit
>No need to silo it, I won't EVER let it melt down.
>who the fuck would ever take their eye off a NUCLEAR REACTOR lol
>spend days crafting to get the fucking reactor and fuel
>lose track of time
>it fucking melts down
>everything gone
>mfw I'm the retard I mocked
it's because they left VBOs locked on and they removed the ability to switch it off.
did they remove Endermen? I haven't seen them in some time. I just noticed the lack of them today.
No, I live on a Mushroom Island for a reason. The game's general equipment and progression is what makes those not a threat any more; that and a general mentality that you can just run past things and not give a shit (the same mentality that happens on recurring plays of horror and stealth games)
That's a nice build, user. Is that purple wool on top or concrete?
Can you play on windows 10?
cool. do you have any non-homosexual architecture?
>walking through world
>three (3) entire chunks vanish
>game crashes
thanks mojang!
I've been using concrete, though I might eventually add some wool to give occasional textures. The actual building I'm standing in is like 25% done, so I still need to work on that first.
looks like garbage
No, they are just pretty rare I feel like, even if they spawn in the Nether now too. The thing is they are only terifying if you are the one that attacks them or look at them for like 3-5 seconds, enough time to react and avoid an encounter. I want a mob that just makes you avoid the night if you are unequipt like Creepers back in the day. Sprinting kinda broke them if you know what you're doing.
who the fuck uses Windows after 98?
Does my epic build here count?
are you playing on a Windows Phone?
IndustrialCraft is nice. Nuclear reactors punish you hard if you just say "lol clearly nothing will happen if I leave it unchecked". Similiar thing happened to a friend of mine.
>i-is that a Master Chef arm?
no, because mojang stole my account
i bought MC when it was new. my account information no longer works. When trying to get my account from support I see that they are answering support tickets from *3 fucking months ago*
they basically stole my account so fuck this game
the laser miner was fucking amazing. lob a laser at a row of blocks and collect... good times.
I scrambled to recover the contents of all my destroyed chests with my limited inventory.
>it was like choosing which children to save in a catastrophe.
I'm still pissed that I couldn't get my infinite water machine working in time
I wasn't whining. I was asking if it was improved or not. Its performance over Java is nice but its mechanics aren't worth the slight boost when you aren't running on a toaster you salty bitch.
>cool beans, daddy-o, how much did a can of coke cost then?
Sorry you don't get to pull the I've been around forever bullshit then turn around and try the opposite when it turns out you got outranked you hypocrite. So which is it you know more because you are old or you are know more because you aren't old. I think its option C and you made an asshat out of yourself because you are moron with no answers.
Uninstall the game and piss on your power supply you dumb fuck.
>infinite water machine
a 4x4x1 pool of water?
i meant 2x2x1...
>Haven't played in a long time
>Really just chilling out
>Every so often a fuckyourchill.wav noise plays
How do the autistics not have autistic fits when that shit happens?
>Placing torches is annoying
>Put a stack of torches in my shield slot
That is some quality of life shit right there.
I made a flat 32x32 square to start farming with.
Really want to find some horses.
you so mad that you're older than me. wow. chill grandpa. someday you'll be dead: don't worry.
oh, lol. "Around the World in 80 IRL Days"
isn't one of the volume sliders for those effects? Environment or ambient or something like that
you still can't impregnate it
hes right though. the game was better when it was simpler because it lacked all the overlapping, pointless clutter. you have to be low iq to unironically enjoy the new updates. the only reason microsoft keeps constantly updating it is because it keeps little kids and retards like you coming back and going "oooo new stuff wow pandas!!!!! XD!!"
So with the next update being a combat update... what could they do to fuck it up? I mean they talked about making the delay optional so that's a plus but, are they just gonna add a fuckton of weapons, armor and enchantments or what? I mean they clearly are keen on adding new weaponry, see Tridents and Crossbows, but... I don't know, it don't think there's much you can do to make an update "focused" on that. I have a feeling that, whatever they'll try to do might make things even worse.
OoooOooo Pandas... Like Jack Black ROFL ROFL ROFL
>what do they even drop? anal beads?
that's when you know you're desperate... just like Skyrim. Wtf is the point. GOD I miss the machine gun bows from earlier Minecraft. it made bows actually useful.
They literally only drop Bamboo, which you can find in that exact area anyway and Bamboo is fucking useless in of itself. Scaffolding sounds nice until you realize that Ladders exist and already do a good enough job of doing what it does. And Ladders were added like, what, Beta 1.4? Correct me if they were added earlier than that, that's when I started following the game.
>Scaffolding sounds nice
you mean like crouch-placing dirt?
Same, like what is the point, more "accurate" aiming? What do you need that for? Minecraft is primarily a Singleplayer game that you can play on a server, if you so choose. Combat was NEVER the focus, that's why it's so simple. But that was also why they made mobs a threat by them being faster and deadlier than you. If a Creeper catches up to you, you can beat your ass you're dead, but now you can just run past. Why bother with them unless you need gunpowder.
>but now you can just run past.
exactly. the only enemies are the trees, shallow water, and darkness.
I died to invisible water currents more than I died to mobs.
>o look. I'm pegged in a corner in a sunken ship, and I don't have time to hack my way out.... coooooool.
>tfw installed multiple mods to get the Beta feeling back
>no hunger, no sprint, spammable bows and swords, unstackable food, beta terrain generation, it's all there
>still doesn't feel nearly the same as Beta
Microsoft really broke this game beyond comprehension, didn't they...
The difference is that scaffolding can be passed through vertically both ways and breaking its base block will take the whole thing down in one go. So it's got differences to dirt (or netherrack like I like to use)
I think a Yeti/Bigfoot mob specific to every biome would be a perfect edition to the game. It would be similar in health to a pseudo boss and could one shot you unless your atleast full iron. It doesn't need to move at sprint speed, but halfway between walking and sprinting so there's a way out if you notice it before it notices you. This was honestly the best idea for a hostile mob I had.
>/gamemode creative
>try to find a village to test the new update
>game loads chunks fast enough for max speed
>several chunks just load and unload randomly
>villagers are even more useless now
>skeletons have 100% accurate aim and pre-fire corners
>worldgen sucks dick, desert, desert, savannah, desert, forest, mountain. Literally nothing to capture your interest
>pointless crossbow which works exactly the same was as a bow
>have to time your strikes with swords
>can't block with swords anymore
What the actual fuck did they do to this game?
just play beta version?
same here my shitty pc cant handle it anymore
cool. I never had a problem buidling scaffolding out of dirt desu. it's like Microsoft is just finding imaginary problems to solve while they break the game for the real players.
>i.e. me
What even
The problem is I like some of the new stuff. Just playing Beta makes me feel empy nowadays. And no one bothers to make mods for Beta nowadays, so there's not really a way to spice things up at least a little bit.
imagine playing vanilla minecraft in 2019
>tfw too dumb to install forge
Fucking windows says it's a dangerous file and when I bypass that shit I'm left with a .jar file I don't remember how to install.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on this shit, I knew this shit when I was younger but I've grown more stupid with the years.
just use multimc or Twitch and install a modpack if you feel like you're an absolute brainlet
fucking read the docs and use google you retard
right click the jar, select Open with > Java(TM) Platform SE Binary
i haven't done manual installs in years, as others say, use the Twitch app to install/handle modpacks, or there's multimc, ftblauncher. twitch is easiest though, it's like one click download and play
>how can you not run an unoptimized, bitcoin mining, java based shit game
whats a cute 1.14 server to join or should i just buy a $5 vps and make my own
>spend hours planning and building a beautiful house
>burn it down after I've built it
Dont worry i will help
Go to this website
Download the file for your minecraft version
Open the jar file when downloaded now install forge its easy setup you dont need my help here.
Now download the mod you want to play on
After downloading press windows and R key
In the window type %appdata%
Press enter and look for the file named .minecraft
Open the file
Now in the file make a new folder called mods
Now find the mod you downloaded and place it into the mods folder.
Launch minecraft with the forge version.
Hope i helped.
you sound like a gay. you should tell your parents so they can properly punish you and correct your homosexual tendencies.
Nah I hate homos. I just wanted to build a visually appealing structure. Would've built a castle, but the thing is TNT probably can't blow something like that up without having shit remain.
Download the original Aether mod
My dads would never do that
That... actually seems like a good idea. Maybe I'll get some enjoyment out of that, since I never played it in its original state. Thanks, I'll try it out.
based and redpilled post
get rid of adblock, I shit you not it fixes the problem
>have a singleplayer world
>update game
>use villager finder site to find a new village
>expand nether highway to travel there
>portal into village
>it's a fucking zombie town
>all the zombie villagers run out into sunlight and die.
>look around for a bit.
>find a single zombie villager in his house, caught in a web
>block off his house
>rush back to main base to get weakness potion and golden apple
>cure the poor guy
>fix up his house and toolsmith shop
>he's still all alone in that ruined village
That's fucking depressing.
you must find him a mate.. apparently villagers are all gay, can reproduce via butt-babies, so it shouldn't be THAT hard.
Is 2b2t normie free yet? It was great until all the pedo youtubers got their hands on it
should have just killed him, you monster.
There's always the chance a zombie villager will spawn naturally. Keep strong.
It died before youtubers touched it. Actual 2b2t is long gone.
Better Than Wolves
Is it even being developed anymore?
>infecting your computer with JavaAIDS
>even the last good bits of the community are dying
just fuck it all
Can you read like the top 10 posts
The lag is mostly gone now, running pretty good
Did creepers get buffed? It feels like they spawn more often and their explosion is bigger.
Don't think so
might be due to pack spawning
what's a decent server host for modded mc?
I downloaded SUESI (the free version) and Vivecraft and it's amazing.
They actually got nerfed. They now drop 100% of destroyed blocks, same for TNT and TNT minecarts.
Did Endermen get removed? I haven't seen them in a while.
No. They are just quite rare. Oh and when we're on the topic of Endermen, anyone know if Crossbow rockets can hurt Endermen? Normally they're not affected by projectiles but this one explodes on impact, so...
>No. They are just quite rare.
oh ok. I just remember them being very common before.
Creeper... oh man
They might have changed that. But that might also change with difficulty. On hard I encountered a few, but that was in 1.13. Maybe they're just rarer on Easy and Normal? I can't quite say how their spawning works.
skeletons are pretty threatening nowadays
Now that we're unironically playing Minecraft again, should I start playing too? I haven't touched the game since 2013. How much has changed?
Well if they're not going to add fun, interactive, regular content to the game I'd rather have new ores than useless animals.
Minecraft is terribly optimized. Easily one of the worst performance/graphics tradeoffs in the 21st century.
Java version is. Bedrock runs like a dream.
Yea Forums server
new 1.14 world so a bit laggy for a day or so
How would you fix Minecraft? I have milked the game of all types of playthroughs that it no longer has any replay value without multiplayer or mods.
>Take the immersive sim approach
>Fix world generation to allow for more varied landscapes and structures (like ruins) which can encourage exploration
>Revert combat to the way it originally was before 1.9
>Remove the Ender Dragon and replace it with 8 boss fights with good mechanics
>Retool the Nether by making it the endgame after defeating the 8 bosses
>Add underground/cave content like what they did for the ocean in the Aquatic Update
>Raids shouldn't just be enacted by Pillagers but also other types of mobs like zombies or Endermen
>The End is retooled to be more alien and weirder with twists on normal overworld mechanics, possibly even harder than the Nether
>Add mod api
>Torches will burn out but not instantly, rather slowly as it lighting effect slowly dims as time passes
>Lanterns should replace torches as permanent light sources
>Put it on Steam
>Optimize the fuck out of the Java edition
Haven't played minecraft in 5 years what's new?
>Revert combat to the way it originally was before 1.9
immediately dropped. if you can't admit that it's an improvement over the original then you've been dropped on your head. everything else is pretty neat though.
rather than zombies raiding they should just move in packs, and if you happen to have a settlement nearby they catch your scent and move in for the "raid".
drop java all together. it's shit. a modding api for bedrock that allows modders to accomplish what they can today (and then some) would solve our problems even if it meant throwing away the years of preexisting modwork. It's worth throwing away for that.
Fuck, it doesn't even need to be an "api" per se, just enable modding in the same way that Half-Life and Source Engine had modding. Bring back .wads!
anyways you're retarded for saying to make combat like older versions but then also continue to list off a ton of combat related enhancements as if they'd be any fun with spam left clicking.
What's the easiest way to learn the basics? Use a wiki, youtube, go online and bumble around asking questions or?
The 8 bit one was amazing
Sadly it is dead
I would get rid of all the dumb RPG shit and refocus on worldgen, crafting, and building. I agree with the previous post that updates robbed Minecraft of its simple appeal where you just try to survive and thrive and made it into this weird progression-focused adventure with tons and tons of obtuse mechanics like enchanting and brewing. Like, just as an example of the weird "RPG" focus, it is fucking retarded that you cannot craft saddles. The idea is that you have to go exploring to find them, but why? It's not like it's an ancient artifact, it's a fucking saddle.
>Remove enchanting. Exp system and rng enchantments are fucking dumb and don't fit in the game's simple survival aesthetic. If it exists it should be in the form of forging rare/special materials into your items.
>Remove or rework brewing. Too obtuse and everything requires materials from nether or rare monsters. If the system exists it should be simpler, more intuitive and be accessible earlier with simpler ingredients. More powerful stuff can obviously require rare materials.
>Remove hunger. Fucking pointless upkeep bar to babysit that adds nothing to the game. Cooked foods can instead give minor long-term buffs (like 30-60 minutes or more) so there's reason to farm and make more complex recipes.
>Remove redstone. It's poorly implemented to begin with but it turns the game into a hyper-autistic fuckfest of automating everything. The only form of connectivity that should exist is connecting a mechanism to a switch or button that can manually operate the mechanism. If powered devices exist then they should require fuel that depletes. Connecting mechanisms should be as simple as clicking on the mechanism with an item like rope or wire then clicking where you want to connect it to.
>All items that could feasibly be crafted should be craftable. Only raw materials should require exploring.
>Other shit that makes the post too long.
The bamboo forests look fucking ugly.
>Remove enchanting.
This is the only one I'd agree with honestly, but the unique shit they've started to add with enchantments is nice like Multishot for crossbows or Riptide for the Trident. If they revamped the system instead of just going "hurr it have more cost now" it'd be much better.
>Remove or rework brewing.
Why? Brewing's only problem is that using them for combat ends with spamming the Ender Dragon for dragon's breath. Other than that it's pretty alright.
>Remove hunger.
I never understood the upset behind hunger when they started adding survival things, but it's not that big of a deal really. Buffs for different food would be nice though.
>Remove redstone.
Why? People learned that autism to a science, there's no reason to take that away.
Other shit:
>Improve worldgen, more detail in biomes, more variation in terrain, more weather effects.
>Fully custom worldgen options as part of base game that can easily be used by a novice player. Can choose things like which biomes appear, biome size, material rarity, ruin/settlement frequency, terrain extremity, etc.
>Way more creatures and monsters with creatures exclusive to certain biomes or with variations based on biome
>Current Survival mode renamed Adventure, new proper Survival mode added. In Survival your location gets attacked by increasingly stronger waves of enemies every night, you can't sleep to skip night. Enemies eventually become able to break stronger materials. Build and prepare during the day, defend at night. Goal is to survive as long as possible. Hunger is optional.
>Town building/management mode where the objective is to build/grow/manage a town by constructing buildings, industries, services, etc to attract NPC villagers to your town, keep them happy and earn resources from their work. Also need to defend your town from monsters/other towns.
I agree with you with the zombies moving in packs, I think collective zombie hordes are a good reason of avoiding night time rather than just lazily dumping different types of hostile mobs on the overworld
Dokucraft isn’t so bad
i'm a fan of last days
The concept of brewing is alright but the implementation sucks. It's so weirdly overcomplicated for no reason, and everything requiring rare materials ends up putting too much focus on exploring and fighting and rpg-adventure stuff instead of just simple mining, harvesting and building. Having rare materials is fine but that shouldn't be the entire foundation of a mechanic.
Redstone is shit for the reasons I said. Just using it is a pain in the ass because it's implemented so shittily, and being able to automate so much trivializes the game's basic and enjoyable gameplay loop of collecting and building. Save it for mods and custom servers.
>made account
>fuck around in a cave a bit
>go explore some more in the other direction
>get bored
I feel like all this content that's been added just never seems to find it's way to me. I've never seen anything but deserts and green/brown forests.
You don't enjoy making 8-bit computers user?
People were upset about hunger because it went by so fast, just sprinting for 6 minutes straight would completely deplete your hunger bar so it became a nuisance. It got fixed though in 1.11 but I don't think anyone noticed
>It's so weirdly overcomplicated for no reason
You only realistically need 3 items to start brewing, 2 of which can be found in the nether fortresses which spawn relatively frequent, and then most of the reagents are overworld-based and really common things like melons or carrots mixed with gold or other items. I don't really think brewing is that complicated. If anything I'm more mad that they left in the afk fishing exploits, and they're actually even easier to do now than before.
I've only liked one since I first played back when it was only creative or whatever. It was called Brown 'n' Bloom and had a cool photo-realism autumn vibe going on.
The creator stopped updating it after chucking a fit from people asking him to update it.
Maybe look for some cool seeds online. There are quite a few that are really varied.
I mean you CAN use Redstone. But you're really forced to do it. I don't think Redstone was ever a problem, especially how it can make people go creative. I'd like for there to be some sort of penalty for automating, though.
you're not really*
Fuck me.
You want to get fucked user?
Can pirates play it yet?
I host one and I don't do any cheats with adminpowers, but it's pretty dead unfortunately. Also only runs on 1.12 because 1.13 has much higher hardware requirements.
wish I could see what it looks like but the video is covered in faggoty filters and effects.
>Find a Pillager tower
>Looks cool.
>Try to clear it out and use it as a base.
>Pillagers continue to spawn over and over
Kinda lame.
Nah. That would be gay, user, haha.
I tried memetraced minecraft again to day and turns out it does work.
25-30fps on a 1060 3GB. 15 when it rains.
Someone please make me understand how this works
>Shitty blocky graphics when you can create "models" and textures and animate them like a machine gun probably a dozen in a day if you want
>Piss easy to code in because JAVA as the main version
>A team of probably like 300 people working on the game
>Yet still it gets updates like once every 3 months
??? The fuck are they doing at the office, jerking off for 8 hours a day?
They're also backed by the largest software company in the world.
Yeah, Better than Wolves is being developed pretty actively, although the dev went full retard and decided to make the early game incredibly complex. Now there's torch burn mechanics, and even crafting a chest or crafting table is a complex task (you need to fashion crafting tables out of tree stumps, meaning you can't move or place them on the go - they have a hard-coded location until you can make an anvil). It's also stuck on1.5.2 because he got PISSED with Mojang's retardation every update.
There's also a Forge compatible port called Better With Mods which adds almost 100% of the old OG BTW content (mechanical power, the chemistry system, etc) and some of the hardcore features. It's pretty good because you can select features to turn off (meaning you can play the mod like it was in the beta days).
Fuck off, if anything they make the game simpler and closer to your first time playing minecraft. They also take shitty features Mojang added and tweak them to be far cooler, with way more emergent behaviour.
Quick rundown:
>Beacons are way simpler, and give a status effect dictated by their block (eg: glowstone gives night vision). They don't have a GUI.
>Staying in darkness for too long makes endermen rape you
>Dying teleports you to a random location in your world (basically like Hardcore Mode except that you still can find your old base, basically encourages you to keep playing on a world)
>Mobs will attempt to eat animals (meaning that if you don't explore or actively hunt animals, you'll run out of early game food).
>Complex blocks like slabs or doors require a saw to make, in the early game you have to use full blocks to build makeshift bases
>Creepers can have their testicles removed with shears, which prevents them from blowing up (the testicles can be used to remove tree stumps)
Literally the BEST minecraft mod in existence.
>jerking off for 8 hours a day
They most likely have all died on the inside
>A team of probably like 300 people working on the game
>Yet still it gets updates like once every 3 months
They hire literal retards, and they always pick the stupidest and most time consuming features to improve or add.
For examples villagers or pandas add nothing of value to the game, yet they require a huge time / resource sink to develop because AI is hard to program, especially in a procedural world.
>Piss easy to code in because JAVA as the main version
The minecraft codebase is fucking huge and is full of spaghetti (some of Notch's original code from 2009 still lives on in the code). Java isn't a bad language or anything, but any large project written in it will be hell to maintain. They spend more time rewriting old garbage code than they do adding features.
>Shitty blocky graphics when you can create "models" and textures and animate them like a machine gun probably a dozen in a day if you want
For some reason they insist on hiring people and paying them to procrastinate and do nothing, rather than just finding some modders in the community and paying them for their existing ideas / textures.
>because AI is hard to program, especially in a procedural world
That shit isnt even AI they fucking do nothing N O T H I N G
>table's still using slabs
bravo valve
>For some reason they insist on hiring people and paying them to procrastinate and do nothing
Sounds like my type of company
Hytale can't come fast enough.
do the captains respawn?
>Update is based around villages, so I start a new world and go find one
>Takes a couple of days, find one
>World gen only fucked with a little bit, only a couple of roads are messed up
>Build my house on the edge of town, fix some roads, build a mine after about two hours
>Come up out of mine
>There are no villagers around, nor the iron golem the village spawned with
>Random doors are open
>See some cunt with a crossbow in the middle of the village, shooting at the traveling merchant, which is the only villager left in the village
>Kill the crossbow cunt
>"Village raid!"
>Oh god oh fuck
>First wave
>Four dudes with crossbows, kill them fairly easily
>Second wave
>Four dudes with crossbows and two with axes
>Axes do a fuck ton of damage but still get through it
>Third wave
>Giant fucking elephant thing and like ten dudes with crossbows and axes
>Elephant thing kills me in two hits even though I'm wearing iron armor and it's barely even near me
>Oh okay well I guess I failed the raid
>Go to where I died, everything is still there, camping all my shit
>Try to kite them away from my shit, one wonders into my house while I'm doing it
>I die because the elephant thing just one-shots you while you don't have armor
>I get spawn-camped endlessly in my bed every time I respawn
Good update.
>Literally the BEST minecraft mod in existence.
I don't remember pixelmon having any of these features?
This is supposed to an elephant? I thought it was a crossbreed between a villager and a cow/pig/sheep
Well whatever it is the hit-box is fucked where it can hit you while you're a tile away from it and you can't hit it.
christ this shit is ugly.
I mean it's a monster, afterall. I think it's supposed to be.
make a crossbow idiot they added a new ranged weapon
I like this thing from a design standpoint, because I love when Minecraft comes up with "unique" monsters. Sure you have your standard Zombie, Skeleton and Slime stuff, but there's so many other iconic mobs that are really unique
>Zombie Pigman
>Enderman (even though it pretty much is a Slenderman knockoff)
>Shulker & Phantoms too (though they are not nearly as iconic)
I don't know why I like them that much.
I had a crossbow from one of the cunts. It reloads so slowly the thing closes the gap before I get more than two shots off.
What the fuck is this Java Bedrock shit? I ain't played in like 3 years.
They all respawn, I think.
Oh yeah, that server.
why the fuck do you have unicode on
>literally everything there
there was a new update? sorry, i was busy playing old tech packs. wake me up when FTB releases something for 1.14
>>Enderman (even though it pretty much is a Slenderman knockoff)
nah, not really. Sure, the name and "being really tall" are from the Slenderman, the Endermen are still their own thing.
pretty please?
>go to nether for first time
>inhospitable death trap with nothing to do
>hit a zombie because I thought it was coming for me
>turns out its a passive mob that ignores you
>never ending stream of zombies now
>manage to make a walkway in the sky
>squid thing blows it up
T-thanks. Is there anything to do in the nether? It seems like a wasteland of nothing.
Imagine having 10 (ten) friends.
The main feature of the nether is nether fortresses which has blazes. Also quartz and glowstones drop in the nether only.
In addition, Nether is a 1:8 copy of the overworld, making it excellent for traveling. If you move 10 blocks in the nether you've moved 80 blocks in the exact same direction in the overworld.
bump, join up for comfy minecraft
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (
Minecraft version: 1.14
Pirate friendly: Soon! We will let pirate users back in after a week or two when bukkit updates so that we can have a password plugin.
Difficulty: Hard
>will only be up for a few months
No thanks famalam. I don't want to spend hours making shit when it'll all disappear in a few months.
I can’t think if a single reason why any of that shit would be better than what we have, other than hunger being gone
This wreaks of reddit
It all has to do with how much it makes the game more difficutl.
Why does it matter when even completing the game is based on chance?
Is it though? There's a lot of ways to go about things, since the game doesn't really put many restrictions on you.