What... What did they mean by this?!

What... What did they mean by this?!

Attached: Atelier Lulua.png (726x658, 502K)

You just know

Exactly what it says.

Horse but hole


Attached: 1553799881043.gif (400x225, 1013K)

Obviously evil SJWs are censoring horses from games. We can attributive anything negative to sjw they're like our Nazis.

Why are sankaku such retards?

every FUCKING time

Please tell me this is like a spoof on kotaku and not a real thing.

I can explain the horse. They had to zoom in to cover her legs, as a result the horse would have been half off-screen. This would look pretty stupid so might as well remove the horse entirely.

Now why they would censor her legs is a different question tho.

Attached: m.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Nah man you got it all wrong. Horses is actually a secret Nazi symbol, so they had to zoom in to remove it. Unfortunately this also cut her legs out, but some sacrifices are necessary.

*hits pipe*

Attached: merry.jpg (600x681, 79K)

>Japanese boxart is cropped to put more emphasis on the main characters because Americans are retarded enough to believe it's some horse-raising simulator if they didn't
>A bit of the legs are cropped off to keep the aspect ratio the same
>Call it censorship

I fucking hate everyone

Attached: 518.gif (342x342, 376K)

God I fucking love lulua armpits

Worse case scenario, Koei-Tecmo and Gust should do is make a reversible cover which has the original cover on that side. Notify them to do that.

Attached: legs and horses.png (890x1006, 1.41M)

That can't be the reason. There are no floating heads and random guns inserted everywhere.

Well, that is in fact the type of person that lives in California which is where decisions are being made.

>doesn't censor armpits

Attached: 1556079336822.jpg (596x1060, 77K)

the cropped versions look off
it's like they're coming out of some house in the middle of nowhere instead of a carriage

Doesn't Europe get a completely different art? Saw it in one of the 100 threads about this same topic

Equinophobic bastards.

Attached: hoers 04.jpg (500x390, 47K)

Good. The horse looks hentai as fuck.

It must be a great time to be an armpitfag.

Blue reflection is the only game from Gust I have played. Are Ateliers any better?

Depends. Do you just like cute girls, or would you also enjoy gameplay that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself?

You just know

I don't think it's that the horse was 'censored', I think it just looks out of place so they removed it. It's drawn quite realistically, but besides it is a perfectly pretty anime girl with a painted on doll face, and they clash. Maybe that kind of shit happens in the game, I have no idea never played this series, but it doesn't make for good cover art.

> like cute girls
> gameplay that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself
Sounds good.

>tfw no more horse pussy

Then you will probably love the Atelier games.

Is Lulua out in Japan already?

Don't think there's a final package shot.

Attached: 81IX3X3NlsL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1203x1500, 250K)

>Censors Horses
Someones been watching too much Lara porn.

That wagon seems so out of place up in the corner.

That horse looks real Wii shovelware.
Understandable why I wouldn't want it on my pantyquest game.

Attached: 98021a4e168ff6ffcbe91a2e74ee10b8.jpg (1600x1200, 664K)

I miss the days where not everything was called censorship. I mean how many fucking box arts are different between regions? "censored horses", really?

>Barneyfag works for ESRB

Attached: 1536413552936.jpg (500x375, 44K)

Cropped image makes it look like the other girl is hiding behind some building and spying on her.

Hoerse a shit, birb a best

Attached: happy papi.jpg (965x1295, 443K)

Lots of empty space on this one.

>You can still see her luscious thighs in the Switch version

Haha, nintenchads win again!

Attached: 1390772871548.jpg (158x146, 10K)

the one with rorona in the carriage is better, but these game have always had pretty boring boxart over here.

You just KNOW

What a majestic beast

isn't she like a 40yr old lady there anyway?

Hey Snoy, hire me pls thx.

Attached: hire. this.png (449x576, 390K)

wtf is this sexy shit? Those hands, eyes and boots are showing way too much.

I can't even tell anymore. I remember the Lulua boxart being shown a few months ago and people thought the uncropped version was weird.
>legs look weird
>why is there a horse
>why is the horse given half the frame instead of the other character who is way in the back
>perspective makes the horse look small/her look giant
>empty space to the left of her head
>awkward dutch angle
It's a shit cover either way desu.

Attached: 1525913379883.jpg (381x345, 51K)

>HALAL sticker

>that time when she laid an egg

Attached: 1537072415199.jpg (611x595, 71K)

It means armpits are okay

>playing censored nu-Gust moeshit

Attached: crowcringe.png (989x446, 688K)

How long are you going to let Snoy keep doing this?

>censors legs and horses
Can't have Muhammad overflowing with carnal desires


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