if you could go back in time to change anything what would it be?
If you could go back in time to change anything what would it be?
Other urls found in this thread:
big pp
warn hitler
I would go back in time and make sure this shit board doesn't exist
Kill the Chinese commies and prevent them from killing tens of millions of people and destroying Chinese culture
kill hitler
kill all niggers
Same but the whole site.
To prevent the death of my wife because that's my only regret going forward now
I think I would try to be less of a tool but that's kind of stupid. That would mean that I've grown as a person which is not true.
I mean, lately I have a lot of dreams of my last two years at school, like I went back in time or some shit like that.
This reminds me how I thought that OoT could've used more timetravel puzzles, like changing one thing in the past and shit like that.
I think Prince of Persia Warrior Within also used something like that but it was mostly revisiting some place in the present or past
Same but also my life.
Kill Anita Sarkeesian and Zooey quin or whatever hes called.
kill Anita before she kickstarts all of this garbage
"Okay Hitler, here's how to make a nuclear bomb. Don't piss off Russia until you have one."
I'd shoot George Washington
I'd stop the Protestant reformation from ever happening
Look at these examples of original thought.
Go away Anita
yell at moot in the otakon and make sure he shutsdown the website
This one right here.
End slavery so there aren't millions of niggers shitting up the western hemisphere. Then take a photo of me and my family in a Detroit that isn't a shithole.
stay strong my niggas, we all gonna make it to wakanda
Wouldn't change anything. I'd just live my life without all this bullshit the internet brought into my life. Just being in harmony with the nature.
I'd have sex with me as a child
I already thought about this when I was a child and decided I'd be okay with it, so I've already consented
If Jax went back in time to africa why is his family octoroon looking they should be pitch black
Go back in time and become super mega space Hitler
you being born op
and this
>Change time
No thanks, kotal/erron are the only good endings.
Prevent John Wilkes booth from killing Lincoln so he’d live and ship the boons off after the war was over.
Or kill the people behind the 1965 immigration act so we wouldn’t be invaded by minorities.
I bet he isn't 100% African. He was born after the world War ffs, probably has some euro ancestry.
How in the fuck changing history wouldn't erase him from the planet?
I'd go into the future and buy a sports almanac and then come back and win a ton of bets.
Did he somehow eliminate slavery as a concept for all of humankind or just prevented the slave trade to America from happening? Is this cringefest meant to be taken seriously at all?
I'd murder Karl Marx.
Who would would take charge in such an event? Hess?
I would only change something that personally involved myself and improving my own life. It not my place to alter the flow of time so much to change events. In my case, I’d tell myself to start a workout routine early so I don’t have to play catch-up now since I’m too lazy to commit to one but by making my last self commit to one I’ll suddenly be able to do so
Stop Native Europeans (Pagans) from being genocided and brainwashed by Christians
>not stopping the roman / orthodox schism.
Small minded catholic heretic
What are you talking about? Slavery only ever existed in the American south and was only perpetrated by white people against black people who were free and happy in Africa.
Ok Stalin, here to prevent that 12% of your countries population doesn't die in the WW.
Be friends with Hitler and Mussolini.
funnily enough him stopping the slave trade would have lead to ethnostates... so is he actually ourguy?
>is a game where a hollywood action movie star who has magic green powers can uppercut the head off of a ninja with ice powers supposed to taken seriously
Gee wilikers user, I fucking wonder.
Papa H and Uncle S would never be friends mate.
if you got germany to take in / support white army remnants and openly state their efforts are to restore order in russia however... maybe an alliance could be done.
kill the first humans/humanoids and any semblance of them to prevent them from ever existing and then kill myself
No. It would to an America that couldn't really be worked and build because there weren't any slaves to work on mines and train lines.
The native population would probably bounce back all over the americas.
I absolutely hate people who say that shit unironically.
Legs just ignore the mali salt mines were slaves were worked to death.
or the arabic slave routs still in use today
Stop Booth from killing Abe before he could ship the niggers back to Africa
this is a good one
The Roman forces win at the Battle of Yamouk and stop the Islamic hordes.
It's freaky to see a bird sitting like this. It's like those are its hands and it doesn't have legs.
Why was Russia even mad? They’re the whitest country ever and could have easily aligned with hitler.
Kill the first J*w
Are "people" in USA really thinking that Africa would became a super advanced continent if only a few niggas wouldnt been sold off by other niggas?
No. im part cherokee myself. my ancestors on that side settled with the white man because their lives were better. With a lack of nigger laber the value of native laber would increase and quite frankly the natives would assimilate very well. For all the conflict there was a sense of co-operation between many tribes and the settled.
The 'trail of tears' was done to stop raids and kidnappings. Many natives considered a white woman captive a trophy for pete sake.
While the explosion of sugar, cotton, and other new world goods would not happen as much. If anything it would encourage more to be sent from the European mainland. Kinda like that briton ended up doing by its late colonial period. Criminals? ship them off to the colonies to work as a second chance. Angry serfs? Let them go to the new world and either prove themselves or starve.
Get fucked back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
No they couldn't Hitler considered slavs subhuman they were gassing Polish too
why does he look like a monkey?
Fucking hell this. That would be only a net positive. Just tell him to wait a few years then kill him to prevent too much historical change
Isaac Touro.
let's be honest. America would have been whiter and better if Africans would have stayed in Africa but no, retards have to bring them for labor and then set them free.........
Damn. And here I thought Hitler was just an asshole. I guess there really are two sides to every coin.
Shouldn't he be armless?
only the most detached sheltered city fags and black supremacists.
Warn the Byzantines of the Crusaders coming to sack Constantinople, as well as the Ottomans.
Just warn the crusaders the Venetians are a bunch of greedy jews.
The also only sacked Constantinople due to the new emperor not honoring their deal they made with the previous.
>go back in time
>tell moot about the future of /pol/ and tons of stuff need to be changed
There i just saved Yea Forums
but that's wrong user. This is the true ending When he got wokr
>we could have had actual, proper anti-spam measures and caring mods.
Its not fair bros.
This makes no sense since slavery was a totally separate event from the Scramble for Africa, which happened after the end of the Atlantic slave trade.
Even if Africans never got sent to America they'd still get bodied by the technologically advanced European invaders.
t. unwoke
>Not elaborating a feminist game reviewer fake identity, fuck Zoe Quinn AND record the audio including consent and innuendos so that you can call the cheating bitch out and BTFO Anti-gobblergators for the rest of eternity
Cum on, step it up. I would also buy a shitload of Bitcoins in 2009-2012 and resell them in 2017
How goes the rubber quota, fellas? What’s that? Below projections? Not good...
Why are they all lightskin black people? That's racist
I wouldn't do anything really, i would just go back and explore.
I’d go back and stop this user
He enslaved whites instead.
You can see it in the other pics that OP didn't post.
its not
t. African european male
I'd make sure that Hitler won the second world war.
I would go back to the first congress of America and tell them to go through with there plan of banning Jews from living in America
Crispy niggas been discriminated against for too long and its time to stop
>African european
>Is this cringefest meant to be taken seriously at all?
it's a non canon ending in arcade mode so no. I don't even get why you guys wont shut the fuck up about it.
but the chinese kills tens of millions of themselves per century regardless of who rules them
>They’re the whitest country ever
>over 15% nonwhites
>Muslims[b] (6.5%)
>higher than Germany
But they ARE the number one in something: male suicide rate
Epic bro
Back to your nigger shithole, mdongo
Stop man from picking up sticks and rocks.
Considering how much muslim land they conquered only 6.5% is great.
And decreasing (aside from growing urban centers but thats just due to people moving there) thanks to bro orthadox integration.
A pretty good idea.
Separation of church and state meant separation of powers NOT secularization. Like the agreement between Austria and the pope. Prevent things like the Anglican church having a political head.
Hey, you can have as many black women as you want, as long as you don't mind seeing me with white chicks, im ok. Loving is sharing after all.
Ensure sjw and trannyism is never allowed to take root.
Make myself a god
>pavement ape unironically thinks anyone believes he's getting any pussy
Logic doesn't matter when you're woke.
>it's shit but it should have been even worse because muh land
russia is a giant patch of nothing, land area doesn't mean shit
>And decreasing
Muslims but with crosses
Just like russia is africa but with snow.
>Separation of church and state meant separation of powers NOT secularization.
Why prevent the good parts, though?
Letting deranged pedophiles use fairy tales to justify affecting real people is fucking retarded.
>le pedophilia
blame faggots
>le fairy tale
Christ lived, and there is nothing you soulless Atheist can do about it.
Tell them to not allow women to vote
Tell the allies they have to surrender to the axis
Tell the 13 colonies how badly will go if they enforce nigger slavery on america so better pay for workers
Tell egyptians to genocide the jews and get another kind of labor force
okay what is this pic, why is it getting posted?
Is it triggering somehow? I want to be mad and butthurt too so tell me what it is so I can also be mad.
Go back to the Crusades and give them modern technology
Deus Vult
Jax ending from the new mortal combat.
He time travels and stops slavery thus making africa super advanced.
Its lazy, political motivated writing.
I think if you gave them modern technology they wouldn’t be able to maintain it. Like a gun, what happens when they run out of ammo? Or what happens if a tank breaks down? I would just give them a shit ton of money.
Jax ending for mk 11 is literally pic related
>t. Know-nothing
You’re more likely to meet a pedophile at school, than at church
christcucks were all slaves and neurotic women. The church was just a paganized version of it to make it not full retarded. The romans loved the emphasis on the slave caste being super humble for a promise of some reward after death. Christcucks strive to be literal sheeple, docile and easily herded.
Fair point, but if I have a time machine, I reckon I can give them lightsabers and shit as well
So it's funny?
Has someone tried to tweet this shit to these faggots?
I want to FUCK Zoe Quinn
>blame someone who has nothing to do with it
>let pedophiles keep on raping
Great job, pedo enabling subhuman!
>developers forcing anti-white beliefs under the misguided impression of "tolerance"
What I don't get are sycophants like yourself who allow what is essentially the systematic dismantling of white culture in video games and forced political agendas of leftist globalist ideologies which exist to promote white genocide.
>Slavery only ever existed in the American south and was only perpetrated by (((white people)))
And yet these "Cucks" triumphed over the """"glorious"""" """"Gods""""" of the Heathens so hard that their Gods are now owned by a Jewish comicbook company lmao.
Cry more.
Yeah yeah and "all men are pedophiles" and other retard memes.
Meanwhile in reality, priests are disproportionately child rapists and have massive rape streaks that a rapist teacher could not beat even if he had the whole school backing him.
Exterminate the Bantu tribe
Chinese are fucking warmongering retarededs
Did you know how many times they divided themselves in war against each other?
I’m just glad the communist party killed millions and stopped the wars
>b-but they killed millions
Yeah, to save billions
I would go back in time and kill Moot and Hiro, to free ourselves from this bullshit site
>vast abuse comitted by males on male children
>peak of abuse at sexual revolution
>homosexual infestation in seminaries
Sure nothing to see here.
I just hope you don't send your children to school, that'll make you a pedo-enabler too since teachers are the most common child-fiddlers.
Statistically, there are more teachers who are pedophiles than there are priests who are pedophiles. This is a fact
>stopping with just the bantu
>priests are disproportionately child rapists
Except they abuse children at a lower rate then the general male population. I thought you Atheists loved facts
>attraction to adults of any sex repeatedly not shown to correlate with attraction to children
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-bb---b-b-bb-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but they're male!
Based subhuman retard
Yea Forums - Video Games
Go back a few days to win the lottery.
Yeah, just plain lie like that, everyone is going to eat that shit up like it's not obviously false.
But percentage of pedophiles among priests is higher and so is the average number of rapes per rapist.
Atheists never love facts. Not truly. They prefer misconceptions
why'd he only free the american slaves?
there were african slaves everywhere
i guess only american slaves are considered black and the rest are just stinky niggers and deserve to be slaves :^)
that could go both ways really
Go back and make sure Miiverse doesn't get shut down so Little Tom can make black people slaves again.
Help Titus Flavius do a more thorough job
And? This doesn’t change the fact that there are more teacher pedos than priest pedos. Acting like the Catholic Church is the sole source of pedophilia is disingenuous. And acting like the Catholic Church represents all of Christianity is downright idiotic
Based Natea discussing the economics of the slave trade
>Yeah, to save billions
They didn't do it to save anyone. They did it because commies love killing their countrymen and want to be in control of everything.
Epic cope there
Meanwhile religiosity is much, much lower among scientists and high IQ people and the religious who somehow sneak into those groups are always doubting and are heretics because they can't bear the cognitive dissonance.
I love this ending. It has caused so many insecure people to lose their shit. How about all you whiners go and make your own games?
Priests are the niggers of men
>despite being x% of men, priests are responsible for y% of child rapes
I would fuck this guy's wife
have sex
He literally says he made peace for all. Not just for black people. Yea Forums really likes to shitpost over fucking nothing.
Catholic priests who abuse children aren’t true men of god and deserve to be excommunicated
Is this a false flag?
>systematic dismantling
Sounds like /pol/tard raving but with "SJW" language
>Catholic priests who abuse children aren’t true men of god
Catholic priests who don't abuse children aren’t true men of god
>jjjjjjjjjust ignore patterns nothing to here
If theres no correlation why don't they fiddle girls as much as boys
>Cult of Science rambling
Go jerk off to your picture of a black hole and math formulas. Muh Science inbreds are too stupid for Philosophy or Theology anyways. Thats why you never attack the work of Aquinas but spat out random nonsense for the sake to appear smart.
Now you’re just shitposting
I'd find the first human and smash his head with a rock
Tell moot not to bother making a video game board
idol worshiping catholics aren't even christians
Martin Luther showed those fucks the way and they still fellate the pope and their "saints"
Save this guy