

Attached: Picture_Poker.png (256x384, 26K)

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What are those organ stabs at the 0:46 mark? they sound weird and out of place.

>The time I spent playing this but on original NSMB instead

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damn I loved those minigames
I hope the next animal crossing has little minigames like this
it would add so much soul

>mfw I would have got a full house against my brother, but he had 5 matching

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stop stealing my fucking coins jewigi

tfw remember playing picture poker on nsmb ds with my dad way back in like 4th grade, man that and lolo on nes were the only viyda related things my dad ever liked

I'm really sad I lost my cart of this game, the casino stuff was cozy as hell

wish they'd port this to something, its not like the bottom screen was ever used anyways so it could work on a single screen

you know emulators are a thing right?

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Retarded or just pretending?


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>have hundreds of coins after a streak of winning against green mario
>cart glitches the fuck out
>all that luck
it hurts a little bit

Mario 64 DS also had some of these minigames.

>playing NSMBDS with friends
>delicious brown girl approaches and asks if she can watch me play
>hand her the DS, she doesn't like it
>remember it has minigames
>she gets obsessed with them
>asks me if she can borrow my DS
>of fucking course
>3 days later she gives it back with coins maxed out on all minigames
She is now my wife and hates videogames now.

>usually have no interest in in-game minigame/side activities like chao racing or Final Fantasy card games or whatever
>mfw always spending horrifying amounts of time in in-game poker, blackjack, baccarat, roulette, etc.

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>hates videogames

Where's that fucking toad with my drink?

and luigi stopped ridding an egg at the sea.

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You know, if this was ported to the 3DS or later Nintendo consoles, that mini game would be removed because "Mah gambling in kids games".

>not preserving your vidya memories, especially the comfy handheld ones

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Thats it mannn

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I spend more time gambling in god hand than playing the actual game
I've never bet on anything irl though, never even bought a scratch off.
Absolute waste of money

there's romhacks that toggle running to default and have a slow-down button instead.
completely fixes the game, fuck analogs anyway, I always played spyro and crash with the dpad

>game's in-game casino card deck makes its face cards, aces and jokers out of the cast

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I said lost, not sold

that's why you need redundancy user

Reminder that this exists

So basically she was a casual and you married her.
I'm so disappointed in you son.

Could I put this on a flash cart and play it on my 3DS?


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There was also another girl who was an otaku, but she was always greasy and never bothered to dress cute, wearing loose jeans and loose sweaters all the time are a big red flag.

Boy do I wish the Vita could run DS games. If it could that handheld would have been a beast.


If this isn't soul I don't know what is

I has some dumbass corrupt my save file by pushing the cartridge in and ejecting it, THE VERY FUCKING SECOND AFTER I TOLD HIM TO BE CAREFUL AND NOT DO THAT! I had almost all the stars, too. I never had the patience to struggle along with the d-pad for another playthrough.

On a related note, is there some sort of fan patch that gives it proper analog stick support on the 3DS?

they're both must owns user, arguably the last two consoles worth owning. The 3DS has gba hardware as well, important because some games don't emulate well.
>switch fags crying over P5 don't realize how cucked their tablet is until they see this

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>married a casual subhuman

>I almost had all the stars

Mario 64 is super short even with 30 stars added, I used to get through it in a week by playing it on the bus on my way back home.

>he thinks whites are perfect
Just take a quick look at the mirror.

Stay away from vegas.

>proper analog stick support on the 3DS
no but having run on my default makes it a non issue
People complaining abou tthe dpad owned shitty ds lites with that trash mushy dpad. on the original DS, dsi, and 3DS dpads it plays great.
It's basically looks like M64 running on a PS1, which is more than enough soul for me

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As a kid with like 5 hours of free time while travelling I played this crap waaaay to much, I had retarded high scores in every single minigame that had them because why not.
I once maxed out the points you could get in MK DS by costantly playing for a bunch of hours too.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I wouldn't go back to that time even if paid. Trying to fill the void as a kid with shitty repetitive minigames isn't comfy at all, it's actually pretty sad.
I don't really get these "I want to go back" threads in fact, as an adult I can do what the fuck I want instead of playing the same game for a semester because I'd only get a gift on Christmas and one on my bday.

Did anyone else get absolutely hooked on Sort or Splode. youtube.com/watch?v=zojX2IG0J2o

The DS was the last system for good low poly and sprite art.

>when people only remember your shitty remake because of some side minigames

>I always played spyro and crash with the dpad
That's because they weren't originally designed with analog in mind.

this. being a kid fucking sucks

Kill yourself.

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When I was a kid I could only play one hour, maybe 2 if my parents were happy that day. But not before doing my homework, which wasn't an easy task because I had to do a draft first, and then do it again with no errors, otherwise I'd be forced to do it again. I couldn't play daily either, had to choose between watching cartoons or playing videogames.

It wasn't until I got in Highschool that I could play all the time I wanted.

>I'd only get a gift on Christmas and one on my bday.
fuck I know that feel, only christmas for me even, my parent's said the cake was my present.
we weren't even poor
No wonder I'm a vidya hoarder now

>racist is also a butthurt weebfag
LMAO, like clockwork

>That's because they weren't originally designed with analog in mind.
Crash had analog starting with crash 2 greatest hits
Spyro had analog from the start

>cake was my present
goddamnit user

Comfiest game around

New animal crossing needs a casino with a game like this.

> tfw no strip poker with isabelle or any villager

yoshi's both gay and an incel

I stopped getting cake around 5th grade too
haven't gotten a christmas present since high school
They should have used a condom

That's New Super Mario you fucking dunce


I fucking love Tales's Gambling. Such high stakes.

Retard, it was on SM64DS first.

Retard, get some taste.

>was playing this minigame one time
>all the petals suddenly fall off
>automatically lose, text doesn't even show up
Anyone else experience this before? Was it a glitch?

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>he didn't buy SM64DS at launch
>he didn't get the hype of playing as motherfucking Wario
>he didn't throw niggas in multiplayer
>he didn't enjoy the comfy ass monigames

This might be a bit of a shock to your zoomer-ass, but some soul lies within its gameplay.

> nobody loves you so it couldn't do she loves me


Fun mini-game, until you get to the point where it can completely bury the target for a guaranteed lose

you're replying to the wrong person user

Faggot zoomers wouldn't know good side/minigames if they were fucking your moms in front of you.

No I didn't. Read the quote chain.

WL4's minigames were boring as sin.

played mini games more than the actual game. good value for.money. great launch title

Abyss' gambling was absolutely great, spent hours on that shit

I'm starting to feel like Abyss is the last good tales game