Doing, what other people ask you nicely, is not always the best option

Doing, what other people ask you nicely, is not always the best option.

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>an ancient evil has awoken
>it's you



Sekiro Shura ending

Man gets killed sword, becomes sword, and also you sing


Does he still spam that thread every morning or did he quit? Haven’t seen it lately


tales of symphonia?

Collect colored rocks to stop an evil breakfast.


You fight your big brother in order to bail your little brother out of jail.

I know the answer is Bioshock, sorry user

Japan tries to subvert the U.S. through the education system.


Ace Attorney?

Angry man steals jewelry and books, offers you a cool sword as a trick.

Neon Genesis Evangelion but with nods to socialism


What do you think? Nope.


Moonman Simulator 2009: Global Hentai Edition

You were trained wrong, as a joke.

Che Guevara is American and has an iPad

Aliens, angry adults, and inanimate objects brought to life want you and your friends dead and you gotta neat sense into them

You fight a bunch of cute things trying to murder your entire race because their queen is fucking ugly.


a horny man about a spoopy town
oh amd doggos ufo and pizza

detroit become human but better

Any of the Mother games

An old cuck is trying to find his adopted daughter for her real father

It’s not Ron Paul either.

Silent Hill

its Shrek with guns

Silent Hill 2

girl 1 and girl 2 save a city kinda

Okay, try to guess, faggots

Your one-night stand gone horribly wrong,

Chinese ex-prostitute goes to hell and comes out alive.

you forget everything and then remember everything and kill between 0 and 2 old men


MGS peacewalker or tpp


Life is Strange

Redneck Wars

Well it fits, but I'm talking about something older. Remember that thread is about describing game BADLY.

3 kids asking a guy for hints.

Yup, i guess Witcher was easy.

your family gets fucked over, everyone else is fucked and the world blows up and it's a good time for the most part

Fear Effect. Great game

fat wrong

step-dad says stop playing with immortal boys so I killed him with my akira arm and became the plague or something

You go do errands for the whole week

Damn, that easy huh?

Fallout 4

nope, fits really well tho


a man with a large ambition, wants to restart wars just like the good ol days after 9/11
it's not revengeance


you try to stop the green giant but in the end you can't

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Ultra despair girls?

nah, closer


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Get your dad out of jail.

Bad Ending gets nuked from existence

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this guy's mad and you're the guy and they try to kill you but you're mad so it doesn't work out for them.

Shitty Bastion sequel

best ending.

any smt?

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I got kissed by an old man but before that I refused to eat eggs made by a young amateur cook.

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Postal 2

3 fucks fight for a planet



orange man bad

You motherfucker

Fire Emblem Awakening


big dragon
dragon bad
but dragon not really bad

The Political Machine 2016

Pixar goes R-rated, and there's hats.

>Dumb anime prince hires a Hobo as his general because he appears to have good long-distance eyesight
>It acctualy works and they kill a god because it couldn't be bothered to do a barrel roll.

Jade Empire


literally any recent game

You wake up imprisoned,then because of an ancient prophecy or pure luck you are given freedom and a quest to save the world from an ancient evil.



eze, tf2

why are you in every one of these threads

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Based Dogma.
I live fueled by fantasies about Itsuno using DMC5 V mechanics to make a summoner\beastmaster class in DD2

The protagonist fucks up everything and gets cucked.


You and your friends take down criminals and degenerate scum while wearing Halloween costumes.

>you have no memory of your past life
>you enter a kingdom ravaged by an ancient evil
>you cannot speak, you cannot feel, but you must succeed in the prophecy and keep the kingdom eternal
That's as much as I can give

dark souls


You explore and kill lots of bad guys in an organization that want to steal your arm.


user I’m sure more people than you and that guy played Jade Empire


You run around stopping a guy from pissing on the moon while your not-dopplegangers and badguy try to exact revenge on Obama by pissing on said moon

But the not doppleganger is actually a good guy who saves the earth at thw expense of his life

Nope, it's not.
It's fucking VTM:B

Persona 5

botched military operation fighting against aliens

Not quite


Killing ancient demons in a young female body.

But user, this is the first of these I've been in.

Yess, you're the winner, user

An insane, retired mayor wants his wish granted and works for 20 years building a monument for you to waltz in and steal the wish from him at the last second.

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Travel through space and time to change absolutely nothing. Cast featuring such hits as (you), and (you) and (you) and (you) wielding (you) against (you).

(You)'s hate HIM, see this one WEIRD coin flipping trick!


need more hintz, every normal japanese game have that.

oppiod addict shoots italians

shooters lean left and right while shooting tiny pixel's

Bioshaq Infinite

Fuck corporations

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bioshock infinite

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didn't initially want to possess that girl.


What the hell foes this stand for ?

oh yeah thats correct!

Fable 2, also its bullshit that you can't just walk away and have to wish, thus basically justifying the whole brutal experience that thousands died for.

Especially if you brought your dog back. I love that dog but this option is just being a lazy version of the antagonist. Evil players shouldn't use it either, on the basis that the sheer amount of suffering is a wonderful monument to your philosophy and now all you have to do is fit a ton of lethal traps into the place and tell idiots there's still a wish going. You'll slaughter millions.

TL;DR fuck the wishmaker.

A racially diverse group discovers a voting fraud conspiracy

vampire the masquerade bloodlines?

Max payne

For some reason, this one girl wakes up from a coma with amnesia and wants to find jewelry.

yeah, nice.

Basically the Running Man

Sad man fucks up.

You shoot missiles until your friends decides he wants to nuke the world.


Autistic man fights the government until he becomes a meme.

Your ultimate goal is to set yourself on fire

Was there a coin in that one? It's not what I was intending.

Have an extra hint: Teryn Loghain, Drew Pickles and Frollo have a wild adventure.

I laughed
Fuck that dumb motherfucker, hope he chokes on a mcnuggie


silent hill 3?

silent man fail his first day work

smash t.v.

nba jam

Wait I thought it was to turn the gamma down to 0?

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dark souls 1/3?

Survive inside a space station full of mentally challenged tards.


The head of state pumps you full of evil juice in a bid to backstab some monster bois he made a deal with. You go fuck em all up.

Maybe chew shoughnat get a job.

the handsome man wants to conquer the world

Crew of thieves trick the police by pretending to be a different crew of thieves.

move your feet to destroy a giant gay robot.

>Was there a coin in that one? It's not what I was intending.
Yes, the redhead twins had a coin

your dad falls into a volcano and you get his sloppy seconds

Smash TV?

Not the answer I was thinking of, but it works for that game too.
Bayonetta 1

mass effect andromeda

Happy man fucks up,now sad man.

The Mass Effect series

Ratchet: Deadlocked

>1.Fuck Jannies
>2.Fuck oxygen
>3.Clown time

Autistic man spergs out after falling in love with a thot.

Sad man fucks up and kills brown people to cope

Lord of the Rings but for furries

Disgusting man gets kicked out of a castle he stole and decides to cuck over pirates



You have to stop a giant lizard from committing a terrorist act



Man with deadly virus walks around on a base and infects other people

Kingdom Hearts

Your boss is secretly trying to conquer the world.

pizza lover goes crazy

tribe send you to find a suitcase

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your sword trapped a wizard in itself but its really freiza.

he was a dream all along


>one mans last chance at redemption is rescuing this mysterious girl with powers
>rescue girl from city that is not in a conventional location
>entire city is looking for you because of mark on your hand
>adapt to the city by giving your self powers
>the girl is the bad guy's daughter
>the girl is also your daughter at the same time

Convict tricks god, the people who believe in him, the people who think he's the devil, and his best friend to death. He does this through these various options:
>Potion steroid abuse
>Enchanted ring steroid abuse

You are a mailman,someone tries to kill you,you survive,now choose the best ruler for the wasteland.

super mario bros 3

Everyone fucking dies except best character

God of War

You used to be in a cult, but they kicked you out. You're mad now.

New vegas

kill your friends boyo

Huh. Never realized how wide the concept was
But no.

Here's another hint, it's also Sin City

>You are a mailman
That's honestly enough of a hint

New Vegas

new vegas

Biohonoredshock 2

borderlands 2
this better not be New Vegas cause its poorly poorly done and imma find you and kick your ass
so its not new vegas right

Correct for this one

Try to be subtle next time

Mafia 3

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money gives aids and everyone is dead, but not really???

Mad World

woke man goes for broke in NY and DC

>a boy with a single mother travels the world and seeks meaning to life
>destroys an evil corporation while hes at it

You miss your bar mitzvah so you head on a world trip with your hot but highly haram girlfriend.

You and your buddies hit each other so hard with balls the government makes it illegal.


>Boy finds a sex doll and takes her to various islands trying to get to a big tree, while depressed Emo squad wants to kill God

Easy, but correct.

You go around the world, taking over people’s bodies and making them do your bidding.

You were dead all along.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2

chatolic man go down 9 floors


Everybody you tried to save dies but it doesn't actually matter.

Grandia 3?

Killer7 is the weirdest fucking plot

The Division?

Man goes on a murderbender to save his degenerate sister. It just gets worse from here. Then it gets worse, then it gets worse, then it gets worse, then it gets worse, then it gets worse IRL. It remains worse throughout successive games that its actually seen as a good thing when the death of humanity is actually seen as a minor detail in a ""feel good"" ending.





faggots do stuff

Ring a ding ding, you got it


don't have a trouser accident.

you fucking suck at this


>dinosaur people make a mistake and almost fucking kill everyone


>Merc gets hired by church to escort girl, an ancient evil awakens into a hot succubus.


>be me
>be actually not me


A hentai where all the girls are drawn wonky and the sex scenes are all automatically disabled.


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Bioshock: Infinite Garbage. I fucking hate that stupid game. So far up it’s own assist can’t see how retarded the story telling is.

You get whisked away on a horrible adventure to remember that your rescuer killed your one real friend. Little children love dressing up as animals.

This is an obscure one, so I'll give you the hint that it's a PS2 exclusive hidden gem.


You get REALLY wasted one night.

its bioshock 2


You fall from the sky and get a comfy life

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moron party mask

Team Rocket wasn't a coporation, it was an organization. Unless we are talking about the newer ones, but Aether wasn't destroyed at all.

The entire game is only one night long

And I never even played the game

JoJo part 5

This nigga talkin shit for literally no reason and then you bust out of jail and help some nerd.

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every MMORPG ever?

Hero fights while mysterious man tries to forcefully make him work with no payment.


A boy becomes a furry to stop the menace that would doom our world in balefire: Computer dragons.

He fails because of himself.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

shitty person turns into a good one through friendship and pins


saints row 1

You stop being a wageslave, find your grandpa's old offer, and live the rest of your life from the Thulean Perspective.

FE awakening



a fucking door


hybrid heaven for n64

Stardew Valley

Star Dew Valley

A small band of roaches must escape from Erdogan's gulag to save the world by fucking RELEASING IT FOR FUCK'S SAKE WHERE IS GAME ROACH? WHERE IS FUCKING GAME?

Fire Emblem Awakening is literally correct lmao


The president's daughter is a fucking ho

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holy shit you got it right


animal crossing

You want to be born and kill people so you pretend to be retarded
Katawa Shoujo

Resident Evil 4?

Humans are worshiped, and all but two of them survive because of rock-throwing aliens.


Resident evil 4?

no way fag

Did you just read the first few words or did I miss the part in Fable where you end up in the real world?

Holy shit, could we actually do anything and I missed it?

instead of getting a gun, the nerdy kid decides to become the rainbow lord and throw his school into the demon void

Mary Magdalene saves the universe from the Demiurge


you're looking for your family but you end up ascending instead

super daryl deluxe

Dragon Warrior 3?

Class-based pacman with jazz music OST

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You're a dad and you have a son who's retarded.

A beautiful quarantine.

Drakengard? Holy shit that is pretty spot on. I thought you were suppose to describe it badly?



Fallout 4

One of the four horsemen is conspicuously missing at the end of the game.
It's you.



The FBI agent can count on his coffee. It never fails.

A dead serial killer forces everyone to take one big slumber party.

An alien keeps screaming in a foggy Japanese village.

Hint: they're all horror games


animal crossing: a millennial fantasy about interest-free loans and home ownership

you and your friends have to survive inside cabin.

killer cosplayer simulator

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>Your little brother floats away.
>Gotta go rescue him.
>Final boss is a trashcan.

Y'all never ever gonna get it.

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You got it.
I didn't mention it was complete dogshit to play, I feel like omitting that is pretty poor form right?

Spot on

Ninja killing jews, ugly fucks, and AIDS

First is Deadly Premonition.
Second is The Evil Within, I think? I never played it.





nothing really happens but there's only one battle theme for the entire game until the final boss

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Yeah. It's pretty much Dynasty Warriors if it was both grindy as shit to play, slow as molases and had tanky enemies on massive maps while you ride on a dragon that doesn't even control well.

SE were always shit.

A series of unfortunate accidents keep happening to people, police baffled by laundry baskets full of unconscious people.

A hat in time +shadman


Resident evil 2

Hot biker chick looking for her brother, literally drives into a shitshow, finds some rookie, goes into another shitshow.

Teenager gets PTSD and almost all his friends die. He gets a happy ending though.

Nice. I never see DQ in these threads.

wii fit trainer is killed by a scalie and that somehow leads into robots with a nice ass

well it is ellen paige

Both correct

Jan and daxter 2

Drunktard gets lost and tries to find yourself.

most JRPGs


Furfag fights other furfags but he's a human and then he fucks his furfag sister and furfag reverse trap friend

The residents are evil and youre a cop

Hotline Miami

Nier. You can't say the last part that makes it too obvious.

SMT if...

>cop went missing
>meanwhile his wife marries another guy who disappears too
>she asks you to find him

Reddit, the video game

It's awful, but somehow I love it. Fucking Cavia.

What's in a name?



That was Beyond Two Souls.

Blonde man fights while dressed like a gay cowboy.

I don't think you understand this game

A bunch of chuuni powered assholes fight each other in the dark of the night with two loose alignments, one led by a 10,000 year old loli and another led by a dumb bimbo, duking it out with each other.

You You and You start a war over which waifu is the best girl.

>No face man is only one that can save world from aliens



Super mario bros

That shitty "postmodern rpg"

Half Life 2


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Manhunt 2

>first weapon is also best weapon

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God Hand?

Dark Souls

The last of us

a man with a skirt has a whip

planescape torment

Nirvana is a cute bug nailing a moth at dawn.

Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden


chink commandos

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Depressed rambling bugs

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You go on a magical quest to learn that sometimes bad things just happen and you have to let it go. Whoops jk you rewind time and bring about world peace or something, idk

Until Dawn?

Old liberal and his xer child kill fungi and meet childish gambino

Ship captain meets strange folk.

Hollow Knight

Interesting guess, might be even correct.
But it's actually much more easier.

You beat up a very large and very strong parasite.

Your will to be punished manifests into another dimension and drags you there to suffer.

Survive by any means possible

Drakengard series.

Don't Shit Your Pants

Persona 3

reposting cause no one's got it yet:
pro choice robot becomes hackerman

Dead Space


Yes its until dawn.

Parasite Eve?

This is less just described badly and more vague.

>Persona 3


Heroic man stops the moon and its inhabitants from being blown to bits.

Prey (2006)

Kingdom hearts

Rune Factory 4. As I recall, 3 as well.

For the love of god, impregnate my sister already

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Make a waifu, go on an adventure.

chrono trigger?

>two contestants go on a life or death game show for cash and prizes

Silent Hill 2?

Pendragon book 6

Fucking magnetism.

No. And has a point.

You are right. I'll be a bit less vague next time.

tough guys turns out to not be so tough after an identity crisis

you die and choke a bitch

South american guerrillas are manipulated into kidnapping a computer scientist so that north koreans can use super math to sink a fancy boat but the north koreans are being manipulated by the japanese in an attempted coup and the japanese are being manipulated by an american mercenary who wants to start ww3 to stick it to the man

golden statues caused an ancient evil to be almost awoken

Well dressed person kills monsters and aliums with various equipment

LoZ: Triforce Heroes?

Chrono Trigger


Unemployed space american who lived on space Leeds foils plot by space germans then space nips into turning everyone into illithids. It turns out the Illithids are either the construction crew waiting for the supervisor to check their work, or unemployed security guards.

Or if you play the version co-developed by Yea Forums, space brazzers team up with thomas the tank engine and Dr Who to fuck your shit up.

Evangelion the game

> you must destroy a herd of fuckin' ugly reds.

Bowser's inside story

Small autistic child falls into liberal hell


Yeah, should have done. Weeb meets up with Blonde chick and goes on an excellent adventure, fighting dinos, robots and wizards.


>your best friend, a middle aged black guy helps you searching for him

literally Diamond is Unbreakable


You thought you were a cowboy but you're really a centaur

7th Stand User?


The real villian of the game is the combat system.


Hong Kong 97

you end up eating minions

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A heart is advised by Peppa Pig's dad to fuck the heroes shit up by the dark and twisted arts of HR and resource management.

Big sis just wanted her brother and sister's husband to double penetrate her. But instead husband penetrated the brother.

Also undertale

Stranger's Wrath?

You're pretty much a nobody and you have a few days to pay off a debt or you get evicted. After that you can do whatever the fuck you want. One choice ends with someone becoming a god.


your brother is back but you're the one who's being a dick this time kind of

arkham knight: electric tanks boogaloo


Survive the wasteland naruto running and smoking weed while you avoid the catholic church.

An edgelord and an alligator meet a trap and go on adventures

Persona 4.

>Black and Red shitheads drive out a man and his dog from their house

nope but maybe also applicable


You got it


Not what I was thinking about.
another hint: you have to play pseudo gacha in that dimension


You play Time Police with a girl and her pet squirrel.

.... Max Payne 3?


Sonic heroes?

Fearsome otaku murders a small countries worth of guards, creatures, and enemies at the orders of a magic trap

The only way to become a whole man in this game is to eat a pork bun.

Not it, but now I want to play Reccetear.

Alternatively, you fight a ton of junkies and kill your dad.

Protagonist is a german's SIMS self insert character that ends killing him. finds out your long lost relation had an absurdly catchy voice

You are the only man that can bumble your way through and save the day, but you really just want to take a nap in a closet

Reincarnate yourself to kill an order of gods who betrayed you in your past life

The world ends and only a few survive. In the process you become the bottom bitch of the demon lord and need to find a way to unfuck the world or kill it off for real.

You're right on the other two too.Feel good about yourself, user.

>The only way to become a whole man in this game is to eat a pork bun.
Sleeping Dogs


You straight up bullshit your way through your day job and almost become a laughing stock by talking to an animal.

>you try to survive on squirrels while freezing your ass off in the wilderness


Turn up for your shift early. This is the only time in history that your boss and clients will not be happy about this.

The karate kid grows up and now it's Mad Max

Rule of Rose?

Oh I know this isn't right but your description reminds me of The Sexy Brutale


Ancestry of Raziel

You become a jungle man with terrifying murder powers and an unrealistic arsenal and become a tribe of brown peoples god

little nightmares


samurai tactics

Fight possessed woman on alien Egypt and be non-canon

Shin Megami Tensei: If...

that was stardust crusaders, no?

You got a new job on some remote hunk of junk, and there's shitters there who want to blow the piece of shit up or otherwise kill the people on board. The catch is that you may be the one doing the killing, so have fun, just don't kill your boss's dog.

Correct. I'm still confused as to the bioshock infinite guesses.

>you become the bottom bitch of the demon lord

Lung cancer


Yup, good job

that redneck game I can't remember the name

anyone? I know some of you fucks have played it

Waterpolo is the second most important thing in the world after god, so naturally it's up to the waterpolo players to kill god


you fight the copyright infringed version of a long dead friend

Space Station 13


You are an alchemist surrounded by waifus.

Wake in Fright, but played for laughs.

Guy with a bat fucks up everything


And again nope.
Okay, i tell ya a something.
it's one of favorite games of Yea Forums


You find a cat on a boat, punch bitches, defeat a giant golem, MC nearly does order 66 on the romantic interest, and then you fight the final boss inside of a giant orb


I feel special now.

Rune Factory


the villain didn't actually die and now he kind of lives rent free in your head

Sham hero sets out to destroy the ruler of monsters. Kills his own god. Good job.

you got it

That game was kino af.

another hint: You're pretty much the James Bond of the setting

A lengthy demonstration of 'The Four Fs'

arkham knight



Wario land 2?


Borderlands tale tell

6 years after several murders a copycat appears. You shouldn't involve yourself but you do and it only goes badly for you and your family.

but Yea Forums doesn't like any games


Tales of Graces.

Monster Girl Quest

Tales from the borderlands?

You literally just read a book. Only smart people know how to beat it, or even how to find out the game mechanics.

Pay money to be a lorry driver in space where all the country lanes are filled with lorry rapists all for the dream of one day upgrading to pay to be a space accountant

Alternatively, become the lorry rapist.

desert driving

Eternal Darkness

You fall and meet a milf a retard a chucklefuck a lesbian a lesbian a tranny a bara a flower and the subject of most porn on e621

Black and White solve murders by killing them. Red and Blue don't give a shit until the end.


ok this one HAS to be planescape

A little too easy, well done though.



Far Cry 3.

You are a semen demon who gets off on walking around naked and having unprotected sex with lots of guys.

In this co-op sequel everyone dies, the only two survivors of this horror were from the first game.

Some black guy fights some muslims and ends slavery

Pic unrelated

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Desert bus?

Good job man

you ruin a kid's family and cripple your brother because escapism


Fine, it's was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl.

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Yes well done

Nothing makes sense

I was thinking about mad max, but that could also be perfectly correct

EVE Online
Desert Bus

Turning around and walking away would have made everything better for all involved.


god damnit, Yea Forums DOES like that game and it's one of my favourites too
ya got me user


No, it's very indie and recent. When I say "you literally just read a book," I mean (You)—the player—literally just read a book. Planescape was a laugh, though.

Survive in a cyberpunk world after you killed your mentor but din't actualy,and keep your legs ok.

SMT: Nocturne

Unlikable woman obsessed with cats can come back from the dead. She uses this to solve murders.

Mad max works.



Ghost Trick?

Gee, I wonder. Street fighter?

The Cat Lady

I am become Death, destroyer of both worlds. (but it's cute and has a great OST)

I told you not to post waves user.

deja vu

You’re a badass swordsman with a decent harem that includes your sister in a game based off of a game based off of an anime based off of a book.

My man. Good job.


Time Periods collide until you kill a big snake, but not really, because other gods got involved.

You have to escape before you get fucked silly and become a cumdump for everyone.

engineer suffers from PTSD and has an annoying girlfriend

Spooky ghost harnesses the power of the revolving grave of famous writer to complain about crystal balls to Boromir's great-great-great-great-great-great uncle.

Parasite in City?

Anyway, thanks for playing. It's was fun to have you.

Dead Space 2

well done, ##

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Demento / Haunting Ground