Let's be honest user

What's the last game you really enjoyed ?

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Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash

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probably Caves of Qud

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rim world

DMC5 is shit though, Nero is unplayable due to needing ammo, and he's 1/3 of the game.

Replaying KOTOR 1 now, so I guess that.


I have the most fun with yakuza titles, currently though I'm playing both rimworld and crusader kings 2 with my mates

Bought a PS4 just for sekiro. Game gives me such a rush it's better than heroin.

I just finished doing the C-sides of Celeste and I greatly enjoyed them. Now I can play some comfy Stronghold to relax.


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>Killing Floor 2
>Borderlands Pre-Sequel
>Deep Rock Galactic
All of them are fun and relaxing if you are not a hardcore neckbeard who needs an autistic reason to play games.

Finally started Ghost Trick like 4 days ago and it's about the only game I wanna play in my free time. I'm finally off work tomorrow so I'll probably finish it tomorrow.

I just finished The Witch's House, it was breddy good :DDDDD

earthbound , i never played it and now i did it.

fucing anoying aliens shit they need to go back.

>Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2
>Anno 1800
Also rediscovered Warhammer Total War and Dark Souls 3. Really don't got enough time to play them all.

DMC5 and Sekiro. Had a great time with both.

Kinda stuck in a rut with nothing to play now. Waiting on Mordhau to release next week, will probably have a lot of fun with that.

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v (oldtv). started it last weekend.

Been playing Apex:Minorities with some friends here lately and its been fun

Picked up Resident Evil 7 on Black Friday. Finally got around to playing it. Wasn't expecting much but it turned out to be pretty fun.

This picture looks comfy as fuck. I wish i lived somewhere this was possible.

Apex's been fun but lately it's taken over by Russians and they refuse to play as a team

I honestly don't remember

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Literally too stressed to enjoy anything, job doesnt pay the bills, and nobody wants to train me. Going to a temp agency to find some Santa's workshop type job, maybe I'll be able to enjoy games then.

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