In MK11 it will cost you $6440 to buy every skin in the game without grinding

In MK11, it will cost you $6440 to buy every skin in the game without grinding, assuming you have perfect luck and are checking on the store every 6-8 hours

>On average, one skin costs 500 Time Krystals, which costs $5 in the store. You can of course earn these, but they accumulate very slowly
>Skins appear in the store on a rotational basis, where a set of five skins are made available for a limited period of time (usually 6 to 8 hours), then they are gone and you have to grind the towers to earn them. This adds to the urgency to quickly spend money on that skin you always wanted. For our calculations to be valid, we will assume you never see a duplicate skin in the store and you check the store every 6 hours or so
>There are 23 characters in the game, each of which has 60 skins. But playing through the story, character tutorial and basic towers will usually unlock 4 of these, so we have 56 skins to unlock
>So based on these, we get: 23 * 56 * 5 = $6440
>Note that these calculations include the patch which the devs promised would solve the progression issues
>This figure does not include: fatalities, brutalities, gear or single use consumables because I have not figured out the exact drop rate for these
>For the grinders: After 4 hours of play I gained 760 Time Krystals. At this rate, it will take me 3390 hours to unlock every skin

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Big yikes from me

Big Mike

>buuut muh SJW outrage!
ignore any posts about sjw bullshit, this game has the same grind as a fucking mobile

Defend this Warner Bros.

just use CheatEngine

How does one big fuck up after another keep happening in vidya? This, Anthem, Fallout 76, Battlefield V. What will be the catalyst that starts a new uptrend?

Attached: oof.png (1278x496, 514K)

just use it

>paying to not play the game
why the fuck would I buy MK11 then? if you want to pay to complete the whole thing $6k is what you deserve for being a dumbass

Possibly a result of catering to a wider audience that doesn’t know what it wants.

time is money lol

They maybe could've gotten away with this if it was full of attractive women with crazy slutty costumes that people enjoy looking at. Too bad the game was made by gay men and feminists though.

Those games were published by Bethesda (Zenimax), EA and Warner Brothers publishes that think they have enough money and valuable enough franchises to get away with filling their games with slow release poison. The uptrend can be found in companies like Capcom and Nintendo that are in positions to know not to kill their golden gooses

already have, works like a charm
just like in MK XL

on it

Attached: im still not buying a fighting game on pc.jpg (1317x323, 55K)

>After 4 hours of play I gained 760 Time Krystals. At this rate, it will take me 3390 hours to unlock every skin

Companies just want to milk the money out of the manchildren that keep buying their shit as much as it's possible without making a good game.

There is no excuse for shit like this. I believe someone did the same math for PUBG and said it would take around 80 years to get all items. This shit needs to fucking stop.

I don't see the issue.
The cosmetics are simply a bonus as a reward for playing the game and don't add anything to the experience.
Can't blame them for adding the option to buy the skins for retards who will actually do that, it's free money for them.


Most zoomers have zero attention span. They are the ADHD generation.

how many games have to flop for devs to stop pulling this shit?

Just change the cost of your chests. Problem solved.

Attached: CheapCheap.png (2559x1433, 1.29M)

Sad cunts will still defend this.

I wish more games had a Monster Hunter style of grind instead of this kind of bullshit with multiple game modes and a fuckton of currencies with subsequent microtransactions.

Attached: 1543527369082.png (822x802, 680K)

>implying they flop

If you find the right audience, you can make a bigger profit even if only 10% of your previous audience buys.

Of course you don't see the issue

why do this when you unlock everything free are you a retard or something

I'm amazed that Capcom has comparatively become a "good guy"

rage 2 unironically looks like the best western game coming out this year

> not changing in to a negative value so you get coins instead
apply your shelf