>bad RNG up the ass
How do people seriously defend this game?
Bad RNG up the ass
>he doesn't have max LCK
baby boy
Bad rng is only as bad as you make it. Getting shuffled is only bad rng if your team is stupid in terms of mobility. Try vest, highwaymen, highwaymen, hellion for sick double riposte action with sick crits.
It's fun
My first (1st) playthrough of this game on normal mode, I didn't lose a single character until the first level of the final area, the darkest dungeon. git gud at risk management faggot
because it's not about avoiding getting fucked badly, it's about getting fucked badly and still coming out on top.
Those boobs would be hindering during combat
until you realize how shite it is
The game is no different from any other fucking traditional RPG in terms of RNG. And if you still believe that it's built to have "Bad RNG" and put the odds against you, from the opening credits they even fucking tell you that the game is more about managing yourself and your resources above all else. Only legit shitters think this game is majorly just luck.