How do you feel about the hag-- I mean, the mature older women of the Dead or Alive franchise?

How do you feel about the hag-- I mean, the mature older women of the Dead or Alive franchise?

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feels good

they are not even 25

i wish i was lisa

Christie is 26 in 5
They're ok but I prefer my wife

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I LOVE HELENA. Don't give a fuck about the other three.

me too user

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Isn’t Tina like, 22? I’m 2 years older than her and I’ve seen very few 22 year old women who look like her. I always thought Tina was 26 or older. DOA is so shit at giving these characters weight, height and age. Why do Japanese people suck at this shit?

she's 24 according to the wiki

I wanna see them fuck dogs

This franchise has a dedicated dogfucker already.

She's so perfect, everything i want to be

They're alright, not old enough though.

30+ or bust

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I know you wanted to joke, but fuck you. I'm tired of hearing this. Most of them haven't even reached their mid-twenties. I will never understand this rampant ephebophilia and mindset that the Japs have.
Just because a character doesn't behave in a retarded moe-fashion, doesn't mean that she is old. She's just more mature.

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yeah yeah, quiet granny

why would helena stand next to her mother's murderer? does 6's "story" address this in any way?

No, you keep quite Mariememe

I like them more than Venus Vacation OCs.

I only like Tina.

I'm not really attracted to nigresses but Lisa really does it for me.

They`re my favorites and it`s complete bullshit that only one of them is in DoAX3.

>women in their early to mid-20's
fortunately there's plenty of bait in DOA now, just for your retarded pedo ass

Talking shit about best girl Helena is a great way to get your ass kicked

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For real. It's a good way to spend some days in the local hospital.

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Helena(along with Momiji) was my favorite before Nyo came along, I also used to rank Tina higher. Nyotengu is the only one who really does it for me now though. Most of the other DOA girls are in the same category as Mai and Tifa, where I really enjoyed fapping to them during puberty, but I just don't like them as much anymore.

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