Flop of the year?
Flop of the year?
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>Unlock Monkey Wrench Skill earlier than usual.
This is fucking retarded
Even the little statue man hates that he's part of that shitty collector's edition
91 metacritic 89 minimum
Typical console shittery. Every game has 3 or so different super-duper editions.
Wow look at that figure that literally nobody wants ever.
The PS4 exclusive minimum score
Ehhh, its gonna do ok. Its a brand spanking new game from sony, so normies are gonna eat it up as always. If they cared about quality, things like anthem or whatever new ubisoft game woudnt see the light of day
That has to be the worst statue I've seen included with a collectors edition in a while. The series isn't established. This just sucks!
It will sell millions, will get mostly "It's fine I guess 9/10' reviews and will be forgotten by everyone in aroubd two weeks.
The zombie only wished Deacon used two bullets instead of one.
More preorders than Sekiro
and? only one of those games is gonna keep selling after the first week
Collectors editions like this disgust me. The last one I truly enjoyed was the Halo: Reach Legendary edition.
when will story games go away?
True. Sekiro sales have grown stagnant.
>It will sell millions,
won't. look at the threads on here, they're shilling it like nothing i've ever seen. And you can call me a "para schizo," but when was the last time you saw an "organic" thread from here that begins with "so, you've pre-ordered this awesome game, right, (((fellow gamers)))? Look at some the threads if you don't believe me.
Not only am i not buying it, i'm going on amazon at midnight to write the most vicious one star reviews i can, and then IP hopping all night to see how many i can write before sun up.
What do you mean, it looked average from the beginning. Yay, zombies. Open world. So what.
If it plays average, it's alright, but $60 is outright Sony tax for their fanboys.
>30 hr main campaign
>Hordes of 50-500
>1200 random events
>Every interior can be entered
>Dense open world filled with secrets
>Dynamic day/night/weather cycle(s)
>AI evolves the more you play
>Enemies encampments aren't stationary; NPC's can build camps all throughout the world
>Nonlinear, open ended jobs;. multiple storylines can be tackled in any which way
>End game horde
>Weekly online challenges with prizes
It's gonna be good. Fuck it.
You haven't been here that long
>ps4 exclusive
"You are a guy and shoot stuff !"
"what do you mean it's a stale concept ?"
When people will stop buying that shit.
And as I see it, it won't happen anytime soon, when actual games like sekiro, you see hordes of baddies complaining about the game not being accessible, I think those are the audience for movie games
No waifu no buyfu
In a sales meaning - yes, it definitely won't be. People will buy the shit out of any average game if it's advertised heavily, it's not Anthem tier. But how long it's going to be remembered?
Take RDR2, for example. Or Spider Man. I don't see any threads here, these games come and go, like summer blockbusters, flicks.
Although maybe I am biased, because I'm trying to remember any AAA Western game which came in the last ten years and is regularly referenced here. Yea Forums probably cares about Japanese games and that's it.
Just add loot boxes and you have the quintessential most generic video game of the 2010s, perhaps EVER.
Cope. There nothing like it. Not even BoTW or Crackdown 3 had a living, breathing, generating world. Everything will always be static no matter how many times you play.
I wish. I don't know a single person who played Horizon Zero Dawn yet it sold millions. Not only is it Sony Open World Cinematic Game #1017 but it has zombies and looks blatantly similar to TLOU. It'll print money even if it's shit.
I'm surprised no ones posted the webms yet
Reminder that Sony original sold the Digital Deluxe version promising the 3 DLC missions included.
They've cut them out of that edition to sell as paid content now.
Michael tried to tell us it will be shit.
nah it won't flop, it will be one of those bait games that will rack guillible money on release, pump some cash from whales who will buy skins then will be forgotten in a week
>these animations
jesus, they don't even give a shit
I'd have given the game a chance if it was on PC. But I haven't really bought a ps4 game in over a year.. Fucking waste of money.
>a living, breathing, generating world.
hasn't it been out for weeks and nobody talked about it?
>normal game length
>crowds of one shot zombies
>guy rolls a trash can in front of your motorcycle in 200 different locations
>every building has some bandages and nails in it
>secrets are some pieces of paper that say "daddy ate mommy" and weapons caches
>day night cycles that have existed for decades now
>"our AI is actually smart! PLEASE BELIEVE US THIS TIME"
>the same 5 configurations of tents and shit in different wooded areas
>"We've got quests!"
>there are hard zombies
Damn, this AAA Sony Exclusive sure looks like it is Innovative and The Next Big Thing. I can't wait to see a game box covered in 10/10 scores from "PlaystationParadise.com".
Collectors editions of anything are always so fucking cringy
PScuck exclusives are never worth it. Always trash games.
you're right, but who cares if Yea Forums remembers as long as everyone else does
Get a life faggot.
Anthem already has that title
God of War won GOTY
The sooner you accept this fact the faster you'd get your life on track
It's gonna be a franchise that'll draw in the Fallout crowd.
more than that if you consider multiplatform
>but when was the last time you saw an "organic" thread from here that begins with "so, you've pre-ordered this awesome game, right, (((fellow gamers)))?
I made threads like this for my avengers tickets lol
>AI evolves the more you play
what the fuck does this even mean? more enemy types? I doubt it actually "evolves" beyond normal video game enemy progression. it sounds like a marketing meme
Probably going to just rent it for a few days.
This'll be a sleeper hit. Nobody will be looking while it silently sells 2.5m
what's with the little kid?
Muh Bloodborne!
Have you tried not screeching about other people liking things you don't like? Maybe even playing something you do actually like instead?
It's Sony's next big exclusive. They're advertising it all over the store, how will it be a sleeper?
But for real though, even though the game looks pretty generic if you want an open world shooty shoot survival game then it's probably going to be one of the top ones of the year. It's just such a saturated genre that it doesn't matter what technical gimmicks they add. This is just one in a long line of these kinds of games. Isn't TLoU2 coming out this year as well?
>"It's fine I guess 9/10' reviews
this is the worst trend. It is especially obvious in game "journalism" but can be seen everywhere. Shitty stuff gets almost perfect ratings becauese
>could be worse, lol
>but when was the last time you saw an "organic" thread from here that begins with "so, you've pre-ordered this awesome game, right, (((fellow gamers)))?
Every day. Its a common shitposting tactic to start a thread. Lurk more newfag.
Hopefully halfway through the second review you'll stop because you'll realise how much of a worthless faggot you are
Did your mom fuck the lead developer of this shit? This seems like a very personal response you seething faggot
Nah, it's much deeper than that. The systems at play are layered. Bandits might be stationed at the gas station you most frequent, hordes can pop up as soon as you begin, weather can mess up your bike and strand you. Leave the bike out too long for fuel, and someone might strip it for parts.
so no much different from the random rimworld events
t. Coping retard that bought the wrong platform
It will because PS4 hasn't had jack fucking shit to play in months already.
Yeah right, MGS4 and the Last of Us are best games last gen, Death Stranding and TLou2 will be the best this gen
Since the thread is going nowhere, let's give it some longevity and cringe together.
They're called freakers not zombies you fucking retards
>yet ANOTHER open world zombie survival game
Yeah. It's a flop that will make millions you stupid nigger.
>open world survival crafting game #543653
>but with zombies
See this bitch.
*pulls out deagle*
Enjoy playing oot for the 28th time, pussy
wow that freaks me out
The only pussy here is you and I'm about to ram my dick into it.
yeah thats what i called your mom last night after i was banging her brains out.
Jesus Christ why are biker games always such disasters?
>if i dont like your shit game i am a nintendie.
It'll do fine. Sony are pushing it pretty heavily in stores and it's not being released near any other major AAA games. Kinda funny in retrospect that it was delayed because Sony didn't want it releasing near Crackdown 3 and Anthem considering they were born critical and commercial failures.
It'll get a 75-80 on Metacritic and sell 3-5 million copies, so fine for a new IP from one of Sony's lesser studios.
MK11 is a thing
>#1 game on Amazon
>I-Its going to flop!
Fuck off shills, the game is boring and no one cares for it.
Half this thread is asshurt nintenbroheads that are pised they're little Shitch can't handle thousands of freakers on screen at once
Saw a commercial for it the other day. Commercial looks goood, made the game seem better than it actually is.
It has to be this way. Anything great getting locked behind a paywall of any sort will have people screaming about how it's p2w or some variant of it.
yeah number 1 in amazon, like they cant put it in first place for money,ri-right?
when is he going to change his FUCKING shirt
The sad thing is I don’t know if this post is even ironic anymore
catamite slave simulator game
No thats letdown 3.
they cant
> called
> freakers
Haha, what a reference. Appreciated.
>unnatural animation in a photorealistic game with cinematic camera
they want the uncharted audience
That is seriously the worst name for zombies or whoever the fuck you fight in this game.
Other games do this as well why are Snoyfags so easily impressed
No one expected it to be good anyway
Should have made a new Syphon Filter game instead of yet another zombie game
my coworker so fucking hyped for this shit i don't even want to tell him anything about it
he's a literal retard who likes Horizon and those other ps4 exclusive garbages
>Other games do this
what games? The 2d cartoons indie """""games"""?
Sounds like a good guy.
It's out?!
I've heard this type of speak before..
*good goy
>Other games do this as well
Name five other games with the same mechanics
AI companion thats there to help build character development and will help you get into places that you cant reach
AI kid companion. Oh no
I wonder if he will be as annoying as the GoW kid
I don't understand how Sony fans can not understand the criticism for this game. It's just so formulaic by the book Sony exclusive that looks pretty. It's going to sell and get high review scores like always.
It's actually an escort mission given by a survivor in one of the hub camps.
So what say you about VTMB2
Are you ready for him to drop you ropes, chains, ladders, boxes, crates or dumpsters to help you get up something high. Or are you ready to watch a little animation to boost him up after pressing triangle? Or maybe youre ready to climb bird shit marked ledges and cliffs with him and shimmy pass narrow passages that are there to obviously hide loading screens