Greedy incompetent devs

>greedy incompetent devs
>monstrous number of bugs
>tryhard community that ignores bugs and laughs them off as "tarkov effect"
>blatant censorship of criticism
>literally nothing to do but kill people, take their gear and some of the lamest quests in gaming history, which are basically kill more people, fetch me this, bring me that.
>you need a literal spreadsheet to learn which of the 100 types of ammo to use to even be effective because devs like adding useless shit and calling it content
>have to find loot locations and other crap on the internet, do hatchet runs and hope for good RNG
>faggots who actually tell you "bruh gear doesnt matter, lol just git gud lmao"
>no refunds

Imagine paying 120 bucks for this.

Did you fall for the Tarkov meme Yea Forums?

Attached: eft_logo_promo.jpg (1558x997, 548K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No but my friends did. They keep pestering me about it and telling me to buy it but I won't. It looks like a boring STALKER/DayZ. I'd rather play STALKER or DayZ over this boring slog of a game. Atleast there's somewhat of a goal in those two games compared to Tarkov where you just endlessly do the same thing without any end goal.

If you have 2-3 friends the 45 bux edition is alright. Alot of those grievances are correct, though the game has seen a huge decrease in hackers and a heavy increase in performance last 2 updates. I just wish theyd add voip and stop catering so heavily to people who play 6 hours a day. The majority of peeps barely get 10 hours a week and yet its balanced for streamers

I fell for the Tarkov meme because a friend recommended it to me. That's not the shocking part. The shocking part is that, the Tarkov meme is so fucking strong that I actually un-recommended it to a friend, but him simply learning of the existence of the game was enough for him to buy it. We played one game together and he hated it, in little words. We simply did one run and closed the game and played something else.
There are a few factors that make the Tarkov meme strong. When you say "you can customize every part of your gun and you can even put different ammo types into the same magazine, but..." everything after the "but" is ignored, you're talking to a brick wall at that point. Dying permanently, adjusting every inch of your character's height and lean, needing medical attention on different body parts. All of it leads to a "must buy" for anyone you talk to.

Didn't they get a Youtuber's account closed cause he said the game is shit?
The devs are massive cunts.

>Did you fall for the Tarkov meme Yea Forums?
bought standard with a gift card because FUCK giving actual credit information online, even to legitimate sources... but especially fuck giving credit information to xsolla or whatever that company is called.

>and yet its balanced for streamers
"long-term *progression* is balanced for streamers" is an accurate statement considering how slowly PMC skills advance and what limited advantages they grant. (nerf stamina)

actual gameplay content meanwhile is balanced for people who can click the ~3 pixels representing someone's head at 600m without a scope and then account for bullet drop and a sight picture that's just as vision-blocking as real-life sight picture. (good luck getting zeroing to work)
someone who plays a few hours a week can still gun down anyone, including streamers.

it's just that the person who plays a few hours a week will have to dedicate those few hours to grinding money, because there's no fucking way in hell they would have the time to grind for key spawns.
its like i'm playing Diablo 2 all over again waiting for that specific set/rune piece to drop.

> Shoreline office 112 west wing key
fuuuck yooou

Pretty much true. But also:
>The best shooting mechanics in any FPS ever
>also most realistic one, great feeling from shooting included
>core gameplay is extremely solid, it just feels right
>real life SUT and CQB tactics actually matter
>great art-style
>good map design
>gear queer paradise
It's such a mixed bag at this point. I don't keep my hopes high, but if they would actually managed to fix it by some miracle, that shit would be golden. What is however bad, is that I can't stand shooting in other games, it just doesn't cut it anymore since Tarkov.

>faggots who actually tell you "bruh gear doesnt matter, lol just git gud lmao"
This is true you dumb scrub. The learning curve is fucking brutal and will rape your ass until bloody gape, that is true.

I played it, it was alright even though the netcode was really bad when I first started. Every couple of updates I give it a go again and it suffers from the same problem really: If you're new to a patch that's been out for awhile you basically have to avoid all PvP like the plague since better equipped players are extremely hard to put down if they know what they're doing. This has been made a little better since they removed the ability to instantly reload mags and made healing slower. On top of that once you hit max level there really isn't anything to do. Quests are a chore and a distraction at best, money is super easy to get and the auction makes it so you can get the best shit without even trying. Once this game "releases" (AKA when they stop wiping every patch) it's going to die pretty quickly just because there really isn't anything to do once you hit max level unless you really really like the gunplay. I really wish there was a faction battle mode or something where BEARs vs USEC skirmish against each other in big maps without NPCs so I had something to do while fully kitted out.

They aimed at the folks who had a "stalker itch" left unscratched for years as well as the hArDcoRe wannabes who like to grief others and stroke their egos over their gear.

Thats their main selling points: Gear, customization and difficulty.
But heres the catch: A lot of gear is useless, customization gets old fast, and the difficulty is cheap and artificial.

>The best shooting mechanics in any FPS ever
>also most realistic one, great feeling from shooting included

Stopped reading there.

I think the devs aren't incompetent because the game gets better each patch.
Gear does matter but on of the starter ammos is enough to kill some with most helmets.
Learning loot spots isn't that hard, if you explore normally you'll find alot.
I think it is nice that they slowed down progression a bit, that way you can still compete with other players who aren't sinking 10h a day into because more people will level up slowly like you.

>Stopped reading there.
Show better niggerfaggot.

> because it was shit
no, the YT handle was "Eroktic" (don't typo the 'k') and the situation was over a third party providing a rumor that it was possible the account data wasn't as secure as it is.

Within the video Eroktic himself said that it was an unverified rumor and that he wasn't sure if it was true or not, he just wanted to make people aware of the rumor, to not panic, and that the primary goal of the video was to get people to use 2-factor authentication on their account.

Then BSG went full retard and copyright striked that one and a follow-up... And 45 other videos, for a total of 47 copyright striked videos. Which was/is basically months of some of the best Tarkov content on Youtube and one of the funnest creators for the game.

it was easy to see who the shitters were in the streaming community based on who stood by eroktic and who kept their mouths shut, and who stood by BSG. some of the biggest streamers DID side with eroktic in this situation, Klean being one of them if i remember right

>Did you fall for the Tarkov meme?
yes I have the EOD version and I haven't played in like 2 months

Attached: 5e8olpw0t4e01.png (1973x883, 2.91M)

All these points seem like they could apply to absolutely any mmo.

I was so fucking close to falling for the Tarkov meme. I didn't even remember what the game was about until I read the posts here because it left such an impression on me. I'm so glad I kept my cash.

I think a friend recommended it to me, I'll have to ask around to make sure they aren't retarded. Otherwise I'll have to drop them.

I remember Kotton and DDG also siding with the man.

>expecting from developers of free-to-play shitgame for social media services to make a good game

Attached: slavshit.jpg (1590x400, 193K)

He was a obnoxious piece of shit. Also what do you expect, slander slavs they want to kick your teeth in.
>unverified rumor

Attached: 1537700340815.jpg (582x528, 53K)

>The best shooting mechanics in any FPS ever
>also most realistic one, great feeling from shooting included
Lmao most people just hose at each other without even ADSing because whoever shoots and hits first usually wins. Once you learn how to hipfire in this game you go from dogshit to decent since there is no drop in accuracy from doing it.

bait, but biting anyways.
you don't know what slander is. read a book, nigger, if you can.

>since there is no drop in accuracy from doing it.
Yes, like irl.

To be fair the last patch did shake things up a bit, they increased the recoil for all guns so going full-auto isn't the right choice always anymore. I will admit that before the only way to win was to spray.

>get stuck on literally everything
>cant jump over 20cm without strength training
>one of the worst clunky movement in a game
>aiming reticles can cause up to 30fps drops
>b-but you can check mags and do mag drills bro!

Show better? Literally any other FPS you sahara nigger.

don't forget the best part:
>no refunds

Stop debating like a fucking female. We were talking specifically about shooting.

>early access
>using fucking unity on a FPS game
>not on steam to avoid reviews and refunds
anyone falling for this deserved it

We're talking about FPS mechanics you tit. Also the bullshit hip fire was already mentioned.

>"The best shooting mechanics in any FPS ever"
>"Stopped reading there."
Stop being such a woman, fucking hell this is pathetic. You are like my ex when she did something bad and tried to bullshit her way out.

This game fucking sucks but it has created some very memorable moments. Other games just don't have the ability to create situations that happen in Tarkov, but Tarkov is also some garbage nonsense sometimes... pic related...

>sneak up to a man
>I am 4 feet away
>he's bent over some bodies looting
>I take my trusty M153 semi-auto shotgun and rub it against his helmet
>with each BLAM he jerks his head like it's just kinda annoying
>stops looting and runs
>I have to reload
>his fucking faggot friend walks down and obliterates me instantly

There aint a ballistic helmet on the planet that people actually produce or use, that can withstand point blank impacts from a 12 gauge shotgun, not once, not twice, but like 6 fucking times in a row in the same spot.

look at this shit

Attached: 2019-03-25[18-36] (0).png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

Nigga, he told you and point out everything, but you still refuse to accept it.
Woman behaviour, for sure.

>has no arguments to prove the contrary

Fuck outta here nigger.

so basically its your average good game? thanks for the heads up op

he regularly told his chat to not take the game so seriously

> "Do we care, chat?"
> "No."
> Opens inventory, and presses delete on everything to dump loot in an unretrievable location

While telling chat to fuck off

Attached: BaitPost.png (625x626, 66K)

My point is that Tarkov has best shooting mechanics and feeling out of all FPS. Never said it's perfect or without faults. Either post some example of better or fuck off.

Wasn't this game gonna be f2p or am I mistaken?

>There aint a ballistic helmet on the planet
>that can withstand point blank impacts from a 12 gauge shotgun

lmao WEW

>best shooting mechanics
F.E.A.R. still feels more better and enjoyable than your pseudo-realism ballistic pea-shooting.

This is the first game to give me the feeling of vanilla wow since vanilla wow, The 100 something dollaridoos I spent on this have given me more value than any game in over 15 years so I'd say I fell for the meme. If you're too shit to enjoy it it's your fucking problem faggot.

retarded faggot shitposting cock sucker

There is NOT any helmet in the world that just takes lead going 800 m/s and negates its existence, how fucking stupid are you ?

not f2p but an open beta where everyone can play before they buy for a certain amount of time. IT was supposed to happen with the hideout which is the next patch but they haven't said anything about it which is weird considering its coming up next but this next patch is supposed to be bigger than anything.



prove it

I like it

Oh ok thanks. I've missed closed beta so was hoping to try it somehow.

Well judging by the screenshot he did take damage, but you obviously didn't land even half of the shots on his head, because if you had and his head had received even half of the 78 damage that he took, he would've died.

you want me to prove basic logic to you ?

>its going to not be early access one day
>its literally running on unity 2013 and btfo other games and will upgrade to 2018 receiving 5 years of video games making it basically tarkov TWO
>its going to be on steam on release so it can personally btfo you with 100% positive reviews

>whoever shoots and hits first usually wins
so just like real life? which is what the game is trying to accomplish?
posts like these remind me to never take Yea Forums's opinion on anything, the people here are literally retarded

Imagine believing in this.

>Less than the price of 2 apps, 2 meals, and 3 drinks.
Oh no so much money gone boo hoo

I shot some dickhead player scav who attacked me, it probably did half of what is displayed. I fired one shot at him, at a distance.

1 shot of 12 guage that lands clean does about 250~ damage, that's why you can shoot someone in the legs twice and kill them. I landed 5 shots on the dudes helmet my man. You're really gunna argue that even the best helmet in the game should let you get point blanked by a shotgun 5 times in a row ?.... From a pure gameplay balance point of view it should be able to save you from 2, tops.

I have close to 2000 hours in this game and no rugrats. There is absolutely a lot of broken and retarded shit to deal with though, and I've basically stopped doing tasks entirely because they are the most unfun slog to ever be called progression in a shooter.

> open beta
probably 1-2 major patches after the hideouts version, if ever.

> hey everyone here's this major feature of the game
"but see how buggy it is?" x1000 people
> it's a beta, please help us fix it

stop replying to if the nigger is too stupid to bother to look up a video on youtube of a helmet brand from tarkov being shot IRL with a shotgun that's his problem, don't let it be yours.

You're kind of fucking retarded if you think that kind of realism can be applied to video games without any kind of balancing.

It shouldn't give that kind of protection obviously, but I just gave an explanation to why it happened. Also that scav you shot survived.

There are several helmets that can withstand the shotgun blast, they won't take the energy away of the impact true.
Devs said helmets are not like the real thing but they want to keep them that way and rework blunt damage to you may withstand such an impact but not a second one.

during christmas or V-Day they have sales, so next one is coming up soon also during new years they give each player 2 trial keys and oldfaggots get a free copy to give away.

you're kind of fucking retarded if you think this is just another shooter like cod or apex where you can unload on someone and it'll be a duel of some kind
one of the main selling points of tarkov is trying to be as realistic as possible

>aiming in head
>with shotgun
>aiming with shotgun
Found your problem.

This game is an oddity. There is plenty of effort being put into the game (high quality models, animations, maps, etc.) yet at the same time something just feels off. I really don't know how to describe it. Closest thing I can think of is shady due to their business tactics and all the rumors surrounding it but the game's quality is so high that even shady doesn't feel right. Maybe forced is a better way to describe it?

Just call it shit and be done with it.

Do you think Cow of Dookie games accurately represent shotguns or something?

No you told me I missed. I didn't miss, you're insulting my skill and my ability to aim at a standing target who is eating my fucking gun.

>the scav survived

yeah no shit I watched him run away, thanks sherlock

They want to keep them that way ? oh good, the gameplay will just suffer until they get around to it I guess.

shame the fantastic gameplay is wasted on a title which is otherwise so garbage.

lmao, I shouldn't have to maneuver on someone I have the drop on from point fucking blank with the gun against his ear you absolute troglodyte noguns faggot. The man would be on the floor and the rest of my tube would be going into the same place, helmet is gone, man is gone.

Not in the magical retarded world of TERKERV

If we are talking about FPS, then yeah it's how most shotguns works in games.
Anyway, i don't see any point to going for headshots with shotgun unless you load it with slugs.
Eat shit, rookie.

thats what happens when you let Yea Forums tell you what to think instead of thinking for yourself

It's aiming to be authentic, there's a pretty significant difference between realistic and authentic. It's not even trying to be realistic. If it was realistic, you wouldn't even move on a blackened leg, painkillers wouldn't give you an instant pain relief, you wouldn't be able to heal all wounds with bandages from a first aid kit, you wouldn't be able to walk on a broken leg even if you slapped a splint on it. You wouldn't have a magical suitcase that stays on you with its contents until the next reincarnation of you is ready to go. You wouldn't be able to move items into your backpack without taking it off your back and opening it. Do you want me to fucking continue you stupid nigger?

yeah good rebuttal, may as well say git gud like a true dipshit.

Eat shit homo. Also learn to play.

>tfw you play slow

Attached: Screenshot_100.jpg (2501x1052, 312K)

Face hitboxing with shotguns is pretty legit. The only time I go for legs with them is against visorfags.

So you just described the balancing moments ago you said the game didn't have, thanks for proving my point. You are a retarded faggot.

>post thing
>ok then fug u lol


I listed them because those are balancing points that the game needs and it doesn't stop there, balancing gunfights is just as necessary and you would know it if you weren't a product of rampant inbreeding in grab-your-shotgun-and-fuck-your-sistersville

>Lmao most people just hose at each other without even ADSing because whoever shoots and hits first usually wins. Once you learn how to hipfire in this game you go from dogshit to decent since there is no drop in accuracy from doing it.
so like real life?
or do you think soldiers actually ADS like cowadooty pros?
as long as the gun is shouldered and you have a good stance, shooting it will be relatively accurate up to 30 meters away
why do you think most militaries moved down to smaller calibers? hello?

I played slow for a couple wipes but got really bored due to a lack of PvP since so many people just run straight through the maps. This was the last patch that I actually played a bunch of. I've done maybe 4 raids of 11.7 because fuck these gay tasks.

Attached: 2018-10-29[22-26] (0).png (1920x1080, 1.37M)


don't play this game.

>never handeled a gun in his entire life
so which libcuck are you?
the one that thinks guns are lasers or the one that thinks guns are like the flak cannon from unreal?


I mean if Hunt: Shadowdown or whatever is mostly positive, Tarkov is easily a very positive on steam.3

Do you think PUBG is an accurate depiction of firearm handling or something?

>because fuck these gay tasks

fuck these gay key RNG spawns.

fuck these gay speedhackers that reach first the keys that do spawn and then leave the raid in under 10 seconds. this is the ONLY explanation for why i can't find certain keys despite getting closest-spawn repeatedly

my country has conscription

No, I just linked a video which shows what the recoil in EFT is like and the whole game meta is get a gun, buy a front grip and hip fire.

It's really bad and the game even has a text when you are in a loading screen that says that "the game simulates real life guns"

>my country has conscription
this doesn't mean anything, the average korean retard is nothing but a grunt and knows nothing of small arms

Yeah the key grind is cancer too. I miss when the progression was just
>do raids and kill shit for xp
>buy/sell to traders for rep
and that's it. The game was much more fun then.

>God tier tight gunplay
>Maps are great
>Gameplay you can't find any else
>Add significant content pretty regularly
>Loot/greed is addicting
>No loot boxes and microtransactions

>Game is WAY too expensive
>Hardcore autists min-maxing the game it was never meant to be
>Devs don't know how to balance quests
>Devs Illegally DMCA creator for criticizing the
>Doubled down and still haven't apologized

I'll pick it up when they fix the quests and add some more content.

Attached: 1508121165892.jpg (2048x2048, 245K)

Sure thing boi keep seething

you forgot to add git gud

Attached: chrome_2019-04-22_01-28-08.png (1070x847, 1.06M)

This desu. I'd wait for the full release of the game, seems like a good game in the making, but I wouldn't recommend to anyone right now

>Imagine paying 120 bucks for this.
First of all, there's no packs with a 120 bucks price tag, despite your shit posting. Second, why would you pay for the most expensive pack. You can buy the pack for like 35 bucks and play just fine.

That said, I just want a proper solo mode, I don't give a shit about multiplayer run. It's fine with friends, I had a good times, but that's about it.

Yes because in real life, bullets generally come from the muzzle of a gun without veering off at a 30° angle like they do in 99% of vidya. And firing without using sights in close quarters is a real thing in real life since it saves the shooter time that may make the difference between him or the other guy getting killed, though it's probably not used to the degree it is in this game.

maybe he's used to 7.62x39 full auto, that's much less controllable that 5.56x45 or 5.45x39.

Forgot to mention:

>Add a Flea market so people don't have to grind for literally everything
>Next update add "must find yourself in raid" to every quest

Sometimes the devs incompetence astounds me.

>being surprised by BSG's lack of consideration
>in 2019
Ah, so you're new to the game I see. I wish we could just nuke the task system from existence.

>or do you think soldiers actually ADS like cowadooty pros?
Yes I do think that because that's how they're fucking trained. Do you think soldiers ball around with their gun not at the ready while clearing buildings? In tarkov you ball around like the fucking terminator spraying at the first sign of movement. Factory and Shoreline resort is the worst for this shit considering the game still has problems like doors appearing to be closed when they're not and lag being so bad a dude can pop out and kill you before you even see him on screen.

Attached: soldiers_cqc_training022317.jpg (935x750, 129K)

>Next update add "must find yourself in raid" to every quest
Wait did they already or are going to add something like this in game?


training =/= reality
ask anyone that has served and has been around when the rules of engagement are shoot on sight
shoulder firing without aiming down the sights is the norm when shit hits the fan

I don't even know what you are trying to say at this point, even the guy on the video who has served in the Aussie army says it's ridiculous.

I've handled a gun and I'm pretty sure no assault rifle of any modern caliber are that easy to handle full auto and make such a small group just because you add a front grip to it
He doesn't even control the recoil at all, just pulls the trigger.

>have to actually obtain things instead of just going on the flea market and buying the item
>literally the way it has ALWAYS been up until RECENTLY when flea market was introduced

I thought this was AMERICA not communist china

This game was unironically great

Imagine falseflagging this hard, fuck off faggot

You never specifically said it was the recoil you were talking about. The grouping is a bit too tight, yeah. But it's still probably closer to reality than games where you fire a burst and are staring into the clouds. I assumed you were talking about the bullets leaving the muzzle in a straight line without ADSing. Just because you've fired a gun doesn't mean you know what all guns shoot like. For all I know, you fired some 9mm handgun with a 2" barrel and are assuming rifles are gonna be similar. Here's some dudes magdumping with modern assault rifles, one of which is an AK-74 like the guy in the video had. They stay pretty damn level.

Not gonna disagree with you about the weapon mods changing stats being unrealistic because most of them are just silly, though the front grips aren't what make a significant difference in the game. It's the muzzle brake, barrel, and stock that significantly affect recoil in-game. Also, BSG, in their infinite wisdom, think it's a good idea to have skills the player can level that reduce recoil, so that guy who plays the game for a living probably has those pretty damn high. Those skills really should not be a thing, but BSG wants them there because your character is controlling the recoil for you and they like RPG elements. There isn't much manual recoil control the player does in this game because of that system.

Attached: Inigo.jpg (600x506, 71K)

>Invokes communism
>Is against free open market

Jokes aside, every quest item(that you can't buy from dealers) on the flea market WAS found by someone, somewhere in a raid at some point. There's literally no reason to add a flea market if you then force people to grind shit for themselves.

I don't know what kind of a military makes soldier shoot only 9mm hand guns but I've shot too many 7.62x39 to ever forget it

>They stay pretty damn level
just because it seems like it stays level on camera from the side doesn't mean it is accurate and shoots a tight group. at 50 meters it can jump all over the place

its really stupid because I would just sell the shit on the flea market when I found them when I didn't have to do the quests with those items and then buy them back to save inventory space but now its like "lol go waste your secure container space on cpu fans"

Last time I played, the 7.62x39 automatic fire had a much bigger spread (even with mods) than the 5.45x39, which is what the guy in your video was firing. I don't know how that's changed now though. They may have since added new stocks and brakes that let you bring the 7.62 AKs to stupid, laser-levels though. I have no idea.

Yes, and I wasn't saying the spread in-game was fine as-is. I was trying to say that it probably isn't insanely far off compared to most other games where you're aiming at birds by your 6th shot.

>what is FEAR
>what is quake
and if we talking about "muh realism"
>what is motherfucking arma
>what is shitdicking insurgency
sandstorms has freeaim, lets you pull the trigger ANYTIME aslong as your finger is on it, has trillion times more realistic sound than tarkov and has better devs.
now watch him sperg out and call irrelevant shit.

>game made by a literally who studio that only made a shitty pay2win browser game before
>is shit
Who could have predicted this tragedy?

You're supposed to go for the legs with the auto shotty

the community is the worst and will religiously defend it

just like all of your favorite games

>just like all of your favorite games
all my favourite games are shit champ
you will wake up too

all video games are shit

Attached: yccc3f4vcwsxyj6eydy2.jpg (1600x900, 223K)

The ideas and phylosophy behind the game is great.
But the implementation is not that great.
They went absolute dogshit crazy with quests this wipe for god knows what fuckin reason...
I really hope 0.12 brings some good shit to the table, and the all mighty saving grace thats supposed to be the switch to unity 2018 along with a non-shit sound system

That will ofc bring a milion different bugs of its own, but hopefully it FIXES THE MOTEHRFUCKIN MOVEMENT ERROR 228 EAT MY ASS NIKITA

They need an entire re-do of the quest system. It's tedious and needlessly grindy in areas. It's a solid 30-40 hours of monotonous slog that has to be redone every wipe and is singlehandedly killing my interest in the game.

>Oh, just kill 20 scavs on shoreline with AKM, easy enough right?
>You already done? well, do it fuckin again on fuckin shoreline again, but this time with silenced weapon and over 70m lmao
>What? You hate the quests? Well, tough fuckin shit, go kill more scavs on shoreline, but wear the most visually popping-out armor in the game lmao

Now add into consideration that the spawns are weirdly incosistent, theres several players trying to get these fuckin quests done at the same time as you, all the usual scav spawns are minutes of nothing but walking inbetween eachother and its on the BIGGEST FUCKIN MAP...

I love resort figts, but the outskirts and the "new" quests can go ahead and lick my salty ballsack

Exactly, and those aren't even the worst of them. This patch I've just been buying shit off the flea market. I think I did Prapor's first task and just went, "Fuck it," after because I've been doing these godforsaken things since patch 0.4 and they've only been getting worse.