Is Midgar the best fictional city in gaming?

Is Midgar the best fictional city in gaming?

Attached: Ff7-midgar.jpg (800x600, 105K)


I can't think of a better one.

aesthetically sure. to live in, fuck no. its a litteral industrial dystopia where the prolitariate live UNDER the city, the caste system is physically manifested


Rapture you fucking idiots

Attached: Bioshock.jpg (800x1113, 206K)

>gets stabbed by a junkie to get their fix

Rapture is garbage. Sorry pal, also has a terrible littering problem.

>anything fucking final fantasy vii: my first shitty jrpg for babies
Final Fantasy in general is mediocre at best, but VII changed that that "let's be complete shit and seem edgy and viral market the shit out of the games to appeal to the dumb new gamers being herded into the industry in the mid-90s" just like every other mid to late 90s fucking shitgame that killed gaming.

normie alert


this is like everyone's opinion in the world

VII is actually genius, definitely the best story in games without any competition

FFVII New Threat is probably the best game I've ever played

Yeah, because FF7 is a really niche game.

I notice you didn't actually list why the game is bad but just instead used buzzwords and memes.

FFVII was my first Final Fantasy. I loved Midgar and the city excellently set the tone for the game. Going from Midgar to other places in the game, like Cosmo Canyon, made FFVII a great escape for my 11 year old brain when it was released.

But wold not want to live there.

How different is New Threat?

Too much of a slum, or at least that's all the game wants to show you. Would be nice if it had some sort of visible middle class

Extremely different. The story is the same but the gameplay is vastly improved.

People say it's about making the game "harder" but it isn't really, it's about making it a highly challenging but also rewarding strategy game. There are a lot of smart changes, like making weapons have different strengths and weaknesses, making characters more diverse, etc. Playing it on Active mode with the highest battle speed is probably my #1 all-time game.

Be warned that if you suck at video games you will get stomped

No, since you spend most of the time in the slums underneath it

No that would be solitude

For me, its The City.

Attached: 1471540774691.png (1050x1589, 411K)

Midgar is a fucking shithole, though. Did you not notice all the people in the slums living in abject poverty?

The dystopian society imposed by Shinra Inc. has completely destroyed the middle class, leaving only impoverished masses without self-determination that survive on handouts and favors from the rich elite or the criminal underworld.

Yeah but it's home.
I was seething pretty hard when Shinra collapsed the pillar.

My taffer