I think I'm in love bros...
I think I'm in love bros
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She's gonna die,bro.
I love Reisen!
marie 2.0
No she's not fuck off
No joking, it looks way better here
There's no way she is going to ruin the game like Marie did to P4
too white, where is the black representation
Her outfit is kinda stupid desu
Can't wait for the doujin.
>gets mind fucked into joining PT
Fucking retarded. Should've been a feMC instead of another Marie add-on.
it's supposed to be a ballerina outfit Cuz, you know, she's a gymnast?
there's something off about the design, the mask and the eyes look weird
So is she femJoker from another dimension or something?
>he doesn't know
Yeah, there's nothing to ruin since P5 is already shit.
Kasumi is a cutie!
She is probably witnessing Joker's transformation
Hence why her own form looks so similar to his own since she seems to have a crush on him
I know she's a party member but look at her outfit, it's literally Joker's.
She's a talented gymnast and Joker's underclassman and seems to respect him despite the shit said about him.
Literal perfection.
>another mary sue who has all the attention on her
I'm getting really tired of this shit in Atlus remakes.
>marie 2.0
Already benched
Leotard nnnngh
What is this slut? A FemMC 2.0?
Marie 2.0 except she's a party member.
This but unironically. Every time they add in a new character and make them plot relevant, they become cancer.
Aegis already existed in Persona 3 but The Answer completely fucked over Yukari's character to make Aegis look better
>Aigis in FES
>Marie in Golden
t-third time's the charm, r-right guys?
I don't care how awful she is as long as I can pick Sae instead
But at least Aigis was there from the beginning. This redhead is just being added for the sake of keeping up expectations since P4
You mean Metis?
Good, Yukari was shit
Only Sony censorship can save us
Yukari's character wasn't that good from the start but I understand and agree with your point. The Aigis shilling from the Answer was pretty bad.
boring as it is at least her design isn't as retarded as marie's (fucking police cosplay + stripped knee socks, ugh)
Screencap this, bois. The new girl is Sophia from Gnostic mythos. This will put her in a position to be related to Ialdabaoth.
Strange Journey actually became better with nuYukiku
The new endings were genuinely better and you could just ignore her shitty dungeon if you hate her that much
I would believe you but lets be real, we didn't need a new ending. Law was already a perfect ending in that game so they had to be like "Oh yeah, the brainwashing only affected half the people" when the original game was pretty solid on the fact it would affect everyone.
Chaos breeds Chaos so that sorta makes sense for Nukiko to be from that era but even then we didn't need a new Chaos Ending either, it ultimately changed nothing aside from lightening the tone of the game which it really didn't need.
we can always blame cero if she goes the way of mythra
Maries knee socks are the only thing good about her
>kouhai crushing on MC-senpai
That sounds familiar
I seriously hope we get to fuck Sae this time
I mean, this time it's at the very least a modest gymnast girl instead of a literal slut.
If we can't, I'm not buying it.
at what point in the story would it make any sense to be dating her
If there's not more to this and she just dresses like Joker because she likes him that's pretty lazy.
Hit on her any time she's in the cafe. Instead of her leaving when the exposition ends, she sticks around and you can talk to her.
Lock dating her behind an artificial timegate that ends after her palace. Chances are, they're adding an extra month for Kasumi's dungeon, so that's another month to date Sae.
Joker was shooting the shit with her while being interrogated. Literally just reset the social link and let them hang out
Trailer's translated
Will P5R get something like this?
i want to destroy haru's self-confidence as a woman!
>design female joker
>add her to the party instead of making her a playable mc
For what purpose?
>It's a-okay when Nintendo does it
Even if you disagree which is fine, the new endings were objectively superior and some of the best in the series since they all come as relatively good endings in the grand scheme of things for everybody. It made things hard to choose from, except maybe New Neutal. Aside from that the new dungeons were complex and interesting to go through. The Redux was a nice improvement, and if anything Yukiko is probably the least offensive out of any of the new girls added in an enhanced game.
>shitty Mitsuru
I hope not but probably. She looks super Marie Sue
Fuck off console warrior. You brainless mongs have been going at it ever since the trailer released and its tiresome. Imagine not having both consoles to begin with.
you zoomers and millennials need to shut the fuck up about jojos bizarre adventure 5 already.
is it that hard!
That's bullshit. I can totally say those words in sequence.
can't wait to break her fucking heart
Get fucked, lmao.
Was this an edit because I can't find this on famitsu
I like how bare legs are now too scandalous for sjws.
We've gone from
>women should be able to wear pants
>women should only be able to wear pants
If going for other girls didn't stop rise, what makes you think this will be different
Yeah sure she did, how dare she add the most fun dungeon in the game and make the final boss actually make sense?
I've already seen the future, Kasumi will make the experience better and the game will be more complete, just like Golden was, but anons will sperge anyway because Atlus dared add a new character to their game even when there's no reason to be upset about it. Marie, Alex, every fucking time.
what she gonna do, rape me?
Female social links are gonna be really interesting. Game better fucking have yuri.
user, I...
>Hey, you want another Dungeon. You do? Neato. Just put up with one of the most insufferable personalities ever coded to a video game.
Marie and her existence is like dragging your balls over jagged glass just to pick up a 5 buck note at the end.
Sure the note is nice and all but you still had to drag your nuts across glass to get there.
Worst part is that we still had to deal with her in Arena and PQ as well.
>Characters already had trouble being fleshed out or given the proper focus to develop in the base game
>"Wait, I know! Let's add a new meme girl to the game and give her major focus while simultaneously still needing to properly develop the other characters!"
New girls have always, and will continue to be a bad thing for the game. This shit is no different than Gamefreak pulling an enhanced version of the usual generational game a year later. Stop eating it up. She looks cute and all, and it looks like they actually heavily altered the game, but man.
She's not a FeMC.
>what she gonna do, rape me?
Don't tempt her user, she just might
Oh look, a mariefag
well that's all interest killed for me, why I would want to replay this shit game now
Based speaker of truth.
You Lost The game
is she really that bad?
I've never played golden but just looking at her design she looks cute
What God will Royal-chan turn out to be at the end of all this?
Sophia, obviously
>is she really that bad?
What's your thoughts on shit poems, poorly written Tsunderes, stupidjerkIhateyou, being tacked onto the plot like a cancerous tumour and forcing people to have to interact with the above to get access to more of the new content?
Don't let designs fool you, most anime girls are cute by design, the ones that aren't tend to be terrible people like Hanako and Kashiwagi.
You bet I am
She absolutely is not that bad. She's more snarky and somber than the rest of the cast, with flashes of tsundere.
She's kind of out of place and annoying, but she is nowhere near shoved into your face 24/7 and I thought her inclusion into the overall plot was done well (as opposed to her personality).
who do i believe?
Not the Mariefag. You can tell by his barebones response that he doesn't really understand her character well enough to comment.
I love Fuuka!
hold up, is Joker going to be able to skip jail?
>yet another atlus re-release character with a spotlight
A fragment of Yaldy that wasn't a cunt that was cast aside.
After beating Yaldy and seeing the shit he did she confirms that that way of doing things was dumb and wrong and decides to do it her way instead; instead of granting the desire of solitude and apathy and all that shit she just gives everyone what they want and makes them happy.
Enter Marche 2.0 to snap her out of it and tell her why it's wrong, they beat her and she's gonna disappear now, PTs ask her what she wants/make a wish for herself since she's technically a part of the holy grail and she says she wants to stay with everyone or some dumb shit, she lives and happily ever after and all that crap because we have to have those.
Don't worry user, she'll be a FeMC in P5S on Switch. Make sure to buy both games for the full experience!
>Hey kid, you need to go to Jail for the good of your friends.
>Nah, I don't feel like it. I need to go home and fuck my teacher.
>Akechi's back
>Morgana's human
>Futaba's mom is back
>In some versions of Gnostic belief, Satanael is said to have created the material universe as a second heaven to rule over and became the God of the Old Testament, making him an interpretation of the Demiurge.
Interesting, BUT THAT'S NOT ALL
>Kasumi's mask looks similar to that of Yaldabaoth's face and is likely has some Aeon shit with her
>In Gnosticism, Sophia (an Aeon) is the mother of Yaldabaoth
One theory is that Akechi takes the fall for you and goes to prison in your stead. This serves as both him getting a just punishment, a redemption arc of sorts and freeing Joker up for extra gameplay.
>think this looks better since it looks more like a catsuit
>cant voice thus opinion because "wah homosexual resetera ttannys want to sony-censor our thighs"
Obviously. The original game skipped months of potential content. Of course the enhanced re-release is going to cover it.
probably goes to jail a lot earlier this time around
Can't wait for Abraxas to replace Philemon lads.
this game was full of bullshit feminist agenda and dungeons where boring as fuck, and people here want to play it again with a few minor changes, lol
>"he doesn't really understand her character"
>"shit poems, stupidjerkIhateyou"
NOBODY who describes Marie this way understands her character, sorry bud. I'm absolutely bias but I've played the game multiple times and know enough to know that the things you're describing barely take up any time. Textbook example of playing up the traits you don't like the most of a character that you dislike to make them sound worse.
So will we be able to transfer data to P5R from P5? I basically just want to do a NG+ run on P5R also I want to keep my Catherine costumes because they're cool
>doesn't even post edited version
I like Marie
I really hope for this, I will be much more inclined to play Royal if I don't have to worry about stats and shit
catsuits are great but nothing wrong with a leotard every once in a while
Absolutely Based
i know you were able to in FES at least so it would be weird if you couldn't
So what you're telling me is that everything I said about Marie was actually true and that you just added it on "she's not that shit all the time".
Your argument of me strawmanning her ignores the fact in the extra materials she is actually as bad as I make it sound.
Persona the Golden: Animation is a perfect example of this exact shit, they had plenty of stuff they could have added since Golden was a great update but instead it was just generic Marie shit for the most part and they portrayed Marie entirely how I described her.
But then your next words are going to be "But we're talking about her existence in the video game" and I'm here to tell you that she's not that much better, by the very fact that she is a Gatekeeper to the new content and her social link which is meh-tier as fuck and story presence of being a part of Izanami really forces her into the plot whether you wanted her to be or not.
You can be as bias as you want but I'm looking at this from an objective standpoint. Nothing I have said has been incorrect just because you don't like the tone of the piece you idiotjerkshitpostinganonmariefag
>Joker won't have to go to jail
>Christmas eve doesn't end awkwardly
>get to give Kawakami her long awaited fucking before Valentines
No it doesnt. Fits the femme fatale theme
Apparently Royal continues on after the end of the original game, so you could romance her then.
>still no scene where you can get Kawakami, Takemi, or Sae to wear a Shujin uniform and react to it
God, my dick needs it.
Kawakami would embarrassingly ask if she can change, Sae would say it reminds her of pre-law school, and Takemi would ask if you can dress up as a teacher.
I only had to dump chie and rise on my play through so its interesting to see the other reactions.
Original’s fine but this one’s hotter.
Leotard would look good if she was thicc instead of sticc.
She isn't really, you can literally ignore her and she disappears from the plot. She's only there if you choose to interact with her.
What fucking role is she? Her HP is too low to be Phys and her SP is too low to be magic.
that repeater looking thing looks sick though imo
>Ballet dancer
Big gay
I'm just gonna make a random guess and say agility and status/buff/debuff focused and probably focus on Dark skills because that's the only element from the non-MC part of the cast that isn't covered
>we win either way if she's censored
Sadly she has reason to not be thicc.
Hopefully this game adds more to dating, like getting to choose outfits for your girlfriend(s) similar to party members' outfits. Then you can shove Tae into that outfit.
She's just going to be a replacement for Akechi's role. She'll probably even somehow get his powers.
Actually. That sounds pretty fucking sick. Dodging tanking is actually really useful.
Technically Ann is used for Status effects so I'd lean more towards the Tarunda et al series to force more misses.
That would make her, Yusuke and Ryuji boss tier team.
not romancing Makoto is gonna be fucking hard
shes so god damn cute
ah thanks
I don't think she'll be an Akechi replacement if they decide to find a way to keep Akechi in the main group in Royal, which they might because he's popular with fujos apparently
There's no way in hell that it won't just be Akechi getting arrested instead and her dungeon is during the month you get free. Just in time for the game to force her on you for Christmas.
Yeah, they get him out of the dungeon and then he turns himself in. Joker doesn't spend the time in jail, making another month to do her dungeon.
No way fag
user asked "if she was that bad". I gave my own perspective, the nature of the question itself is entirely subjective so I don't know how you can answer from an objective standpoint. You hate her poems, I love them. You think her gatekeeping content is an issue, I think that Golden doesn't have enough Marie in it. From a story standpoint, she doesn't damage the plot because she is mostly uninvolved with it until the big gap from the original comes up, where she fills her intended purpose.
In conclusion, yeah, not everyone has to like Marie. But "Marie ruins everything about P4 with her mere existence" is a meme and has always been a meme. I object to it.
you better fucking stay loyal user
>I think that Golden doesn't have enough Marie in it
holy fucking shit that actually hurt to read, I am in physical pain because of this man's unadulterated level of shit taste
I love Kasumi!
>I object to it.
You can't object to it, whether its a meme or not is subjective, my dude.
>You hate her poems
to be fair, her poems being absolute dogshit is canon, PQ had characters read them aloud and they can all agree they are ridiculously cringy and hard to read
>is she really that bad?
what the fuck have i unleashed?
>Thigh highs
>Lever action rifle
One particular Mariefag defends her but ultimately she's not particularly well-liked.
I don't want to wait until next year for new persona stuff but I'm worried if I replay 5 I'll be burnt out by the time Royal comes out, wat do
Nice catch, I really want aketchi redemption arc. But if this is dark mode aketchi wouldn’t this scene be post shido?
That plus the ponytail makes me think it might be finally time to play P5.
she's okay, textbook boring tsundere but not too offensive, her poems are shit but you can just skip all of them, they don't really add much other than showing that she is angsty
her social link is fine, she isn't that bad, but yeah, skip the fucking poems
>go to the velvet room to fuse personas
>Marie left another one of her gay ass poems on the floor
>game expects you to listen to her read it
fuck you Marie, you're the stupidjerkihateyou
Her poems being bad are literally canon how do you like them?
God my dick wants to believe. I need more kawakami PLEASE
Honestly she looks hot af either way but I like her seeing her bare thighs.
Play 4 or 3 or the answer or another megaten or another JRPG if you got a hunger for one plenty of games out there
look on the bright side, if Joker isn't going to jail, then he has nothing to worry about after beating Jaldabaoth...
he will giving Kawakami a well deserved dicking for Christmas Eve, no awkward ending
So has the MC entered an alternate reality in this? Getting some serious Eternal Punishment vibes from this trailer.
Die hard marirfag defends Marie. Take it for what you will, the general consensus is she is really unlikable. Take it with a grain of salt and play the game, she doesn't tank the game but is a detraction as far as I'm concerned.
I still need to finish SJR
And DeSu2
And Soul Hackers
That will probably keep me occupied until P5R along with the other games on my backlog
>mfw the entire story is branching off from the bad end of Persona 5 where the Phantom Thieves become heroes after Joker takes Yaldabaoth's offer
>the entire game is just the original Joker who died in the bad end body-possessing another girl in another universe to ensure that this Joker actually makes it through without dying.
>the game actually takes your original data Joker into account when you start up the game.
Makotofags will get BTFO by Kasumi because she's the new canon romance. All the feeble ironic waifufag Makotofags will flee over to being Kasumifags
>Haru/Morgana special
I really hope there are Team-Up specials, and it wasnt just Haru's special featuring Morgana.
Actually, i think it was just specials for characters that are benched. Like P4G after everyone gets their mopeds, benched characters could show up in battle with it.
It does look like those team attacks are back, so far we've only seen Haru & Morgana and Ryuji & Makoto
>someone saved my screencap
why upload a thumbnail
Too bad it's the opposite, don't even have pc to uncensor her
Needs cock shadow
Nintendo censors thighs with Mythra, Sony leaves them on display in their game trailers. Big difference.
>yfw her Persona is Carmen Sandiego
>game that goes for CERO's E-rating censors something not censored in an M-rated game
that was CERO you retard and besides that's her alternate outfit in XB2
It's Ann's, dumbass. How could forget that?
She got censored, get fucked
because that was a different Carmen that was a sloot and also Ann sucks
She did, but that's completely irrelevant to the conversation.
Someone post it
>She got censored
>when her original outfit is still in XB2
You need better taste bro
She looks bland as shit like a background classmate
>marie 2.0 except she joins the party now
That'll be 60 dorra prus tippu
Its mine bitch
So is the game coming for Switch or not? I aint buying a PS4 for that shit lmao
Wow I unironically agree
At first glance I thought she had the reaper's revolver for a gun, now I wish that was actually a gun you can get
>She looks bland as shit like a background classmate
So basically she P5MC before he became Joker
Umm....can this girl's outfit be a little less....ugh?
Is there any good porn of her yet?
The first time Sony censorship would actually make a game better, god damn.
There's a pinup of her by Afrobull that's kinda neat, but I haven't seen any straight up porn yet
Marie was tumblr incarnate, I don't think they're gonna do that again.
Yeah, this time she's Twitter.
You underestimate Atlus, considering all of their side-games and re-releases have "that one waifu" or other shit attached.
Didn't know she was playable
fuck you.
fuck off
There is going to be a third semester added to the game, so at the very least you'll get more Kawakami classroom scenes. Please lord in heaven give her more dates and cute events
If she's not femc why are her gloves red?
P5 and XB2 are both Cero C
Shot in the dark, Atlus wanted to make FeMC but didnt know how to incorporate it in the story well enough but like the design enough to keep it
shes just secondary protag, like what they miserably tried to do with Makoto
Which is why Mythra is uncensored in XB2.
Lazy design
I'm just wondering what she'll get in terms of DLC outfits
Kasumi is a confirmed size queen, dont waifu her
Fuck this waifu trash game
But I have a big peepee user.
>yfw they give her the costumes of the characters added in re-releases (Metis, Marie, Alex, Rin)
where's the cape, jacket, and high heels?
It'd actually be pretty cool if they gave her Space Yukiko's outfit. I actually like Alex from what I've played of SJR so far
Unironically the best looking female PT costume.
Also she has Joker colors so she is probably really supposed to be canon love interest, like Marie was.
Left completely intact by shitty edits.
She seems to be a homage to Doronjo, Yatterman's thief nemesis, for her basic attire and Joker/Phantom of the Opera for the upper parts like the cloak (which still ends like Doronjo's cape), there's no way she's gonna be censored unless Snoy gets its nose in.
because it doesn't mix with the leotard
>It's a-okay when Nintendo does it
Where were you when FE Fates released in the west?
The game was brutally butchered by censorship and "localization" and everyone hates it to this day, 3 years later.
Akex was a nice surprise. I was waiting for another stupid terrible waifu bait but to get the new endings you have to kill her
add pantyhose instead
>tfw flat out my favorite game
>gets horribly mishandled on every single level
I like the outfit but the mask looks dogshit
Everyone here shat on treehouse for FE Fates, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Xenoblade X but you're probably too much of a retarded newfag to even know about it.
I like thighs in fatlus games
Best mask in the game easily.
What is she supposed to be, even
I'd kill for a dante costume since Raidou replaces him as the guest in a rerelease of nocturne
I love Reisan too!
full suit is hotter.
A dancer
you know the people who wear leotards constantly
you people cannot be this recluse
she looks like she fucks black guys
as a Rebel, user. what type of rebel is this
ahhhhhhhhhhh That's cute.
Dammit, how i never seen that picture before?
>1 guy figures out that's it's a leotard since she's a dancer
>Saying "it's a leotard" becomes the go to for any comment about her outfit even if they aren't complaining about it showing skin
She's obviously going to be Sophia from Gnosticism due to her mask's similarities to Yaldabaoth's face.
What is interesting though is if they decide to put in Abraxas, who in Jung's version of Gnosticism is a being above both Yaldabaoth and Satanael. He could honestly easily be a being above all your Ultimate Personas, but considering how he's a neutralfag according to Jung, he'd probably just be an optional boss like Philemon was in Eternal Punishment.
Why is she dressed like an actual whore?
Calamity Jane.
when she ses your mara.
Nah man, we're on version 3 or 4 now.
What a boring design compared to everyone else's outfit
reminder that you can only have one waifu and she picks you
if your "waifu" is a new character, she is not your waifu
>no female Joker
>meaning no Akechi romance/redemption through love
Nothing else they put in the game can possibly make it better.
Isn't Doronjo the character Anne looked up to as a powerful female anime villain which inspired her Phantom Thief outfit?
>Dude just have faith the legal system
>I know the cops are illegally pumping you full of heroin and also illegally beating the shit out of you but I'm not going to do anything about it and nobody else will either
>Dude just have faith in the legal system
Worst character. She should've been jailed for life with everyone involved, but instead Joker is the one in jail for violating probation on an admittedly false assault.
>leotard and heels
thank you atlus
You can tell from the design that her entire character is going to be muh perfect japanese waifu that japs with shit taste love more than anything else.
What time is the next concert?
I think she's also going for the classic phantom thief like Joker, or maybe a highwayman?
She's alive in a post-game cutscene on 1/1. She's also Akechi's replacement as a party member, so there's 0 chance they're killing her off after she joins so late to begin with.
same time tonight. you're better off just waking up in the morning when it ends because thats when they'll announce anything
>the game actually takes your original data Joker into account when you start up the game.
How would it even do this and why would it matter? All our Jokers are pretty much the same, unless you fight a boss battle against OG Joker?
maybe she was gonna be fmc but then Atlus said: fuck it, too much re-writing. And just added her as another character.
Seething tranny nigger go back to California faggot
OP it would be kind of you if you would cease posting images of my wife. Thank you for understanding
>taking the twins to notDisneyland with a bunch of other people around
That's gonna be surreal. I wonder if they'll be visible to others, that's always in question with VR attendants.
Allah approved version
Love =/= physically attracted to
You're infatuated user. Get this shit right. You're not 13 years old anymore. Or are you?
I'm not defending Marie, but you can almost entirely ignore her existence and just get the original endings
Praise be
>in public on a romantic date with two lolis
>they can't even pass as your imoutos
Joker what are you doing
Back to /u/
The same thing Door-kun did with Liz
I looked up "IX XI" symbolized through her stocking lace and I get this. Her mask symbol is also pluto.
Coochie when, Anne?
>date the twins
>in endgame you're sitting alone in your room with Lavenza
>she grabs your hand and asks you an intimate question
>"Boldly accept"
>screen fades to black
>"You spent some quality time alone"
They don't have the balls, even with an adult like Liz that was already the most heavily implied sex scenes I can think of in any JRPG
>Tonight, you're going to listen to MY needs.
She’s already said I love you in the base game, and that was without a date. How else do you expect it to logically progress?
She's supposed to be a good girl with strict morals, right? What's up with the black skintight leotard then?
No one is interested user, either you're shitposting about the thighs or not
>P5 was all about the older ladies
>P5R is all about the younger classmate and lolis
Is this an apology for all the cakes?
Why do her eyes look like they're bugging out? Every shot of her makes her look like they're popping out of her head.
Aaaaand this is why nobody likes nusona.
They're just balancing it out. If you can date your teacher they need something on the other end of the spectrum.
Though technically the twins/Lavenza aren't human and probably the oldest girls in the cast.
huh, neat what does that imply, though?
That feel when you like red hair and fit girls but Kasumi does nothing for me.
>even the lolis are cakes
Impressive. I'll take it as a new gimmick to design a "XXII" Fool on an FeMC (at the time) instead until I know more though.
>only girl younger than Joker you can date is Futaba
>game forces some young sister Nanako bullshit with her
The new girl is most likely gonna be older than him as well
Can't believe it's finally our time bros
It's AMAZING, isn't it?
New girl is explicitly a grade younger than Joker
well thats a surprise, thought she would be another Haru were she looks younger than him but is older
New girl is a first year and she calls Joker senpai.
I want to headpat them until they are mindbroken
She's the same age as Futaba then, though Futaba doesn't go to school.
So I guess she's going to look up to Joker? that might be why she has a similar outfit
The cis white men at Atlus need to be fucking hung for this shit. Women are literally being murdered because of designs like this. Enough is enough.
Yes. Joker seems to save her from a harasser pretty early on which starts their relationship.
>Apology for cakes
What? That's like apologising for giving me free money.
It's funny because she shit talks the Phantom Thieves. I presume her finding out about you is one of the bigger alterations to the story we're gonna get, since initially she's gonna be hostile and/or hurt.
Kinda looks like shit but whatever
Are you replying to the right person? Anyways it wouldn't be an apology, just a balance. Having a properly diverse cast and set of choices is important in a dating sim.
Yep, quoted the wrong post. Silly me.
I think her respect or feelings for Joker is what is going to bring her around to the the thieves. Metaverse outfits are based on what that person's thoughts of rebellion are and Kasumi's outfit takes many looks from Joker so she links Joker directly with rebellion.
>Having a properly diverse cast and set of choices is important in a dating sim
This, more than half the female SLs are some combination of "mommy" and/or dom types.
I like Futaba a lot but I think one of the reasons she's so popular is she has no competition in her niche.
Sae is a possibility. The others aren't happening, Goro is explicitly not with the group on 1/1.
I want her to snap my neck with her twigs she calls thighs
I could see 1 happening in the added months, and I could see Goro joining for a new dungeon or something.
Unless there's new events that require new voiced lines, Chihaya's VA is probably staying the same. If there needs to be new voiced lines, she's either getting fucked in that department or getting a new VA
Probably will use her anime replacement VA
So how did the "She's totally the FeMC" fags take this?
What happened to Chihaya?
Her seiyuu died after release
Her voice actress passed away shortly after the game's release.
They killed themselves or have deluded themselves into thinking she is a playable protag and joker is a party member.
Sae wasn't in the trailer at all and they'd have to completely rewrite both the story's framing and the main twist to make her work as a romance option. Not that they couldn't since they do seem to be totally changing the focus and pacing of the game, but wouldn't they at least hint at that if they were?
>calls you her senpai and dresses like you
That's adorable, I hope the game doesn't cuck me by treating her like a second little sister that shit is just as annoying as the game reminding me dating older woman is weird
Her VA died to the common cold because Japan doesn't believe in NyQuil.
Most of the ones I've seen are
>Well I wanted her to be a FeMC but whatever
Or something along the lines
Bet she'll betray you
I remember a couple anons who were adamant that she was FeMC despite all evidence to the contrary.
Besides a gymnast, she looks like magician. I find it cute I don't see the fuss.
>another teammate betrayal
I can't for sure say they wouldn't do that, I just hope it isn't as obvious as Goro if they do
No, that'll be the counselor.
I'm pretty disappointed but at least she's a playable party member. It's 'better' in a way, since she'll be more of a character than a silent protagonist, but I really liked the femc route in P3P. Would've been nice to have that again.
And now I have to choose between her and Haru
based reisen poster
Anyone else wondering how they handle her existence with the base game? It made sense for Marie to be separate from the IT since she wasn't really "one of them" till the end, but Kasumi straight up joins the PT. Will they re-do anime cutscenes to include her or are we given some dumb reason she's on her own?
I could see them making the new travel area and accompanying dungeon something that you can visit at any time like Mementos, and that's the only place where you can have Kasumi in your party.
I'm glad you're not in charge
My assumption is that you'll need to do something to trigger her involvement, and this will result in significant changes in certain subsequent cutscenes. I'm not sure if she'll be a party member from early on, especially given what she says in the trailer. She might be more of a rival at first.
just fucking buy it
There's already a catsuit in the game faggot. Thighs showing looks better
Based on the teaser and how she seemed adversarial to the PT, I could see her acting on her own to do whatever in the new area/palace and only joining the PT when they come by, but Kasumi herself is a girl at your school.
>thinking that nu-atlus has the balls to off the remake extra girl
theres no way they'll actually let you date the loli right
so where is p5s?
Okay so who is Magician man? What can we deduce about his real intentions from his tarot's meaning? Atlus wouldn't randomly add a new confidant to a rerelease if it's irrelevant to the plot.
its 25 on japan
I'm on the side of thinking the original is best and I do want to reflexively shoot down all other designs because i'm crazy anti censorship but I mean, I can admit that version still looks alright.
I just can't bend the knee on this one because the people making the censored versions are all weird puritan fuckos. It's a catch 22.
At least it's not the toe thong ones but, fuck. What a gay ass choice.
All of my money is that he's Yabaldoth's agent in the human world and they're recycling the mentor betrayal plotline from P3
she's a crappier mitsuru.
Fuck Fuuka. Aigis is the best girl.
The creepy school counselor in cahoots with Kamoshida
Fuuka is the bestest! The bestest I say!
>Apple juice
What other bad guys does gnosticism have?
No, Makoto's the crappier Mitsuru.
They even made her persona a motorcycle to compete with Mitsuru's.
>nothing know about her, only her (extremely) generic design
>Atlus' released the best waifu
>I think I am in love..
>Best girl in all of videogames RIGHT THERE
Imagine being such a basic bitch.
Get fucked retards
why did they make her anorexic
one job, fatlus.
What's her Persona gonna be? Her primary elements? Her Arcana?
Given all the Rider-Waite tarots are accounted for, she's probably gonna be a Thoth. It'd be lame if she's just Aeon again, though.
You tried. Step aside. You're denied.
lickable tummy
Morgana: Wind/Heal
Ryuji: Elec/Phys
Ann: Fire/Ailments
Yusuke: Ice/Phys(crit)
Makoto: Nuclear
Haru: Psy/Gun
So that leaves Dark, Light and Almighty since Akechi's only a temporary member. Don't say Joker fills Dark since Arsene only naturally learns one Dark move and you're not really expected to use it all the time anyway.
Her costume seems pretty Dark to me, so maybe she'll be the dedicated Dark-user.
It's just the spined that's fucked, her final model will probably look fine
>he doesn't know Japanese
not quite
ignoring her pleas and killing her results in the games original endings, which are bad, since humanity dies not long after, following the new endings allows her to disappear with the knowledge that you saved the future, though she ceases to exist as a result, but this is what she wanted and its implied she will be born again in the new world
So, where's the porn of her with big ass/thighs?
Fucking BaseD
This bitch caused me a game over.
>She's also Akechi's replacement as a party member
T..that doesn’t mean Akechi isn’t gonna his rewrite and respect, right....
How big is the chance she's censored in western version by BASED California Snoy?
>doesn't like PT
>still joins PT anyway
She's only in for Joker's BJC?
So the concept of gymnastics itself is sexist then. Because its just about appreciating the female form. There are male gymnasts too for people who want to appreciate the male form.
DLC for P5D when?
Man, fuck you. I had a streak going on for years only to be broken today. Kudos
Like this dude's art but I fucking hate pure ecchi faggots
>tfw you will never fuck a flexible gymnast gf
>tfw you will never eat out her pussy as she does a backbend
>tfw you will never lift her leg up vertically over her head as you fuck her up against the wall
>tfw you will never cum inside her as she does the splits on your dick
It's not fair bros...
gymnasts feet are destroyed by blisters and callouses so i don't think that's a good thing
you can see in that photo how there are wraps because her feet are probably fucked
Now this is the good shit right here. Flexible thigh girls are amazing.
She looks like shit, her eyes are way too far apart
Her in-game portrait looks a lot better than her model and phantom thief art, somehow
What gun is she gonna use? Semi-automatic pistols, revolvers, assault rifles, shotguns, submachineguns and rocket launchers are all taken. Maybe a sniper rifle?
Lever action rifles, it's in the trailer.
She has a repeating rifle
>Joker is going to tap this canonically
I literally wish I was Joker. People told me that people only play Persona so they can self insert and feel like they have have friends/are a badass etc.
Well after playing P5 I can fucking confirm. I self inserted into Joker so hard it was unreal. He’s what I wish I was in high school. He has friends, relationships, is charismatic, is actually doing something with his life. Why can’t I just be in Persona 5. Even I was, I would just be Mishima. FUCK
I feel like the Spiderverse-esque glitch effects signify that these events are not happening in reality. Or it’s an alternate timeline.
that reminds me, we better get demi-fiend outfit dlc for this fucking game
Trying to think what costumes other characters would have for a Nocturne costume pack
>Joker Demi-fiend
>Ann Chiaki
>Ryuji Isamu
>Yusuke Hikawa
>Makoto Yuko
>Haru and Futaba would get a manikin get-up I guess?
>Akechi gets Lucifer's suit
>Kasumi gets Lady in Black outfit
>Morgana can be Pixie or something
There's talk of "dreams becoming reality" and "stealing dreams" in the trailer, which lines up with what we see (Morgana becoming human and Wakaba being alive)
It's hard to guess how it's incorporated into the story, are they story events that follow up each person's Palace? Is it a social link/Mementos thing? Maybe some kind of sub-Palace of your party members? Or an alternate take on the "everyone's Palace" thing near the finale?
Joker seemed like he knew something was wrong in the scenes we saw, but do the people who are dreaming know they're in a dream? Are the ones we see just cognitive doubles? Is Joker invading people's dreams on his own or are the other Phantom Thieves aware and involved? If it's a Metaverse thing, which you'd figure it must be, why don't we see the usual Metaverse filters and effects?
There's a lot they could do with it and it could either be really cool or really dumb. Hopefully it at least leads to more character depth.
Make Futaba Pixie, Haru Lady in Black and Kasumi can be Dante and Morgana can be the "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series" sticker
> Morgana can be the "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series" sticker
Why would you bless Morgana with the best costume?
His head is already the perfect shape for it
The twins make it pretty clear that they want Joker’s dick, they get sad when he leaves the Velvet Room and they say that they wouldn’t feel bad if he engaged with both of them (romantically). If Altus is based, they will let us give them both the dick in Royal.
>Makoto is too boring
>Haru is cute but comes too late
>Ann is for my good bro Ryuji
Looks like I'll be a Kasumifag for The Royal
No matter how many girls Atlus introduces, Chihiro will always remain my one and only.
>Not being a Futabafag
Pathetic and cringe
ban gymnastics now
I used to be a stalwart Chihirobro, but Kawakami, man...I cant resist her. She’s just perfection.
Only if she never speaks. Aoi's voice hurts my ears.
>playing subbed
>no demonica in base game
Better have a bucket version and everything
>lost the game on my own earlier today after what i think has been 9 months in order to further shitpost on omegle when i was dropping fake and real endgame spoilers
Sorry user, you didn't get to take it from me this time.
That's silly, because Chihiro is perfection.
>Ann is for my good bro Ryuji
Shippers need to be fucking killed
complete opposite for me, all the girls in NA speak sound grating
All the girls in P4 look like that.
Story reason or was probably originally planned to be FemC but scrapped
Because she's literally just FemC with long hair, who had a black-and-red motif like Joker
Cool girl that is a hikki yet is attractive and also a super hackzor and memelord truly the best type of character for a refined gentleman such as myself.
The entire game is actually another memory recollection and this man put the entire planet in a trance delusion world where everything they want happens which is why Morgana becomes human, Futaba's mom is alive and the new girl exists. It's called Royal and the games have gold colors everywhere because the plan of the true true final boss is similar to what the final boss of P4 wanted.
Prop Quatherine