Is it a literal and unironic masterpiece, or are there glaring flaws?

Is it a literal and unironic masterpiece, or are there glaring flaws?

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>or are there glaring flaws?
There is, it's too hard.

kekeke anons still believe this, see name

Every beast/apparition type enemy is boring and gimmicky to fight because every time the game moves away from the main fighting mechanic (deflect) it goes to shit. Most combat arts are useless and so are most of the prosthetics.

Still a great game though.

Attached: nod.gif (303x277, 1.77M)

Many skills are useless
Your posture getting broken doesn't offer enough punishment
Combat can get repetitive

It is only ever hard because of glaring camera and control issues.

The only thing I disliked about the game was the enemy variety, but at least it never got Nioh bad. It's just that there were so many Lone Shadows in the end, and one too many drunkard minibosses and stuff.

There are new enemy types in every single area of the game.

I hated demon of hatred for this reason. It's a generic big dark souls boss in a game where dark souls bosses don't fucking work. It was very annoying

That's why I said it's never as bad as Nioh, but I'd have preferred the minibosses to repeat less, and less purple ninjas.

It had fewer enemy types than nioh. Fights get reused a bunch. Almost every boss in the game gets fought multiple times.

Everyone shits on nioh for enemy variety but it wasn't even that bad. If you only do the first two difficultly levels you don't even really notice it. But the more you play the more annoying it gets.

I agree on the mini-bosses (especially the drunkard who is used three times), but overall the enemy variety was fine. I'd say the biggest issue was that the aesthetic design of most enemies was kind of monotonous.

All combat arts are overshadowed by double ichi

This, I think bosses should be able to kill you on a posture break

nioh got 5 types of enemy and corrupted monk is only boss you fight twice.

>What is High Monk Kick

Attached: Genichiro Prologue.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

>Is it a literal and unironic masterpiece, or are there glaring flaws?


are the red kanji that appear before you need to jump/mikiri counter etc making it easier for nips to play cause it just tells them what to do instead of having to study the enemies movement?

>what are patch notes

Attached: 1509664418558.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

>are there glaring flaws

Lock on camera is broken
Recycled bosses
Grappling hook only works when they want it to
Input lag
Half baked stealth
Atrocious hit boxes
Dodging is useless when enemies can home in on you mid swing
World is to small, eventually it just becomes a boss run

It's the same one for all of them and what you see on screen when you die (it means "death"). So no.


>Recycled bosses
There is not a single recycled boss in the game.

Beast and apparition bosses are terrible and really make the latter half of the game a snorefest.
Combat arts are almost all terrible, grinding and skill trees feel disjointed and a lot of them are filler "increase x capacity" so in the end you generally want to get them all.
L1 spamming is way too easy and breaks some bosses but there's no way to fix this without making certain fights retardedly frustrating(Genichiro has this where if you don't perfectly deflect his jump attack it staggers you and he gets a free thrust and it feels like utter bullshit)

Enemies needed WAY more vairety than they got. An entire mythose and it was basically just dudes in armor, non-stop. No Nue or O-gumou and all of the headless are the exact same.

Have you made it to the fountainhead palace?

0 replayability.
Meh game.

Prove me wrong.

When the fuck is it going to be ~40€? How fucking long do I have to wait, Activision?

Yes. The only boss there is Divine Dragon who is not used anywhere else.

Mini-boss != boss

lol wtf pirate it, its singleplayer

fuck you, I'm not scum.

>spend an hour defeating the guardian ape
>feel accomplished
>10 minutes later, fight it again

At least try user. Almost every boss is repeated at least once

2Ape is a different fight, with a new enemy, and in an entirely new arena.

>Perfect deflect Hatred of Demon attacks
>Still take chip damage
>Some attacks do so much pushback on deflect, they can't be punished
This fight was pretty lame
Doable but lame

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how could you miss iron man dies

It has a few
>Combat variety outside of R1 and blocks even after patch is severely limited in terms of options especially because of how the spirit emblem system works
>can't even use most tools and skills to full capacity until NG+, which is just a boss rush essentially as there's no new content beyond Kuro's Charm
>Areas are pretty linear especially once you go through them once and learn to avoid all the trash drops
>Camera is shit at times especially in smaller/enclosed areas
>More complex mechanics like not block spamming and jumping on enemies after sweep attacks are not covered at all in the game beyond random loading screen messages at best
My biggest issue of these is NG+ since Miyazaki has proven at this point he just doesn't give a shit at all about actually adding new content into it since he's had three games since one of the few things DS2 got universal praise for in its NG+ to do something similar.

The only things that really let me down with the game was Dragonrot not even being a problem and sometimes the stealth would get real shitty, like enemies not reacting to corpses at all at times. Dragonrot should have killed NPCs.

Please stop being gay on purpose

I'm glad you accept that you're wrong.

Stealth is shit and grappling hook shows how dumb enemies are

I can agree that it is slightly tweaked, but it is so minimal it is pointless to nitpick. It is basically the same fucking fight

Even if we go with the assumption that Guardian Ape is reused, that's the only one. Saying Corrupted Monk is reused is a stretch because the real one has two unique phases that the one in Mibu Village doesn't have and saying that Genichiro is reused with Isshin is an even bigger stretch because he is a minimal part of an otherwise three phase fight. Owl 1 and 2 are substantial different, too.

Mini-bosses are reused a lot, yes; but bosses aren't.

Nowhere near a masterpiece. 7.5/10 at absolute best. Every single boss and mini-boss is repeated at least once, sometimes 3-5 times. The content in the game is only enough to support half the experience and then stretched out for another 25 hours by copypasting it. The difficulty is unfun in spots. It's got the same kind of bugs and jank as the rest of the Souls series. It's a low effort, cheaply made rehash.

perfect analysis

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Even by that logic, the only boss they dont reuse is lady butterfly

If it's between getting this and RE 2, both for PC, which one would you homos get? i'm leaning toward RE since I'm not much of a Weeb, though I have fucked a nip irl which is more than most weebs I know can say.

Demon of Hatred
Divine Dragon
Folding Screen Monkeys
Isshin and Owl both have two completely different forms; the model may be recycled, but not the fight.

>Is it a literal and unironic masterpiece, or are there glaring flaws?
Those are not mutually exclusive things. How much of an elitist know nothing cock sucker are you, OP?

They have nothing new going on with their moveset.

I can't tell if i need to just get gud. But it's seems 10 times harder whenever they put 2 enemies next to eachother.

you just approached it wrong
play unlocked. run to his balls and 80% of his attacks will never connect

No glaring flaws, no. Its setting and backstory weren't as compelling as that of Bloodborne or Dark Souls but mechanically it's definitely From's most fun game. It doesn't give you as many options as other From Soft games and might not be as "deep" but it is more responsive and immediately satisfying.

Not sure I'd call it a masterpiece but I had a great time with it.

>might not be as "deep"
Quite the opposite.

>itemization sucks, too much trash i.e. ceramic shards/candies
>stealth is half-baked and feels like a basic shell instead of a complete mechanic
>vast majority of skills/arts/prosthetics are trash and seem like they were made for a different game because so few of it actually contributes to the main system of deflection
>dragonrot is entirely pointless and mind as well have been removed from the game
>using ashina castle 3 fucking times
>zero incentive to fight regular mooks
>zero incentive to fight miniboss on ng+
>90% of the "content" can be easily skipped even more so than a souls game
>the fucking back and forth between the temple and kuro's room is retarded and all this shit should have just been in one convenient area
>all the stupid exposition with Kuro info dumping and having to talk to him multiple times because they apparently couldn't make the story flow more naturally
>"lore" is shallow as a kiddy pool compared to their other games
>skill exp grind is atrocious but then again it doesn't matter so much since most of the skills suck
>grappling hook needing fucking designated eye sore grappling points to use it

Based and redpilled.