Jason Schreier: I don't think Persona 5 is coming to the Switch

Since Switch version is deconfirmed, what are they showing off as ONE MORE INFORMATION tomorrow?

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It's going to be Persona 5 Showdown. Fighting Game like Persona 4 Arena.

>trusting a Kotaku author
LET'S PLAY, RETARDED(I can say it)

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and it's not coming to switch

>have Joker in Smash
>no persona 5 on the switch
So... why have Joker? Why does nintendo care about adding characters from games exclusive to other systems? Will nintendo add Wolf from Sekiro into the Smash roster? I mean, Sekiro isn't on the Switch, but Wolf has as much history related to Nintendo as Joker does.

Persona 5 is on the PS3.
Couldn't they just port P5 for the Switch? I doubt the game is technically too demanding for the Switch. Besides the cell shading, the game doesn't look that better compared to, let's say, Persona 4.

holy shit OP how fucking RETARDED are you

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>have Cloud in Smash
>no FFVII on the switch
>So... why have Cloud? Why does nintendo care about adding characters from games exclusive to other systems?

But FFVII was released recently on switch

oh NOW you guys listen to ResetERA


Dumb weeb.

Cloud is a videogame icon. Joker is a literal who.


>Reading Resetera
>Listening to a Kotaku """"journalist""""
How low can this board possibly sink?

the guy who posted that Resetera comment is a Kotaku writer...

Yeah, thrust MysticDistance who works at Starbucks

lol why is Joker promoting a game that won't come out on the Switch? Nice one Nintendo.

Im glad the Shitch isn't my main console anyway.

FFVII is on the Switch though.

Cloud represents Final Fantasy as a whole, which started out and spent almost half of its existence as an iconic series on Nintendo systems.

I love how all the shit related to Joker in Smash is taken from P5. All the presentation, the victory animation. Everything is from P5 and yet, that game isn't on the Switch, or any main Persona title.

It's like having 2B in Smash. No game in there, but the character is because...

Who gives a fuck if it doesn't? RPGs are the most boring shit on the market anyways.

Ask Sakurai, who choose to promote both Snake and MGS4 on Brawl even though the latter was playstation exclusive

>inb4 nintendo

They only told him which franchises were off limits. Sakurai still had a choice in the matter

If they wanted to have a SMT rep for Smash, wouldn't Jack Frost make more sense than Joker?

I read something about this a couple of months back. I think Sega and Nintendo have an agreement, and Nintendo is contractual obligated to have 2 Sega representatives in the roster or something like that. Sonic is there of course, and Persona 5 being the most recent title from Sega and Sega wanting to promote Persona 5, considering how popular it is, that made Joker the second character to be included there.

I think Nintendo has similar agreements with other studios regarding third party representation.

>I can say it

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Probably #FE Full Encore edition for the Switch.

>trusting kotaku over best buy
how cucked can you be

>listening to the guy who thinks only pedophiles like big tits
>then got completely blown by the fuck out by a photographer

And also one of the few games "journalists" who has actually broken stories before and gotten first hand accounts from sources in the industry. Not trusting Schreier just because you dislike his political leaning or association with Kotaku is stupid, you'd just be ignoring how many of his past article have been accurate. It's a good example of why you shouldn't view the world in such extremes

Your theory goes out the window when you remember Bayonetta is a SEGA IP.

Isn’t P5S leaked to be a stageplay?
Japan sure loves those

oh yeah, the "big tits appeal to the lolicon fantasy" guy

Again, I don't know what the agreement is. It can be for more than two characters. Capcom has 3 representatives (ryu, ken, megaman).
Konami has Snake, Richter and Simon.
Sega has Sonic, Bayonetta and now Joker.

Again, I don't know the specifics, but I remember reading about this and why joker is in the game.
And from what I read, it had something to do with Sega being allowed to have another character in the roster and them deciding it would be Joker.

After years pass. So give it a few more few years before Persona 5 comes

At least his presence is justified.
His game is in the switch. His game is in a nintendo platform and it is an historic game.

that's literally what Kotaku thought they were saying

He's not wrong dumb zoomer

no, people are just saying it is with no evidence outside of "they've done it before" but anyone who knows atlus would know they wouldn't fucking call it "Persona 5 Stageplay" they'd call it something else

>Jason "Big tits are a lolicon fantasy" Schreier
Anyway, it's either the fightan game or a shooting game

Zoom zoom my dude