Cyberpunk 2077 designer says it's "inherently political"

What did CDPR mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

there WILL be a government and it WILL be EVIL

Cyberpunk is about a high-tech low-life setting where corporations rule the world, of course that is political.

Cyberpunk is about a future where after a vast socio-economical collapse and a period of martial law, the United States government has had to rely on several megacorporations to survive., that's political.

When will you retarded election tourists realize that political is not the same as partisan?

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Inb4 tonnes of (you)s in this bait thread

Game looks like its going to be a complete turd. Witches was cool because it's source material was cool and Slavics want to do their mythology justice.

This shit is nothing to them and they are building it out of thin air.

read a book nigger


cant read the note but its probably take out of context

I mean that's the core concept of cyberpunk, an evil government colluding with megacorps. The other is night and pollution, but I guess they don't care about that one.

>Whole Cyberpunk is inherently political
/pol/ triggered i bet they never even saw a cyberpunk movie or book

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>I don't know what inherently means

Lolbertarian propaganda WILL be in full effect.

Has CD Projekt Red been hijacked by SJWs, or has it always secretly been infected? What happened to Poland being based?

yeah dont forget the rain

didn't they say this last year? oh it's just another (you) farm thread. I'll show myself out.

it's just /pol/ bait thread.

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And huge claustrophobic cities

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it means its going to be an EGS exclusive

>sign in through steam
literally why?

Please sir do the needful

What people really mean when they say they don't want games to be political is that they don't want games that challenge their worldview.

What they mean is that they don't want any pandering to Californian liberals who don't even play games

white men bad!

cyberpunk the theme is literally low life high tech
you can't have both of those without a political grand narrative

It's cyberpunk so it's expected. Now, if they lazily copypaste current politics into it, that's a different story.

The Game

Why does a corporate-dominated future dystopia look like modern-day LA?

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That's one thing they got right at least

CDPR is Polish dev. Poland is a conservative country that is a bit behind the times. They still believe in religion and family values. And not ironically like in the US were Christians secretly have gay sex in bathroom stalls.

This. Watch the tards here still turn this into a discussion about Ess Jay Dubyaa though

Cyberpunk is inherrently political. There's abolutely no arguing this

Cyberpunk was always political to some extent.

>Yea Forums is suddenly okay with politics in their games
guess I really do have to go back...

>a dystopian world with a fucked up social order where the player has to make difficult choises will be political
woah, right out of left field


cyberpunk is inherently political, but Cyberpunk 2077 isn't cyberpunk, it's more like synthwave than anything else, some cheesy insincere pretender that completely misses the point

even politics is not inherently political. humans operate on psychological premises

You are confusing the normal definition of political, which the article mentions, and the US version of political which means politically correct.

Cyberpunk is inherently political as a genre, it's always about evil corporations running the government.

I swear if (when) they fuck it up they'll have to run for their lives to the mountains since i will be among many thousands chasing them from town to town with hunting rifles...

There aren't enough competent people in Poland to staff a AAA studio, especially when it comes to writing in English. So they imported tons of Western devs.

It's already 3 years since witcher 3, creative director left, they already cucked to netflix (well, more than writer than them but still seeing tries as a negress..don't even want to look)and nothing, they just keep putting it off and you just know they are cucking more and more.

>There aren't enough competent people in Poland
Good point. and yet, they managed to make witcher 3 with almost no POZ. Now that they proved they can make hundreds of millions, it's time for (((americans))) to come in and add some (((diversity))) to the game.

why do retards still think trannies and gays are the only thing that can be politics in games

where is this GITS vid from?

Eternal newfags from the last US election, /pol/ was their gateway here.

We'll have to wait until the game releases. I'm sure it just means the game will explore political themes usually present in the cyberpunk genre and will be done tastefully enough and incorporated into the game and its atmosphere, and probably similar to Bioshock in methodology.

The PSX game.

If we could replace a natural body with a prosthetic one then there would be no need for inhuman surgery that doesn't work nor bitching for rights.

and yet, you would still be a male faggot with x and y chromosomes.

This is literally you, OP

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If you take away the political part of Cyberpunk all you have left is neon lights and weird, drug addict-looking people.

A cyber-faggot.

>this kills cyberpunk and camus

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not enough neon and night user

What if the cyberpunk setting was an awesome place to live? Would it still be political?

They're a legitimate component of that gov/corpo function though. They call for bigger government to support their degenerate lifestyles and suppress any opposition to them, and consume exclusively from businesses that pander (obsequiously) to their corrupt ideals.

true, trotsky-ite neocons want the same thing as the left: unlimited immigration, legal and illegal. cuz we need dem stupid messicans mowing our lawns for pennies on the dollar and cheap, cancerous chinese plastics. GDP is our greatest strength and technological advancement is the true measure of happiness!
im fucking tired of the capitalism vs communism false dichotomy, its all a bullshit smoke screen of divide and conquer

It wouldn't be Cyberpunk

Then it wouldn't be cyberpunk

>Cyberpunk themes only have 1 interpretation
Also ideology != politics. Personal beliefs don't have to be of public interest.
In GitS for example they deal with political stuff like the refugee crisis after the war, but the Theseus Ship stuff is all about philosophy.

Cyberpunk, as a genre, is political

That the cyberpunk genre is inherently political?

The funny part is that those are incredibly low-IQ interpretations of cyberpunk, arguably worse than "OOH SHINY" in that one might be pretentious about them.

you get to fight robodrumpf, but he dies in one hit.

[ ]High Tech
[ ]Low Life
Pick exactly two.

Cyberpunk settings are about mega corporations and the blending of companies and governments and where the lines blur. How old are you if this is your first time hearing of the genre?

Today I want to remind everyone that Ghost in the Shell is not cyberpunk
>Corporations don't control everything
>Government helps citizens
>There is no oppression
>No low life (but there is high tech)
>Technology helps people to the point children can save themselves from dying and horrible accidents by putting their brains into prosthetic bodies
Legitimately not cyberpunk.

Shame redpilled rpgs like kingdom come battle of bastards can't quite hook me.
Gorgeous looking game tho
Oh God the new elder scrolls is gonna be even worse than oblivion and skyrim isn't it

No iylt just means I don't want to listen to some nigger bitch scream "we wuuuzzz kaaaangssss"

I'm Asian BTW. Eat shit.

He meant it's a cyberpunk game

It's not synth wave at all you idiot. The trailer the showed just looked like normal scifi.

You do know the cyberpunk genre is buried in criticism of capitalism right?
Its a pretty political genre.

It's not meant to be cyberpunk. Only idiots would call it cyberpunk. It's post-cyberpunk. Which is the gaylord version of cyberpunk, less of the world is shit and you're getting ground into the dirt, more of the "lmao we am become robot people hybrids now!"


Woah, for real?

Reminder that Cyberpunk as a series is not cyberpunk either (Outside of the combat zone)

The game takes place IN A SOCIETY

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Enlighten us to your superior understanding. Drop us a few deep concepts, mister expert.

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Can I play as a pro-government fascist storm trooper?



There's no more United States in Cyberpunk 2077 :^)
Read up the lore.

It means that the quarter pounder has video material.

>I am asian
you have no soul, bug man.
posts and memes like this display the same level of understanding that boomers have of tech. it's just cringeworthy

but it is, if you are a drone inside those megacorps your life is pretty's the working class that's fucked

now now, don't leave us hanging, what is the high-iq interpretation of cyberpunk?

like bioshock i assume

no pandering, if there is pandering i may as well quit gaming

>it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God”
rich people are the most unhappy people on earth, especially the elites. it's why they dedicate all their time to making more money and scheming against eachother instead of focusing on what matters, family and community.
material wealth is not the same as spiritual wealth, which is true happiness. there is a big difference between financial wealth and happiness. the best thing you could do in a scenario like cp77 is to get out of the cities, it's all designed that the common man remains a permanent tax slave underclass, which is true even today in our world. getting off the grid and growing your own food and keeping animals would be the ideal solution, no bullshit gmo foods laced with sugar/HFCS.

Then it'd be boring

>if you are a drone inside those megacorps your life is pretty sweet
Until a rival corp nukes your headquarters or a fellow employee up the chain decides to fuck with you. If you think that corpos have it easy you are delusional.
>get kidnapped and brainjacked in an industrial espionage op
>break the corpo rules and get beaten the shit out of you or simply get a bullet to the back of the head
Remember the corpo rat that was getting trashed by corpo mommy's thugs? This could be you.

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as soon as the industry realizes that political is not the same as partisan.

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Are cyberpunk threads the worst threads on Yea Forums?

I just don't want to see any minorities or gays, because they are inherently political.

Surprisingly, in 2020 life isn't nearly as bad in the actual city as people make it seem. Corps have some of the highest risk jobs though because of the CONSTANT one-upsmanship that is the corporate rat race. You could just be minding your own business and boom, you've got a hit on you because you've got the nicer office space and jim in receiving wants that 2 cent raise.
As a techie, or medtech, or even a solo, you're in pretty good spots for your life as long as you know what you're doing, no one fucks with you because they don't care about you and you keep working your basic shit and living your normal life.
The entire point of 2020, and probably 2077, is edgerunning, a side activity where you can make a little extra money, rebel against the man, and say "fuck you" to your normal life, then you go back to your 9/5
It's pretty much cyber-fightclub


No. A bad Cyberpunk 2077 thread is still better than any nintodler/sonyger thread.

Because people have zero understanding of the Game's setting
Same shit happened with the WoD MMO threads we saw, and the Bloodlines 2 threads now

then it would be post cyberpunk

Based and Cyberpilled.

>The world is broken. MegaCorps manage every aspect of life from the top floors of their sky-scraping fortresses. Down below, the streets are run by drug pushing gangs, tech hustlers, and illegal braindance slingers. The in-between is where decadence, sex and pop culture mix with violent crime, extreme poverty and the unattainable promise of the American Dream.

Art is inherently political.

I dont see what the issue is, Deus Ex is one of the most political of games and its fucking great.

As long as Cyberpunk isnt preachy or whatever.


It's usually not the corporations colluding with government, it's that the corporations ARE effectively the government, controlling private militaries and resources. It's a glimpse at how what happens when capitalism reaches it's endpoint and it's most important commodities become culture and humans themselves in the name of progress.

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isnt like every single cyberpunk game political ??

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When I read inherently political I assume they're talking about real world politics, and not the politics within the world they're creating.

Use a proper gif.

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>As long as Cyberpunk isnt preachy
Get a jar of Moxemia and prepare to your assholes to be fucked with poz lads. It'll be a perfect companion piece for netflix with red-haired triss as a negress.

>It's a glimpse at how what happens when capitalism reaches it's endpoint
It's a glimpse out of my window.

>"Cyberpunk 2077 is a game about people with power at the top and people at the bottom with none," Mills said. "That power can come from money, hierarchies, technology, and violence. The original Cyberpunk 2020 setting, like the setting of The Witcher stories, was a complex critique of the author's world, and we don't shy away from that in our games. On the contrary, I think it's one of the things that sets us apart. Cyberpunk is an inherently political genre and it's an inherently political franchise."
The full CDPR quote.

Image being this much of a brainlet

I'm so, so sick of the fucking POZ in video games, since too many retards were accepted into journalisms school, so their jewish bosses throw them onto "covering video" but they can't accept that, so they have to make every game about politics and fucking communism in one form or another. Can't just be "a game," has to be poz and open to a "post-modern, frankfurt school deconstruction." DOTR can't come soon enough, just hope there are enough lampposts..

Cyberpunk has always been politcal. What they mean about it is, it is not going to have some shallow as fuck tantrum that Donald Trump won the 2016 election.
You know what fat women twitter want it to have, that would date the game.
In 10 years time nobody will care about Trump. And the game devs that have included a Trump look a like some shit like that are going to be looked at as full cringe.

>most important commodities become culture and humans themselves
this has already happened irl

It’s PR speak for “there will be lots of commentary on social issues from the perspective of left-leaning writers.”

So never

>Cyberpunk has always been politcal
then why did the pole creative director fucking leave last week? You can tell it's a giant shitstorm since they've been working on it almost 4 years now and there's no word on any finish date. Why? Because they are inserting poz left and right and don't understand--or don't care-- the the reason witcher 3 and projected had an organic fanbase was bc they DID NOT shove poz down your throat at every turn.
for fuck's sake, you'd think they'd have learned something, anything, from battlefield 5 and that failure. Nope, not a thing, just doubling down...


Is this twitter-speak forsomething?

poz = aids

Get off /pol/ user it's turning your brain into mush.

Why don't you just say that, then?

>Get off /pol/
Are you an insane person? Goymer gate started HERe before moot shut it down, not on /pol/. Why? People noticed their games getting more and more poised, and then finally it came out that the corrupt journalists were fucking for reviews. It wasn't even really about "Reviews" though, thhat was just a proxy for globalhomo feeling the need to insert itself into the last refuge there was: vidya.
they are determined to chase the down the last white man on earth and shove poz down his throat. "oh, they liked witcher 3? Let's first make a Netflix series that ruins it, THEN let's destroy the company that made it!"

cause bugchasing community says poz, the results come poz, they say poz, when the game comes poz we also say poz

>People noticed their games getting more and more poised

Fucking Dark souls, man.

But user they removed poise in DS3.

>Why don't you just say that, then?
poz, doesn't mean "literal aids," just the entire globalhomo empire including "drag queen story time," ruining every Tv show, race mixing ads, the whole load of it. "Poz" is just a shorthand so as not to have to write it all out.

>the results come poz, they say poz, when the game comes poz we also say poz

What the fuck is this nignoggery speak?

>tfw only play pre 8th generation games, or Japanese/Nintendo games and don’t have to deal with any of this modern day didactic bullshit

Remember when video games were just games? I bet there’s a reason most people’s top 5 lists are usually pre 2010 games.

Untrue, they just changed it to function as super armor on big weapon attacks.

that would just be scifi.

Yeah but then you have to play nipponese vidya.
And I think I'd rather not play vidya than do that.
Although in fairness I'd do the same thing with "western" triple A games as well

>cyberpunk is not political

Imagine being this retarded

sub behind the meme on youtube

he can explain it better

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How do you even make a Cyberpunk game without politics and degeneracy? isn't it inherently part of the whole theme?

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The genre itself is inherently political. If it isn't, it's just regular sci-fi.

Cyberpunk is political at its core and very anti-capitalist, it could be resumed in a single statement

Progress doesnt bring hapiness

You unironically can't. Good luck getting the average chucklefuck to understand that tho.

So it's inherently shit then.

Just watch, it will probably be some sjw bull instead. I honestly hope it will be more of a libertarian take on things like the government and mega corporations colluding and abusing people until they rebel, but you know it will just be a specific group of people being oppressed and mistreated until the oppressors get their comeuppance and everyone claps.

it will be witcher type of commentary, not sjw

The pollution problem was solved by 2020, read the source material

>OP makes the same thread 10 times
>uses the same brainlet question
What did OP mean by that

>trotsky-ite neocons

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What do you not understand?

japan's done it. why can't the west?

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>Weeb with the room temperature IQ take
I'm shocked

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>There aren't enough competent people
So they import incompetent Western devs?

its fucking cyberpunk, how could it not be political?

it's a real thing , look up Christopher Hitchens he is the posterboy for those dudes who started trotskyists in uni and went further right and became neo-cons in the 2000' writing in conservatives newspaper and magazine about how we definitely should invade Irak a second time around

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the setting with corrupt governments, oppressive megacorps, and street rebel gangs is inherently political.

Honestly since it's going to be political, I hope it actually addresses the cancer of social media and the information age, like the MGS2 codecs from the Colonel and Rose, and not the just "safe" bullshit that constantly comes out of the left and right wing.

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The Metal gear games are all political but people don't seem to have a big problem with them.

Yea Forums is 100% going to turn on cyberpunk as a setting since it promotes changing your body and capitalism being bad

It is but that should go without saying. It's like saying "this game about civil war is inherently political".

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Well the thing is, most of us that played them as we were kids so all the political shit flew over our heads. Playing them again as an adult lets us pick up on what they were talking about in regards to politics. It's why videos like what I posted are starting to make sense to people, especially in current times.




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Not all cyberpunk media reaches the same conclusions.
How much of a newfag do you have to be to say something like this?

Ill turn on it for saying capitalism is bad. You legit have to be retarded to think this while living in a capitalist country.
But also seeing cyberpunk stuff during the day time is just strange

Ding ding.

>What happened to Poland being based?
Computer stuff is an exception to poland being based. We actually have triple digit IQ people do that stuff, unlike our politics.

do you really think it's impossible to disagree with how your country is run?

>globalhomo empire
Loon lingo and mythology is weird

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I still don't understand why europeans are so obsessed with american politics.

thanks I have epilepsy now

>game is confirmed playable 100% and has been for months
>no need for a creative director anymore
fuck me you're dense

The neo con movment was created by people who were commies.


And cyberpunk is inherently political, it was spawned by the rise of corporate power by linking together ever growing nets of data using financial systems.

This was literally what inspired Gibson to write Neuromancer:

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it's only natural that foreigners are concerned with the happenings of the foremost global power. I don't say this as a brag or anything, if I had my way the US would be isolationist.

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