Cyberpunk 2077 designer says it's "inherently political"

What did CDPR mean by this?

Attached: cyberpunk 2077 p.jpg (946x534, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:

there WILL be a government and it WILL be EVIL

Cyberpunk is about a high-tech low-life setting where corporations rule the world, of course that is political.

Cyberpunk is about a future where after a vast socio-economical collapse and a period of martial law, the United States government has had to rely on several megacorporations to survive., that's political.

When will you retarded election tourists realize that political is not the same as partisan?

Attached: thinking.jpg (637x476, 78K)

Inb4 tonnes of (you)s in this bait thread

Game looks like its going to be a complete turd. Witches was cool because it's source material was cool and Slavics want to do their mythology justice.

This shit is nothing to them and they are building it out of thin air.

read a book nigger


cant read the note but its probably take out of context