Eurojank thread

IS there any european game that does not suck? Every time I play an european game I think of shovelware like Elex

Attached: Shadow_of_the_Beast_2016_cover.png (280x280, 105K)

Max Payne

Ignoring stuff like Rockstar, Remedy, Dice or Ubisoft which have roots in Europe and focusing larger on smaller countries and eastern europe:

Hidden and Dangerous
ARMA series
Mafia 1 and arguably 2
Original War
Gothic 1/2, Risen 1
Serious Sam series and Talos Principle
TW series
Icepick Lodge games
Stalker games
Ill-2 series
Amanita games
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Metro games
Kings Bounty
Dying Light
Silent Storm

I heard Vangers is pretty sweet.

You just proved his point all of those are janky crap

You have not even played 99% of them, have you?

All crap

Mafia 1 is the only good game on that list. What a masterpiece
A few drunk slavs made a better game than GTA III and Vice City with half the budget

I never played Cossacs and Kings Bounty though

I've played about 80%

There are many good games and series made in europe

you are just looking for an excuse to hate

how about you try discovering new games/genres to find something you might like instead of getting mad for no reason?

gta is pretty good