Guy goes back in time and stops bad thing from happening

>Guy goes back in time and stops bad thing from happening
Why are people so up in arms about this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Brainlets with no sense of humor.

Its the implication that american slavery and NOTHING ELSE is why africa isnt currently wakanda.

Jax is an american patriot why the fuck would he KANG himself into africa

>gutting a character down to skin color

I dunno. I fo one would appreciate this guy beating the shit out of african slave traders and leading a resistance that would kill many niggers.


>But for many people who look like me, they arnt successful.

Blacks could be successful if they just tried in life.

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It's quite pathetic how jerking off to a 16 year old in DOA is OK but Jax going back in time to end the slave trade is "going too far"

>let's just ignore his entire character to make a political statement


Nothing wrong with 16.

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Why wait till now to put it in a game?

I'm not even black and I would do the same thing to be honest.

>go back in time and stop bad thing from happening
but he didn't go back and stop the allies from winning ww2

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Blacks and women have basically taken over the modern music industry. No idea where the idea they aren't successful comes from.

White males are whiny bitches that need to constantly look for stuff to get mad about to keep their T levels in the double digits.

Edgy. Just know that you'd be put into a concentration camp too.

cus its telling blacks to go back lol

no I'm not a communist or a member of the global world parasite tribe I'd be fine

Out of the entire roster of characters the only character that gets a 100% perfect saccharine happy ending is the black guy who says, "Fuck this game's plot, I'm stopping African slave trade."

Because African-Americans know that their ancestors getting enslaved was the best thing to happen to them.

Queers and the mentally deficient were holocausted as well.


I'm more upset about the microtransactions tb.h

I know you're trolling, but it's pretty OoC for Jax. He was represented throughout the series as a very patriotic man who loved his country and Earthrealm. He even had a scientific and technician background.

Then they just go "lol Wakandans" because they saw Black Panther and BP made a lot of money so they made this ending for easy brownie points.

I want to quote the bible and tell you why having Africans working in farms wasn't bad and wasn't slavery but the mods get really mad



pretty ironic coming from a NEET

well good thing not everyone on Yea Forums is queer or mentally deficient

>goes back in time and creates an America without niggers

Such an egregious oversight in an otherwise realistic series

wrong. africans enslaved them, whites freed them

Everyone on videogame image boards would have been in the furnace. Everyone watching anime would have been in the furnace. Everyone playing videogames would have been in the furnace.

Yes, the rest are communists and Jews.

>browses a board that jerks it to 16 year old anime characters

hanz get the mp40

You wanted politics in your games, you got it.

you have to be a real fucking faggot to be upset about this. Literally no different from an sjw getting mad about tits

Sending slaves back to Africa is what Abraham Lincoln wanted to do after Civil War if he wasn't assassinated.
Jax did the right thing and I support him
>In b4 African kings would enslave them again anyways and sell them to the Portuguese

never implied they were

Nice goalpost-moving there.

It'd only be OoC if it contradicted something

This. The ultimate line to niggerspeak is "well, if the west sucks, you can go back to some shit hut in Cameroon", and they will always change the subject.

>degenerate incel who sits in his basement masturbating to chinese cartoons and contributes nothing to society thinks he wouldn't be the first in the oven

still not buying it
rip mk
go woke go broke

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Fucking normies need to leave

Only Trump dicksuckers and /pol/-tier retards hate it to be honest. The true redpill is that anti-sjws have become as reactionary and cringy as sjws themselves. Basically, politics is for faggots.

Hahaha! Oh, you!

>Thread about Jax
15 posts later
>Thread about slavery

that environment you described only exists because the jew pawn allies won ww2

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nobody cares if you buy it or not retard

I'm only moving them to align with all the other goalposts so as to avoid double standards.

you would be ok if he went back in time and fixed Islam out of history?

>Up in arms

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you cared enough to reply hahaha

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Or the fact it's retarded and reaching for the Black Panther audience for literally no reason.

But he didn't stop MK11

Right after you give them reparations equal to all the years of hard labor without pay during slavery, adjusted to current wages and inflation of course :)

Why don't whites have any personal accountability? Go ahead and do something about it instead of whining.

not true, i dont care about MK. only blacks are upset

the trillions in welfare and goverment aid wasted on these baboons all over the planet is more than enough

>plays videogames for hours on end.
>tugs dick to cartoons.
>looks at underage lolis.
>sloth-like lifestyle.
>looks at trap porn.

can you prove that slavery even occured? also the right thing would be to ask africa for damages since it were they who enslaved blacks.

Time traveling is fucking trash because it makes everything else irrelevant.

No, a man chooses who he becomes. I'll guarantee you that all of the posters on /pol/ are fat disgusting creatures and not even close to the tall muscly supermen they think they are.

Based Jax is such an American patriot that he travles back in time so that niggers never come to America in the first place

well he is a black character. God forbid the black appeals to blacks and characterization focuses around being fucking black? christ kill yourself you're so fucking stupid

Jax wasn't alive during the Atlantic Slave Trade so it contradicts a lot of stuff with his character.
"lol like fuck the country that I was born in, Wakanda Forever!"

also will blacks pay reparations to whites for all the damage caused by black criminals?

Does Jax Die in the end?

>can you prove that slavery even occured?
This is a level of dishonesty I'm not willing to deal with right now

Yea Forums is a normalfag board

Yes, that's why they have fines, jail time etc.

it offends blacks, pol is laughing because essentially jax is telling blacks to go back to africa - ie their exact stance

>Falling this hard for outrage culture
>Getting easily butthurt

It's fucking working dumbasses.

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Bernie Sanders himself wrote a piece about how women have fantasies and get off to the idea of rape, and he is a running man for the Democratic party. The same party who accused a judge of possibly (maybe, under literally no evidence), of raping someone a hundred years ago, maybe, so he shouldn't be fit to serve.

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Literally impossible. Unless the vandals came back and added more of the exact same kind of material in the exact same colour.

>Jax wasn't alive during the Atlantic Slave Trade so it contradicts a lot of stuff with his character.
That's a complete non sequitur

Even if the Reich won the war, today wouldn't be much different if you live in a non-shithole country.
The depravity exists because of the internet and phones. The Reich wouldn't have stopped that.

why? blacks do it all the time - see jessie smellit, oj simpson

Will whites pay reparations for the holocaust, colonialism, the Belgian Congo genocide, the Bengal famine, etc?

People just aren't verbose enough to explain why they're mad.

They're mad because slavery in america is very much taught as a "white man" thing even though the sellers of slaves were arabs and african and a very large amount of buyers were jewish.

In fact comparing it it to known history the time period where white men bought slaves from africa is extremely short compared to actual centuries of ancient slavedriving in the middle east

>niggers never showing up and polluting america
oh nooooo, how sad :(

The American prison system is essentially modern-day slavery

Oh no! Heaven forbid being put in a work camp.

That's my main issue. It doesn't fit hia background

Granted they change Jax into whatever is popular to black people at the time. Remember when he wore his gangsta chain?

Yeah but they're criminals so who gives a shit

Is this another
>A-a-actually Black Panther is redpilled
straw grasping manoeuvre?

""""""""Work camp""""""""

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can you prove whites caused any damage or were the cause of the events you mentioned?

White Person talking about dishonestly.

Prove I'm just implying and not accurately asserting. It stands to reason your average Yea Forums poster would be gassed, so you're making the extraordinary claim that you're some upstanding individual exempt from this.

things that never happend or things that made the population not live in mud houses and stop sacrifiying their daughters to the sun god for 100$

>the sellers of slaves were arabs
Didn't the arabs have their own market further east? Why would they be selling slaves on the Atlantic coast, anyway?

a guarantee that you are also a fat disgusting creature lel

That's just a fraction though. The south beat, brutalized, lynched, raped, murdered, and took advantage of slaves for fucking generations. Comparing one time period to another doesn't help either. Such pointless comparisons.

What are you even trying to say at this point

Who is gonna refund all the slave owners? Who is gonna supply them all with tractors and machines instead of niggers?

They're a matter of historical record retard.

I'm sure all those Congolese children's hands just spontaneously dropped off from all the rubber they were voluntarily harvesting

>Jesus, this projecting.

>Why are people so up in arms about this?

because the bad thing he is stopping is something /pol/ loves

It is considering that it was never brought up in the previous 10 other Mortal Kombat entries

He wouldn't exist without slavery

Sure. Anyone still alive today should be reimbursed. I'll write the checks myself.

But I didnt. I just wanted to rip people in half

who gives a fuck. it’s wish fulfillment. what i find funny is jacqui, a sucky 2dimensional token, chose to erase herself. lmaoing my ass off. KEKED.

Will blacks pay reparations for originally leaving Africa and BECOMING whites then doing all that naughty stuff?


>a very large amount of buyers were jewish
That's a myth

Also white people held slaves before the Atlantic slave trade, but it wasn't quite as horrific as chattel slavery and the racist system set up to justify it.

kill yourself normalfag

doubt it was whites doing the chopping. that sounds like nigger work.

Did Jax have the opportunity to prevent slavery in the 10 other entries?

Lol. K.
So slavery didn't exist LITERALLY EVERYWHERE?

>He thinks whites enslaved blacks


assuming my race, baka.

intellectual dishonesty from you, ironic

should be easy to prove then?

you are now aware of the issues capitalism causes

ya. africans hack each other with machetes all day long

oh noooooo nonononoNO!!! if the b-b-blacks were never traded to american plantations like farm equipment, america would be in very bad shape!!

Let’s try to analyze this ending and why people are upset about it.

The first issue is with Jax’ character. Jackson Briggs has been in the series since MK2 where he was introduced as Sonya’s commanding officer. He was always presented as a patriotic soldier to the extend that he decorates his prosthetic arms with American flags and uses an American flag as part of his victory pose. He’s never expressed any opinions about racism or slavery to the best of my knowledge. His tower ending introduces a previously unmentioned desire for people to become “woke”. He then uses the power of time travel to stop the slave trade between the new world and Africa. He states that it took several attempts but he was eventually able to create a utopian African civilization and live happily with his family. In doing so he abandons his allegiance to his country and his duty as a soldier, which seems extremely out of character with how he’s been portrayed for the past two decades. Instead, because he is African-American his highest priority has become the slave trade.

The second issue is with the inclusion of a contentious political topic in the medium of a fantastical fighting game. When people try to address its point with serious interest, detracts respond that it’s just a video game. When people dismiss or reject its point, they are called intolerant morons. In this case, the notion that ending slavery in the 16th century would lead to a utopian African civilization comes across as a delusional fantasy.

It did exist literally everywhere, which is why it was odd of you to single out Arabs. But the slavery practised by Europeans during the Atlantic slave trade was something else, both in scale and in nature.

A "racist system," wasn't set up to justify slavery. It was just justified by nature people were cool with it for literal centuries before, retard, and it took white people to finally end it. Meanwhile in modern day Africa, they're still mining blood diamonds.

With the caveat is all you have to do is not be a fucking retarded criminal and you're completely exempt from this form of "slavery."

>racial politics in video games
>real world colonization narrative in video games
Ok then, since we are talking about this, at least accept my opinion that races aren't the same and that africa had societies with a 40% slavery rate before any white man colonized a single african country.

Oh wait, you don't want to talk about this? Oh that's right. That's why you don't put politics in video games and movies. Because the last thing you would want is people legitimately discussing about it with no censorship and bias. You want a "discussion" about these topics, but don't want anyone who disagrees to speak?

Don't get me wrong, I just want to play video games without having to think about these things, and if some liberal cuck ruins it for me, I'll make sure to ruin it for everyone so you'll see how dumb this is.

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He did in Armageddon.

>intellectual dishonesty from you, ironic
You're just not making any fucking sense

yes, they wrote mk11

Thats because when whites put their mind to something, they do it a 100 times better than some shitskang can even dream of

>inb4, "Have sex"

>more dishonesty

color me surprised

True. But they also got angry about the ending. Two parties at fault here.

>American patriot who fights in united special forces of the ENTIRE FUCKING EARTH to battle invading realms with magic and shit that keep coming every couple of years gets the power of time travel and manipulation
>Just stops slavery and a black ethnostate in Africa and completely disregards the fact that 5 other realms want to assimilate his world and enslave THE WHOLE PLANET

Seriously how does US geopolitics or cultural aspects matter when fucking Onaga will be revived any minute, the elder gods are always fucking up some shit, mortal kombat tournies are always going out, and portals are opening all the time for powerful beings to come to Earth and fuck shit up?
Does American Slavery and Jim Crow not happening matter when Realms invading would do 1000x worse than anything a black slave suffered!?

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Why do you fuckers keep mentioning patriotism? Does American patriotism necessarily entail a tacit endorsement of slavery? Is that why you think it's a "contentious political topic" 154 years after the American Civil War? Let me remind you that it was American patriots who ended slavery then.

you can tell from the picture that she's old, fat and ugly
these female incels are exactly the type who want refugee men to come to the country so they can get laid

mentally challenged trannies SHEETING

no, it's right to be angry about shitty sjw writing

Can anyone refute this?

No they haven’t. They make money for rich Jews who own those industries.

>A "racist system," wasn't set up to justify slavery.
It was, when enslaving white Christians came to be considered uncivilised they came up with white supremacy to justify enslaving Africans.
>Meanwhile in modern day Africa, they're still mining blood diamonds.
For white diamond sellers.

no slavery = less blacks in America
it's a win win on both sides

>at least accept my opinion that races aren't the same
>and that africa had societies with a 40% slavery rate before any white man colonized a single african country.
Not an opinion, nor is it relevant to the discussion.
>Because the last thing you would want is people legitimately discussing about it with no censorship and bias. You want a "discussion" about these topics, but don't want anyone who disagrees to speak?
I'd love for you to actually try to "discuss" it with someone knowledgeable about the topic instead of trying to drop epic redpills on an unsuspecting video games board.

>blacks enslave each other to sell profits to whites
>its whitey's fault!

>blacks enslave blacks to sell slaves to whites
>its whitey's fault!


First day here?

Stop talking out of your ass retard.
Africans had societies with a 40% rate of slavery and transatlantic slavery was a minority of slavery. They didn't have to "justify" any slavery. The numbers of slaves in Africa ENSLAVED BY BLACKS was so large that they merely took it from places where it would be too problematic to just set them free to live next to the tribes that were enslaving and brutalizing them.

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You're a queer fellow.

>A handful of jews control the industry, ergo the blacks and women making millions aren't successful

>For white diamond sellers
So Africa gets a pass on literally having modern day slave labor because white people buy diamonds? This is why nobody takes anything you progressive retards say seriously. i honestly hope you are just baiting, but the lines between trolling and unironic posting gets thinner by the day.

>africans enslaving africans is irrelevant to the discussion regarding past slavery

and you accuse others of being intellectually dishonest

white slaves still exist in today's middle east, like they have for hundreds of years
arabs dont give a shit about your laws

American patriotism acknowledges every part of American history. This includes the recognition that black people deserved equal rights in society and should not face discrimination because of their race, something that took immense sacrifice in a bloody civil war to initiate and decades of political, legal and societal progress to become meaningful.

While we're at it, women need to give 100% if their money to men as reparations for Eve eating the apple in the Garden of Eden, including money they've retroactively spent since the dawn of society.
We will use that to pay the niggers for reparations, but the niggers won't get to spend it since all of us will collectively have to pay aboriginals since they owned America.

I probably would. And I'd happily sacrifice myself if it meant that.

>gets btfo
>youre queer!

blacks lol

>jacqui can’t even keep her dad out of rehab so she can be born
>Jax can remake hundreds, possibly thousands, of years of history amassing multiple continents - still has time to bring his daughter into existence

the chad jax and the virgin jaqui



yes. not even africans, who were kin to black slaves, did this for american blacks

MK has always had shitty writing. It's never okay to get angry about it because you can just shrug and walk away like an adult. Only mentally deficient people are angry.

>the fact that africa were the ones that ran most of african slavery is irrelevant to the anti-white colonization narrative
No it isn't.
>I'd love for you to actually try to "discuss" it with someone knowledgeable about the topic
Sure, how about this: how can evolution and race equality be both true? Did races stop evolving 50 000 years ago? How did we turn wolves into dogs in 15 000 years but races are supposed to be mentally identical after 50 000 years separated? Let's have an informed discussion about this.

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>racial supremacy is just an ideology and not fact

btfo lol

>So Africa gets a pass on literally having modern day slave labor because white people buy diamonds?
No, not a "pass" retard, the point is that white capitalists are complicit in the system if not outright to blame.

Are you unable to read or something?

You did make a "color" joke first at that user. You deserved it, like you deserve electric shocks

How does any of it at all excuse American slavery? I didn't actually mention intellectual dishonesty before but I guess this is a good time to accuse others of it, yes.

>its the whitey's fault that we kangs gotta enslave each other shieet

Notice the pixels around "Before" and "After"?

And would you say that's a good thing?

if black people deleted their shitty attitudes they wouldn't need to go back in time and "change" "slavery"!!

>guy does extremely out of character thing, out of nowhere
>apparently his biggest dream and motivation in all the games has allways been ending slavery and making wakanda for some reason

american slavery hasnt been a thing for hundreds of years. youre demanding """reparations""" for something not even africans will pay for. who btw enslaved your ancestors, not whites.

oh no, i made a color joke.

Hey, Im curious about what you nonwhite sweatshop slabe "races" think what'll happen once automation is much more commonplace
Do you think that polluting human garbage such as yourself deserves a place on this planet?

They'll always be scumbags in a society who are willing to sell out their people for money (especially in a tribal siciety without a central government to stop it), the point is that without white capitalist using their money to buy the slaves it wouldn't have happened.

>le anti-white
Yes, it is entirely fucking irrelevant because none of it excuses a single iota of American slavery or its racist history.
>Let's have an informed discussion about this.
Let's. But not here. For all your talk about how game devs are forcing you to discuss uncomfortable topics you're actually just incredibly eager to veer into off-topic discussions of your favourite /pol/ talking points.

Nope. This is about a narrative that smears white people. What I'm doing is defending my own race and pointing out that they do not hold full agency over black slavery that was entirely created by blacks.

Nope. You are still arguing against whites. No, it's not that "other people did it too", it's that "other people" created the slavery itself, not whites. Whites did not do the actual enslavement of free people and even abolished slavery in most of the places they stepped into.

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How do you think the numbers stack up to the gorillions that died in endless nigger tribe conflicts?

is that right? then why are africans still enslaving each other, and have been since before recorded history?


This. The real party at fault is newlyweds.

but what is wrong with racial supremacy? nearly all countries borders are split along ethnic lines specifically in observation of this simple ideal. or are you the type who feels africa for blacks, asia for asians, but white countries belong to all.

>Jax is so patriotic he goes back in time and stops niggers from coming over and destroying the country
I don't see what the problem is.

>be a black man
>go back in time
>bet in lotto
>lose all because whooter n shit

you believe he would talk any african lenguage. its more, why he didnt guide them to better lands instead of africa?

>american slavery hasnt been a thing for hundreds of years.
That's just factually wrong, user. Open a history book. Also, we're not talking about reparations at this point, just the mere acknowledgement of the evils of slavery as practised in America. And no whataboutism is going to detract from that.

>it is entirely fucking irrelevant because none of it excuses a single iota of American slavery or its racist history.
Except it completely changes the anti-white narrative if you just were to look at the facts.

>white never enslaved free people
>whites abolished slavery in africa
>most white states abolished traffic of slaves or blacks before slavery was even abolished

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Do you think NEET shitposters do?

So why complain about the other guy making a queer joke? Is that just shitpoker hypocrisy? Do you become blind to it after too many facials? Daddy Pence get too rough?

I guess you're cool with lining up all pot smokers and putting a bullet in their head. I mean, they're complicit in the drug trade that literally has people killed and tortured for profit, after all.

>>Let's have an informed discussion about this.
>Let's. But not here.
Oh well, too bad for you buddy. It seems that politics are part of games now. Deal with it.

I didn't get mad at. It is, however, a hilariously retarded ending. It's worthy of mockery - not anger.

MK has always been a garbage franchise.

>just open a book
>the prison system is slavery

hmmm. better work those inmates and keep em out of trouble.

Its pretty funny that kollectors endings is kind of the same except he gives two shits about his people


its like you cant detect sarcasm, hmm.

Why does it even matter, those endings were always fucking retarded.

Except yep, you've been doing that all along.
>What I'm doing is defending my own race and pointing out that they do not hold full agency over black slavery that was entirely created by blacks.
I'm just talking about historical facts here, not how offended you get by those historical facts. I don't care that it makes you uncomfortable to acknowledge the role of white people in slavery, but then again maybe if you weren't a white identitarian twat you wouldn't feel the need to defend atrocities committed by other people just because they were white.
>Nope. You are still arguing against whites.
I am arguing against slavery as practised in America, which I suppose does mean that I am effectively arguing against whites. Thank you for acknowledging that.
>Whites did not do the actual enslavement of free people and even abolished slavery in most of the places they stepped into.
Still entirely irrelevant. They kept them, displaced them, mistreated them, killed and raped them, and dehumanised them. You are a slavery apologist trying to detract from the historical facts.

>says the NEET

>blacks lol
>N-no bro, it was totally sarcasm
Why are fags so racist? It offends my delicate sensibilities

Character assassination

>Except it completely changes the anti-white narrative if you just were to look at the facts.
It doesn't change anything. You're too fixated on this "anti-white" boogeyman you've constructed.

but its people like you that prevent everyone from moving forward. the idea of "reparations" is comical, as nobody is responsible today for slavery.

Not everyone is a sperg in public. Most people here you wouldn't know browse Yea Forums unless they told you. Nobody knows I do. Not to mention this board is basically a secondary site for people who browse reddit and twitter post 2016.

>if i say "blacks lol" it triggers this user into making gay jokes


I don't think I advocated for lining up and shooting anyone anywhere, but in this case I think legalisation is probably a better alternative.

Actually, if it is the multiverse theory which probably is, time traveling is irrelevant because you can't change your own past, just travel to another universe where you did what you did.
Jax basically exited the universe and went into a selfish quest somewhere else.

I don't know what the fuck you're rambling about but you did literally just claim that 1863 was "hundreds of years" ago.

yes. get over it


The question is not about who's responsible, the question is about what is fair and just. The black American population is still suffering the effects of generational poverty and the racism that is still very much alive in America. Your insistence that you personally didn't enslave anyone is comical in its myopic pettiness.

I'd just like to point out that "queer" is an adjective meaning "strange"

I didn't feel like clarifying my post since arguing with some nonsensical idiot seemed like a waste of time but man you two are running with it

Also, you assumed I was black. Isn't it funny how people always claim that Yea Forums's anonymity leads to discussion without prejudice when the reality is it just lets people project whatever stereotype they like onto the person they're arguing with?

I said prove it, not make some shitty nebulous claim about people who browse the site being a closet normie.
Everyone I know that browses Yea Forums is fucked in the head.

Imagine living in one of those good border houses.

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>it offends blacks
The only ones up in the air about are anti-sjws so no

I agree. Niggers go back to Africa.

When anons resort to ad hominem you can call them out on this.

Did you guys play through the story? Old Jax is a broken man, he sides with Kronika. Young Jax is the Patriot he even tells old Jax "Why would you betray your squad?"

I had a bus ride to kill

There's no way to prove or disprove someone like that without taking a detailed account of everyone's life here retard. You can't disprove it either. Yea Forums isn't a fucking secret club for social regects anymore.

I'm more bothered by how shittily those bullets are photoshopped on in that image OP

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To zero effect. guys...approve of slavery? Is that the consensus?

How do we know he didn't get knocked into a coma and is just imagining it? Because that clearly isn't how time travel works. Anyone that thinks so needs to stop being 9 or stop being retarded.

>Also, you assumed I was black.
Well whining about shit is a nigger trait so it's only natural to assume you are one. The only other losers that care about slavery are white liberal cucks who fantasize about getting raped by niggers.

Shut up Boco

We've been over this:
The status quo is that your average Yea Forumsirgin wants to a marry a cartoon.
You need to prove it since you're making the extraordinary claim. I am not required to disprove it since the burden rests with you.
You can prove that you yourself are a normie for starters.

Yes sir...

>takes established character with years of history and makes his defining character trait "is black"

Yeah, I can't see why people would be upset.

I don't know why people are mad at this. It is not like jax just went back in time one time had it suddenly fixed everything. He went many times and probably killed also those blacks and arabs that selled slaves.

>Stop slavery and face the unknown drastic consequences of such an action
>Not risk making Adolf Niggler



>Well whining about shit is a nigger trait
user, you are on Yea Forums. People whine here about tons of stuff.

>Well whining about shit is a nigger trait so it's only natural to assume you are one.
If only because 99.99% of Yea Forums must obviously be black and it's just statistics, you mean?

Slavery is only “bad” if you’re a nigger, which is bad in itself.

The only thing blacks in America suffer from now is low iq and high rates of single motherhood

user, they added depth to his character. The ones who are upset about this are the ones arguing that his sole defining character trait should be "loves America".

Like what China is doing to Africa now, they bought out the suppliers and became the new dealers.

>keeps all blacks in Africa
A real hero

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Haha le based lowkey dogwhistle
Take my monies warner bros. XD

But I like patriotic special forces commander Jax who gave everything to protect his country and his family. I don’t like “woke” Jax.

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>never forget you were a slave nigger!
liberals every day


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> libruls r le real racists I actually

>Its the implication that american slavery and NOTHING ELSE is why africa isnt currently wakanda.
It's not, though, you retarded outrage faggot. Jax literally implies he needed countless tris to get it right, meaning ending just slavery did jackshit.


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Did they make him "deep" or just like every other black character post-2015?

it's fucking pipe you idiot
they just took off pipes and reattached them

>I don’t like “woke” patriotic special forces commander Jax who gave everything to protect his country and his family.
Well, too bad.

Can we all agree that Farmer Briggs is the best scenario?

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Just because I made a claim doesn't mean you don't have to prove what your saying is accurate. Also how exactly am I supposed to prove I'm a normalfag without breaking anonymity? You want a picture of my kids? All of the contact info for anyone I've been in contact with? The number to my boss? Detailed account of my credit history? Picture of my home with address? Not happening.

You guys realize there's two Jax?
Young Jax is the Patriot Jax. Older Jax is pretty much a depressed alcoholic that wants to undo all the damage that happened.

Yeah but does young Jax have a tower ending?

I really am curious. What do all the nigger races think will happen to them once automation is much more commonplace? Your one purpose on this planet which is being a knockoff lowIQ version of whitey, who has no problem being stacked in sweatshops on top of each other - gone, just like that
Oh wait, I get it. You're desperately hoping whitey is brought to "your" level and turned into the designated slave race, because of your massive inferiority complex that stems from you being a subhuman, heh
Sadly most of the nukes on this planet and therefore most of the REAL power, is controlled by 2 countries where whitey ks only a step away from having some white supremqcy revolts lel
Good luck in the future, subhumans, keep wishing the same shit your "race" is in, upon white people XD
(Never mind the fact that "true" shitskin sweatshop countries will probably prompt an environmental disaster on a planetwide scale, that begs the use of nuclear weapons, all by themselves LMAO)

His tower ending was in MK9. Old Jax does the slavery bit.

>rates a game as mature
>writes the story for a toddler

>What do all the nigger races think will happen to them once automation is much more commonplace?

The same thing they do now. Commit crime and get gibs.

Because they are Racists and dislike anything tangentially referring race or politics.

MK always had stupid endings before, Johnny cage always tried to make bank on the stories of the mk tourneys in MK1,2 and 4, Subzero retired to a life of luxury in MK1, Raiden invited his God bros and created a tourney where earth got destroyed, A Motion capture actor became a constelation.

i could go on, but those are the ones i remember most, if theres something to complain in MK12 is the censorship and hypocrisy behind banning sexy costumes. not a stupid ending that is not canon to a series, that TO THIS DAY never really took itself THAT seriously.

Now THIS is woke

Heh, his MK9 ending has him capturing Kano after a neural interface battle.

Not that user but it's telling that you can hear it so well

Jesus, took you that long to type out that whole wall of text on your phone, huh?

This is a great copypasta, mind if I steal it?

>he's a patriot so he has to endorse slavery
it was a good effort, user, but you failed immediately

>MK9 Sheeva's ending is Shokans moving to Australia as a token of gratitude for serving Earthrealm
How does it feel that there's a universe out there where Aussie shitposters are actually Shokan amazons and you're not in it?

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>an American patriot would never try to stop slavery

>slavery is a contentious political topic
Nigga wtf are you typing LMAO

He wrote it back in the 60s as a part of a creative writing course, he was just being that generations equivalent to an edgelord.

Not that I want Bernie to be president, but he would be a far sight better than the current Israeli clown in the white house.

The history of slavery is what allowed him to exist. The freedom afforded him by American society allowed him to become a special forces commander.

That's exactly how it works actually.
You're breaking status quo, not me. The burden of proof rests solely on you, not me. I don't have to make a counter-claim or have to prove shit because what I'm saying is acknowledged and accepted.
I don't know what more to tell you about proof, but as an adult we both know that extraordinary claims (yours) require extraordinary evidence. Feel free to prove your 'normalfagness' however you like, you decide. Or don't, it makes no difference because even if you are some dull person, it doesn't corroborate your claims.

The notion that ending the Atlantic slave trade would create a utopian African civilization is the contentious topic.

You still havent answered the question shitskin. And I left the thread for some real-world things, unlike the nonwhite that has nothing to say other than to project his shitskin neetdom unto others.
And btw YEAH, there really is no problem with white neets chillaxing in societies their great forefathers built for them letting mr.roboto deliver amazon mail (instead of a somalian like you), so I really dont see where some genetic mistake like you comes into all this ;)
Surely by know you must realize you're inferior to us. Surely?

what a fag

You do realize your 'Glorious and partiotic' American Government, abolished Slavery because it was bad, right?

someone traveling to the past and erasing slavery from history is not being an antipatriot, you idiot.

and again, EVERY MK HAS AT LEAST 1 STUPID ENDING, IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE MK1, REGARDLESS OF THE CHARACTER BACKGROUND. this ending doesnt change anything at all character wise.

Imagine the chinkoid virg who thinks hes being clever by bringing """status quo""" into a shitpost thread
Holy fuck LMAO@your micropenis bud

Are you okay?

well if i remember right the left said getting voter ids was racists because black people "cant" go down to the DMV and get a photo taken for "some reason".

so why is everyone mad at mk11 wo much? is it the burkas and "white genocide" or all the grinding and always online?

the whole story is that he's willing to sacrifice his current life, his job, his patriotism, etc. so that others can have better lives by not being enslaved, tortured, and lynched for hundreds of years
old jax isn't a hotblooded patriot, that's young jax. old jax is just a bitter alcoholic who wants to "fix shit" so he figures that preventing the african slave trade is a good plan
retard, it's not framed that way. jax says that it doesn't go right and he has to keep redoing it over and over to get the future he wants. it's explicitly pointed out that simply ending the slave trade didn't get him the utopia he wanted. the whole story here is simply that jax wanted a better life for african citizens, so he did some combination of things to alter the timeline. he never says "I ended slavery and that fixed everything, it was great", he literally says the opposite

you fags try so hard not to sound like racists but you fail at every turn. mortal kombat endings were always fantastical and silly. jax going back in time to do a bunch of shit that causes africa to be a nice place to live instead of a dilapidated shithole is not farfetched as a mortal kombat storyline nor as a political issue

funny joke

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the latter (plus mtx) is the only actual semi issue, all of the "sjw" garbage is just a smokescreen so the actual bad things the game does (as in bad for the industry) can be waved away as gamers being racist and entitled

remember that every /pol/nigger you see on this board whine about the girl's costumes and jax's ending are literally letting a bunch of fuckwits get away with pushing microtransactions in a 60 dollar game by choosing to whine about shit that makes them look like racist woman haters rather than reasonable people who just don't like unhealthy business practices and long grinds to unlock content in a game they paid 60 dollars for

>implying everyone mad at this will ever play this game
stop wasting your time

This board doesn't have any status quo other than shitposting. My claims don't validate your claims simply because I made them first. What your saying isn't acknowledged or accepted by anyone other than yourself otherwise you wouldn't be the only person telling me I'm wrong.
>Feel free to prove your 'normalfagness' however you like, you decide. Or don't, it makes no difference because even if you are some dull person, it doesn't corroborate your claims.

might as well just have said "you can post whatever you want I'm not gonna believe you anyway" No point in proving anything to a shitposter who would refuse to change his mind even if he saw proof.

Jax’ ending shows him abandoning his duty as a US soldier for his new civilization. And erasing a part of your country’s history, good or bad, is to reject a fundamental aspect of its existence. Also as people have said in the thread, Jax and his family wouldn’t exist without slavery. Jacqui even makes an analogy to this in the story mode, saying that if Jax hadn’t gone to rehab, he wouldn’t have met his wife and she wouldn’t have been born.

>if you hate the Atlantic slave trade you hate America
Uh oh user, you accidentally revealed why you're actually upset.

Still falls under "mentally deficient"

His ending puts a direct emphasis on the slave trade being the point of injustice in history he wants to address. There are innumerable injustices in the present in the mortal kombat universe, but he singles out 16th century slavery and Africa as a focal point and says he wants people to become “woke” without having to wait.

>DMV of all places
Aint nobody got time for that

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you are so close to understanding that old jax's ending is written to indicate a development in his character but you're still stuck on this "because he is a patriot there is no way he would ever change or develop in any other way"
why are you so retarded, is it deliberate or what
nigga if someone says "wakanda" at all you already know why they're actually upset. complete dogwhistle
of course it's an important part, you're a retard if you think preventing the atlantic slave trade wouldn't be a big component in improving the modern day state of africa. your argument is that the story implies that it's the ONLY component, therefore it's bad writing/politically contentious. problem is, that's directly contradicted by him stating that he had to try several times to "get it right".
see above, it's brazenly obvious to anyone with a brain why you're actually upset. you aren't criticizing the writing quality of a mortal kombat game (lol) in good faith, you're a /pol/nigger who is (poorly) attempting to fit in
just give up retard

Because it involves a brown person doing away with slavery in the past, which means we should all sharpen our pitchforks and protest a game most of the obessed faggots on here weren't going to buy anyway because it's a fighting game, and not just a fighting game a fucking NRS game which have always been shat on here.

Yes, i get that, but still doesnt count, everyone knows MK always has 1 character with a stupid senseless ending, IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS.

people fixating on the arcade ladder endings, endings that are mostly non canon is stupid, and the people complaining like that for one ending, when MK3 had a similar ending with nightwolf and nobody gave a shit (aka: what any sane human would do), only confirms that those yelling idiots are 100% undiluted RACISTS!

>slavery is the defining feature of all brown people

So he was born in Africa and there are no more niggers in the civilized world? Seem fine

nice assumption

Now if only we can get rid of the NEETs too

Isn't it for African Americans?

White males are the most whiny faggots in existence. This is a FACT. White men bitch and moan about every single fucking thing yet claim to be the "superior" race. A black man goes back in time to prevent a horrible event and make life better for his people in a fucking video game triggered all the insecure bitch boys. No wonder nobody respects white men anymore, you're bottom of the barrel now

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This kind of response was outlined way back here Why is this ending just a joke, it takes a serious stance on racial inequality and injustices, then proposes a pretty ludicrous solution focusing on ending slavery with no attention to anything else. If Jax said he brought 21st century technology and medicine to 16th century Africa I’d buy the creation of his utopia. But he says he brings about this reality by making people go woke. Looking back at the ending, his motivation actually has some framing, he says he owes the perfect civilization to people who look like him. He owes his allegiance to his country and his support to his family, not any more to anyone else.

For some.

Let me go back in time to fix my life.

The way Jax’ ending is written makes it look like his character was hijacked by a writer who wanted to use him as a vehicle for their own agenda.

I'm whiter than you

> (OP)
>Its the implication that christianity and NOTHING ELSE is why earth isnt currently inhabited by intelligent species from another planet

no ending that jax could ever POSSIBLY have wouldn't read like some gay shit written by an idiot who doesn't understand his character because it's 2019 and any original writers are either gone or they have RADICALLY changed since the '90s

>remember that every /pol/nigger you see on this board whine about the girl's costumes and jax's ending are literally letting a bunch of fuckwits get away with pushing microtransactions in a 60 dollar game by choosing to whine about shit that makes them look like racist woman haters rather than reasonable people who just don't like unhealthy business practices and long grinds to unlock content in a game they paid 60 dollars for
Well the thing about that is they aren't reasonable people who just don't like unhealthy business practices and long grinds to unlock content in a game they paid 60 dollars for, but they are racist woman haters.

What makes you think jax didn't stop them either?

Does nobody here actually play mk or something? Nightwolf did something similar in the PAST games before it was popular to parrot with woomy zoomy woke shit.

Because it would have ended his own existence and created a paradox.

>In the vast majority of cases, each household (termed a "family" in the 1860 document, even when the group consisted of unrelated people living in the same residence) that owned slaves had only one slaveholder listed, the head of the household. It is thus possible to compare the number of slaveholders in a given state to the numbers of families/households, and get a rough estimation of the proportion of free households that owned at least one slave. The numbers varies considerably, ranging from 1 in 5 in Arkansas to 1 in 2 in Mississippi and South Carolina. In the eleven states that formed the Confederacy, there were in aggregate just over 1 million free households, which between them represented 316,632 slaveholders—meaning that just under one-third of households in the Confederate States counted among its assets at least one human being.

>that's directly contradicted by him stating that he had to try several times to "get it right".
think one of the problems is what would jax have to do to get a wakanda result out of africa, and its not really PC.
slavery from africa wasnt white men with comic nets trapping sleepy natives, it was conquest wars between african tribes, and the selling of the conquered to the foreigners arabs jews and whites as well as used as labour and conquered females for themselves. so first isolate africa, simple smash the boats and isolate the land trade at northern boarder. thats a lot for one man. then you have to discouraged the tribal warfare that was part of everyday life there. still going on to this day. then you would have to "uplift" a people that are extremely adverse to change, mental learning, and xenophobic.
the problem is overthinking long term fans of the characters and lore (however fucked up said lore is) of the series vs the causal players that have only been in it since gaming has become mainstream (slavers is bad, please clap). thats why you have people saying the mortal kombat is being "mature" from ed "hookers and blow" boon "fuck you jack thompson", when he looks like his soul has been drained from behind his eyes when he is on the couch next to Hipster McCockcage.

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where do you think you are?

it's all a white power fantasy, evil racists whites losing and vindicating progressive whites, even africans don't give a shit about africans

Pretty much this, I'll add that these fags likely don't know or care about the grind or micros because they'd have to actually play/watch the game they're bitching about, and god knows these fags don't.

>Several studies of the Jewish role in the slave trade were conducted in the 1990s. One of them, by John Jay’s Faber, compared available data on Jewish slave ownership and trading activity in British territories in the 18th century to that of the wider population. Faber concludes that the claim of Jewish domination is false and that the Jewish role in slavery was “exceedingly limited.” According to Faber, British Jews were always in the minority of investors in slaving operations and were not known to have been among the primary owners of slave fleets. Faber found that, with few exceptions, Jews were minor figures in brokering the sale of slaves upon their arrival in the Americas, and given the urban-dwelling propensity of most American Jews, few accumulated large rural properties and plantations where slave labor was most concentrated. According to Faber, Jews were more likely than non-Jews to own slaves, but on average they owned fewer of them.

At first I was mad cause people led me to believe Jax ending is him wishing to only have black people on earth and the rest races to be erased.
But all he asks is for slavery in the past to not exist.

Now, there is another topics to talk about.
First one being, black people weren't the only race to suffer from slavery, but jax being black, you can write that as caring about his race only and MK fans being low IQ enough to not know plenty of societies, races, went through similar hardships black people went.

The other argument being, a non slave world means big african cities and advanced society.
It wasn't slavery that destroyed africa. It was war, war for resources, countries destroyed by civil war and colonial war.
African politicians and warlords have as much responsibility for such destruction as outside empires.
Ending slavery doesn't mean africa would flourish.

But even with all those flaws, Jax's ending isn't as controversial as some people want others to think



You can search for the slave ship manifests on google and see that almost every ship was owned by someone of jewish descent too. It's shocking that most people still don't realize it. The jewish talmud literally says all gentiles are just animals that should be enslaved.
>thread still up
>this didn't even leave my CTRL+V memory
People actually think blacks can maintain or build their own society.

White people have so much empathy it becomes a double edged sword, so everyone else takes advantage of them and destroys them. Some white folk even enjoy it because they think it is just to sacrifice themselves to help the poor non-whites that can't function with civility or advance in any form of modern life.

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>The one black guy in the whole game
>Devs make his ending, of all characters, about race
I can't be the only one to find it funny how, in the "woke" crowd's endeavour to prove they aren't racist, they unwittingly reveal just how racist they really are.

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Right, that's your problem with this, it's not really PC

>But even with all those flaws, Jax's ending isn't as controversial as some people want others to think

It isn't controversial at all, people who are outraged by such a pointless thing are fucking children who don't care about the game industry if they'd rather bitch about the one arcade ending and not how NRS monetized their game, the ACTUAL controversy that should be addressed.

And thats why the ending is ridiculous, its just a stupid solution to a problem that didnt existed, any person with half a brain would just go 'eh, whatever, not having aneurysms or go into flamewars.

Only racists or people totally obsessed with politics would see this ending anything more than what it really is, a joke.

You know the "Rodriguez" that's incorrectly cited in this infographic doesn't actually agree with its conclusion.

>Ends up killing generations and millions of African Americans, with European and Native American DNA, Born from slavery

>Also killed his daughter for a new one because Jacqui was born under those harsh circumstances of whatever lead him to meet Vera

I do wonder if this guy is responsible:

Time paradox

>its just a stupid solution
No shit, it involves time travel
>to a problem that didnt existed
Fuck off

>he's black therefor he has to care about slavery, also only blacks suffered under slavery haha
typical ironically racist tripe from liberals

Well another thing is that especially prior to globalization African climates weren't really conducive to a centralized... anything. Because the weather could fuck you depending on where you live, encouraging a tribal system where small groups followed the good weather versus the European paradigm of building fuck huge castles or establishing a governor to run everything. Africans didn't advance at the rate Europeans did but they were also okay with that because it agreed with their environment.

But because people are people at some point the western world had to collide with the African one and when they did the Africans were hopelessly out gunned. Forcing them to assimilate to a culture that had nothing to do with them. Granted they were doing that to other tribes so call that ironic punishment if you want but the imperialists of the time treated Africa like it was Idaho or something where everything is the same. Africa is fucking gigantic. You can't even get New York to operate the same as North Dakota you think you're going to get Central Africa to run like South Africa? So they made a bunch of arbitrary borders that more often than not cut between tribal lines, separating some and forcing enemies to live together. And this went on for hundreds of years until decolonization where everyone said

>okay kids we're tired of fucking you, now you have your country back. Go be productive members of society

Well of course that didn't fucking work. You'd think that'd be obvious given its it's a worse postWW1 Germany except it spans an entire continent

how about we start with you :^)

It didnt existed because jax never cared for those things before.

I get it, slavery is bad and he wanted to fix it, that is a good thing. But the fact that he suddenly wanted to fix it is NOT something to go flailing about, its just something that one should go 'ok.', THATS FUCKING IT.

I think you meant to say "Why are people so up in metallic arms about this?"

Well there’s also Jacqui, who sacrifices her own life so that Jax doesn’t have to suffer. And she says she’s ok with that.

If Jax stopped slavery in the Americas from happening, he would have never been born.

How is that racist?

I used to know bitches like this. They exist on all sides of the spectrum and must be all eliminated with no prejudice,

>being a patriot mean he's a okay with the sins of his countries.

Fuck off commie.

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It's funny how jews control their own history. I remember reading a book about the history of jewish people here in Brazil, a jewish book for jews. At around the time the book was talking about slavery, nothing about slaves was mentioned. Around the time slavery was abolished, the book mentions the year slavery was abolished even though it never talked about slavery.

blatant pandering to SJW crowd for good boy points

They attempted to bring a real serious issue to something that used to be goofy over the top fun, taking a break to say something serious and make a statement
If you do that you have to be ready to be held to a higher standard

Pretty much. Again, as I said, first time I read about this, I thought it was something it really isn't. Jax's just asked for slavery to end and to have a present without the damages slavery caused to black people. That is it. But people are writing as he asked for white people to die and have black people replacing them?

And just like you said, MK11 has worst problems than a fucking joke ending.
Game just feels like Injustice. The formula barely changed since MK9. Game feels boring, seen that, done that kinda feel for anyone who played recent NDR games. The new combat style/type mechanic is also dumb and incredibly confusing. Basically the game throws at you a lot of different builds for each character but, only 2 of them are balanced and tournament legal. This means, despite all the other possible styles, moves available, people will only use tournament legal versions of each characters.
>hurr durr, but that shit is there for people who just want to have fun and doesn't take fighting games seriously
You mean, 5% of the people who bought the game just to play the story mode and a handful of matches in online?
It is such a dumb, and pointless shit to have in the game.
Story mode is also trash and tries too hard to be serious. MK9 campaign is top tier. It doesn't take itself too seriously, has good moments and doesn't overstay its welcome.
Also, the loot system is bonkers, demanding ridiculous amounts of grinding to unlock shit it should be available from the start like different fatalities.
Apparently, PC version is broken too.

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Especially since Jax before was so MERICA that he literally whips out an American flag out his back pocket for a win pose. Never in his history did he seem to care about the plight of black people around the globe. Actually even in this game he doesn't, he only joins Kronika to make a better life for Jacqui

Funny how white supremacists want to control everyone's history.

"Slavery was bad" should not be a contentious statement 150 years on

The whole loadout thing was cool until they revealed that there was going to tourney only loadouts, I think the game would've been way cooler if they took the time to balance all the different variations so tourney players can really play the same characters differently, and while I disagree about the story mode the Krypt really is just fucking awful. Yet all of these issues are being overlooked because of ONE arcade ending and a shift in visual design for the female characters. These clowns don't give one shit about the game, they just want to bitch about SJWs and it's letting publishers get away with dirty business practices because they can just call these loud obnoxious faggots out for being the retards they are.

It's not about controlling someone else's history, it's about not being brainwashed throughout your whole life.

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Neither should the idea that nogs are a literal drain on society

not allowing the circumstances for the child to be be born in an indirect way Isn't murder

Would be well worth living in Austrailia where everything can kill you for Sheeva snu-snu.

Because they made race a big deal for him and no one else.

Most of the people complaining about Jax's ending don't even play fighting games, or played MK11 or are interested in playing MK11. That is why issues regarding some technical aspects that are directly connected to how the game plays don't affect them or interests them.

Either you are in favor of the ending, or against jax's ending, it feels like both sides are just taking advantage of this to circle jerk and call the other side stupid. Basically, be angry just for the sake of being angry at something.

If the game did somehow fail, it probably wasn't the "wokeness", it would have more to do with not having the hindsight to make the grind reasonable for review copies before patching it later

>Australians with the ability to type on keyboards at once
We’d never survive.

So desperate to drop unsourced redpills into unrelated conversations

Seemed pretty tame compared to what I was expecting based on the review bombs on meta critic.

It's a false outrage

You're a literal drain on society.

>Basically, be angry just for the sake of being angry at something.
Sounds like a regular day on the internet.

You act as if the other characters don't do incredibly selfish shit in their endings either

It is murder

No one is saying that you retard
The point is that every other characters arcade ending pertains to the fictional events of the characters life or the world of mortal kombat
For seemingly no reason, they chose to make Jax's ending about preventing African slavery.
It's being ridiculed because its out of place and addressing a serious real world issue when all of the others are actually consistent with the characters goals and motivations, while fitting the world tonally.

Imagine my shock!

>The point is that every other characters arcade ending pertains to the fictional events of the characters life or the world of mortal kombat
>For seemingly no reason, they chose to make Jax's ending about preventing African slavery.
Actually it's that it ties into the events of his life

yeah sure shill
the gameplay is even more dogshit that the sjw cancer forced it

it's a dumpster fire

What a well though rebuttal.

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Well there's 2 ways of looking at this
>Blacks enslaved blacks and sold them to whites
The triangle trade has conveniently forgotton one of the corners being black slave traders who did the dirty work.
Also forgetting that if the trade didn't happen blacks would still be in Africa and Africa would still be as it is now.

>Blacks made Africa as bad as it is
Africa is in major debt to white countries because they bought serious argricultural equipment from western countries. But lacked the knowledge and skills to use them, they didn't know how to maintain them either so the machines died but the debts still remained, with no agriculture going to pay them off.
This is always shown as "whites praying on blacks and forcing them into debt" and never as "bad decisions made by africans"

So really, if Jax wanted to go back in time and abolish slavery then fine.
But that picture from the ending thing would only happen if HE became a warlord or "kang" by fucking over blacks himself.
Abolishing slavery would not turn Africa into a utopia

you queers are so fucking mad about this. Keep it up. Loving every laugh.

Because it doesn't matter when the other realms come and rape every living thing on the planet if you prevented the North American slave trade.

I never got where this idea of minorities can't maintain societies come from. It wasn't like they were all fucked up before European colonization. It was after

Oh yeah? I'd love to see you elaborate on how exactly the gameplay is dogshit.

>Either you are in favor of the ending, or against jax's ending
Or how about the third option: not giving a shit about it because you're not a retard?

Still a tit

I mistyped that but I liked it better this way

We are not just a skin color you racist retard

Would you like to clarify and actually form an argument instead of just stating something as the case

None of them are quite as pretentious or #Woke

It's so apparent that they don't play these games, I don't even know why these faggots even try. They look like complete idiots every time they try to appear as if they know anything about the game they're bitching about. They tried to pull the same shit with fucking Dwarf Fortress and the trans dwarves tweet and would get constantly blown out by the people who actually play the damn game.

they were literal cavemen, and would've stayed cavemen a hundred thousand more years, at some point they were going to bump into an advanced civilization

>gacha style pay to win garbage
>gameplay is still the same old clunky slow mk shit
>all men look like gay pornstars but the women are modestly dressed muslim concubines

You go first

>You can't be anti-SJW if you're black
What a fucking racist.

You didn't even see the ending, you're just jumping on the rage bandwagon while assuming Yea Forums got it right.

This. It was more than just "I stopped American slavery from happening and we kangz :D"

But that doesn't mean they weren't maintaining some kind of society that was working for them. I'm not arguing what you think I'm arguing.

>literally only one of those is gameplay related and it's a vague statement that means almost nothing

Why did you even bother responding to me if you were just going to make yourself look like an ignorant fool?

>more than 1 in ever 100 citizen owned a slave
That's actually worse than I thought. Holy shit.

because he doesn't give a shit as a character about it, and because he has much more horrific and important shit to worry about than some fucking slavery in the world of mortal kombat
to ignore 26 years of character and 27 years of general world building of the game is pretty fucking inept

it's all just a smokescreen anyway. the game is dogshit, and these sjw things like messing with his established character, females not showing skin but males, political comments from current year, are all just there to be used as a defensive shield by the publisher and by extension game journos because they live for that shit and nothing else, to explain away why their game is doing shit and why it dies real quick in the scene as usual
i'm gonna go play mk4, these people never improved at making games since 20 odd years ago and actively got worse in many ways

You should see

I don't think it's so much a shield as it just marketing. It always was marketing, from the tits and ass of yesteryear to the over the top violence that was stopped short of "too much". To harp on that now is to only.say that you don't like the new direction, which is fine.

and in other news: sky is blue, it burns when one pee, mario eats mushrooms and Ed Boon is a Troll!

of course these idiots dont care about the game, only about throwing shit! in times like this i would give an arm and my leg to erase Twitter from existence.

Its sad when your own game points out how contradictory and assassinated a character has become now.
Johnny actually made sense, because its just young bachelor ego vs complciated married man's ego. Jax is literally the famous and liked concept shitting all over this nu-Jax some faggot wrote to be edgy and stupid so they can justify his ladder's ending for goodboy points. Jax was always a token, not he's just doubled down on being the most token of the tokens with nothing else to his character. It's disgusting and disrespectful to people who liked his representation as an american soldier man.

What's twitter have to do with this? These are about Yea Forums complaints.

skipping through the cinematics compilation it is fucking weird seeing all the burkas, literally no hair showing burkas

>he's not a token black, he's a token male soldier!
Please stop.

Social media (twitter, facebook, etc.) has clearly made people more stupid, please dont deny that.

mutts are seething I see, shame that your ancestors were evil fucks who thought that enslaving people was a good thing.

People always have to look for something to be offended by. Whether it makes sense or not.

You illiterate asshole I wasn't even commenting on the gameplay I haven't even played the game

I'm referring to the point of this thread which is the controversy around JAXs ending obviously dumbass

It's not racist at all the only way you could construe it as such is by making a bunch of assumptions that are not part of the actual final cut scene

Now fuck off

>Guy goes back in time and stops bad thing from happening
>American guy invades Africa imposes American way of life via time travel.
Really think about what happened and how it could have only been thought up by white guys.

It's given people a platform to show how stupid they are. The complaints your expressing and replying to are Yea Forums problem. If social media made people more stupid, so has posting baseless shit anonymously.

>can you proved it even occurred?

Nigga what? I get trolling, but this sorta shit is why we are all going to die early.
Global warming and vaccinations having the same sorta retard doubt thrown on them for "but the proof I've seen isn't real."

Fuck off, you dont deserve video games.

I literally already made the argument, I said there was relatively little connection to Jax and the content of his ending.
Unless, I'm completely forgetting something, Jax's race has never played a particularly important role for his character.
At this point, having gone through the events MK9, 10 and 11, he's witnessed events and conflict on such a ridiculous scale, the difference between human 'races' would lose almost all meaning and instead interest would lie in progressing humanity as a whole
The logical followup to that is "well he does do that in his ending," but the jarring element is that instead of focusing how it's bettering the world in the context of the mortal kombat universe, it's instead showing a bettered world in comparison to our own real life world and makes reference to real life issues and events.

>Most of the people complaining about Jax's ending don't even play fighting games, or played MK11 or are interested in playing MK11
You saying this multiple times is not going to make it true.

>I said there was relatively little connection to Jax and the content of his ending.
Right, and I said there was.
>Unless, I'm completely forgetting something, Jax's race has never played a particularly important role for his character.
He prevented slavery for personal reasons, pertinent to his character, and it was not the only change he made. Basically, your argument is rooted in your own ignorance of the very thing you're complaining about.

Not that guy his assumption is kind of dumb, but then there's your assumption. It's funny how adamant you are about this, like only true gamers hate Jax's ending.

Not him but newsflash, everyone enslaved everyone. Africans enslaved other Africans, Native Americans enslaved other Native Americans, hell the Kongolese were so effective at it they created deals with the portuguese and they are what BEGAN slave exports.

>But user, their idea of slavery was different!
Right, because slavery for cultural reasons until worked or beaten to death was so much better than slavery to build a nation and then eventually become a part of what was for an extremely long time objectively the greatest nation on earth.

Also need I mention that America was the first of the colonies to start actually abolishing slavery, while others usually just killed their slaves or kept them for even longer? Yes? Has everyone forgotten history? This is why students need to study history.

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Remember when Mortal Kombat used to be about fighting 4-armed behemoths in an otherworldly deathmatch?

>like only true gamers hate Jax's ending.
I never said that. You are just putting words in my mouth.

Are you ignoring half of my posts every time on purpose?
I even addressed
>He prevented slavery for personal reasons, pertinent to his character, and it was not the only change he made.
And you still didn't actually say why it was pertinent to his character, you just keep saying that it is.

America also went to war with itself to keep slaves and then instituted racial segregation that lasted for another century. Tell me how Africans were to blame for that.

>Go be productive members of society
there is lies the fault, "modern africa" cannot be a productive society, the smart and educated ones that are not related to the rulers get the hell out of there, the ruling parties and families use and abuse their power, the masses are starving, superstitious and easily whipped into a mob frenzy. no amount of monetary or food aid is going to help them out, its just turning them into dependent on handouts, they killed off the white african farmers, and they punished the black farmers for not magically growing massive amounts of crops out of the ground on the government given land in one season. rape gangs, ex army militia, tribal violence is the call of the day, many none violent people there are eating bugs, because they have already consumed all the rodents they could catch. the only "harm" colonialism has done is shown them another world which they had no care for yet want to emulate because the black man in the suit said that its white mans fault they showed us the world but did not give it to us on a platter. you cant blame everything on slavery if africa practiced it habitually before they interacted with the other cultures, you cant blame the whites for everything when the aid they try to give goes into the back pockets of corrupt regimes instead of the people.

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Another one who believes skull shaped matters.

Bud, at least read about it before you post it.

When my ancestors where civilized they stopped the thralldom. And that happened during medieval times. Mutts on the other hand started having slaves long after that period and kept slaves until all the civilized peoples had stopped the practice. Granted thinking that mutts are civilized is probably wrong, shit they had slavery until 1860s! Evil, evil people.

I'd be ignorant to say slavery wasn't a huge issue, biggest one out of all the issues, but a lot of it was a "enemy of my enemy" kind of thing where lots of states with lots of goals sided with the slavers to preserve their freedom. It was really about the southern states (which made literally over 90% of the income for the nation) didn't want to be told what to do by the lazy gravy sucking morally two faced parliament. People just fixate on the slavery part. For reference, a lot of states were already winding down on the slavery thing, before DC decided to make it national law instead of state law, THAT is when the war began, when they decided to step on peoples' dicks.

>I even addressed
Okay, so you already know'? What am I doing then? Being your dancing monkey?

You said every character has an ending that ties into his personal story, except Jax, who wants to end slavery for no reason. Except then you admit that he too has his story reasons for doing that. So basically you contradicted yourself and moved the goalposts. I'm not going to put in any more effort for this. Just be honest and admit that you're a whiny /pol/tard who got triggered.

Are you insane? The Spanish, French, and Portuguese used slaves for years and then just outright MURDERED them when they were done. We INTEGRATED them. How is that worse?

No, but you're assuming that most people who take issues with Jax's ending are fighting game enthusiasts. At least that's what I'm assuming you're assuming because you said that the assumption that most people bitching about Jax's ending don't play fighting games is incorrect. It's all assumptions, but one plays off the assumption that people like to latch onto controversy and argue and the other assumes that those complaining must be people who play fighting games.

>Tell me how Africans were to blame for that
White Americans couldn't stop lusting after mandingos so in a sense it was black peoples fault for being so...what's the correct word these days yes 'athletic'.


Yeah. Because they wanted to keep their slaves, dingus.

Because they're racist OP

>can't even read the actual data
Typical of a race denier.

Can you start at least explaining your framework? How did all races evolve equally after 50 000 years? How can evolution and total racial brain equality be both true?
Isn't it fun to have political discussions brought up by video games?

Not until 1860s like you evil evil people. Only favela monkeys were more evil but both of you were shitty people.

Well for one it means there are still people living with the consequences.


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Or maybe, much like equitable to today's politics, they perceived it as a slippery slope.
>First they take our slaves then they take our jobs, and our daughters, and our very way of life!
For just one example. The war was started because DC forced them to ban slavery at the drop of a hat instead of letting out play out naturally. The north started the war, not the south.

it's just the shitty alt right basement incel turds who are mad about it, and they get mad about anything because they're friendless losers

Is this something you actually think is funny, or is it something that makes you feel edgy and interesting because you think it has "ohhh shit I can't believe that maniac posted that!" value?

Nothing in the video game prompted this discussion.

Anyway, genetics research has shown that there are distinct genetic human populations, but they don't exactly map onto the popular concept of "race" and the differences are negligible.

Its actually difficult when you're in a poor neighborhood to spend the money on getting an ID when it's not as important as things like rent or food. Its even harder when you dont own a car and work full time because you dont have the time with public transportation to do said things.

Oh boo hoo, life is worse than death! Don't you have a party of JRPG protagonists to annoy?
Not saying the whole slavery thing wasn't shitty, but we were still the first of the first world nations that utilized slaves that abolished slavery, while others took longer, or killed their slaves. People don't give credit to America for that.
>My country never used slaves! We are morally decent!
Your country was poor and couldn't afford them.

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I haven't made it to this part of the story yet. So Jaxx just eliminates American slavery or whatever and blacks never come to America?

Why would /pol/ be mad again? Sounds amazing and I don't even go to /pol/.

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Nice projection.

>up in arms

Oh my god did you just mock him for being an amputee?

>slavery was already declining
slavery would have continued to decline, and eventually ended, without a war. you're a fucking imbecile

The Confederacy drafted a constitution that was very much like that of the Union, with the notable exception that it made explicit guarantees for the legality of slave ownership.

African/Muslim KANGZ enslaved blacks thousands of years before the white man purchased any.

Also there are still slaves in many 3rd world countries.

>We pretend white people never killed one another.

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It's like a Jew going back in time to prevent christianity

>"slavery bad!"
>"whities must left or we kill!"
>the country proceed to return to middle ages level of society
this will never stop to be fun, then when our cameramen manage to visit their backwater continent they're all proud of their "heritage" while showing how HARD life is
and most of the time, their troubles could be solved by just inventing a box on wheels

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It is actually funny though user, hate to break it to you.

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>Oh boo hoo, life is worse than death! Don't you have a party of JRPG protagonists to annoy?
The point you're so deftly missing is that America's racial history means that it is still a problem in the here and now, rather than merely a past atrocity.

It's more like they poke fun on the woke thing, it's still the classic MK clown fiesta you knew.

Huh. Then why do people say it wasn't about slavery?

it is worth as much as the retarded Jax ending,have fun

Among many other notable exceptions, including state autonomy.

>getting butthurt and seriously replying to a goddamn mspaint picture
I want electionfags to leave.

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>Neanderthals have higher cranial capacity than modern humans

Probably made your license plate calm down
Is this you buddy?

Tell it to the imbeciles who went to war over this shit. It's fucking well documented.

That's what bothers me. Essentially, no African American should exist if he made that change, but not only he exists, that also brings his family back

we've all heard this sob story before, sheltered wealthy people love it, poor people are scum, welfare queens are the nastiest people you will ever meet

My bad, from where I was standing it sounded like general deflection. Yes, it's still a huge issue. No good deed goes unpunished. Though I guess the term "good deed" has so many asterisks******** next to it that it would make a lawyer blush.

>but we were still the first of the first world nations that utilized slaves that abolished slavery, while others took longer, or killed their slaves.
Which nations had slavery for longer than 1860? Brazil and?
>Your country was poor and couldn't afford them.
No my country was civilized and had abolished slavery. It had slavery when it was dirt poor but during medieval times the practice was abolished.

There's no such thing as outrage culture. There's no such thing as breathing culture either. Who comes up with this shit

Because they are dishonest slaver apologists.
Minor details.

As a White Supremacist, I support Jax and his actions to keep Blacks out of America.
You know what they always say "The best friend of a White separatist is a Black separatist"

>that it is still a problem in the here and now
No, it's not. No one alive ever experienced it, all they can do is make up nonsense like how they'd totally be rich and affluent if it weren't for their ancestors being slaves, whilst in reality no, they'd still be in fucking africa if it weren't for their ancestors being slaves. Their lot in life is drastically better by magnitudes than it would have been otherwise, and to boot they're no worse off than most of the working class who didn't have slave ancestors.

>my research has shown that genes don't map onto races
>anyway, I won't get into detail but I'll have you know science totes debunked you in a vague manner and I'm right
Can you be more specific? What are you even talking about?

>get people to say their self-ID race
>get a computer to match people into a certain amount of clusters with no knowledge other than genetic similarity
>self-ID race matches cluster at a 99% rate
There you go, race actually exists and it's actually genetic and your eyeballs can identify it very well.

it's a "problem" so far as fake corporate liberalism beats it like a dead horse to keep people distracted from wealth inequality

Government issued ID. Done. Not like our tax dollars don't pay for literally everything else.

>It's fucking well documented.
Yes, in those very convenient documents that avoid every other issue, taught to you by retards that "believe" it so hard they will ignore any historical context or information that doesn't suit. Get the fuck outta here retard features. It was about vastly more than slavery as history shows

Because it wasn't. Not entirely. It was more about keeping the United States united.

State autonomy to own slaves.

But yeah, I get it. It's just ironic that the confederates saw themselves as fighting for freedom from tyranny... so that they could strip people of freedom and be tyrants.

>your ancestors were evil fucks who thought enslaving people was a good thing
This statement could apply to literally any ethnic group in the world

This would apply to 100x more to poor white people that are in the same situation in greater numbers than it does blacks, so how is it racist?

it feels forced af, do you think that after all the shit that has happened he would be thinking about slavery? that ending is just a political BLM shit

Because if blacks were equal then they would be held equally responsible for genociding people, such as the White South Africans and the Bushmen who were the original inhabitants of South Africa

>blacks invented slavery, mansa musa, etc.

>white people are the first to abolish slavery

>every white country unanimously abolishes slavery

>some black and Muslim countries still have slaves

>whites get blamed for slavery

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Yeah but only mutts seethe about it.

You can let people own slaves and be united. They weren't not united because of slave owners. That's like saying we're not united right now because of weed laws.

It’s just their anti-white agenda. They think if they shout racist Whites will just shut up and continue to be murdered without a fight. They are sorely mistaken.

>>every white country unanimously abolishes slavery
Not muttland. You lot had a Slaveholder's Rebellion over slavery. Only civilized European countries unanimously abolished slavery.


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It's not my research, genius. It's simply a fact that some black Africans are closer to white Europeans, genetically speaking, than they are to certain other black Africans. But lay concepts of race hold that the two black Africans share a race and the white European is separate from both.

Mexico didn't want whites bringing slavery to Texas. That form of chattel slavery wasn't commonly practiced at the time.

>What is generational poverty?

Wealth inequality that for a large part originates with America's racial history.

its out of character
jax just wants a quite life with his wife, his ending is just a white writer virtue signaling

People who know a little about the Civil War say it was about slavery. People who learn a bit more say it was about State's Rights. People who know all there is to know say it was about slavery.

I didn't say that at all, I was referring to him specifically stating at the end of his ending that he made the world is a better place for all, which is consistent with his character.
If you read anything I said, you'd understand that from the beginning of my replying to you i've been complaining that the use of african slavery specifically is inconsistent and jarring, as it would be difficult to believe he could even care about race given his experiences and would instead focus on humanity in general.
The reason i'm asking to you "be my dancing monkey" is because you still haven't used a single argument to actually argue against this position, you've just stated multiple times that I'm wrong with no further explanation.
I don't dislike the ending because i dislike black people (since that seems to be the only possible explanation to you), it's just lazy writing.

It was to the North, not to the South that seceded over slavery.

That's not the point I was making. South wanted to leave so they could keep slavery. North didn't want them to leave because it would have greatly weakened the country both economically and left both the union and confederacy weak to foreign attack. Slavery wasn't necessarily the driving point that pushed the war.

>muh totally not white head canon jax is opposite of what white writers wanted
lol neeeeeeeeeeeerd who really cares about mk lore?

I'm fairly certain this was meant to cause ""controversy"". They even use the word "woke"

Also the ending implies that only black people thrive, if you want to fix racial problems in the past why not make it equal for everyone

>jax just wants a quite life with his wife
That's exactly what his ending is about though

So why the fuck are you giving them reparations and free food so all they do is breed more and die more?
Real “civilized” of you

Was watching some streamer a while ago, can't believe there were retards defending the woke ending, at least they got BTFO hard by the rest of the viewers

not everyone on Yea Forums is queer or mentally deficient

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>Black man has the power to change history and he decides save billions of his people from hundreds of years of suffering


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>black man owns slaves

>black people silent

>white man owns slaves


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Don't post your shitty youtube channel

Man you must be retarded if you think central governments wont dictate and control the slavery market.

I've already explained to you, and you've even acknowledged, that slavery was not the only issue addressed. It was only one way he made the world better. Again, you are just contradicting yourself. Figure out what you want to complain about first before posting again.

It was about addressing a very fundamental component of American politics; does the state have more authority over its own laws than the entire country? The answer is the country dictates wider policy, states can decide details, but fundamentals must be applied.

>Wealth inequality that for a large part originates with America's racial history.
Except the fact that, y'know, wealth inequality is the largest amongst whites because there are far more of them who are poor.
You're absolutely full of shit, go back to cuckera


>German guy does thing to stop spread of bad people

Sure, if you want to label it the "War of Northern Aggression" like a dishonest shitheel

thats not his wife nigga
plus why would he live in Africa when he was a be american patriot

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Slaves wren’t considered people, so it works by that logic.

The South did not want to leave because of slavery. They wanted to leave because of years of unfair treatment from the North with unfair tariffs and taxes. Abraham Lincoln specifically said in his inauguration that he wouldn’t do anything to change the institution of slavery in the United States. This was around the time the South seceded. The emancipation proclamation was a political tool used to gain power in the civil war.

It's your own fault for inventing race, white boi

Dude I just want to know how Jax an american would have even been born if he changed centuries of history around.

Jax said he inly wanted to help people who look like him.

The wealth inequality among the black population is still attributable to slavery and segregation, and we would be able to address this if poor whites didn't bitch about "the blacks" stealing from "the whites" when it's really the rich that should and would pay for this and poor whites should stand in solidarity with their black brothers. So shut the fuck up about wealth inequality if you're not willing to address racism. The issues are inextricably linked.

Blacks are hypocrites who want to segregate but cry and scream when Whites want it too. They are adult toddlers and liberals love absolutely love treating them like that instead of equals.

That was always the question and still is the question. That the fact that it happened over slavery is telling.

Europe gives Africa billions in food aid which causes more AIDS, murder, disease and starvation. Great job!

>I]ts foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.

hmm where's the arguments about unfair treatment from the North about unfair tariffs and taxes?

user, even in the years leading up the the Civil War slavery and abolition were such contentious issues that it caused armed fights to break out all over the country resulting in numerous deaths. People from slave states and people from free states were already at each others' throats. Lincoln may have been conservative at his inauguration but that doesn't mean the South didn't fear political pressure from the significant abolitionist lobby in the North. The emancipation proclamation didn't come out of nowhere. Have some perspective.

Without slavery blacks wouldn’t be here to be complaining about it. Really was a mistake.

What other issue was addressed in his ending?


It was all planned and executed by Jews and black warlords.
The ones who control the country now

>does nothing with the time power and actively sabatoges an alternate timeline version of himself from using it, then kicks the macguffin in the fucking ocean so it's not a problem and no one will be able to get it
Erron Black is a hero

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Which is why blacks will only get more inferior with time.

There's no selective pressure for them to be more intelligent. Meanwhile whites and Asians have to get craftier to reap the same rewards in a system that actively and legally discriminates against them.

Just think, if John Wilkes Booth hadn't dindu'd Lincoln at a play then the Liberia plan would've happened and all the blacks would've been deported. Thanks Southerners for ruining America for everyone.

>Trust me, bro

Your logic and assumptions are both incorrect. What's the blacks wanting to segregate based on? The financial success of Black Panther? That still doesn't make sense. What's treating blacks like toddlers based on? Recognizing historical disparity and systemic racism and addressing those problems through programs?

Are you one of those "liberals are the real racists" types?

who cares if it can't be used to pester whites for reparashuns

What is that, your racist impression?
now you racists are burning down your architecture like Notre Dame out of shame, so sit the fuck down little boi

Is it so bad to just let niggers think that Wakanda is what could have been? We all want to feel decent about ourselves.

When the money runs out the entire artificially inflated population of Africa will collapse which is kind of funny.


They're not taught to try. Also the ability to try and never give up is a genetically inherited personality trait.

Why didn’t he stop a real problem like the holocaust?

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>treating an entire group of people differently because of their skin color

How are liberals not racist? Blacks can speak for themselves. Treating them like they can't is racist.

No because then they get rights and my family hates me for saying they should be violently removed from my country. Can't you see that I'm the victim here tho deserves pitty? I can't even post homicidal memes on my social media because apparently my friends have friends who are black and that makes them uncomfortable and now I'm alienated when all I wanted to do was exclude people from my country. And now Mortal Kombat talks about slavery.

Based, pretty soon they will be living in “The Badlands” while White and Asian ethnostates are trading technology hundreds of miles away in 10 minutes or less using high speed bullet trains

No because it let's them blame whites for all their problems.

In reality they sat around and did close to nothing for hundreds of thousands of years and would still be illiterate tribals TODAY if not for the white man forcing them to advance.

Jax ended all slavery and created utopia on earth...

This is a good thing by the way there is absolutely no way that this is bad.

>"The worlds a better place for everyone"

This includes white people obviously

Dream bigger you fools

> fact that some black Africans are closer to white Europeans
I just posted the research that shows that blacks are more similar to other blacks than to Europeans at a 99% rate.
You need to stop watching contrapoints.

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They are all closet racists and hang around our turf because they want to interact with us but are too pathetic to be equals and must be contrarian to get a reaction

They aren't treating them like they can't, you conveniently frame it that way because you want to see it that way. You're right to think that there are libs who do it wrong, but doing it at all, speaking up for them, isn't implying that they can't speak up for themselves.

By your logic, we shouldn't fight for a dev's rights to put sexy women in their games because it somehow demean's their ability to do it themselves or that white nationalists shouldn't have black nationalist allies who support their vision of divided ethnostates.

Because he's not Jewish ya fool.