Would Android 21 make a decent addition to the canon or other DBZ games?
Would Android 21 make a decent addition to the canon or other DBZ games?
I love playing her but she sucks as a character
Only mainline game I can see her being in is Xenoverse 2 as DLC or in Xenoverse 3
What? What's the matter?
Based and fatpilled
Calling it right now, RIP this thread
I don't get it, what's wrong with the thread?
She would be a retread of old arcs for sure but she would also be a fun character to have around. She just needs a couple of rewriters, mainly to that stupid one good one bad versions of her, just make her like launch if you want.
yes, she is literally the best character dbz has ever created since buu.
tad's art sucks and he's also a scammer
Let's just face it; she'd get benched and pushed into irrelevancy within after a single arc. Two arcs, tops. Gotta shill muh Saiyans, right?
His first art was actully pretty good, in the course of the years and now he got bad on forcing brapfetish, that was his worst move.
No. Literally just Cell 2.0 for fetishests.
I know this is a porn bait thread, but God damn it pisses me off how we can't get a single good DBZ game with an enjoyable original plot. Heroes and Xenoverse is always "chase Toa and Mira around familiar setpieces until the game ends" which is fucking boring, and every other game is just a recap of Z.
FighterZ had so much potential to tell a new story with an interesting villian and they completely dropped the ball. I was so looking forward to seeing 21s origin and motives since her design was so original and facinating, but it's LITERALLY just Cell but she's pink because she has Buu DNA. So fucking disappointing.
I'm still salty. It could have been so great if they put effort into it
Burn the thread though. The fatties ruined it. I was waiting for a good 21 thread for many weeks now and it's already being ruined.
she’s a stupid character and her voice actress is annoying
Kill this thread
>Burn the thread though. The fatties ruined it. I was waiting for a good 21 thread for many weeks now and it's already being ruined.
Missed the whole point of the thread, bucko.
That's pretty much any villain turned good that isn't Vegeta though. She would make for fun filler eps with Majin Buu and the androids so I don't mind. Hell, maybe even a food tournament with Goku.
Missed what? Even if you are making fun of some faggot of an "artist" that draws A21 fat, thanks to the vorefags, that doesn't exclude the fact that the thread is ruined with all the disgusting fatty parodies of 21 top page.
What do you think the image in OP was, user?
Only if they actually explore her relationship with Gero and 16 instead of just hinting around it while doing a generic "oh no my evil side is evil" story.
A bit of a chubby 21, especially in her belly.
You motherfuckers took it to 11 with no reason.
Ah, what do I care? Android 21 will be forgotten after Fighterz anyway.
Let's say the good one lives, while she's stronger than Tien and Roshi and Krillin would she had been any use in the TOP?
>series is about martial arts fighting very fit people
>fanart makes them all morbidly obese
You're not very observant, are you? Take a look at , , and , and tell me if you see a correlation
For sure. I assume she'd have Buu's regenerative abilities even if the game didn't mention it. Plus her good veesion seems really dependable, way more than Buu or Freeza. If 18 and 17 were useful, 21 who wiped the floor with them would be better.
This activates my core values.
What do you mean the game didn't mention it, it's the very first thing we learn about her and even in the good one's arc they realize she's another buu and only a spirit bomb can kill her.
What I don't get is why not bring her back then use the second wish to get rid of the hunger problem? Did they forget it grants 2 wishes?
She at least on the level of Buu, and unlike Buu can stay awake. If she were around they probably would have used her instead of Frieza. Who knows how that would have worked out.
Non-Majin 21 yes, if she brings 13,14 and 15 with her. Her Majin form though is a shitty self insert OC considering her backstory and role in the plot
As it should.
I didn't remember they mentioned it then.
I just want an action game where you play as Chichi, is that too much to ask.
No, keep Freiza, ditch Tien, he was worthless, at least 21 could get shot to hell and keep going
I want one where you can play as Chi-Chi, Bulma, AND a hypothetical fat fusion of them.
>a shitty self insert OC
Yes, because who wouldn't want to be married to Dr. Gero, that hot sexy beast of a man?
Nigga the first pictures of these threads are always the thin part of a Weight gain sequence so the mods don't pick up on it.
This thread was never for your waifu.
Why would they bring in Frieza when they had a full team already? He was a last resort panic choice. If you have any other option avalible for the ToP, Frieza will not be there.
Because, Freiza actually accomplished things
Well he probably made his wife as she looked when they were young. Gero wasn't always an old fart. By that logic, 21 gave birth to a son that's older than her.
Don't spoonfeed it to him. I'm sure, given a few hours, that user might have been able to figure out what was trying to say all by himself like a big boy
>Yamcha still waiting for the invite.
You're missing the point. He would never get the chance to do anything, because as long as they had any other reasonable option they wouldn't let him.
Why didn't they just put Buu in the hyperbolic time chamber until he woke up?
>LITERALLY just Cell but she's pink because she has Buu DNA
And thanks to that we loose out on Super Buu for Fighterz and baseline 21 who could have been a gadget zoner like Jack-O
her only good apperance was in dokkan battle. she ahs some really good cards.
If they had 21 instead of Tien she would have lasted til it was time for Toppo,Dyspo and Jiren, probably would have lost to Dyspo then Freiza and Gohan do the cage thing and everything proceeds as normal
Still, everybody who entered did so thinking they'd get a wish or some kind of compensation right? What would 21's be? the good one seemed rather content with life and just wanted to be with 16 and she can easily just rebuild him if she weren't dead.
It would be interesting I guess.
Isn't she kinda psuedo canon since she was made and her story written by Toriyama? Kinda like Gine was til the Broly movie removed all doubt
Maybe for her memories from when she was alive? That could even set up an interesting arc as she tries to build a new Android 20, and he has to choose between his hatred of Goku and his love for his family. He could even have a scene where he fights Gohan and the two talk about how important their families are to them, but how they keep feeling like they are being pulled away from them.
She'd make a decent meal
Not really. All Toriyama did was design her and said that if she became popular enough he'd introduced her to the canon.
Considering what an evil man he was I doubt 21 gives a damn about Gero anymore, when she was whole she trashed talked him and her good side only has a reaction once she kills 16, she starts glitching out after murdering him in the first two arcs and when she wastes him in her arc it's enough to trigger that thing that happened between King Piccolo and Kami
And yet even without her memories just thinking about him makes her sad. I think you're underestimating how important he would be to her if she remembered him.
he was a scientist and didn't hate Goku till he killed his son. Then he went batshit.
Nah, his stuff is great
Why is this so arousing?
she'd probably turn the tables and absorb cell from inside desu
Majin genes OP pls nerf
I’ve got an autistic plot for a dragon ball game if anyone wants to hear.
>Literally just Cell 2.0 for fetishests.
>imply Cell 1.0 was not also for fetishests
Just look at
I do. Post it user
I'm not sure if bulma and Chichi could fuse. Fusion requires roughly equal power levels.
But it's not really clear how it scales so maybe they are close enough for it to work.
Bulma and lunch might be interesting.
Let's hear it.
To canon, no. Her story is dumb and Canon is worthless right now.
To other games, fuck yes. Her design is great, her moves are cool and she's an all around awesome new character.
>Toriyama said that if she became popular enough he'd introduce her to the canon.
With minor changes I could write basically the same post about Hit or Jiren. People need to stop pretending DB is high literature.
21 is a miracle and the more of her we get the better but this fatshit voreshit gets on my nerves.
I unironically think her human form was way hotter.
I don't but it's not like you'd have to choose.
I enjoy this thread keep it up
Youre... gonna keep going right?
What can I say, I like the whole "sexy scientist" thing. How the hell did Gero even land a woman like that, anyway? I can't even imagine Gero going on a date. "So, what do you do for a living?" "I build killer robots for the rogue paramilitary organization that's terrorizing the world." "...sooothishasbeenfungottagokthanxbyeeee!"
Sure, why not? It's not like toriyama can write for shit anyways and every new antagonist and arc goes further down the shitter. I would at least be curious what they would do with her if they decided to make her canon
It gets uglier so I didn't save it.
Hey, not judging. To be honest I didn't like Sciencedroid so much at first but she grew on me a lot.
Plus she's so smart it would take you six months to fuck her brains out.
>girl is characterized by eating a lot
>doesn't get fat
top 10 ways to ruin what could have been good character development
I miss the old TAD
>How the hell did Gero even land a woman like that, anyway?
Scientists, how are they doing it?
A, she's part Majin AND part Saiyan, B, fighting burns a lot of calories, and C, every woman on the planet would kill to be in that situation.
I guess they just had a lot of chemistry.
android 21 would make a decent addiction to
my bed
if that is a dragon ball chracter, why is it not in dragon ball games?
I thoguht there were all like smash games
oh wait yeah those have a roster
>if that is a dragon ball chracter, why is it not in dragon ball games?
She's in 2 of them.
Ponytail 21 is pure kino.