Days Gone getting free DLC in June

Doesn't sound like much but it's free

Attached: gdc-days-gone-thumb-01-us-20feb19.jpg (575x324, 130K)

From what I've heard the game is a sleeper hit, they basically made TLOU open world the reviewers are gonna love it.

I'm a guy who's reviewing this for a semi major gaming site. Expect a lot of 5s and 6s tomorrow

Every single game nowadays has "free" DLC. They cut out content from the game then release it a few months down the line. It's an easy way to get positive buzz and stay in the news cycle. Extends the game's relevance.

There’s no way the game will be a sleeper hit, it’s the same as dying light it’ll sell well because it’s a checklist of normie shit

It’s the most generic thing I’ve ever seen in the most effective way possible everyone at work won’t shut up about how badass and epic it’s gonna be

>everyone at work won’t shut up about how badass and epic it’s gonna be
have sex

Yeah I feel the same, but seeing the journo's review it give little hints here and there it seems it's gonna get the meta Sony score now days.

I’m not talking about what I’m saying I’m repeating what my coworkers constantly say about it those are the words they use

There are already some god awful gameplays by 'journalists'. It's amazing to watch them suck major ass in a format that has been around for ages.

Dying Light was surprisingly pretty good

shut up, Dying Light is great

>free DLC
>its just a shitty difficulty
lmao at least you tried, but everyone is gonna sell their copies a week after release when they finished the game

Isn't this what you said for GOW?

>we didnt finish by the deadline so heres the shit we didnt get to as "free dlc"
Every fucking game these days.

Meanwhile Nintendo charges for their difficultly DLC

At least they're not charging for it. It would be terrible if companies start selling difficulty settings.

better than scrapping it outright though


I never said it wasn’t

It’s ok to enjoy normie shit if it’s good

Days Gone might be fun in the most generic way possible

who care, no one above 80iq will buy this shit

>open world!
looks bland and generic as fuck.. trash desu

>cant meet deadline
>release incomplete product
>finish after as """free""" dlc
yeah, into the trash

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Hello fellow gamers I too am a gamer like this wonderful poster. I agree it will be the greatest game ever and anyone who doesn't pre-purchase the collector's edition will rue this mistake for the rest of their lives. I have it on good authority that the collector's edition will become so sought after that its after market resale value will triple before the end of the year.

Other gamers would be wise to do as I do and buy two copies of the collector's edition to flesh out their financial portfolio and a single copy of the base game for consumption.