How do we stop it?

How do we stop it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

you don't even need to do anything

>How do we stop it?
just dont buy their shit and tell your friends to not buy from them.
paying for exclusives is a low effort tactic that should not be tolerated, if you funded the game for its developing, then its fine, but paying people to not release their games on other platforms is literally a form of bribe.

Do i really need to say it?

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>us peak times
>barely if any epic threads
>eu peak times
>littered with epic threads

By doing nothing.

The Virgin Epic Store
>Has literal shills out the ass on payrole
>Has to "steal" games at the last minute before release to convince people to join
>Has to pay fucking millions every other week for another exclusive 10 people will buy
>Over 100 million install base, can barely cover 250,000 copies on a known franchise.
>"i-it's g-going great g-g-guys, it s-sold more than it's p-predecessor!" (that sold like dogshit)

Chad Steam
>Already the best in the business, decides to do nothing

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You cant. As long as Valve thinks they can have a monopoly on things and not even try to make things better... Then they wont. Because they are just comfy depending on others to get money. How many game devs do even use Source 2 engine? Pretty much nobody.

I miss Paragon

>250k with over 100million install base


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By doing absolutely nothing. Epic will run out of money eventually.

>no reviews
>no forums
>no workshop
>no community guides
No need to do anything, nothing can win against steam without the above.

There he goes again.
Just as his thread got trashed he's doing it again.
Same filenames, same data, same chinkoid shilling.
Jannies, wake the fuck up. You've got a couple more VPNs to ban.

Why do people shit on Nintendo when they're the only platform that allows loli and ecchi?

Even Steam is banning loli.

*Hits pipe*
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a buyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying from, subscribing to, playing/ the product of, and defending a corporation solely so they can go and get your games locked onto certain digital stores. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful games - sculpting their bodies, getting the animations just right, figuring out what their audience wants, designing a fun experience. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for one particular audience that will buy it on another storefront. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with digital stores, who just pirates the game. He gets to play the game without any sort of interruption or DRM. He gets the benefits of the game's good times, the way the devs intended. As a "man" who has a PC, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life supporting a publisher simply to support games for other storefront consumers to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Another retard that doesnt understand what a monopoly is

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Why does any of that shit matter in the grand scheme of the storefronts? Are you retarded? I dont give a shit what Valve succeeds and fails at outside of Steam, no one does, and its hilarious to see your pathetic faggot shill ass try to pass this off as some win.

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So when is the EGS going to get good games?

Epic wont ever run out of money silly, but they sure will eventually get tired of funding a dead end shitwaste project that isnt generating any profits outside of Fortnite kek

You can't. As long as they're willing to buy rights, you can't stop shit.

Yep, I remember when Sony was the king of anime
How the mighty have fallen

>2.5times more than a game that sold like dogshit, had no marketing, and generally unheard of
>this is something to brag about

The absolute state of the (Not so) Epic Store.

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>We have had 70,000 people playing at once across all platforms
LMAO thats like what 23k on each platform LMAO

is that original or redux

>Epic shills will celebrate this

My fucking sides

This. Sage'd this thread


>Every single title has more concurrent players than the Epic Gay Store game on PC

This is more then 99% of new steam games.

>look at this literally who game and how it sold only 300!
why do you keep posting this like it means anything?

>shit game that is getting panned everywhere
>Old FIGHTER game, most fighters wont even have a few thousand people playing past the first month
>Half year old SINGLEPLAYER game, still somehow pushing 74k
>Month old game, also doing good for a SINGLEPLAYER game

Meanwhile in Epic land

>23k on each platform, for a MULTIPLAYER game, that JUST released

Wew lad, not looking good for Epic

This do not work in this case since most buying customers dont Care about having Multiple launchers

>A literal who game selling 300
>Game based on a decently known franchise that had marketing and an actual budget

Apples and oranges, but leave it to an Epic brainlet to conflate the two.

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Two games in a dead genre had higher peaks than WWZ.
Let that sink in.

>indie game made by single taiwanese man doesn't sell a lot
gee, what a shock

But I have proven you wrong since valve has introduced successful features to steam yet you keep spamming this copy pasta

Jesus fucking christ jannies stop being such a fucking niggers. Start banning this shill vpn lord.

At least that literal who game was given a platform to actually get those 300 copies sold. How many devs will Epic let in I wonder?

>supporting epic when they are forcing their devs to work 70-100 hour weeks working on fortnite
Literal chink slave factory

>customers dont Care about having Multiple launchers

But when theres already a dozen launchers available why would i need another one thats objectively inferior to even Origin.

How does it feel to suck Tim Sweeney's farts as payment?

But then who will we laugh at? I can't take the eceleb garbage any more.

why should I care what happens to a bunch of gooks who work for them? There are other reasons to hate Epic.

>This is the problem with Steam and Steam drones: If you're indie, they don't care about you - meanwhile...

Epic has the same problem you fucking retard. They are even worse about it.

Not in the same budget range.
For an overhyped mid-budget game that's actually pretty bad.
Even Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet had a peak of 21k players, and that's an anime game with literally 0 advertising.
I've seen WWZ commercials on TV.

It was funny when it all just started.
Now this infinitely copypasted hot garbage got old and became rather annoying than something funny.

Radiation therapy

The devs aren't chinks or gooks tho

>I've seen WWZ commercials on TV.
Wait you must be joking. You mean for the actual game?

Everyone pay close attention, here we can see an Epic shill overloading due to the fact that no one is buying his faggotry. This meltdown is usually followed by a swift an hero, but please onlookers, dont feel sad for the Epic shill, his family sure doesnt, so theres no reason you should.

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>This is more then 99% of new steam games.
>his only example is shit like this

Weak af Shillpai


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No need to do anything, it's killing itself, steadily bleeding money with exclusive deals that nobody gives a fuck about on their platform, people either wait for steam/GOG releases or pirate them

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Well that's insane. I hope those 1m sales were enough because as a multiplayer game it's going to crash hard in less than a month.

Imagine being such a non-threat that Valve wont even take a single step to assess the situation. Its obvious how all this is going, Epic has been losing face harder and harder every week, even the ironic shills have given up because no one that isnt an actual brainlet is convinced Epic is anything but cancer on the industry. Even normies have woken up, Youtube comments are filled with people telling Epic to eat a bag of dicks.

>based hotpockets btfo Epic-kun

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I don't like exclusivity crap, but how is Epic supposed to compete with Steam? I don't think low price and more functionalities are enough to most people.
Most steam users have wasted too much money already to justify leaving the store, me included.

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>platform with over 100 million registered users
>exclusive game on that platform sells 9 copies
pretty fucking based, gj epic

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by not using them and being loud about it.

Cheaper games and better security would go a long way.

lol, Randy already confirmed Steam has a monopoly you dumb child. Unless you think you know more about business than someone who's been working in business for longer than you've been alive.

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Can't wait for Epic to finally die so the shills shut up

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I don't understand.

Holy fucking shit what happened?

>(Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)
based jannies

All they had to do was take the 30% cut like steam but instead of keeping the whole cut, put half of it towards making the game cheaper

>9 copies
I...what? How is that even possible? Even complete trash can still usually make a hundred or two sales.

Randy is only an expert in toilet selfies nothing more.

Offer their own games?
The problem is that Epic doesn't want to just have their own storefront, they want to displace Valve and become the only game in town on PC.
And it's extremely obvious and they think they're being slick, which is why people are so pissed at them.

>being so stupid you actually believe what a literal corporate crony says

I know this is bait, but people like this unironically exist.

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Same guy behind Battleborn, same guy who got scammed for millions by a basedaboy and thought it was a good idea to put his barely-legal porn and important business docs on the same SD and then left it a random restaurant.

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FUCK _ _ _ _ _

Is joke.

Seriously though, explaim to a console fag what's the problem with it.

I know it's a joke, but I don't get it. Did it sell buttloads of copies and they are ironic or what?

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egyptians and indians trying to access your credit card, nothing much

The devs are leftists, they don't know how to meme correctly

They're trying to be like the wendy twitter. Sassy and sarcastic but failing miserably.

>lol, Randy already confirmed Steam has a monopoly
You mean the same randy who once claimed he won the name Gearbox from GabeN in a high stakes poker match on a Louisianan river cruise (since GabeN wanted the name for valve and after he lost, he got 'stuck' with valve), and after it was proven to be a bold face lie by everyone, including GabeN, he retracted it saying it was all meerly a joke

>when people have so little faith in the epic launcher that they actually take your sarcastic tweets seriously

it a shop
and a poor one at that

>open link
>faggot with teal colored hair
>close tab

basically cope
>w-we're fine without steam

Its actually not shopped I just saw it on Twitter. probably a joke though