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Nu-blizzard is inclusive, so they hire lots of women (even if they can barely do the work) and lots of fatties and trannies that get outraged about everything the designers try to make.

Enjoy the rainbow user, honk honk.

Real men™ want curves™.

Looks like a typical american though

That looks more like a heart attack patient than a strong woman

You only think that because they’re not white.

>being low test

lmao. testlets please leave.

>no thick mons pubis with voluptuous labia

even as someone with a bbw fetish i dont find those models very attractive and i still cant believe blizz fucked up that badly
but then again, yes i can.

>i still cant believe blizz fucked up that badly
That's because you're a bigot. :^)

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fucking disgusting

where's the problem?


these fat fucks hate mirrors, yet like seeing other fat fucks in games?

I don't get it. What if she (?) looks like that irl? Why does a fucking video game character being fat make them happy?
I'm a fat fuck myself so I should be able to relate, but I don't in the slightest

>My body type
So you're a fat fuck and you're proud of it? I don't understand americans

they made an american viking for americans to self insert in WoW, I dont see the problem

The whole "Body Positivity" movement started in Europe, just like socialism and communism. Stop exporting your horrible ideas to retarded young Americans, please.

How much do you wanna bet she's fatter

How come that when I watch based Asmongold(TM) stream WoW I never ever see anyone using a fat Kul'Tiras character model?

>started in Europe
Americans really want this to be true so very badly, but it's 100% American. Just like uppity niggers with their "Black lives matter" shit and all the other degeneracy. 100% American.

So by-blizzard is doing pretty terribly now. Which came first? Poor performance or the wokeness?

Purge commiefornia, they also censored Jaina and Sylvanas.

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>europoor talking about the land of the free
ur spineless betas soibois

t. corporate cuckold who has to eat hormone filled meat and other poisonous shit because no consumer laws

>Americans really want this to be true so very badly, but it's 100% American.
Yeah whatever, Henry VIII

You unironically have less freedoms though.

I made mine an elderly black druid
The body type fits for a older person, like the maid from the tom and jerry cartoons, just a druid and calls everyone in the guild honay and sugah

i think being able to make your character fat should be an option all races on a game should have, unless the lore explicity explains that they cant be fat(because of biological or cultural reasons)
forcing fat characters on you is fucking awful.
also, tit sliders should be on all games, ranging from DFC to titcow.

At least pandas were sexy.

Just make a normal human woman lmao what the fuck just choose the non fat one nigger cmon

Judge Dredd's old comics predicted this shit.

Attached: fat fucks.jpg (2683x1600, 1000K)

stop being retarded /pol/cuck user and stop thinking you are any better than the retarded sjws just because you are on the other side of the extreme

you are a cancer on anyone trying to fight the stupid sjw trends

Funny, that...

Fat yes, but muscular arms?
Im damn sure she aint got those IRL.

Yeah, curves plural. Not one singular gelatinous curve.

>I want to look just as shitty in my escapism games as I do in real life - the post

Having a character model like this in game should have the same effects as real life.
Slower movement but with greater momentum.
Stamina depletion is faster.
Cold resistance.
Heat weakness.
Eats larger portions of food to feel satisfied.
NPC's laugh at them as they walk by.

>representation matters
>closest media representation of myself is the ugly fat guy in japanese porn
I will never understand these people. The idea that someone looking like me can somehow reflect positively (or reflect anything about me at all) seems absurd. At least relate to ideas, ideals, goals and dreams or something a little less arbitrary then the shape of your own body.

this really makes me mad, we had the chance to get amazonian tall muscular women, but got fat slobs instead.

How is he worse you fucking shit brain redditor? he has my interests in mind

YOU are the cancer, cuck shill

this desu

>Being fat makes you resistant to the cold
Nice meme. Your poor circulation will make it worse, it's just being out in the sun is even worse than being in the cold

People and their fucking "representation"... Yeah. Because clearly. Fat people can do so many things normal people can do... Which is a fucking joke.

>Not liking BBWs
Low test

It's cool with me.
Plump, rotund, full, fertile women are my fetish.

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being bloated whale?
no shit men dont like it

Its funny when people say. Omg. My body type... As if they WANT to be that body type in everything.INstead of actualy being happy they can play a slim character... or a muscular character. Im not muscular. But i fuckin enjoyed playing as Kratos... From the original God of war. Because i wouldnt be able to do any of the things he did.

>NPC's laugh at them as they walk by.
put laughs on all the whispers they recieve.

That woman is curvy, not rotund. A rotund woman needs a diet and a treadmill, not enabling.
Fat fuck parents set a bad example to their children, and instill terrible habits.

I don't want to AT LEAST create an attractive avatar of myself in a videogame to feel better about me, since I am too much of a lazy ass to change my lifestyle and nutrition IRL.
Oh nonono. I want to make everyone else in this virtual world a fatty, just like me. I don't want to change and immerse myself, they 3D characters are going to change to look more like me.
And then, why not just make a political stand about this representation I achieved and inject my IRL cancerous and authoritarian beliefs into a Fantasy world.

Because I'm a gamer, just like you.

Attached: 1549879344404.gif (250x188, 1.85M)

Natural armour +1

You're a loser. stfu

10% damage reduction
25% block rate
-25% attack damage

Attached: 1547566257584.gif (276x260, 1.08M)


Judge Dredd is a double redpill psyop made to look like a parody about an oppressive police force to trick numales into buying it and thinking they're clever for "seeing the deeper meaning about police brutality", but it's actually supposed to be taken literally, and shows that despite how insane the Judges can be in their pursuit of justice, society within Mega City (which is supposed to reflect our own in an exaggerated way) is always worse, reinforcing why the Judges act the way they do.

Attached: 16f.gif (500x374, 1021K)

How could anyone think otherwise? The Judges are always justified in their hilarious use of extreme force.

You really should think twice before referencing Henry VIII, the king used as the Anglo staple for how being fat is a fucking awful idea, and how quickly you can ruin your life with poor choices.

Is this actually real or is it just an exaggerated shitpost?

There are an alarming number of people who read Dredd and think the Judges are supposed to be the "bad guys". Don't ask me why.

not only is it legit, it actually survived the test servers and made it to live

thank you blizzard, very cool!

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It easier to be proud of you mistakes and change to something positive in your mind then to actually really work hard and change them in RL.

I kind of do the same with alcohol and vidya. Making excuses.

There's often a lot of stories where people get sent to the cubes for petty obscure laws they had no idea were actually crimes, not to mention quite a few where Dredd has to deal with corrupt Judge's who are no better than the criminals.

>velves that low
try again with a relevant level range that doesn't count the endless alts collecting dust in their 60-80s, aka 120s only

Not knowing the law isn't an excuse to be pardoned for breaking them (just like real life). Corrupt Judges exist, and are properly dealt with.

Attached: more accurate.jpg (825x1496, 149K)

Thanks doc

>Wanted muscular women with scars
Why are westerners looking to have your anus fucked by strong women with strap-ons?

Alright so because Joe Blow who just arrived in MC1 legitimately was given a Numpty by a street Urchin, got busted and sent to the cubes for 2 years, had his life fall apart and mental health deteriorated due to isolation, gets out after serving his time and goes to shoot up a mall, killing a few hundred people. It's the fault of the extreme justice system and you're a bigger idiot for thinking that the Judge's are supposed to be "the good guys".

It would at least be cool to have that kind of physique in a fantasy game, none of the armor looks good on these KTs.

What a smashing success that race has been. Amazing.
I wonder why other games continue to objectrificadate women like this. It's a literal genocide on women's psyche worldwide.

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>sub retail
>make endgame raiding guild "NO FATTIES"
>dont allow any female characters that arent blonde thin models.

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wish there was a tag for this

I wouldn't even be upset at all if they were just absolute hambeasts
The males look great as fuckhuge fatass fishmen, while the females are just plain looking chubby chicks

but it has two horns

unironically would rather have fatties nobody plays over furries in denial aka magnets for some of the worst scum you'll find on the internet

>this is exactly my body type
why not lose weight so you can look good instead of making game characters look like your ugly fat ass

ummmmm sweaty not all unicorns have one horn

An oblong blob isn't a curve

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LMAO not like they happen all the time, i have a blood elf wearing a skimpy armor, i hardly even had any weirdo msg me, it like once in a while you will encounter one or two.

>i have a blood elf wearing a skimpy armor
thanks for proving me right

>thanks for proving me right
So what? I don't gives a shit, if a skimpy armor easily triggered people off, i'm happy to keep doing it.

Real life amazon women like this seem to have a specific preference in men.

Attached: 1543374381628.jpg (640x640, 58K)

we both know you're not wearing skimpy armor to trigger anything but an erection
dumb elfcuck

blizzard is basically welfare for low class artists that have connections.
there are very few exceptions and those exceptions all worked in the HotS team.

Wrong. Nationalism is the path of truth and righteousness.

>i hardly even had any weirdo msg me, it like once in a while you will encounter one or two.
Very old screenshot but i only got like 1 bad whisper for every 5 positive ones. Overall people like these types of mogs or at the very worst find them funny.

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>erection dumb elfcuck
Nah i don't get erection from a video game character, but i do however like them hot

Hello faggot.
Any straight man finds fit women sexy.

Honk Honk

>the same pixelated molten pancake breastplate very plate slutmogger uses

Attached: 1535033328947.jpg (700x700, 209K)

Yeah this is what i encounter too

You do realize Blizzard hardly even add any new slutmog

I loved Fran's voice more than anything. Holy shit man that accent was sexy as fuck for some reason.

What this guy saidThey never added anything new since TBC. Oh well, can play HotS for my fix.

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>fran will never become one with your wood

t. muslim

not an excuse to wear n64 tier textures on your ps2 tier character
at least the next patch will let you make everything but pants invisible so i'll never nave to look at that shit again
too bad bfa burned me out of the game for good

how come characters with severe obesity don't suffer any malus?


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project harder faggot, and ease up on that death grip you have on your dick, unless you don't want to be able to fap past the age of 50

Source on the pic of the middle? Cool art.

Attached: mike_lewd.png (255x202, 202K)

Gross af famalam

t. angry muslim

>-50% Stamina
>Big chance to "randomly" die of a disease at high level

>at least the next patch will let you make everything but pants invisible so i'll never nave to look at that shit again
Seem like blizzard realize their art design for armor is garbage to the point that people wants to hide all of them.

Diablo 3 concept art

Attached: normal person.jpg (1024x887, 175K)

>n64 tier textures on your ps2 tier character
I never got this. Probably because the only big budget game i've played recently is OW. I avoid big budget AAA "muh graphixx" games in general.
>at least the next patch will let you make everything but pants invisible
What's the point?The underwear doesn't even approach the same zipcode as the plate in terms of sexy.

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nationalism without the inevitable war that destroys it yes

Imagine the smell.

>I never got this. Probably because the only big budget game i've played recently is OW. I avoid big budget AAA "muh graphixx" games in general.
Then you must be blind because there's a clear difference in resolution and that shit looks unsightly, regardless of what it actually is.

I mean "what we saw" and "what we got" aren't linked because that a Vrykul female and the fat abomination is a Kul'tiran Human female. All Humans, including kul'tirans, are the ancestors of a batch of small, crippled, undeveloped Vrykul babies produced after their parents were afflicted by the curse of flesh - later taken in secret southwards to the Easter Kingdoms after a call was made by Ymiron to have all the offspring culled.
They ended up in Arathi, dicked around with the trolls, moved all over the eastern kingdoms founding stormwind, lordaeron, and gilneas, and then some dickheads got in a boat and found Kul'tiras. Apparently something about having a boat fetish makes you fat.
If you think about it, every non-huge Kul'tiran male is effectively a manlet, which means Daelin was a manlet. Probably explains why he was always seething.

>there's a clear difference in resolution and that shit looks unsightly
Not if you've played since vanilla. Must be nostalgia goggles but it looks fine to me. Looking forward to classic even though it doesn't have transmog.

Attached: 4123515.jpg (1920x1060, 261K)

Drust skeletons look exactly like Vrykul ones. KTs are drust/human halfbreeds.
Literally just add 2 and 2.

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>I never got this. Probably because the only big budget game i've played recently is OW. I avoid big budget AAA "muh graphixx" games in general.
You must either be blind or retarded, there is a huge difference in texture resolution.
>Kalliserei's Garrison

>Not if you've played since vanilla. Must be nostalgia goggles but it looks fine to me.
The fact that you're saying this and not turning your character around says a lot.

>Not if you've played since vanilla.
I have though. Again, you're just visually impaired. Stop making up excuses for Blizzard to half-ass their game and not update their old models.



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I mean you've had human skeletons in the deadscar in Eversong woods and the ghostlands since BC, despite the only things dying there being bloodelves.
Blizzard reusing the only "big bad skeleton" asset they have speaks more to their laziness than lore

I can tell you've never been to Europe.

The death of idealism fucking sucks

>started in Europe
No, every sjw left shit started in America as always fucking nuke yourself

>His attempted coup over Theramore and the renewed conflict between men and orcs was all so some fat-bottomed Kul'tiran girls would notice him
Someone should have just sent him a steamy romance novel or something.

Attached: 561106-a-steamy-romance-novel-got-milk.jpg (302x360, 47K)

Must suck knowing every day that if you get too poor, or get too old, your country doesn't consider you a person anymore and leaves you to rot.

>I mean you've had human skeletons in the deadscar in Eversong woods and the ghostlands since BC, despite the only things dying there being bloodelves.
Were you dropped on the head as a child? Do you think Arthas just waltzed into Quel'dalas on his own and made his army from scratch there?
Not mention the undead skeletons in Drustvar have Drust in their names.

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Narcissism killed it.
>Stop making up excuses for Blizzard
If they updated the bikinis their studios would burn down overnight. You don't mess with the feminazis.

Definitely. Most fit chicks I talk to express an interest in fitness.
t. gymrat.

Attached: a9f.jpg (653x950, 146K)

>remnants of the human fodder from lordaeron's scourging
>ignoring the banshees and ghosts

I'd say minus attack speed, not minus attack damage.

try not to laugh

Attached: stateofwow.png (1202x677, 1.22M)

>huge gut

Attached: 32452.jpg (720x720, 80K)

>Most people with fitness as a hobby expresses an interest in fitness
10/10, next you'll say people who like playing video games expresses an interest in video games.

why does he have a tapeworm on his bicep

In a partner dingus. Fat people don't want fat people. Fit people want fit people.

>these lumbering fatties can be rogues

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>play roleplaying game and have option to choose from orcs, trolls, cow guys, undead, some weird space cow things, just about anything really interesting
>pick human race
why would you ever do this, i never understood

this is some American Ninja shit

He has unJUSTted himself right now. We have to withdraw those memes user.

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kul tirans may as well be a fantasy race

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Explain something to me, women keep complaining about unrealistic body standards in games and say they're sexist and men are pigs.

yet male characters in games are always thin and athletic yet you don't see almost any man complaining about them.

why is this?

kul tirans are modeled after the UK, and it looks pretty accurate.

>Become Grand Admiral of one of the most powerful maritime armies
>Insanely wealthy, successful, and the whole country loves you and thinks you're the best
>Marry the only Kul'tiran female with a good figure
>Might have also had a High Elf mistress (sshhh, don't tell)
>You're wife gives you TWO sons
>Also gives you a daughter who will grow up to be the hottest female on azeroth AND a mary sue
>Literally living the best life possible in a time of peace for me and my people
>The orcs though
>The fucking orcs though
>Re-ignite the human/orc conflict to finally get rid of them once and for all
>Can't wait to take that fucking canyon from them
>Eldest son gets killed by the orcs i started a war with
>Daughter is now BFFs with one of them
>He's Jesus
>Final battle going toe-to-toe with orcs
>Get killed by a guy who isn't even a proper orc
>Fuck orcs
>Atleast i get to be Kunkka in Dota

Attached: Daelin_TCG.jpg (1024x1016, 626K)

because the snowflake generation was thought by their parents that they're the most important thing in the universe, so the world has to change to fit them, instead of the logical opposite.

the left is a vrykul

the right is a human from kul tiras

different species

imagine unironically being an Alliancetranny instead of a Hordechad

Shit's just a game, is why.

because an unathletic man is without worth, as it implies he is lazy and unproductive
meanwhile a fat woman still has her vagina so she is automatically full of worth

then why do women bitch so much about it?

Mid one is in Diablo 3.

>Fraser has finished payments to the matriarchy and is a free man
Holy shit i missed this one. I shall retire those memes immediately.

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kul tirans shouldn't look like 1 or 2
or 3 for that matter

because women lack the imagination to be someone other than themselves, and require constant re-affirmation about their bodies

ain't nothing wrong with playing Alliance as long as you're Human or Dwarf

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Because it's not about them.

toxic femininity has ruined video games forever and there's nothing you can say to prove me wrong.

Because we shouldn't be whining about this, we're better than that. Don't you start.

Isn't it pretty clear in that universe that if you have necromantic powers, you can just pull dead shit out of a metaphorical hat? Like you don't actually really need a body to create an undead - you just cast a spell and a skeleton pops out of the ground. Obviously you could argue theres a "lotta bones down there" but i always thought it was more of a "this this is just physical manifestation" rather than "this skeleton was actually a person once". Sort of explains why DKs can cast army of the dead on a spaceship traveling through the twisting nether.
The Drust have necromantic powers, so they can make Drust skeletons, but those skeletons aren't made of kul'tiran bones and rather just blizzard using their ONLY big skeleton asset for thematics.

And the most tragic part of all of it
>He was right

>Like you don't actually really need a body to create an undead - you just cast a spell and a skeleton pops out of the ground.
ignore this retard mixing lore and gameplay mechanics.

who the fuck is "we"

also everyone knows that "not talking about it because we're better than this" is the single reason why the faggotry reached the point it is now.

Men. Be a man, keep your chin up. Leave bitching and crying to lesser people.

This won't work because of how men are built by biology. Women can act as a unit because many women can get pregnant by one guy but the reverse isn't true. Men are competing with each other for (many) women. You can see it with these cucks who suck up to women and call you names because your nose isn't as brown as theirs.

>Also gives you a daughter who will grow up to be the hottest female on azeroth
Let's not get too much carried away here, shall we?

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he wasn't. Jaina went back on her "hurr why can't we all get along" shit immediately after letting her dad die. He died for nothing, not because he was right and no one listened, but because Jaina is a retarded cunt who couldn't even stick to the ideology she killed him over

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because men see a ripped dude like arnie and get inspired and wanna be him
women see an attractive model and seethe with jealousy with shit like "she should eat a sandwich lol"

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how will alliance cucks react when Vyrkul come to the Horde?

Attached: 1546036835418.png (512x512, 273K)

Their racial is a good knockback too, so they can do a stealth knockback better than a druid with typhoon.

oh god if that happened they would SHIT, it'd be hilarious

>he wants bloodelves 2.0
Vrykul aren't zombies, monsters, anthro cows or walking warts so you best be careful what you wish for.

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That man is objectively correct

Fucking underrated, good on ya mate

i don't even know where to begin explaining how retarded you are

When will people understand that being fat is a choice and it's not a good thing, I started going to the gym and eating healthy because all the characters from the movies, vidya and anime I watched were ripped or in shape, what's worse is that most of these people don't even put that fat to good use, do some fucking squats lr deadlifts with 3 plates for fuck's sake use that bulk

they're not elves so already you've missed whatever point you were trying to make

This. Horde is pure cancer now. It's only Sylvanas, more Sylvanas, even more Sylvanas, the self-insert, undead and tauren.

Attached: 1553014853268.png (542x403, 299K)

Nah I'm pretty sure here in North America we take the cake for being fat, pun intended.

>zug zug
Zug zug to you too.
>they're not elves
Elves are just humans with longer ears these days bar Larian games.

I would a female tauren

as opposed to today's "lmao look how morally grey sylvanas is? also featuring new and edgy dark elve- i mean nightborne"
fucking nightborne have been in the spotlight longer than tauren, trolls, gnomes and goblins cumulatively

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>>Elves are just humans with longer ears these days bar Larian games.
What's your fucking point? Being elves is what makes elves popular, retard. It's no fucking coincidence the only allied races actually making a dent in the faction populations are nightborne and void elves.

more like objectively retarded

Man really still can't believe that ally got fat people while horde got chad Zandalari, just fucking sad

>thinking human life has any real value in Mega-City 1.

Very true.

There is a surprisingly low number of Katherine lewds though.

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I'm a fatfag and I know this was a mistake. It would have better to give a choice between body types (standard fit, heroic, fat, skinny) for the various races rather than just sort of reworking an old race like this. That way you can have the inclusivity but also not upset fans that got blindsided by the changes. Plus then we could get thick elves.

>hey getting a race that's not basically a monster in your faction will result in an influx of people you claim to not like very much, and btw elves are just humans(ie not monsters)
>i don't get it, you're a retard
I tried user. I tried.

so just regular humans with deformed ears?

Is this the best Steamy Romance book? It was way more lewd than the others.

>not monstrous

Apparently it was written in the time between it happening and Marcus leaving the couple's home, so at the very least, the publisher loved it.

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Honestly I've been alive long enough to know that that's all I would get and just have to be happy with it.
Luckily all this social justice hoopla is bringing more content for me to enjoy between the rather so so mandatory inclusivity shit and closet fatfags getting more confidence to make art or games. It took two decades but shits finally turning up Milhouse.

what's the bloody point of subraces when they are barely different from existing ones? why not add subraces as customization to current races?

>representation matters

Where my worgen bros at?
It is only a matter of timetill 8.2.5 hits and we can have updated models.
Not that I mind old one that much. Worgen are my favourite race regardless of their model.

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I'm confused, are the WoW races being remodelled again?

I like worgen too but the entire druid angle they had isn't explored as much as I'd like it to be. The fact they have a cat form is rather dumb when they're already of capable of all those abilities as a worgen.

Epic. Simply epic. Like I'm living in 2004 again.

Only some of those that really need it. A few vanilla mobs are getting reworked and Goblins/Worgen are getting an update. I don't know how the fuck female worgens got past QA because their model has been god awful since release and, to this day, still clips when standing idle.

>Fucks your waifu

Attached: worgen.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>Mechagnomes are just prosthetic shit
It's all painful, and awful at the same time.

Attached: 09kly64n10w11.png (1098x1056, 1.43M)

With guy like that I won't need a wife

who ever though this would be a cool allied race?

They're literally vikings but taller. So basically humans, and humans != monsters, as we've established earlier.
You can try to worm out of this but you will fail. You're a hypocrite who doesn't like elves/humans/gnomes/dwarves for personal reasons, but likes vrykul who are closer to humans from a visual standpoint than to tauren orcs or trolls, so you want that race on your favorite faction when it would make more sense for them to be on the alliance since it's already established lore that humans are descendants of vrykul.

Attached: 252.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

imagine taking off the prosthetics from those fucknuggets and using them as onaholes

I think Fatties are hot anyway so I don't give a shit.
I'm just glad there is something I can fap to in a video game for once

Name one thing he said that's in any way extreme. And don't just go on a tangent sperging out about other boards.

>Worgen are my favourite race regardless of their model

Attached: 1111.jpg (1200x1017, 251K)


This shit looks so lame despite them spending time into developing that.
Literally who asked for this?
Gnomes are the least played race in WOW.
No one cares about them and these one even look worse. W T F

Nigga those are fucking lumps.

>google Mechagnomes
>get pic related
Why did they just half-ass it this hard?

Attached: image.jpg (459x571, 46K)

You are a simple man user, aren't you?

>Nationalism == war
Next you'll say "MUH NAZIS".

I like what I like

they are coming to the Horde sweety.

that guy is roided to shit


Yeah, but if he's not competing in professional sports, what's the problem? Women get to take hormones to make their tits bigger.

I'll never understand this. I have a goblin body irl (skinny arms and legs but fat stomach.) and there's no goddamn way i'd play a COC like that in a game if given the choice.

Why are women like this?

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Get old, retire, get fat. It's part choice, part consequence. I don't really get why people try to make it a point of pride though. It's something that didn't take work and was the result of either the worst parts of our natures, such as sloth, a problem wrought into our lives, such as illness, or brings about the problems in our lives, literally a health risk in of itself.

Whatever, people will sometimes grasp onto straws.

Because his balls will be the size of pistachios

>this is exactly my body type
minus bicep and shoulder definition sweetie

so what her excuse for playing video games instead of fighting crime in the real world?
wow clearly shows that even fat women can kill dragons

>you are on the other side of the extreme

>hey guys, i dont like the vapid direction a game company has taken because of its desire to capitulate to political extremists at the cost of those who made the company what it was in the first place


>What we saw: In-game model of race A
>What we wanted: Fanart of race A
>What we got: In-game model of race B

No one shares your granny fetish.

>Fanart of race A
Official concept art. From a different game. That's the Diablo 3 barbarian.

Partly fits the storyline of Gnomes discovering their ancestry as constructs of the Titans, victims of the Curse of Flesh, and discovering one's mysticism. It's a good angle for the "Discover your roots as a mysterious adventure" kind of story.
WIth hindsight and with the premise that "Alliance will get mechagnomes" is the plan, they probably should have sold it ot the players first with real story and demonstrated coolness first.

>Blizz wasted a bunch of time making a new skeleton and animations for a shit race that no-one cares about

I would have preferred they just gave them the normal human model and just give them more pirate/navy shit, what a fucking waste.

>She looks fat and unhealthy just like ME! THANKS BLIZZARD!

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why do so many MMOs lock you into a single bodytype?
TOR did a lot wrong but being able to choose between beanstalk, normie, CHAD, and fatso is a fucking luxury.

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It's less work. Some people make the argument that it means you can identify other races in PvP easier as well but, eh. The fact they have red name plates should be enough.

Didn't they fire most of those women?

the funny thing is they could have pretty much just used the gnome model and just made it have a robot skin and it would have been better.
They have wasted more effort on a worse version.
At this point im almost 100% sure the guys in charge of the allied races on the wow team hate the Alliance, every allied race for them (except the Dark Iron) has basically been a big fuck you to the popular races that the alliance has wanted.

does the character have really low stamina?

Because they are mentally ill. They seem incredibly sheltered and have no way of expressing themselves in real life to people outside of their circle. This is what happens with a refusal to reflect on themselves and believe that their poor position in life isn't their own fault, but societies for not being accepting enough.

Notice that those that really love themselves, faults and all, have an easier time relating to others? Only those that can't want people to relate to them instead. An inherently selfish person.

maybe they should learn the laws of the land before they migrate :^)

>blizz is only doing one allied version of every race
>everyone wants the allied version of Humans to be vrykul
>blizz says fuck you its gonna be these fat fucks

>when the worlds biggest retard finds a keyboard

I'd cry too if that thing reminded me of myself

Can't blame people picking Kul'Tiran druids just for their forms

you know the rules

Sort of related. I'd like to see racial variants of various classes, with skills and passives to fit the race in question. Like, Tauren rogues don't have stealth because they're bighuge hoofsters, but they get to use twohanded weapons. Night Elf warlocks use wisps and dryads instead of demons. And these fatasses trying to be rogues? Their sprint animation has them bouncing on their bellies like a damn gummy bear.


But he wasn't Orcs wanted to fuck off to someplace and never bother anyone again, continues to bother them see look they killed me they are bad.

He was right in his own point of view, which is all anyone can really say. He saw them as vile savages intent on conquering the world and incapable of living peaceful lives. He's well aware of the damage and killing they did to the human lands, and they evidently managed to cross the sea. They could easily cross it again to wage another war.

New Mummy movie, when? Unironically think the first one was fun as shit, even if the special effects have always been terrible.

Not just the women but the wo-men and wo-children too.

Oh no not the wo-children!

They look fine. Calm the fuck down everyone.

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Blizzard was ALWAYS inclusive. Just because you hate fatties doesn't make it different.

Wouldn't excessive fighting and adventuring naturally remedy the problem of being fat in the first place? Of all the fantastical bullshit MMO's try to pull, this one is even less believable than, "Less armor = more protection" meme. At least you can hand wave, "muh magic" for that. Literally no one would magically make themselves remain fat and more lazy if their role in life was the opposite of that.

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What do you think about this future Anduin's wife?

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wait what. Future Anduin? There's more time travel faggotry now?

Gilneas approves

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There was a comic that jumped ahead way into the future that shows us old Anduin taking part in some crusade. It'll get retconned.

Did they add an American race to WoW?

I thought Pandaren were the token fat race?

Those are entirely different "races" though

>mfw I played city of heroes forever ago and had bodysliders

They're all lazy. All MMO devs are lazy. Every single one of them.

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>Before marriage vs after

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>draw tyrion
>call it future anduin

Better be named JoleeBindo

these lunatics need better power fantasies

>NPC's laugh at them as they walk by
Like how they would spit on newly freed Death Knights

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Imagine being an uninformed corporate dystopian wageslave amerimutt, it's incredible how warped and flat out wrong your world view is.

Yeah but not whales curving space-time around them.

Based realist Zeon poster

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Blizzards artstyle has always been childish and cartoony. Family friendly. This is really not a big leap from the norm.

The problem is Blizzard's ancient as fuck engine where any changes to their models has to be presented as a "new race". Relatively few people would be throwing a fit if they had just made fat sliders.

still can't believe there was little more than a whimper at the atrocious design concept that is ""allied races"". they could have just been extra customization options for the race they are supplementing. nu-wow players are complacent swine, enjoy your pigsty.

>this is exactly y body type

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Anyone that plays a character that looks like this is going to re-roll shortly after because they'll be constantly mocked by strangers and pick-up groups. If I passed one of these things on the road to goldshire, I can't guarantee I wouldn't do it silently or in a straight line. Let's be honest here.

>tfw chad male human warlock
>tfw worry free about degenerate ERPers and furries

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Sounds like they should have executed him on the spot, instead.

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Damn good post user, didn't come in this thread expecting to take the judge dredd pill.

Obese women are not more fertile and less likely to bear a healthy child, have a smooth delivery, or even survive childbirth. Google it.

Why didn't they just use the model from Diablo 3? Would that have been so hard?

oh man zingggggg

You really don't have to worry much about war in 1st world countries these days. Everyone has someone else's back. For example, if China get frisky, it's possible NATO would instantly adopt Russia (instead of defending against them) and rededicate their cause to a unified defense against China (this is almost necessary even without war in my opinion, but would be antagonistic). Nukes as a deterrent is also a huge deal that keeps people off your ass. Even if both sides have nukes, neither will want to get involved with each other seriously because they know there's the risk of mutual annihilation.

That in mind, nationalism is very healthy. It's all about keeping the country's wealth and culture intact and building that country up and making its citizens proud to be a part of it. Instead of watering it down and dividing the populace, such as the way the US is now. Every greatly successful empire in history has had strong patriotism and support from its (undivided) citizens. And yes, most of those were destroyed by war. See the 1st paragraph. That isn't a relevant argument anymore. If anything like that ever happened, I guarantee China is going to be the aggressor - Not the US. They've been throwing rocks over the fence for decades.

because kul tirans shouldn't look like that

Don't you fucking dare debunk user.