Is there a logical explanation for this
Is there a logical explanation for this
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1/4 of tits
>Next week
Moving the title to top center makes it more visible at a glance. The image is zoomed in and moved to make room for the title and get rid of the space that would be empty otherwise.
Women's bodies are evil and demonic. You must resist your natural urges in order to show God your love. This cover art serves only to help you reach heaven, friend.
>Buying games on TRANNIESTATION
Why even move the logo in the first place?
Japanese boxart is literally perfect and doesn't remove any elements from it, especially the horse.
Left: Soul
Right: Soulless
fuck horses
that stalker in the back is bothering me
it's like she doesn't belong there
dude that's her mother
Adopted I take it? Since that bitch is a gigantic lesbian.
The title is still perfectly visible, but it makes the ACTUAL reason people are buying these sort of games in a more visible spot.
so how are you gonna explain that the switches version is zoomed in
Rorona is not a lesbian. She is however still a virgin in her 40s
>Even barelegs is too much for these puritans
jesus christ
>Rorona is not a lesbian
>She is however still a virgin in her 40s
Her skirt is too short. This is a thing that I have seen people complain about in anime/Japanese games. If this was a Western game the cover art could have her naked and getting gangbanged and nobody would complain.
Based and jihadpilled
Nothing scares more the jew than white men appreciating beautiful anime
They want western males to worship Miley Cyrus - the typical Stacey
its zoomed lol here's the Japanese version
Hey, at least she's still hanging out with her platonic best friend, virgin-in-his-50s Sterk.
Koei clearly wants to boycott a game that has an alt-right protagonist
This is the artland sequel right?
What the fuck is that Sterk design
why do people here get angry when we tell the truth about jews, sjws and censorship?
It at least shows legs.
Sterk fucked Mimi countless times I'm sure. Why isn't she in this game? :(
Yes, it's the fourth Arland game, following up Atelier Meruru.
>Zoomed on her legs
Based Nintendo
Uh? Mimi is in the game, but she's not particularly interested in anyone but Totori as usual.
I know right? Older men ALWAYS have a beard or become chads.
>Fucked Mimi
Didn't happen. Totori doesn't let her out of the Atelier.
He's gradually turning into Gio as he ages.
>no dub
straight in to the garbage
Why do they all still look underage?
Didn't Mimi want to fuck that older guy badly?
They hired someone that actually understands composition.
Gust and re-used assets!
>No dub
Straight onto my shelf.
>nepshitter has awful taste
How do gay alchemist girls reproduce anyway?
bare legs are haram for sony, stop buying games for their systems
How is it awful taste to prefer the original audio? You are projecting.
Adoption or homunculus. Or alchemy futa cock.
>Not liking NepNep
It's like you hate yourself.
Where do they get the secret ingredient for them though? Since it's human semen and all.
have sex
You are not welcomed on Yea Forums
It's because of the title and character placements. americans like things centered, so it's easier to concentrate on the picture
t. my cousin's dog is marketingfag
>have sex
t. degenerate leftist
>piss boring gameplay with bad characters, overused tropes and 4th wall breaking
mimi coaxes it out from the various boys with her mouth
Bare legs are disgusting
is this one of the censored pedo games
why does the roof tiling look different between the 2 photos. there is obviously more to the picture than on either of these but it looks a different color and detailed too
My fucking nigger. POST MORE HOSE.
She looks like a slut that sucks dick for weed.
Can you still press a button to make her trip for shits and giggles like in Totori and Meruru?
Ok post body and bend over.
good. Burger voice actors are trash
I'm also glad they cropped the horse, it looked like it was ready to fuck her from behind
>Sony moves to California
>big wildfire
(God warned us)
>won't be on E3
>now censorship
so like any women?
They unironically said MeToo and gamergate was to blame lmao
>won't be on E3
lol really? Did they realize how much they got btfo by microsoft last year?
The only pedo here is you.
Thankfully, I think Blue Reflection is the only recent Gust game that was censored in some way and that was just that they removed tilt in the model viewer so you can't get pantyshots.
Semen is not required in these games.
>zoomed on legs
>removed knees, because knees are always ugly
based nintendo.
When Rorona discovers the recipe for Homunculi, she reads you can use either horseshit or human semen. Then, when Totori asks her how the Chims are made, Rorona gets really flustered and says she'll tell her once she gets older. Totori does the exact same when Meruru asks her, so yeah, they used human semen.
It's fine user, I'm sure she just asked Sterk to jack off into the alchemy cauldron.
Yea Forums is visited by normalfags now. Mainstream society doesn't exactly approve of these problematic games.
People are against censorship. Until something is censored that they don't like. And nobody wants to defend creepy pedoweebs.
>showing somebodies fucking foot is being a pedo
>doesn't like legs
>doesn't like kneecaps
Lets not be delusional here, Sony always wins. Censorship or not.
Sony simply doesn't need E3 at this point.
>see vidya girl in skirt
>need to see her panties
it can't be helped
This kills the snoy.
That 50 year old looks 15.
>NoA known for their SJW localization
>this gets an okay
Nintendo reeled Treehouse back to Japan.
>buying shitch ports
That's a screen from Totori, when Rorona was 25.
Does Nincels have something else to shitpost other than censorship boogeyman? Are they still mad about Persona?
Go cry about Nintendo bonus in other thread, user.
Gust is not a NoA first party dev.
I merely posted an image showing the difference between the ps4 cover user. Jesus. As if I'd buy a Gust game after these horrible 3 years.
>not pictured
>Astrid screeching
It's a fact that Sony is engaged in censorship.
I know that feel.
Wait what happened to princess autist? I never finished her game cause I was burned out when I got em all on vita.
So does Nintendo. Why do you care about visual novels suddenly?
After playing through Arland, I am finally enlightened about High-Impact Sexual Violence.
This isn't a visual novel and Sony doesn't censor only visual novels. And where did I even say that I haven't cared about visual novels before?
That 'better be a bottle of water!! If not, we will remove it!
>This isn't a visual novel
Nor it is censored. Game is the same.
> Sony doesn't censor only visual novels
Basically yes, or cheap weeb trash that disguises itself as games but might as well be visual novels.
Fake fan who hasn't played the games
I want to fuck the bitchiness out of Mimi
The cover art is censored, and in any case Sony has censored many games already. It's their official policy to do so.
>Basically yes, or cheap weeb trash that disguises itself as games but might as well be visual novels.
They have censored games that are not visual novels.
America has been getting shit box art since the 80’s. Not to defend California Snoy, but the west getting fucked in box art is nothing new.
tranny degenerates
You are out in fucking left field with that logic
>The cover art is censored
It isn't though.
Also cover art is not a game or gameplay.
>they have censored games that are not visual novels
Nope, only weeb trash that are visual novels, unless you talk about Nintendo.
Basically, people have no problems when the games they don't like are censored. However, when the censorship strikes their favorite genre and/or series, it will be too late.
I don't like the idea of little girls playing with semen I'd rather they do cute things like throwing bombs at monsters.
It is very clearly censored.
>Also cover art is not a game or gameplay.
Where did I say otherwise?
>Nope, only weeb trash that are visual novels, unless you talk about Nintendo.
You are either lying or have no idea what you're saying. They have censored games other than visual novels, and in the case of Omega Labyrinth Z they outright banned the game from being released in the West.
Your "weeb trash" is a figment of your imagination. There is no such thing.
So none of you have any reason to be mad other than the fact that the NA cover is different from the Japanese, like in every other game ever released?
It was censored for social justice reasons.
Some sort of horse phobia?
So if I'm reading this right, this game has canon futa gay alchemist that rape other girls for alchemist components? Picked up
>It is very clearly censored.
It isn't though. Zooming character is not censorhip and there is nothing to censor.
>Where did I say otherwise?
So you care about game cover so much? That sounds quite dumb.
>Omega Labirynth
So cheap weeb trash like I said. Also it's exclusive which means we don't know if it would be censored on other platforms or even released on it. Nintendo blocked some cheap weeb trash lately because of fanservice. Why you talk only about Sony?
No, it has cute girls doing cute things, basic rpg elements, and a lot of yuribait but no actual yuri (thankfully)
I love it when they texture the panties
No, the rapist is just a drunk shopkeeper. And she happened to rape a yurifag who was traumatized by the experience.
Based on what evidence?
Panties > nude
debate me
They censored her legs. Why are you lying?
>So you care about game cover so much? That sounds quite dumb.
This is a thread about the covers, and it is a form of censorship even if it's minor compared to others.
>So cheap weeb trash like I said.
It's a Japanese game. By definition it is not weeb. And it isn't "cheap trash" just because you don't like it.
>Also it's exclusive which means we don't know if it would be censored on other platforms or even released on it.
Other platforms have nothing to do with this. We're talking about Sony.
>Nintendo blocked some cheap weeb trash lately
No they didn't. Your "cheap weeb trash" does not exist.
>Why you talk only about Sony?
Why shouldn't I be talking only about Sony?
Leftists have often complained about skirts being too short in anime. She has a short skirt. The cover art conceals her legs. This isn't rocket science.
Sameface syndrome
There's nothing to debate, you're right. The tease is always better.
I would say I can’t wait for censorship to hit popular western games but the people who talk shit about Japanese games being censored would welcome more censorship anyway because they are puritanical American cucks.
I have been having a smug chuckle at mk11 getting censored though.
So no evidence, then. Just unhinged ranting about "leftists."
>They censored her legs
They have nothing against since they are in the game. They just zoomed characters.
>This is a thread about the covers
Pretty sure you were talking about games too. Again, why do you care about cover?
>And it isn't "cheap trash" just because you don't like it.
It is cheap weeb trash barely anyone but you care about.
>Other platforms have nothing to do with this. We're talking about Sony.
Why only about Sony?
>No they didn't
Except they did. Why do you lie?
>Why shouldn't I be talking only about Sony?
Because censorship is not exclusive to Sony, why are you obsessed with them only?
I just gave you the evidence.
>They have nothing against since they are in the game. They just zoomed characters.
See bottom
>Pretty sure you were talking about games too. Again, why do you care about cover?
What the fuck is wrong with you? This thread, which we are in right now, is about the covers. It is the topic which the thread is about. How are you not getting this?
>It is cheap weeb trash barely anyone but you care about.
Japanese things by definition cannot be weeb, and the fact that something offends you does not mean that nobody cares about it.
>Why only about Sony?
Why not?
>Except they did. Why do you lie?
They didn't, because they couldn't have. What am I lying about?
>Because censorship is not exclusive to Sony, why are you obsessed with them only?
Where have I indicated an obsession? Why can we not talk about Sony only?
>See bottom
I see, and?
>This thread, which we are in right now, is about the covers
But you were talking about in games. Do you understand or it's still too hard?
>and the fact that something offends you
Nothing offends me, you are basically caring about cheap weeb trash no one cares.
>Why not?
Because other companies exist?
>They didn't, because they couldn't have.
Again, why do you lie?
> Why can we not talk about Sony only?
Because censorship is not exclusive to Sony? Why Nintendo censorship is ok, but not Sony? You sound like hypocrite now.
Man who the fuck would play this garbage
>I see, and?
Did you try READING it?
>But you were talking about in games.
What about it?
>Nothing offends me
You make it very obvious that you are offended with your deranged claims about "cheap weeb trash."
>you are basically caring about cheap weeb trash no one cares.
Explain how a Japanese game can be wannabe Japanese. Provide evidence that nobody cares about any of these games.
What does that have to do with what you're talking about?
>Again, why do you lie?
Where is the lie?
>Because censorship is not exclusive to Sony?
How does that necessitate talking about other companies?
>Why Nintendo censorship is ok, but not Sony?
Where did I say it's ok?
>but Nintento, but Nintendo
>why do you care?
Becuase he cares and he talks about Sony.
Sony is censoring games and you can yell Nintendo and bing bing yahoo all day, but that won't change the facts.
Beta men and women. Beta men are just like underpants gnomes, they think that
1:ban drawings
3: profit pussy?
Not a single man ever have cared about this for real, they are all after that pussy they think this will get them. Women of course want to ban drawings because they are unironically stupid enough to compare themselfs to drawings and since they can never be as cute as that their vaginas get angry.
>I just gave you the evidence
No, you didn't.
>What you want to hear
SJWs hate 2D women and cropped out the legs because sexuality is bad!
>What is actually happening
They wanted to put the title of the game at the top and center of the box so they had to crop the image so it didn't cover her face
>Did you try READING it?
Yes, and?
>What about it?
So this thread is not about covers only?
>You make it very obvious that you are offended with your deranged claims about "cheap weeb trash."
Something you don't like means it offends you too? You are really bad at logic.
>What does that have to do with what you're talking about?
Because I said Nintendo removed game due to it's fanservice which you say they didn't. Do you have problems with following simple sentences and I have to repeat everything for you multiple times?
>How does that necessitate talking about other companies?
Because censorship is not exclusive to Sony?
>Where did I say it's ok?
Well you are defending them and talk about Sony only.
Why do you lie?
Oh no, did Billy D write about this yet?
How do I apply the reshade on Lydie & Suelle?
So he's obsessed about Sony, not censorship? Ok.
I want to believe you're false-flagging to intentionally try to make weaboos look retarded, but deep down I know you're not.
Pulling something out of ass is not evidence user. If they were against skirt they would censor it in game or not released it. Argument discarded.
>Yes, and?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>So this thread is not about covers only?
This thread is about covers. This does not somehow mean that we are prohibited from talking about anything else, like other instances of censorship. Why the fuck are you whining about this?
>Something you don't like means it offends you too? You are really bad at logic.
You sound obviously offended.
>Because I said Nintendo removed game due to it's fanservice which you say they didn't. Do you have problems with following simple sentences and I have to repeat everything for you multiple times?
1) You were talking about weeb games which by definition excludes this Japanese game. 2) They removed the game because it had nudity that the developers neglected to remove. 3) Nudity as a rule has never been allowed on consoles, least of all Nintendo.
>Because censorship is not exclusive to Sony?
>Well you are defending them and talk about Sony only.
How was I defending them? How does only talking about Sony imply anything about Nintendo?
What do my posts have to do with weeaboos? How am I false flagging?
I did not pull anything out of my ass. Why are you lying?
yes. read the parts of albions seed by fischer about the dominance of puritanism not only as a group in itself but as a larger set of social values that rooted themselves into anglo-american society deeply. the US is a quaker-puritan controlled country, from law to culture, and it means the worst of both worlds. fun is not allowed, but at the same time theres no holy crusade against degeneracy or whatever and you can't take things too seriously due to quaker influence. so there's an eternal limbo where you have a moralfag elite controlling everything but they're only interested in making things boring.
You seem triggered and offended. Why are you attacking him? If he hates Sony so much, in what way does that affect you?
I am a degenerate man who enjoys the sexualization of young girls. I understand that mainstream society has a problem with that though.
I don't think SJWs and Christfags will actually win beyond weebshit though. Americans like sex, drugs and gambling way too much. Did you know the US was the first country to legalize divorce?
the same way as any game
So(n)yfags will defend this like the corporate cucks they are
Maybe it has something to do with how they read?
How do I know which one I'm supposed to choose?
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nothing. What about you?
>This thread is about covers
It's not since we are not talking about covers only. Why do you have problems with understanding it so hard?
>You sound obviously offended.
How so?
>They removed the game because it had nudity
So like I said, it's hardest form of censorship, yet you defend them, but at the same time not visible legs on cover are problem for you. It makes me think you are some Nintendo shill/shhitposter.
>Nudity as a rule has never been allowed on consoles, least of all Nintendo.
It's only not allowed on Nintendo actually. PS4 and Xbox have games with tits.
And for some unknown reason you are talking about Sony only, that's weird.
>How was I defending them?
Lying about a game they removed due to censorship.
>I did not pull anything out of my ass
Yes, you did.
>point out someone hypocrisy
>u mad
>baaaw u attack me
>what way does that affect you
I like to laugh at insecure retards, otherwise dosen't affect me at all. Why ask?
>be American
>move away from parents at the age of 18, possibly to different state, because it's laughable that a 18yo person still lives with his/hers parents, even if he/she works and pays bills
>still have to wait 3 more years to be able to buy a beer
>sees family only during Thanksgiving Day and Christmas
>ends up wondering why he/she has bad relationship with family he/she doesn't see during the whole year, except for those few days
How in the fuck would you have to read to justify censoring that cover? Instead of reading "Atalier Lulua" did they read "you better censor these lewd legs hurr durr nigger"
look at the requirements on steam. You then have to either create your own look with the shaders they provide or download some shitty oversaturated preset from the internet. It takes some time to learn to master reshade and not make it look overprocessed.
Because you didn't laugh so far. Just screamed ''Nintendo'' and ''you are lying!''
Just an observation. Carry on.
Yet you are completely ignoring what I said.
>It's not since we are not talking about covers only.
Look at the fucking OP you dumbfuck.
>How so?
I JUST told you how so.
>So like I said, it's hardest form of censorship, yet you defend them, but at the same time not visible legs on cover are problem for you. It makes me think you are some Nintendo shill/shhitposter.
Nudity as a rule has never been allowed on consoles. It has nothing to do with the existing censorship debate, unless the rule is not applied evenly. Furthermore, if a game is submitted as having no nudity but then turns out to have nudity, then it has to be pulled from the market and reclassified, which is what happened to GTA San Andreas.
>And for some unknown reason you are talking about Sony only, that's weird.
Why should I not be allowed to talk about Sony only?
>Lying about a game they removed due to censorship.
Where was the lie?
>Yes, you did.
No, I did not. Why are you lying?
>Just screamed
I never screamed actually and if you think so, you must be very sensitive.
It's not censorship, it's a badly edited cover by a lazy Koei Tecmo employee
I was just thinking what kind of person do you have to be to want to censor anything? I have never in my life wanted to censor anything, do these people have weak as fuck minds or something? Are all these people the same as those kids in school that started to cry because someone has fun and they are not included?
>Yet you are completely ignoring what I said.
You pulled something out of your butthole, why would I care about it.
>Look at the fucking OP you dumbfuck.
And look at the rest of the fucking thread you fucking mongoloid.
>Nudity as a rule has never been allowed on consoles
It is allowed. Play Witcher 3 idiot.
>Why should I not be allowed to talk about Sony only?
You can, I just point out that you have asshurt about Sony.
>Where was the lie?
In your post you fucking retard.
>No, I did not
Yes you did. If not, post source.
>Are all these people the same as those kids in school that started to cry because someone has fun and they are not included?
youve discovered the secret
>censoring that cover
If something doesn't show legs all the time it's censored? I guess porn movies are censored too now.
PC is even worse
PC cucks will defend this.
Holy shit.
But you can see her hand in the censored version, wich doesn't show up in japanese version, meaning they must have had a picture without the japanese text.
This stuff, this ''we need to bad this'' mentality usually comes from people who want to protect their children in a way that they can waytch movies with bad language, can't hang out with kids who, in the eyes of those parents, are ''problematic'', learn 2 respect and every other crap they can think off. But in most cases, the bad influence comes from those parents, as they usually argue and yell in front of their children, and when the said kid says a profanity they wonder where the hell did their kid heard that word.
Have sex
Who the fuck would hate it on principle, indeed. I guess they're such fans of soi based products that they would post it on imageboard they don't belong in regardless of the context.
>be American
There's your problem
Why is valve anti-arm?
If a same porn movie in one website shows legs and in some other site won't, what is it if not censoring? Try to think, retard.
>You pulled something out of your butthole, why would I care about it.
I did no such thing. Why are you lying?
>And look at the rest of the fucking thread you fucking mongoloid.
This thread is about cover art in a specific game. Look at the OP. Actually fucking look at it.
>It is allowed. Play Witcher 3 idiot.
Actually read what I said idiot:
>Nudity as a rule has never been allowed on consoles
>You can, I just point out that you have asshurt about Sony.
Explain why I'm not allowed to be mad at Sony for engaging in censorship.
>In your post you fucking retard.
Where, retard?
>Yes you did. If not, post source.
I did not. Why do you lie?
Not mine, I'm not American. I just wrote a post from their perspective and, since noone attacked me so far, I guess it was spot on.
No, fuck you with your gay ass propaganda trying to sheer me a way of things that actually matter.
Atelier died, a long ago.
Left = long dead
Right = reborn
Love the American mental gymnastics
Let's talk about how the jap version censored the sky.
I think it sucks.
Right is from a 10 year old game.
The franchise had been good until the mid 00s.
Can KT just die so Gust can be bought by someone who deserves them?
>they must have had a picture without the japanese text.
You mean pic related ?
Cover art is always based on a clear image by the artist, then the publisher edits it to whatever it needs
It seems that the guys at Koei Tecmo doing the job for the Western release are lazy and don't really care
>left soulless, right soul
what did he mean by this?
It's not laziness, it's censorship.
>t. tasteless waifufags
>cropping out legs
You can always count on those faggots at SNOY to be massive prudes
you're right I'm just horny shitposting
The guys in the back look older though.
>stop liking what I don't like
If they were lazy they would have just done pic related. They clearly didn't just zoom to hide the japanese text, because you can see her hand wich doesn't apear in japanese box art.
t: american't
You fucking joking right? It can't be possibility zoomed in to avoid showing legs right?
What the fuck.
Holy fuck, not even Muslims are that crazy.
>those pits
There is no other explanation, welcome to jewslam.
Just play a porn game bro
"And then they came for me"
>That picture
Did someone really waste their time and draw some random guy from YouTube?
Post body and bend over, otherwise, sit the fuck down.
marlone at the left
You can never stop porn games
Not as long as humans live and breath
The freedom of eroge porn games is the breath of life you take every day
No boot on my neck will ever stop me from breathing
Not until a bullet has passed through my skull will porn games die
I would not be so sure. You know some games are already banned in some countries and they are not even porn games. It's going to hapen unless we fight back. It will start just like this, first companies start to censor their own shit, and then they demand that everyone does the same so they don't have competition. Row row, fight the powa!
>"fuck nu-Gust"
>0 results
Fuck you all. And fuck nu-Gust.
What are you talking about.
They all look like Christmas cakes.
Sweetie where do you think you are?
How can modern Atelier girls compete?