Can't progress without magic powers

>can't progress without magic powers

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>this is the developer who makes Cyberpunk
>people think Cyberpunk will be good

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fetch me 100 cyber pelts
and don't mind the sun out there, kid

>*whistles for magic horse*
>*autoruns on road to quest marker*
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>*guys in Drowner™ costumes appear*
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof" *shows flipper*
>10 crowns received

post the Cyberpunk one.

>can't progress without combat


Playing this game it's hard to think of reasons against burning every sorceress I meet. Calling them hyper cunts doesn't even begin to explain it.

Can't complete the game without killing or engaging in combat.

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This is so accurate it hurts. Why do people praise this game again?

That’s the point user.

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This is too accurate and I love that game

Especially the blind one, she's not even in to men, why even bother saving her from a pire if she's not even gonna let Geralt witch-her

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always lose it at ™

I like the game, pipe down sonygro


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That's not magic, that's smellovision from the a dog's life game.

coping snoygger

I'm still playing cyberpunk, and I like the witcher series. Maybe it's not the best of the best, but I still think it's fun enough. That being said, the last Deus Ex is probably more preferable to me, since you can pick things like non lethal weapons, sneak past everyone, K.O bosses instead of kill them AND people take note of all these things and react differently to you if you do.

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>set in """""""""cyperpunk""""" version of california
>niggers and freaks from tumblr roaming the streets
>bland boring combat with cheap mechanics and enemies
>cringy unrealistic dialogue and scenes
>we showed tiddies so we are a mAtURe game so please take us seriously
>people actually think this game will give the genre justice based on Witcher 3

Reactions in nuDeus Ex were absolutely exaggerated though.
>enter territory full of armed criminals
>try to sneak past and save hostages
>fail at sneaking, get shot at, kill in self-defense

>quest log updated: defeat the cyberbandits terrorizing the road

Geralt is like me because all the girls want to fuck him haha

cope retards, cyberpunk gonna be at least 9/10.
based polaks know how to make games.

it takes very little to be a 9/10 these days.

I like old women that can't have children, just like Geralt haha!

I meant user score, which isn't as easy to get.

>wearing something other than witcher gear

>I meant user score
nah you didn't but ok ;)

fuck magic I want to hit shit with a sword
sword and board for life
game of thrones was better before bullshit magic
jks I'm just still mad about wizards that run backwards

nah I did, but ok ;)

I wouldn't know, I just kept re trying untill I got the sneak right. Life got easier when I found out the AI reacted to smoke grenades as if a coin fell out of no where
Kinda funny.

That's not his vision though, it's supposed to emulate his keen sense of smell that he guides himself after but the only way for them to do that was visually.

It will win game of the year, BTFOing Yea Forums as Yea Forums always has been.

mmm, gotta be....

Mankind Divided was criminally underrated. Closest thing gameplay/option wise we've had to the original.

It felt really boring, I honestly tried to get into it since I really liked the previous one, but it was just bland.

SE really fucked the release up.

True it wasn't as big or flashy at least plot wise, it felt more like they picked a "day at the office" over what people would have probably hoped for. But even so, I enjoyed the game enough to keep going and finish it all up, sidequests and everything, that being said I had no interest in the dlcs, since it doesn't use your save files to determin what kind of Jensen you are and they're more or less short stories that don't really feel worth it.

The prison was was the best piece of modern dude sex ever made.

>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *
God fucking dammit kek


On my last playthrough on Death March I avoided ever wearing Witcher gear. But damn there are some ugly armors in that game

How have you never seen this?
Fucking newfags

to be fair you're more like reddit.

why not?

I don't really use reddit. But hey, if you're gonna be so rent free about it. Why don't I just pull a list out.
>To be fair
>I mean
>Like, seriously
>But what if

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I see Yea Forums hasn't changed lately

If you wouldn't have to use detective mode for that stuff you'd get something interactable every 5 steps.

The Witcher 3 has to be the most meme game in history.

I've played it, you've played it, we've all played it. But never, EVER IN MY LIFE have I ever heard anyone say anything positive about the gameplay or name a single thing that isn't "lol the story bro" that it does well.

No one can defend the game without shitposting. I don't understand.

You don't read many posts even on Yea Forums then.

I know there are people shitting on the game, but you and I both know no one actually thinks TW3 is a good game, they just say it is because it's a meme.

but user it got 600 GOTYs, if game journos say a game is good it has to be good right?

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>everyone who disagrees with me is a meme

Now that's one unironic "cope"

>Using a meme to insist that you're not memeing

That's like 6 layers of irony or some shit

>highest user review score of any game ever for PC and PS4

>Toucan sam vision activates
>Follows nose
God I love this fucking pasta

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What else is there? Major western studios are all garbage and Japanese devs don't really make games at a scale this big. CDPR is quite literally the only developer who makes these kind of vast open-world action-rpgs that actually live up to the AAA value.

So is it your serious, non-ironic argument that TW3 is objectively the best game ever made and you can list right now at least one thing about the gameplay that isn't garbage?

What games do you consider the best then

>plebs and journos both have shit opinions
makes sense

>complains about cultural and ethnic diversity in a future megacity in one of the most immigrated-to states in the country
>Thinks nudity is out of place in a cyberpunk setting
>I know what will do cyberpunk justice, guys, and this aint it
Alright, we'll set the next one in Iowa and it'll be all white people in jeans and t shirts, which they never take off

Not sacrificing quality in the pursuit of AAA quality like a fucking pleb retard.

>no one actually thinks TW3 is a good game
no one on Yea Forums likes videogames

Detective vision is the worst thing. Other than that though, this game was 10 times better than I expected it to be. Went it thinking I'd hate it because "triple A goty open world" but it was really great. Still, I'm going into Cyberpunk with no expectations.

>Not sacrificing quality in the pursuit of AAA quality
This is essentially CDPR's motto

The gameplay is great. Combat feels responsive and usually requires more consideration than the usual "hit X until all the enemies are dead." Mixing sword strikes, grenades, and magic feels dynamic and thrilling.

The game does many things right. It's huge and expansive, but it's not an Ubisoft map full of generic icons either. Each sidequest has effort put into it to bring it to life rather than another "bring me this stuff" or "go there and kill that." Many of the characters are developed and complex.

It's not perfect. The battle music is way too limited, and the worst character in the game (Ciri) gets put on a pedestal. But it's a spectacular overall experience.

>and Japanese devs don't really make games at a scale this big. CDPR is quite literally the only developer who makes these kind of vast open-world action-rpgs that actually live up to the AAA value.
botw is game of the decade.

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>Mixing sword strikes, grenades, and magic feels dynamic and thrilling.
holy reddit speak batman

It's only a 2 year old copy pasta posted every thread, do you expect people to have actually seen it before? Don't bully my fellow redditors.

Tetris has more appealing gameplay than TW3. The only reasons I played through it were the world and characters. The best thing I can say about the gameplay is that the combat was at least less boring than TES. Shitty exploration with loot piñatas sprinkled everywhere (that give garbage scaled loot that is surpassed by things you can easily craft anyway), boring generic and easy third person action combat, hand-holding and batman vision to get you through everything. Whole game feels like it was designed to carry you through the next piece of dialogue faster, which I appreciate since that was the most enjoyable aspect of the 'game'.

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Tbh the dlc hearts of stone story was fucking kino

>Combat feels responsive and usually requires more consideration than the usual "hit X until all the enemies are dead." Mixing sword strikes, grenades, and magic feels dynamic and thrilling.
>It's huge and expansive, but it's not an Ubisoft map full of generic icons either.
>the worst character in the game (Ciri) gets put on a pedestal

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TW3 is one of the absolutely best game ever released. You can disagree and it's fine, but it's pathetic that your coping mechanism makes you shut your eyes and ears at anyone that disagrees and call them memes. Just accept you have different taste from other people and like what you like, it's not so hard.

lmao you just spin the tetrominoes to win. SPIN TO WIN BRO LMAO SPIN TO WIN.

reminder that if this garbage didn't the Name "zelda" slapped on it, nobody would have cared

Every trail is followable by eye and you just need to get to the final area. No need to "investigate" along the way.

You' re a shitstain.

No. Also Witcher 3 looks infinitely better in all aspects than BOTW.

You didn't answer the question

>Combat feels responsive and usually requires more consideration than the usual "hit X until all the enemies are dead."
I can't even tell if this is shitposting or not.

>set enemy on fire with igni
>hit them
>they stop burning
Did they ever fix this?

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>TW3 is one of the absolutely best game ever released
Wouldn't a game need to have good gameplay to be one of the best games ever released?

Not arguments. I take it my point is made, then. Good day.

>Combat feels responsive and usually requires more consideration than the usual "hit X until all the enemies are dead."
funny how I quit the game for being exactly this.

pacifist postal 2 run in 3:30, betting most of the time was waiting in line at the bank

Yes fellow gamer, I'm glad TW3 isn't anything like ubishit games.

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Gameplay in a game like Witcher is not just the combat, it's a mix of everything, quest design, exploarion, all the different systems etc. It's not fucking devil may cry. Combat itself is nothing revolutionary but it's good enough to keep you going and everythign else elevates the game.

Using a map as a means to navigate is an exclusively Ubisoft trait now? Turning on all map markers via the console menu to pretend like this is how the map looks by default is a good attempt to mislead morons I suppose.

That is literally how the game looks by default though, except they'd be question marks before you find out what they are.

Tetris has one of the most appealing gameplays in existence you fucking zooming retard

No it isn't but nice try, the only question marks that appear are ones you've heard rumours about via notice boards. Try playing the game user.

Which makes it miles better than TW3, what's your problem fag?

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It's a shit game, from basically every perspective.

lol retard

My favorite thing about TW3 isn't how bad it is, it's people like this guy
Who are so deep in their ironic shitposting that they will literally spend hours writing up essays to defend a game they don't even really like, but they just HAVE TO totally troll Yea Forums by pretending to love a mediocre game so they can get those (You)s.

Nope, never played it and never will. Eat shit

But mostly yours. Was super fun and interesting from my perspective

Zoomers raised on movie shit.
Gameplay doesn't matter if the cutscenes are good.

TW3 is one of the only games I've actually completed next to Bloodborne in recent history. I have patrician taste btw.

boobs and titties and mummie bake me cookies hurrrr

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that's a pass from me dawg. Never saw what people liked in this game.

anytime there was a line was when I would just throw a scythe throw it figured it would cut down the crowd
*badum tiss*

> I have patrician taste
no if you like it more than bb

zoomers are brainlets

Why are you lying

>Why are you lying
Explain why this map only shows a small selection of the question marks that would otherwise be present if they're all showing by default then you idiot.

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Because you changed the map settings in the menu

explain why this map shows weird, immersion breaking symbols that don't fit the style of the map and yet somehow are placed with pinpoint accuracy in a time before gps

Show me the setting that shows "only like some of the question markers lmao that'd be funny fucking hell lad come on let me lie on the internet" in the games options.

maps have only existed for a couple hunded years

Because it's a map in a video game. If you're after an accurate life sim then don't play action RPGs.

>Because it's a a video game
By that logic you might also justify electricity and guns being in there alonge with the magic and swordfights.
Also why bother wearing those gay ass medieval customes? Gayralt would look just as great in jeans and they can copy the assets straight out of the Sims.
Also why bother putting in a drawn map? Just a satellite snapshot of the gameworld will be enough.
And that horse needs actual horsepowers. In fact just skip the horse and teleport everywhere.

why is Yea Forums so low iq?

>By that logic you might also justify electricity and guns being in there alonge with the magic and swordfights.
Yes you could, and if that's the game they wanted to make then they could do that. I mean magic also isn't real and/or period appropriate and they do that. If your claim is that games can't move beyond the realms of reality then you probably shouldn't play RPGs in any form because all of them take liberties with real life and what is possible.

I see you don't understand immersion.
Look at the most recent open world rpg with guns and swords and see for yourself what that gets you.

Fuck you and your whore of a mother.

Which I suppose is why The Witcher 3 doesn't include guns in the game, but my point isn't that they SHOULD do it, but merely that they COULD do it since games can do whatever the hell they want, it doesn't mean it turns out well, just that it can be done.

even the most immersive open world rpg made recently still had game elements to make it user friendly

So you do get it.
Then you surely would also agree, that some more appropriate symbols on the map, i.e. hand drawn or writing, would fit much better.
At the same time that would also limit symbols to important things instead of yet another copy paste location.

>want a mindless game with pretty graphics
>re-install witcher 3
>roll, roll, potion, attack, roll
>can't even do velen anymore
I'm just replaying white orchard for a break from other things.

>Then you surely would also agree, that some more appropriate symbols on the map, i.e. hand drawn or writing, would fit much better.
Fit is subjective, but I agree it could look more fitting and visually interesting. That said the function of a map is more important to me than its visuals. I'd rather it work well than look good, so I'm not upset with its current implementation. It could be better but honestly there isn't anything that couldn't be better.

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What an excellent game. The gameplay itself was shit but it had a great world and some very interesting quests and characters.

This just doesn't work.
I would rather play a good game... Right fellow anons???

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Before what? The first scene of the show is magic zombies killing a bunch of dudes.

>reddit drones will THINK it's good and buy 10 copies

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>resetera drones still MAD that TW3 sold well while letting you fuck hot chicks

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