Attached: artifact steam charts 3.png (1525x335, 343K)
The absolute STATE of Valve/Steam Right Now
Jacob Flores
Alexander Price
Jason Collins
why keep it running?
Caleb Hernandez
Maybe Valve not releasing Half Life 3 is for the best.
Matthew Diaz
Leo Russell
Aw sheeet.
I can't wait for HLVR.
Noah Baker
Noah Roberts
>Anti epic mentality has to be associated with valve shilling
yellow jew or american jew i just want to despise both. let me enjoy the disaster that is valve and ill go shitpost about uncle mao in another thread.
Angel Parker
>Anti china mentality has to be associated with epic shilling
Brody Bell
Ah shit nigga, valves latest shitty card game is a failure, Valve and Steam are finished forever and will go bankrupt!!!
Aaron Rivera
Are they too proud to make it f2p? The main reason the game failed is because you needed to buy the game and the cards on top of it. Not even having a way to grind for cards is fucking retarded.
Jose Ortiz
The main reason it failed is because it's a shit game
John Moore
That didn't stop Hearthstone from being popular
Levi Phillips
>The absolute STATE of Valve
IKR, porting collectible card game moneygrubbing over to a digital format absolutely stinks
shoo shoo Epic jew
Jeremiah Robinson
This will never not be satisfying as hell to see.
Andrew Mitchell
>charge people to play the game
>charge people to buy all the cards
>no rewards system
I wonder why no one wants to play it.
Hunter Adams
>people want half life 3
>continue to not make half life 3
>don't even bother to make something simpler like another left 4 dead
I'm not sure what they were expecting.
Jose Foster
Isn't there a more complete gif?
Brayden White
The goal of the game was to build a new magic the gathering but in the virtual world. You also need to buy cards to play magic with your friends and you don't get awarded either
Chase Morales
Hearthstone is a mediocre game.
But Artifact is downright terrible. The design is deeply flawed.
James Ramirez
And yet the core gameplay, which is supposed to hold you, is terrible.
Pricification is only a secondary aspect.
Benjamin Ward
>I'm not sure what they were expecting.
Mad hearthstone money. Too bad they pulled a blizzard and were late to the party with their cardgame just like blizzard was late with their moba.
Nathaniel Robinson
They wanted to make money with the steam market. Thats why they purposely made a few cards broken as fuck (and all of those the highest rarity)
There was even an instance of instead of nerfing a broken card, they just increased her rarity durkng beta to inflate its price.
Ryan Torres
The Virgin Epic Store
>Has literal shills out the ass on payrole
>Has to "steal" games at the last minute before release to convince people to join
>Has to pay fucking millions every other week for another exclusive 10 people will buy
>Over 100 million install base, can barely cover 250,000 copies on a known franchise.
>"i-it's g-going great g-g-guys, it s-sold more than it's p-predecessor!" (that sold like dogshit)
>bleeding money like a goldigger
Chad Steam
>Already the best in the business, decides to do nothing
Zachary Martin
>buy game
>open starter cards pack
>get at least 1-2 valuable cards
>sell them on the market to some sweaty whale
>refund Artifact
IDK, just keep it running for a bit more
Robert Richardson
You can't refund the game after opening the starter packs, you dum dum