Are Banjofags the most delusional group of people...

Are Banjofags the most delusional group of people? They seriously believe their dead bear is important enough to be along with these great heroes, first-party AND third-party

Even Isaacfags gave up, yet Banjo buddies keep losing and seething when their bear gets criticized by based Reimuposters.

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Where is Ken?

>Even Isaacfags gave up
It has yet to stop hurting, though.

Why the fuck are Sephiroth & Jill Valentine not in Smash? They are just as iconic as Cloud, Snake & Mega Man

Maybe Jill will be DLC.

>Snake was chosen in 2006
>MGS3 was released two years before his inclusion

>Sonic was chosen in 2007
>Sonic 06 was released a year before his inclusion

>Megaman was chosen in 2012
>Megaman 10 was released two years before his inclusion

>PAC-MAN was chosen in 2012
>Pac-Man's 11th arcade edition was released one year before his inclusion

>Ryu was chosen in 2015
>Ultra Street Fighter IV was released one year before his inclusion

>Cloud was chosen in 2015
>FFXIII: Lightning Returns was released one year before his inclusion

>Bayonetta was chosen in 2015
>Bayonetta 2 was released one year before her inclusion

>Simon Belmont was chosen in 2015
>Castlevania: Lord of Shadows was released one year before his inclusion

>Joker was chosen in 2018
>Persona 5 was released two years before his inclusion

>Banjo's last game was in 2008
>If he gets in it would be the first dead third-party franchise getting in Smash.

Are anti-character fags the most autistic and annoying posters here? Why do you care if people want someone.

Daily reminder that 2B is a sleeper pick and has a solid chance

> Sakurai is a fan of Nier Automata
> Yoko Taro has said that he wants 2B in every crossover that will accept her
> Yoko Taro has said in interviews that he wants Automata to get a Switch port

2B gets in, Nier gets announced for the Switch, just like what happenes with Joker in the upcoming future.

Besides, she's way more plausible compared to shit like Erdrick or Steve

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So by this Trend is Sora a lock?

>Besides, she's way more plausible compared to shit like Erdrick or Steve
Does that really matter when there's four whole slots remaining still?

You know your waifu or whatever can get in whether Erdrick gets in before or after her and they can both still be in the game, right?

Depends if Sakurai would count 2.8 as a main game.
If yes, he is likely since the game was released a year before the DLC selection.
If not, well, it would be the first gape since DDD was released in 2012. They usually look at the most recent game for 3rd party and not future releases.

2B has no chance compared to the DQ11 protagonist though.

>> Sakurai is a fan of Nier Automata
Sakurai said yesterday he has stopped tweeting about games he liked, because Smash fans would constantly bug him about it being a hint for a new fighter. What makes you think it's different for Nier?

T. Incel


Imagine being so upset about a cartoon bear that you create threads like this.

> They are not iconic because they aren't as old!
Cope Banjoke, he's trash compared to those

>Besides, she's way more plausible compared to shit like Erdrick
If Sakurai mentioning it is worth anything, like you imply, then DQ is a lock.

Why is Ken missing from this? Especially since there is a tiny Richter

I wouldn't say Sonic, Snake, Megaman, or Pac Man are any different. And I don't even like Banjo Kazooie.

They aren't iconic because they aren't iconic. If you're trying to tell me that Persona 5 and Bayonetta are as recognizable to a mainstream audience as Street Fighter, FFVII, Castlevania, Mega Man, Pac-Man and Sonic, you're literally fucking delusional.

Chris, Jill, and Leon would make great RE characters. RE 1 and 4 have been on Nintendo consoles for like 18 years.

Bomberman is bigger, he should be in

Knowing nintendo sjw politics. there has to be a female coming to smash

Daily reminder
>Anyone who supports Banjo or any other character you don't like is a Grinchfag
>Vergeben Defense Force shirt
>Shit cringe parody of Party Rockers
>Vore fetish
>an invite to the furry transexual discord that exists to 'raid' Yea Forums threads they don't like
>There's a nu-e-celebs in their server
>one of the original creators is a VeggietalesFag.
>they aren't sure about steve in smash, expect one if you are guessing, yes, he's just a refusteve
>Must constantly refer to Minecraft being the best selling game as the only valid agruement
>Optional block placing mechanic that'd break Smash

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Based. Fuck Banjocucks.

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its kinda funny when you think about it

both isaac and banjo died on the third installment for their franchises

Everyone should just accept that it’s time for Star Fox to get one more rep: Krystal’s turn!

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Most of those look like they were better suit in the Playstation all stars

Technically, Nuts & Bolts was the filth, including the GBA games


>All DLC are going to be unexpected and off the wall
>We might actually avoid a shillmon pick

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Grunty's revenge and Pilot
Learn more.

Wish she never existed

god I want to feel her body through that bodysuit

>grunty's revenge
>nuts & bolts

Yeah that's what I was saying, five games

That's the best one.

though if SE actually does have another DLC slot then their pick is bound to be as lameass as they are

that company can't do dick right

This is just sad.

It's obscure weeb trash.

Sakurai likes the series.

That doesn't make it iconic

Seems like someone still cares. Stay mad, Steves.

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Too bad Sakurai thinks otherwise.

Hahaha imagine being Krystal and putting that staff between your legs and then rubbing it up and down

please let this be true even bayonetta a gun wielding super sexual character got in so this should not be a problem

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The first dead third party in Smash was Megaman and the second was Castlevania

Keep coping autist

>imagine being Krystal

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Give me Chris or Leon instead. We need a 3rd party horror representative already. A 1st party AT is not enough.

are in

The root of all this is BTFO culture. Basically these sad faggots obsess over Banjofags because it is almost impossible to get them to give up. Banjofags are pretty much the last surviving fans from the grinch leak. Since these morons have to be right they use whatever irrelevant Strawman without any real intention to debate. OP's image is just another excuse to do that.

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So is posting literally whos from Discord the new "posting literally whos from Twitter"?


how surprising

I know this is shitposting but this is the same series that picked ice climbers(played their game?), rob(a literal gaming peripheral), game and watch(nobody had heard of him) and a literal who anime twink as fighters.
We got C.falcon before ridley or ganon, the later of which is far more famous.
We got characters from games that weren't even localized here or released in japan.
the same game that lets cloud strife slash pac man and wario.
Or that lets snake plant c4 on a baby pokemon.
Or prince marth land a critical hit on ken.
Banjo is too far fetched? Really?
Honestly though all signs point to a monster hunter rep.

hahaha I imagine that the crotch of the bodysuit would get really wet

>t.steve discord tranny

Tony Stark Dies, Black Widow dies, Captain America goes back to the past and dies as an old man in the present

My mistake. So "discord tranny" is the new "I disagree but don't have an argument"

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
Oh boy can't wait to see what happens next. I can already predict Switchfags claiming "W-Wait for E3!" when P5S is nothing Switch related

Every third party character except Bayonetta is either
>originates from a classic nes series (snake, megaman, simon, joker)
>originates from an important game in video game history (pac-man, sonic, ryu, cloud)

I'm pretty sure that that's why that one 5chan leak caught on:
>dragon quest is both a classic nes series and an important game, hence erdrick
>ninja gaiden is a classic nes series, hence hayabusa
>minecraft is an important game, hence steve
>doom is an important game, hence doomguy/marine

Moron. There is a HUGE difference between ICONIC and a guy from a popular game, ie JOKER.


Right here. Bayon

Despite all of the overwhelming evidence presented to me in these past few months, I must continue to deny the existence of these Discords because I refuse to admit that I was wrong.

>There is a HUGE difference between ICONIC and a guy from a popular game, ie JOKER.
This so much.
Doomguy and Erdrick aren't iconic either.
Iconic is reserved for characters like Porky.

No because Megaman got two games in 2010 and Castlevania got one in 2014. They were not dead at the time.



Only ones in this image that deserve to be in are Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Simon, Ryu and partially Bayonetta. They all have a connection to Nintendo in some way. Snake, Cloud and Joker can all fuck off back to PSABR.

>What is Metal Gear
>What is Final Fantasy
Joker is the only one who is strange, but it's the most famous MC of Persona, which became a major franchise.

to be honest, both stevefags and banjoids are fucking insufferable

>tfw master chief gets confirmed instead

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This, Stevefags for wanting a literal skin character.
Banjofags for wanting an irrelevant character.

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>What is Metal Gear
Got one port, wow. All of the above at the very least got exclusives at the time.
>What is Final Fantasy
Why Cloud then? He's literally from the game famous for not being on Nintendie. Sure he's the most "iconic" FF character, still gives him no reason to be in a Nintendie game.
There's your issue. Should have been SMT, you know, the part of the franchise tied EXCLUSIVELY to Nintendo. Either Jack Frost or Demi Fiend, probably the former. As it stands, until Persona 6 is magically Nincel exclusive, it does not warrant a place in Smash Bros.

Pick four from this picture and this is your Fighter Pass.

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Since we know Erdrick is one of those, I'll go with Phoenix Wright for Capcom, and Lloyd Irving for Namco.
Last one could be Ryu Hayabusa.

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Inevitable. I've just accepted that instead of going for someone more interesting from Dragon Quest they've gone for the most boring, predictable cookie cutter choice possible. As long as he isn't broken however, he's inoffensive.
>Phoenix Wright
He's such an obvious choice. He's the last remaining Capcom character most closely tied to Nintendo and it will force Sakurai to be creative instead of working on another gun or swordfucker.
>Chosen Undead
Gonna lean myself wide outside the window here. First of all, an armored character would be fucking cool, we really don't have anyone in full realistic medieval armor. They could even make other armor sets outside of the Elite Knight classic look as costumes, like Solaires armor, Ornsteins armor, Black Knight armor etc etc. His gameplay could also be cool, while he'd use a sword and a shield, he'd be a lot more agile, dodging around the battlefield, maybe they'd even be able to involve blocking and parrying in a way that isn't just a down be counter, maybe he can hold his shield up with a button and do a shield bash with another. Of course Estus would play part in his moveset too. I also think with the Souls series being so influencial it really warrants a place somewhere in Smash, even if that just ends up being a costume or spirit.
>Ryu or Byleth
Torn here. They have a tendency to throw a Fire Emblem shitter in there because of course they would, but I think Ryu does have a good shot thanks to Tecmo being involved with spirits. Plus he's like the only classic NES character left after sword Gohan, so it doubles down.

Imagine level-5 rep in smash like Jibanyan
>mii outfits from inazuma eleven, professor layton, yokai watch and ni no kuni.
>spirits from yokai watch
>music from yokai watch and others level 5 games
>stage is the world map of yokai watch
>jibanyan has new fighter.

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Why do catbros keep winning this time around?

It's the Nyan power my fella

Ryu Hayabusa
New FE Rep

The big cope

Gamefreak have too much power. They'll never allow one of their competitors in Smash.

You don't know shit, the Banjo games fucking made the 64

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>by based Reimuposters
whats with some people acting like banjo/steve are competing for other character slots? Banjo/steve and the occasional master chief get thrown in this for the position of a microsoft rep. so why would that take away some anime girl's chances?


I've seen a million times more people being anti-character fags than people actually campaigning for characters, like Banjo.

Doshin the Giant

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Lmao imagine being cucked enough to actually do it


>tfw you actually took the bait
the absolute state of patternfags

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Just because it's 'iconic' doesn't mean something it's a good character design.

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Doomchads report in
Give me your best metal too

>hey we have all these western dlc characters planned
>how do we kick off their announcement? by first announcing joker on the game awards show.

Yeah, that totally makes sense. Again, the fact their first announcement was Joker on The Game Awards Show, a western event, speaks volumes about the priorities of the Smash developers.

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The big cope

>looking for patterns in the behavior of an insane overworked japanese man
Sakurai habitually saves the most disappointing reveal for last or second to last, he gives no fucks about the timing of reveals

I don’t care much about Smash, buf if good ol’ Doomguy waltzes around in a trailer soon, I’ll be laughing at you.

It will be Banko and Erdrick from the datamining.

The last 2 characters will be Monster Hunter and Heavy.

>I don’t care much about Smash, buf if good ol’ Doomguy waltzes around in a trailer soon, I’ll be laughing at you.

>a series that has only been recently revived after having been dead for several decades
>a series that nobody in Japan ever gave a shit about
You're more likely to see someone like Geralt, who has actually made crossover appearances in several Japanese games.

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I fucking wish. Only western character that deserves it.

>being this assmad

Who? Is this some epic new JRPG protag or what?

t. western nigger.

If all the Challenger Packers are getting the same 'this one must be from another dimension' Guidance bit like they said, it's safe to say the nothing represented in Smash already, by fighter, trophy, spirit or soundtrack, is getting in. We're essentially guaranteed not to get shillmon'd.

>based Reimuposters
Banjo and Remiu are both shit choices

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t. nigger. You'll get Scorbunny 3 and Byleth and you WILL buy them.

Sorry, meant Reimu. fuck.

No problem. She's a garbage character with a garbage name. No need to remember it.


>caring about capeshit

SEETHING literal financial cuckold

You seem to be seething. Have fun with Pokemon and FE DLC. :^)

>Are Banjofags the most delusional


>Rinachunk actually being in Smash
Oh fuck no.

Goddamn you smashfags are pathetic. The lot of you. Each and every single one of you should be ashamed if yourselves.
>Where is [x] character
>[x]fags seething
Thats it. Thats all you retarded cunts are good for. Thank fuck Yea Forums is such a shithole of a board so nothing of value is lost when you cocksuckers make yet another fucking smash thread. I'd suggest a general but you retards would probably fuck that board up too.


The 5ch leak just got deconfirmed by Persona 5 Royal coming out late 2019.

I don’t understand why this is so hard for Sakurai and Nintendo, should be an obvious pick.