ITT: The most time you've wasted in a game for something that wasn't worth it at all

ITT: The most time you've wasted in a game for something that wasn't worth it at all

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spent a few sleepless nights grinding coins in the dimension of disaster in rs3 for the chromatic party hat. turns out it was ugly as shit.

RE5's campaign

Maybe not the most time but for how profoundly impactful it was it certainly felt that way.

My time spent in Hearthstone.
Also, going around the map in Assassin's Creed Black Flag getting every stupid treasure chest

RE5 is best played co-op
Legit great action game to play with bros, not spooky, but a lot of fun.
RE6 on the other hand was trash

I'm aware. Unfortunately, I don't care for co-op games. Suffice it to say I liked 6 more than 5, albeit barely.

Probably when I'm playing a porn game and I recognise that it's poorly designed and not really fun, but it's easy enough to get through it, so I just push through it and end up mildly amused/aroused.

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fucking pussies

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World of Warcraft