Why is this company associated with juvenile/adolescent subject matter?
Why is this company associated with juvenile/adolescent subject matter?
Other urls found in this thread:
Amiibos, removing online functionality for child safety, Their ad campaigns, the majority of their flagship titles. Labo.
because they make good games with kids in mind
Because they haven't made a good game since Majora's Mask
Nintendo appeals to kids because their games have bright colour graphics and inoffensive gameplay.
Nintendo also appeals to adults because adults just want to play fun and enaging games and Nintendo generally make the best video games in the world - design and craft which can only be appreciated by an educated adult mind.
The grey area is the teens and young men, who struggle with identity and maturity. They shun anything which may appear "child-like" because of their own insecurities while holding on to a bafflingly hilarious belief that video games are a medium capable of delivering deep, insightful musings on the human condition, naunced storytelling and non-cringeworthy voice acting.
Based and /thread
Because of this commercial.
Who was in the right here?
+ they don't read books or watch films, so are starved of S(T)O(R)Y, and will lap up any old interactive movie guff