You have played Prisoner of War, right, user?
You have played Prisoner of War, right, user?
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no I didn't
tell me about it
4:3 is literally the worst thing about playing old games
Yes I have. Never finished it because I got stuck in Colditz. This game used FADE. How did it manifest?
why exactly? it's just another screen format.
No but I played The Great Escape, does that count?
gender neutral bathrooms are that way, my man
Yes. Finished it multiple times. More games need settings like this. It's the perfect comfy stealth setting. I still have it sitting on my PC, but the game crashes randomly so fuck that.
ugh, k?
Absolutely loved this game. How comfy the whole routine and getting to know the camp people was, how spending the entire games outsmarting nazis without weapons was a breath of fresh air, and how hokey the whole game felt.
I was disappointed that The Great Escape was just another shooter, from a demo I played.
Can't remember much about it though apart from hiding in closets and having guards telling me to get out politely.
Question: If you missed roll call, and had guards looking for you, and they didn't find you, would you get in trouble next time you were in roll call?
No, but maybe they mention it? I don't remember, but you don't get in trouble and suffer a penalty.
I did. On xbox. But I literally can't remember a damn thing about it so I'm guessing it's not a good game.
>my 12yo face when seeing the mouths move for the first time
The great escape was better
it was an excellent game, really refreshing and challenging and tense having no weapons, gave it a real sense of threat, exploration was fun, multiple ways of doing things, the routine added an extra dimension of tension, it was one of the best stealth games of that era, in an underexploited setting (to say the least, the only other pow escape game is the great escape).
Was being a PoW actually this comfy
not if you're one of the American jews that were arbitrarily killed or sent to the camps, Russian, or otherwise Eastern european. Italians also did not fair well as they weren't regarded as PoWs for some reason.
>Italians also did not fair well as they weren't regarded as PoWs for some reason.
Because technically they weren't soldiers of the nation, they were partisans. The French resistance weren't well treated either.
yeah okay but how was it for the straight white males
Mein Bratwurst is not to your liking America? It's ze finest in all Germany.
fuck off zoomer
Reminder that the British invented the concentration camp. After WWII, they reclassified all Germans as "enemy combatants" so that the Geneva Convention did not apply, and placed Germans into concentration camps to use them as free labour. They basically had slaves bringing in the harvest that year. The history of the British Empire is full of all sorts of skeevy shit like that.
>Reminder that the British invented the concentration camp.
Wrong, it was the first use of the term 'concentration camp' in english which was snatched from spanish after they used them in war against Cuba, and besides the idea of putting lots of people in one place (concentraiting them) to keep an eye on them has probably been around for as long as war itself
>4:3 is literally the worst thing about playing old games
only if you dont know about widescreen patches or dont own a 4:3 screen.
the worst thing about old games is definitely realize that new games have trained your brain to stop thinking and you can no longer play your favorite game anymore because you become a fucking dumbass thanks to modern videogames.
>Wrong, it was the first use of the term 'concentration camp' in english which was snatched from spanish after they used them in war against Cuba, and besides the idea of putting lots of people in one place (concentraiting them) to keep an eye on them has probably been around for as long as war itself
While that is true, the modern concept of a concentration camp is very British. To be more precise, what governments such as Australia call "internment camps" -- where they stick the scary brown refugees -- are literally concentration camps. The British rebranded the concentration camp as the internment camp due to bad PR from the Nazis.
The British also set up concentration camps in Africa in the 1950s. A political official noted that yes, these camps were an awful like Nazi concentration camps, but... "If we must sin, we must sin quietly." The British government concluded that it was perfectly legal to physically torture people in concentration camps as long as nobody found out. There's a reason the British frantically destroyed as many records of the colonial period as they could as part of Operation Legacy. The kind of horrific shit Britain was involved in boggles the mind.
In western front, being PoW wasn’t that horrible: the mortality rates were rather low in both Allied and German camps. Apprently, the American camps were the comfiest ones, the mortality rates were super low for the interned Germans there and they didn’t need that harsh security measures because both jailors and prisoners knew that even if a German prisoner escaped, it’s not like most of thel could go anywhere because barely any of them understood English.
On eastern front it was a whole different story, the camps were absurd hellholes where you were more likely to die than on the front lines.
millions of german POWs died in allied camps.
Got a source on that claim, naziboo?
This game was fucking incredible but I haven't for the life of me been able to get it working on a pc in like 8 years.
Anyone got any fixes or community patches for me?
if you can't speak german, too bad. we could show you the corpses, too, but for some reason the areas were all made into "naturschutzgebiete" so no digging allowed. ;)
FINALLY someone other than me mentions this goldnugget of a game