He's the good guy, right?

He's the good guy, right?

Attached: Solidus.jpg (280x280, 37K)

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good at losing, what kind of snake gets killed by non-cyborg raiden?

No. He's the second best son after Solid.

He never really seemed to regret raising child soldiers.

Means to an end

How come Snek never realized the fucking president of his own country looked exactly like him?

he was in Alaska training Dogs. Probably didn't even know who the president was

And why wasn't the former POTUS falling off the top of Federal Hall while dressed as Doc Ock bigger news?

Both Liquid and Solidus are based and redpilled.

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How? In what way did raising child soldiers help him defeat the Patriots?

Lmfao you believe that stupid shit?
Oh yeah I bet a twunk in spandex with a bloody katana walked away from the scene of the crime too! Oh! Oh! And that oil spill cleanup facility that fell apart? Nop it was a giant turtle shaped mega sub that crashed into the city! Fuckin conspiracy theory crazies man, so laughable.

Because confirming that that actually happened was one of the mistakes of MGS4.

No, he's a perpetual asshole who forces Raiden to kill him
Enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend
Honestly before the MGS3 and beyond retcons this was what Big Boss was like

Because The Patriots won. They attained total control over all information, all context.
They rewrote the story of Metal Gear and made it a silly story about Big Boss fighting kuwabara and robots and shit. They made the Patriots into just some people. They made Raiden into that edgy badass that all the kids would love. They won.

You're giving Raiden credit by calling him a twunk.

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MGS1, 2, and 3 are the only canon games and no one can tell me otherwise.

Nah, him being portrayed as as a girly skinny twink is way off base. In game he's jacked as hell and thick in the lower half, he's just got a boyish face and feminine hair. And the upper part of the skullsuit is slimming. but once he's
nude you can really tell his physique is built

What about MG1 and 2?

Oilix is stulid and uncanon. Burning BB twice is dumb too. Gray fox needs to exist so I'd say like 1 and 2 as a single entity exist.


Thickening the lower half makes me wanna fuck him like a girl!

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>feminine hair
I-it's not a wig!

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albino nigger

no, he's the equivalent of the sore loser who flips the table because he's bad at playing the game

him being a good guy is a meme

Actually this is the true Metal Gear canon.

Africa is rightful Dutch clay

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It created Raiden

I think there is a name for a logical fallacy where you confuse the outcome of an action with the intention of the actual agent.


god i hate this model, looks like his skin and hair just blend together.


oof, auwie

This post has changed how I see every game post-MGS2. Thank you.

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But Sunny and Metal Gear Mark III saved the world and defeated the Patriots.

That's a lame ass excuse. What about Otacon not telling him?

No, he's basically just Liquid again.

Otacon was also in Alaska working on the metal gear REX project.

Otacon was stationed even further off the grid than Snake. Shadow Moses is extremely remote.

>Don't say you've forgotten me, brother

What did he mean by that?

Konami should make a game set between MGS1 and MGS2 to show us Solid vs Solidus kino.

All I really want is a game on the Fox Engine set during that time, focused around Snake and Otacon being globetrotting Metal Gear-busters. Multiple Ground Zeroes sized maps, each with a unique bootleg Metal Gear boss you have to take down after destabilizing the base/outpost with sneak missions.

David Hayter recently gave an interview where he said he doesn't feel any love for Kojima but he'd love to work with Konami again. So the ball is in their court.

What was the deal with that, anyway? I've completed ignored MGS after 4 came out.

Kojima replaced Hayter with Kiefer Sutherland cause Kojima is a huge hollywood fan. Hayter took it personally and is talking shit about Kojima every chance he gets. Then Konami fired Kojima cause they want to make pachinko games. Now Kojima is making a game called Death Stranding with Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Lea Seydoux and Lindsay Wagner for Sony, while Hayter wants Konami to make MGS games again without Kojima but Konami doesn't have any vision or creative writers and they instead made a Metal Gear zombie co-op game which nobody bought

Ah. I do recall Snake's Japanese VA shit-talking the zombie game at one point.

yes, he was right all along

insane terrorist fighting an even more insane A.I.

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How the fuck is Solidus like Raiden?

Imagine if Hayter voiced Solidus like how the Japanese Snake VA voiced Solidus. Yikes.

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Wut mate

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Shit, I mean Liquid. Solidus is nothing like Liquid

Well Solid Snake died on that tanker 2 years ago, and you meet Solidus after he's dead so Solidus is the best living Snake

Oh. True. Solidus had entirely different goals and a completely different personality.

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I always found it curious Pliskin just disappears halfway through MGS2. Do you think maybe it was Decoy Octopus impersonating a seal? I never believed Octopus was truly dead.

yeh decoy octopus in hiding planning metal gear 6

He was just a pawn of the real heroes

Attached: MGS2-Our-Beloved-Monsters.jpg (800x450, 42K)

Was Rose ever real?
Was she only real in the final scene?
Only up until the codec call where she reveals her pregnancy?
Why do her boobs jiggle in mgs4 when I shake my controller?

>200 years ago today

But MGS2 takes place in 2009, so Solidus should've said 220 years ago.

Pliskin was Mr X. Were you even paying attention?

Solidus is better than Liquid in every way. The one reason people think Liquid is a better villain is the British accent

This. Liquid is more entertaining, theatrical. But Solidus is the better character.

All I know is his monologue to Raiden at the end is pure fucking kino

but who gave deepthroat

>point gun at Pliskin after Vamp leaves

>Olga and Snake team up
>Raiden: "You changing sides now?"
>"Change sides? I don't recall saying I was on yours."

irrefutable proof that Snake is not Pliskin and that Snake killed Pliskin halfway through the game to take his place.

He's a good guy, yes.
The actual protagonist of the entire series is Ocelot. Notice that, at least in the mainline series, none of the controllable characters actually have a significant amount of agency. Ocelot does, and it's his plans that propel everyone forward to the final victory over the Patriots in 4.

Pliskin is a Navy Seal sworn to protect and defend the United States and to stop the terrorists, whereas Solid Snake is a terrorist who blew up an oil tanker off the shore of Manhattan and also the leader of Dead Cell who kidnapped the President and dozens of other hostages.

Why would anyone think they are the same person?

You don't understand. Snake's brother, the former president of the united states, who is his twin but looks older than him due to accelerated aging, is actually the terrorist. And Snake is there to stop him.

Literally just have the MGR writer and Fukushima make a game. Fukushima has to be alive somewhere.

Was that before or after RE2?

>accelerated aging
>dindu nuthin'

How convenient that someone looking exactly like him did all the bad things. Yes, surely this must be it. And of course you're blaming the POTUS. Everyone does. Fuck off. Snake is a terrorist and he should stand trial for his actions.

Snake is the bad guy

It's called a youth training and recruitment program.

Venom, Naked, Solid, Liquid, Solidus or Soliquidus Bosselot?

>Why do her boobs jiggle in mgs4 when I shake my controller?
The Patriots planned it.

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Solid. He goes through so much work to stop Solidus only to fulfill his plans in the next game for him

that moment when iron man dies at the end of avengers

wtfff nooo not my capeshit

An captain marvel singlehandedly kills thanos.

>Caring about capeshit

Beyond fucking sad

He wanted to Nuke NYC and used Child Soldiers, that alone does not make him a "good guy"

He didn't want to nuke NY! It was an EMP to take out the Patriots control system

>Patriot AI
now that's a joke

>Was Rose ever real?
Yes, the Rose you talk to before Arsenal Gear is real
>Was she only real in the final scene?
>Only up until the codec call where she reveals her pregnancy?
>Why do her boobs jiggle in mgs4 when I shake my controller?
Kojima technology


I always wondered if their names were just a joke or the patriots seeing how cringe they could get with a falsified relationship before someone got suspicious.

>Emma Emmerich

Oh wait I forgot what series this is

What's wrong with Rose and Jack?

Reminds me of my dad. So no.

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In a documentary about mgs2, he said he named them after the protagonists of Titanic.

Is robert downey jr's contract still ongoing? Or are they for real this time?(X to doubt)

Raiden is a white Rhodesian, it was an European colony at the time

Well it wouldn't sound as cool.
>I got that question right in 8th grade because of this game

Yes, he's the true american hero and anyone who says otherwise is a puppet of the (((patriots)))