It's time to settle this:
West = Mechanics
East = Story
It's time to settle this:
West = Mechanics
East = Story
Other urls found in this thread:
west is garbage
You realize no one's stopping any of you from playing booth?
east is garbage
>west = mechanics
now that the devs cater to normalfags you can forget about that quickly
>West = Mechanics
Anime is gay
But western gameplay feels like half-ass simulation. If anything, it's the east that's known for good gameplay. I'd say:
West = Immersion
East = Everything else.
arent you guys from the west? shouldnt you be supporting your own shit?
this is exactly why america is failing as a country, all of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
West - Idiots who ruin the game only to satisfy a small group of SJW's who won't buy their game anyway
East (including Slavs) - Based people who don't care about SJW's because it's obvious SJW's won't buy their games anyway.
>West = Mechanics
Opinions discarded
Why do you say this when it's only Japan?
west - tranny shit
east - tranny shit but it's ok because it's japan doing it
east europe - buggy shit
yeah, lets act like anything that isnt the witcher isnt janky as fuck
>East = Story
lol no
Japanese "stories" suck ass.
>its another story of a bunch of retarded teenagers kill god
And why do people say "west" but then only talk about America?
because Yea Forums is retarded and fail geography in high school
Lol SJW's are mad because they can't controll Slavic Devs
Are we? Western games are all stylistically similar.
>implying eurokeks can name 30 states correctly
Anyone remember that time when /pol/ was butthurt that CDPR was adding black people to some Witcher 3 expansion?
Replace Mechanics with Graphics and Story with Fan Service and we're golden
I'm under no obligation to support lazy, cheap or boring shit that costs that much fucking money. Make the game worth my time and I'll buy it.
Journo scores and critical praise don't work since the second I see you have sliding melee attacks I've already decided to not buy the game.
If its shit I'm not supporting it, fuck you if you think I should.
Ubisoft are leafs... or French, it depends on the weather. People keep forgetting that.
>West = Mechanics
you fucking wish
>West = Mechanics
>East = Story
Kinda, but I would say their strength is more about themes, artistic vision and general creativity.
i want someone to name me a japanese game with a good story that came out in the past 50 years
West just takes mechanics from the Japanese and refine them, then break them down into something unrecognizable over time. Casuals eat that shit up the. Spout about how innovative the west is. The only original things the west does is FPS, Sports games, and cRPGS.
West = Graphics, Coding, Advertising
East = Art, Story, Mechanics
They both have shitty DLC/monetizing practices so I'm not including that
>West just takes mechanics from the Japanese and refine them
so your basically admitting that the west takes what the japanese does and makes it better? kek
this is probably the most correct one. music is kind of hit or miss regardless so it doesn't fall into either category.
>Samus as a distressed American symbol.
west + east = BFF
Here's also admitting that they turn them to shit after a while.
>then break them down into something unrecognizable over time
Wouldn't it be crazy if she's fulfilling the role of a distressed French symbol
Fuck that, japs advertise games way better than the west since they actually ADVERTISE the game and it's features rather than prerendered cinematic bullshit that shoots the franchise's own foot and kills it's reputation/longevity
Case study, guess which one's from the west and the east:
dont assume genders.
But the Japanese took the basic concepts of video games from the west to begin with
and they made them better, like everything else japan takes from the west
west = player freedom
east = tightly regulated "PLAY MY ANIME STORY!" trash
west is best
delete this kiddo
West has zero mechanics/gameplay whatsoever
Japanese developers couldn't write their way out of a damp paper bag.
East = gameplay and story
West = diversity and first person multiplayer
Name a single mechanically good Japanese FPS game.
Who cares, Japan is just a puppet state of America anyway.
>west = tightly regulated "PLAY MY CINEMATIC STORY" trash
>east = tightly regulated "PLAY MY ANIME STORY!" trash
West = Shitty Movies
East = Video Games
>>west = tightly regulated "PLAY MY CINEMATIC STORY" trash
Have you never played a Ubisoft game in your entire life?
Japanese developers are the ones who make games with cutscenes that go on and on and on, though. Japanese games are basically playable movies, while western games focus on game mechanics and player freedom.
>empty open world filled with meaningless collectibles and ctrl c+v tasks
Is ubishit really the hill you want to die one?
wew lad, take a geography course
>>west = tightly regulated "PLAY MY CINEMATIC STORY" trash
Sony are a Japanese company. They are the only ones producing tightly regulated wannabe movie games.
>West = Shitty Movies
>East = Shitty movies and also shitty erotic novels
Ubisoft are the greatest publisher in the industry.
Not anymore, sweaty.
Name a single Japanese open world game that can compete with Far Cry 5 or Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.
Ohohoho.. that was a good one. Video games originated in west(USA) first, no matter how much you hate it, if somebody is imitating somebody, its Japan imitating west.
western games focus on homoerotica and cultural cancer
No, because open world games are all shit, including your trash examples
The Last of Us and God of War were better movies than MGS4 and KH3
America is failing as a country because of idiots like you that will support anything, regardless of how shit it is, simply because it is "American". You can't improve if you refuse to acknowledge your problems.
>western movies are better than Jap movies
No shit. Only the weebest of weeb retards would ever think otherwise.
>No, because open world games are all shit, including your trash examples
It's okay. One day Japanese developers will learn how to make open world games that aren't terrible. Also, one day they'll finally, finally learn to make a game that can compete with Deus Ex from 2000.
>deus ex
not open world
>open world games that aren't terrible
actually impossible, as western devs continue to prove
Name a Japanese-made RPG that can compete with KOTOR or Mass Effect or Dragon Age or Deus Ex or VTMB or basically anything that's an actual RPG.
They never said Deus Ex was open world. Merely that Japanese devs suck at open world games and also suck at immersive sims. They especially suck at creating first person immersive sim experiences.
east makes a handful of bad games, west makes a handful of good ones
Dragons dogma. Next.
The Japanese have always taken what the West did and made it better, that's why we have jap vidya and anime to begin with. And that's a GOOD thing. Best colony we ever created.
uh, most JRPGs lol
JRPGs are not RPGs.
wrong person brah
Dragon's Dogma is a technical joke, with an empty open world. Notice how Japanese developers struggle to create living, breathing worlds so they create these empty landscapes? MGS V is a good example of this.
All open world games are terrible.
I play Bayonetta, watch dogs, street fighter 2, call of duty ghost, sonic transformed, and dragon ball fighterz.
Is there a good Japanise shooter (besides arguably splatoon)?
STALKER is a masterpiece, and exactly the kind of game Japanese studios are incapable of making.
Dragon's Dogma is a mess of mechanics stolen from western games and then poorly implemented. As an RPG the only thing that doesn't suck about it is the combat but that gets old quick because it's pretty shallow. People like to show off flashy animations in webms from the game but it's all just smoke and mirrors around something that isn't actually all that compelling to play.
>The Japanese have always taken what the West did and made it better
Why is Metal Gear Solid V a bad version of Splinter Cell, then?
Gal Gun.
>buggy slavshit
ive played through CoP several times and the main quest always bugs at some point (usually once you get the rail gun)
slavshit =/= west
Stalker is far from a masterpiece, and it isn't a western game
America failed us, fuck America
Are Far Cry and Crysis western? Where does Turkey and Germany fall on this scale?
>Stalker is far from a masterpiece
It's a literal masterpiece.
West = graphics, optimization
Japan = everything else
Korea = graphics, nothing else
That looks about right. There was a time when the West excelled in other areas, but every good Western developer died off a long time ago.
>Western gaming
>hating on slav games
Name two (2) Japanese games from the last five years with a good story. I'll even help you out, one of them is Nier: Automata.
NieR: Automata has the typically Japanese problem where its narrative is riddled with holes and the events of the plot don't really make sense. They're a series of contrived narrative beats designed to service character melodrama and twists for the sake of twists, which Japanese writers historically mistake for character development.
All that's true. And it's still head and shoulders above basically any other recent Japanese game in terms of story.
So much this
This is cherry picked as fuck,all the japanese characters are decades old while the western ones are the recent ones everyone hate.
Why dont you put in western classics aswell you monkey?
Lara Croft,Spyro,Doomguy and more
Can you?
Gothic 1 and 2 did it well.
finally someone said it
fpbp like always
West = Graphic
East = Everything else
Funny because Cuphead is better than most Japanese games I've played this year. Surely better than KH3 and DMCV.
Japanese games can be grossly overrated, which is the case of those two FOTM games.
Not to even talk about RE2 because it's a third person shooter with a camera over the shoulder... Gears of War did that much better.
>RPGs are not RPGs
Every time
But they are
Speaking of indies I think the west has been killing it for a long time now.
>East story.
>west mechanics
>asscreed, borderlines, witcher, uncharted, gow
mechanical masterpieces aren´t they?
it´s not about east west, it´s about commitment and dedication and you can find almost everywhere lack of it nowadays.
Where did this meme come from that nips make good stories? Name me a single game from japan that isn't some weeb pandering melodrama
>west anything
no thanks bro
The west aren't good at anything when it comes to video games.
>second I see you have sliding melee attacks
that's oddly specific
>good shooter
>PC game is nearly two decades old
that's a PC game alright
WEST - once every decade they can make a game with good mechanics.
EAST - anime boobs.
dakr souls
Kingdom Hearts 3 is such a good game right my dude? How many dildos do you keep inside your closet?
Such a good story, not even the deva understand it.
Youtubers make more sense of it than Miyazaki does.
>america is failing as a country
yikes, not currently senpai. We're doing great and the whole world is kinda starting to crumble around us.
u got baited lmfao. Japs can't make good stories to save their lives, they're only really good if you don't want something that won't make you think too much.
Imagine saying Japan makes better games than the west because of KH3, DMCV, RE2 remake and Ace Combat.
How much brain damage one can be
>dakr souls
>Dark Souls
>good story
>Miyazaki also said he needs to get better at communicating the story of his games to the team, who often don’t understand the overall plot of the games they’re working on.
The people who work on the Souls games and who write the dialogue and item descriptions don't even know what it's about, they are literally just making shit up as they go along. You can even see this in how the story develops through the series, e.g. what being a Hollow entails is completely different in every game:
DS1 - You become completely mindless, only retaining some basic function you held in life. Is triggered by the "real death".
DS2 - Overcomes you over time, like a disease.
DS3 - You can be completely hollow and still retain your sanity and intelligence. They have an entire kingdom.
>Consumers prefering the supperior product has destroyed the U.S.
No, the U.S. not producing anything worth buying has destroed the U.S.
I'm as partiotic, as the next guy, butI 'm not gonna pretend to love a piece of shit, just because it has made in the U.S.A. stamped on it.
This is a problem that starts at the top. Tell our state funded universities that they cannot eductae people who are going to take that education to a foreign country as soon as they graduate, and tell our videogame consumer funded videogame companies to start producing games, stop shittong out cinematic visual novels.
The fact of the matter is, you are a part of the problem too. The fact that you don't demand a higher quality product from western devs, and are willing to buy any well advertized piece of shit they crap out, is why American products are the laughing stock of the world today. In the 50's American's demanded nothing but the best from our manufacturures, and they got it. then retards like you came along, and were willing to settle for less, and now the cars are made of plastic, the food is made of poison, the money is backed by paper, women are expected to work because it takes TWO salaries to buy ONE house now, we have to pay taxes on our income so kids in Africa don't get ebola and so military contractors can buy a fifth home, and to top it all off the video games we produce are just poorly animated movies.
So you'll have to excuse me if it seems like I'm not chomping at the bit to support American buisiness, and the U.S. government lately.
Low IQ, low quality individual's like yourself have been the downfall of this country, as both voters, and as consumers. Just about the only aspect of this country left that I don't hate is the constitution, and if the millenial's get their way that will be gone too in another decade or two.
The problem with America is not that the people aren't nationalistic anymore, it's that America isn't a great nation anymore.
To be fair you're right. Whatever dark souls is about, at least it's not weeb pandering melodrama
The only good thing about the Dark Souls games is the atmosphere.
Janky is much better than unambitious neutered crap that only looks good. It's so easy to spot those who grew up with consoles on here.
Good fpbp
West = Movies
East = Games
Fixed that for ya
but what about all the fighting games, shmups, beat em ups, arcade mahjongs, arcade platformers and games like devil may cry and godhand?
East= gacha
The western indie gaming scene is currently the only good thing on the market
That pic was for another reply, fucking fix your site Hiro.
But since we're at it, yeah, Cuphead has better gameplay than most jap games released this year.
No Patrick, Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't a good game.
I'll take hand drawn weeb movies over live action hollwood capeshit anyday or cg Pixar rubbish any day of the week. Japan is better than us at everything but war. Everything western is half assed these days. Old Disney animation can definitely still hold's its own against anime, but recent stuff is just low effort trash.
Fun fact, the only good animated movies to come out of japan belongs to miyasaki, anything else can be rightfully dismissed as trash
>West - Movie games (particularly on Sony's consoles)
>East - Actual games (Besides a few exceptions like MGS series and the Mother series and the like)
>West = Mechanics
>East = Story
Maybe 20 years ago.
>its the one autist thats still clinging to early 2000 era western games, desperate to defend his aging hobby as more and more absolute garbo is made
>japan meanwhile doesn't give a single fuck and continues to produce quality
It really is. Western games used to be great but now social justice is the #1 priority.
No More Heroes
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
So you be saying I should support Activision, NaughtyDog, EA, Ubisoft and so on?
All of them are cancer
>West = Mechanics
It hasn't been like that for years
There hasn't been any good american games in ages
>2009 games had mechanics
Fuck. We need crysis to come again to make these shits work.
Basically all of them
>waaaaaah america sucks
>nipshit is gooooood
When will eurotard rush hour end?
But it's true, even Canada and Europe make better games these days
The only thing Western companies have over JP ones is money.
Western games have been garbage lately bar some interesting AA and indies, Japanese games are superior now.
West making sjw bait
East makes shit like nep
Bros which is worse
>East = Story
>video games having good stories
All the eastern games this year (re2, dmc5, sekiro) have been met with universal praise and great sales, meanwhile western garbage like mk11 and anthem are bombing and everyone hates them.
This is truly the greatest timeline.