

Attached: 1541261154095.jpg (665x417, 235K)

Sony doesn't like horses?

How dare she show her knees in public. whore

they just know.

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i was like wtf , they censored the horse
then i read kek

How much is this going to affect PS5 sales? My guess is not at all, but I can only hope.

normies don't care about anime tits

so from a narrative standpoint you can t depict women being sexually assaulted in your game, even though that is part of a story you might want to make. What a sloppy lean-in anyways.

chances are - significantly. sex sells

Noone buys these games in japan anymore, thats why sony usa makes these decisions to censor now cause it needs to pander to western norms. That means no more pedophile garbage, hard truth.

>he doesn't know japanese and cannot import games in 2014+5

>America gets the shit box art
what else is new?

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absolutely haram

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fuck you both of those are cool

EU cover is more stylish than both

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oh shit wrong image

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I love that kind of art on the left now though. and honestly both styles are now extinct anyways.

I will never understand this.
Just because someone "thought" that should be the norm in the beginning, then everyone just kept following the stupid norm from stupid people like stupid american sheeps. Resulting in the typical unquestionable flow of continued bullshit.

wrong pic

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Switch wins again.

>packshot not final
rip cutie

by this? not at all, but I'm hoping Sony gets a reality check somehow next gen. I can't believe this grown this paranoid over fucking nothing.

ps4 version which hilariously shows more leg

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Barneyfag works for Sony.

As someone who loved the Arland games, i'm not buying this poor attempt at nostalgiabait

damn, those are some real cute feet she got there, left is total garbage though
to be fair, the Japanese one seriously looks like the horse is about to fuck her, which I like

fuck America tbqh

It was necessary to censor the horse.
I would be the guy that request horse fucking porn to be drawn.

>not at all
Naw it will definitely impact sales in a measurable way. This is Commiefornia we are talking about though so it is unlikely to make a difference since those dipshits care more about their own ego than sales. I mean sure, most normalfags may not be paying attention, but do you think developers don't pay attention to losing money from having to change a perfectly fine game for Sony's arbitrary decision making? When developers move to Xbox, Switch, and PC only development, it will affect sales. I'm just waiting for them to make the mistake of going after someone like R* for their final death blow.

Noone cares, it's only weeb shit thats getting the censoring and those games hardly sell.

I thought DMCV got hit with t too, so definitely not just weeab games.

This was at a time where anime was very fringe and people just associated it with children's cartoons. It would have the equivalent effect of putting barbies and rainbows on your box in terms of sales.

No, Sony USA makes the decisions because Sony in Japan is a shell of its former self and their headquarters now resides in the USA. Even games that don't ever see a release in the west are being affected by these policies.

Got patched

Good, showing that much skin below the waist is haram and she should feel the back of my hand if she were my wife.


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So if people kick and cream on a game-by-game basis loud enough, problem solved?

>it's only weeb shit thats getting the censoring
Not just weeb games, and as time goes on western games will get hit too. Also, their new policies go beyond just censorship. All in all, they are making development worse for any developer that isn't in-house. This is literally the type of thing that has killed Nintendo consoles so I don't see how someone can be so ignorant to the consequences. Then again last generation was probably your first generation playing video games so you wouldn't understand these issues and think Sony is just a tyrant that can't be stopped.

this is about animal rights.

They didn't want to give Lara competition.

I had no intention of buying any of the games censored since they don't interest me. So your insult is both meaningless, and shows how much you love sucking on Sony cock. Any reasonable person wouldn't want a company dictating what type of media is okay for them to consume. I bet you are the type of faggot that supports book burnings too huh?

i dont get this wojak, like the teeth dont make sense to me i cant visualize what the fuck its spose to look like

Only in the US, still censored in SA and Europe.

Nujak was made as an intentionally bad meme to trigger people, don't overthink it
It's the meme equivalent of somebody pretending to be retarded

The Frazetta styled one is pretty great, actually.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was the illustrator.

I don't blame them horses are fucking creepy.

>it's only weeb shit thats getting the censoring
I find it really funny when people think this.

>Sony censored weeb games
>weeb games are designed for adults
>Sony comes out and says it needs to protect the children
>anons think games that are typically played by children and not weebs are the ones that will escape censorship
I mean, there are literally only 2 possibilities. Either Sony is lying out their ass and will not censor games that children play while censoring everything else, or more likely they will keep trying to escalate until no game is safe from censorship. This is California we are talking about, so I doubt they are making idle threats. Those fuckers like to ban everything. Paper straws taste like shit so I doubt people just accepted those without resistance. Also, do you honestly think visitors to California would be happy going to a hotel just to find out they have to provide their own amenities?

>this is your mind on naruto

Is Naruto the first anime you could think of? Pathetic.