Hey dude wanna play Smash?

>hey dude wanna play Smash?

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Well, do you want to?

white hands typed this

>Smash bros
I'm in.

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>make someone mad
>they go into another thread and parrot me

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white hands typed this

Imagine being such a faggot that you can't pop on a party game with your normalfag friends.

If you don't have some basic Smash/Fifa/MarioKart/Halo/CoD experience you're a total shutin.

imagine bragging about being a normalfag

Yeah. No items, 2 stock, omega stages only

>Let's play Smash user!
>Which one?
>The new one, bro! Chad just picked it up last week
>O-oh I p-prefer melee becau-
>haha you're pretty old school, you want in or no?
>s-sure I guess, who is playing first?
>all 8 of us!
>o-oh ha ha.... alright but I don't really play with items so let's turn those off...
>Keep Pokeballs and Hammers on, those are fun!
>Alright Stacy, your turn to pick the map
>*selects Pokefloats*

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If you thought that post was bragging then that says more about you than it does him

Imagine reading that and interpreting that at all. If you can't have fun with the video game equivalent of junkfood to appease your friends than you are a joyless cunt.

No way fag

>being a stinky autistic faggot
you don't have friends

>Smashfags can't enjoy a night of casual fun with their friends

>play smash ultimate with casual friends
>pick Sheik
>combo the shit out of them
>"Sheik sucks, by the way"

Nah. Just built my LABO set brah.

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>pokefloats in ultimate
I wish
New pork city is the cancer you're looking for

Imagine never playing shit like Smash, NHL, Halo, or Heroes of Might and Magic on a Friday night while having brewskies woth your buds.
You missed out on friendships, my dude

Yeah! Of course I wanna play smash with you! Let's go, friend! I love you!

~years later~

I'm glad we're such wonderful friends. Remember Smash bros? You kept pummeling me at first but I slowly kept winning more and more matches and eventually I was able to match you in skill. I'm glad we cherished those days... I don't think I have any regrets in my life. I love you, my dear friend... Thank you for being a part of my life

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what do you think shes thinking about?

>bodying your normalfag friends
Yikes. Play Wario and get some beer in your system already.

Splitscreen Halo CE was the perfect normalfag game

gay, real chads play dota and E.Y.E

>Real chads play games that you can't play locally with your friends.
I don't think that's right.

>hey dude wanna let me cum in your ass?

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Wojak/pepe poster bingo
Trys to start flame
Image contains some sort of fetish as a “joke”
Image is console wars

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You know smash isn’t a weird thing to play with friends right?

Of all the the stages, you pick the one that's only in Melee.

This. Chads play anything local. If you're hosting you can even get them to play old stuff a lot of the time. Co-workers had a blast with Time Splitters a few months ago.

I wouldn't know

Getting paid to do virtually nothing



of course i want to play smash you dopey cunt

>Co-worker invites me and some of his friends over for some video games
>Of all things, we end up playing Twisted Metal 4
Shit was great.

Would never buy that shit myself but if my friends had one I would absolutely want to try it

If he's taken

Sure bro just remember: No homo

Was this pic made by a 10 year old

I don't play console games.

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>hey user come play Smash with us!

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Well you didn’t make it so no.

>my brother's chad friends come over
>find out we have a nintendo
>they all suddenly claim to be mario kart professionals
>put on rainbow road
>they all throw a hissyfit

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I believe what you meant to say was "Hyrule Temple."

>Leave user to me

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Dota and mobas in general are cancer

>He doesn't like playing Hyrule Temple with his friends
Oh wait, you need one of those first.

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Is that timmy turner's dad?


>my dorm's resident "smash god" was a scrubby Cloud
>I was able to hide my power level because items were on
Smash is a party game too, you autists.

have sex





This is how much of a bitch you sound making this thread

>I can Smash your face on the sidewalk lmao fuck outta here kid

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>muh party game
and Halo is a party game too, does that mean its not an FPS anymore?

Does halo have couch competitive?

>calm down little incel lol just cos I beat you with 4 stocks doesn't mean you have to throw a hissyfit
>ahh I'm fucking with ya bro, take care. you okay?

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>why yes I am a Kirby main

>friend is having gay thoughts while you're just trying to play

>good game

Imagine him smashing his pink asshole on your face and suffocating you with it haha

Is that the Contra dude?